
by Gallants


Celestia threw her blanket over Jackal as her sister burst through the door, "TIA SHALL WE GO GALLAVANTING?" she yelled, "Tis been many years since I could enjoy a walk with you dear sister~" Luna sing-songed.

"Not today Lulu," Celestia said giggling getting a disappointed sigh from Luna, "I've gotten into a habit of having one day just for me." she explained watching her sister leave.

"Are you embarrassed by me or something?" Jackal asked laughing as she pulled the blanket down, "Come on Tia we're married, I should meet my sister-in-law." she said snuggling into the mare.

"You do not embarrass me, I just don't want to overwhelm Luna," Celestia told her lover, "I mean how would you feel if you went back to your world, and found out Harper had an Elite as a wife?" she teasingly asked wrapping her wing around her.

"Well fine then, we'll give her time to adjust to the modern world," the spartan said sighing under Celestia's warm wing, "to be fair I'm still amazed it only took me a year to go and start dating native." she said pecking the mares muzzle. A sudden flash of green fire and a rolled letter landed on the bed.

"Oh, it must be from Twilight," Celestia said lifting the letter before seeing the black seal. "It's for you," she sighed handing it over before seeing a frown cross the humans face, "what's wrong sweetie?" she worriedly asked her.

"There have been a couple of disappearances at the academy," Jackal said, "and I'm needed down there," she sighed getting up and going to the bathroom turning around at the whine that escaped the princess' mouth, "I'm sorry I know it's our day, but maybe you can spend it gallavanting with your little sister." she told her closing the door, Celestia sadly lay back against her pillows for another minute before raising the sun.

"What's the situation Hornet?" Jackal asked stepping into the main office.

"Commander we had all 10 recruits dissappear, we believe they slipped out of the fence when it was damaged during Nightmare Moons return," the crystal informed the spartan, "we're worried they're trying to prove that they're ready for augmentation." she said a magic hologram forming Hornet old body, saluting her commander.

"I'll take two squads of security and do a grid search," she told her looking over the map Everfree they kept spread out, "We will also use long range crystal transmitters, radio silence until we've confirmed location of recruits." she told the suspended intelligence before checking her magnum.

"One more thing, Instructor Angle Iron is also missing," Hornet shyly said, "not a single exercise is logged by him however." She told the spartan who groaned.

Jackal wasn't happy, they had already confirmed 7 deaths, she pushed into a cave, finding an 8th body, "recruit 8 confirmed deceased." she called out moving deeper until she reached the back wall.

Private Flash Sentry was amazed that he was allowed to work so closely with the spirit herself, but finding these bodies made him wish he had gotten a different duty instead, "Recruit 9, confirmed deceased." he heard called over the crytals Manawave, he sighed out, his partner had moved further east.

"H-hello," he heard get called out, moving at faster pace he pushed through the brush and saw the teenaged bat-mare crying over the shallow breathing Instructor Iron.

"Recruit 10 and Instructor located need med-evac at Alpha, negative 11, Bravo negative 7." he called into his crystal immediately getting a response from the spirit.

"Copy, Jackal on the way," Jackal started sprinting towards the coordinates. Getting on scene she started treating the Instructor, "what got him?" She asked, she was barely able to understand the answer through the sobs.

"A-a-a gem we-weaver, killed it, over there." she said pointing to a Bush.

"Shit," she let out, "forget stabilizing him, we need to get him back to the academy right now." she commanded lifting both the recruit and Instructor over her shoulder, "LET'S MOVE IT!" she yelled at them running through the woods.

As the doctors took the Instructor inside, Jackal grabbed the girl and lifted her before pressing her against the wall, "What happened?" she growled out.

"Th-The other recruits were getting restless and wanted to become spartans already," she sputtered out, "and Instructor Iron decided to take us into the woods to prove we were ready," she explained, "I said we shouldn't go and they all started to leave, I didn't have time to warn director Hornet, and I went with them." she said tears soaking her fur.

"Why did you go?" Jackal asked relaxing her grip.

"I was squad leader and I wasn't going to let them go without me, they were my responsibility," she said determination burning in her eyes, "when things got hairy I tried to keep them organized but they ran i stayed with the Instructor because he had the weapon, I understand if I'm out of the program." she said before feeling herself fall to the ground.

"Report to alchemy, you're ready, your last two months will be with a spartan mentor." Jackal said walking towards the office.

"Commander, Director I hope things went well with the missing ponies." Celestia's hologram greeted, Hornet and Jackal shared a look between them.

"No ma'am it did not," Jackal said grimacing, "I'm officially putting an end to the spartan program, we lost 9 recruits, and one of the instructors is to blame," she explained, "Director Hornet has already written up the discharge papers for Angle Iron." Celestia frowned.

"If you feel it is for the best dear, now I must get back to my sister." she told them.

Instructor Angle Iron groggily woke up, and saw the commander standing over his bed, "Ma'am the recruits?" he weakly asked.

"You've been out for a week and they're all dead, except for recruit Squad Leader Grind." Jackal said getting a forlorn look on the officers face.

"I'm sorry, I thought it would be safer," he said before being handed the discharge papers, "what is this, I make one mistake and I'm out of the guard?" He angrily asked.

"If you can't be trusted to follow protocol for training exercises, then you can't be trusted to follow them in field service," Jackal stated, "besides that mistake also killed 9 recruits," she growled, "you weren't the first one either, you're the sixth Instructor to get their recruits killed, so the spartan program is being ended." Jackal said leaving the room.

"Commander Jackal," she heard a French accent call out from behind her, turning around she saw one of the newer model spartans, designated as a undercover rapid response operator, "Chief Petty Officer Fleur-de-lis, reporting for duty." she said with a parade perfect salute.

"Chief Petty Officer, good to see you again," Jackal greeted with a salute of her own, "I called you down to finish training recruit Coarse Grind, up to the task?" she asked her.

"Of course commander, it is my honor to train this recruit," Fleur said giving a small bow and heading down the hall towards the staff quarters. Jackal smiled as she walked back to the landing strip, she looked back at her academy before climbing into her carriage.

"Hey Rainbow Dash, what's in that section of the Everfree?" Twilight asked as she pointed at the red swath on the map.

"Oh, I don't go over that area, no fly zone, a serious one, like, the princess can't fly over it without authorization from three different ponies." Rainbow told her, before they saw a carriage flying out from the area.

"I think that was a military carriage," Twilight said, "I haven't seen that exact model before though, we should investigate the area, besides I'm the princess's student, we'll just get stopped and sent back," Twilight said, Rainbow Dash have a wide smile and nodded.

Jackal stepped into her shared room being greeted by a beaming Celestia, "I take it this week went well?" Jackal asked securing her weapons in a locker, hidden in the closet, she quickly got a nod from her wife, "well, at least you had it better than me." Jackal said as she removed her armor.

"Well I talked to my sister, and she knows about you, well snippets of you from the guards and maids and now she wants to meet you, so I suggested breakfast in the morning," she said before chuckling, "she doesn't know we're married though, all the maids and guards simply refer to you as the commander." Celestia said leaning against her.

"Clearly you don't show off your piece of hoof candy enough." Jackal told her getting a bout of laughter from the mare.

"It's your fault, you refused to take the title, submit and become a pretty pony princess like me and everypony will refer to you as my wife." Celestia told her smacking her with a hoof.

"How about I stay the commander and instead get a jacket that says married to Princess Celestia on it for this year's gala?" She asked making Celestia laugh even more, Jackal deciding to quiet her by planting kisses on the pony as she layed her into the bed.

The next morning Celestia woke up alone, at first worried, she calmed down when she saw her wife putting on her dress uniform, "What are you doing sweetie?" she asked running her wings over her eyes, "we still have half an hour before I have to raise the sun, you know I like snuggling during the sunrise." She continued, getting up herself and walking into the bathroom.

"You're the one who told your sister to meet me at breakfast this morning," Jackal called out getting the energysword from the locker, "so I decided to get up early and make sure all my adornments are on right!" she called out teasingly.

"One dinner, one dinner 30 years ago," Celestia yelled out after spitting out her toothpaste and stepping out, "out of 80 years of marriage I only messed up my regalia once, and you love bringing it up all the time," she huffed levitating her regalia on, "I'll send for my sister." she said telling a guard to go alert her, before motioning for her wife to follow her.

"Oh dear, your tiara," Jackal said flipping the tiara over, "there, now let's go." she said holding her arm out, Celestia's wing gently rested on it as they walked towards the royal dining room.

"Thank you, I have been a bit distracted," Celestia said leaning more into the spartan, "It's Twilight, she's still a little antisocial, and it worries me with her in Ponyville." she tiredly said before going quiet and just enjoying the walk with her beloved. Her horn lit up, raising the sun as they reached the doors.

"Dear sister, and thee must be the mighty Commander Jackal," Luna excitedly greeted,
"Tis is an honor to meet thee, art thou also a nigh immortal?" she asked stirring her coffee.

"That's what the doctor said before we got married," she said placing her hands on Celestia's hoof. Luna looked between them before smiling.

"Oh Tia, tis wonderful news~" she cooed, "what was it about the commander that made thee first interested in her?" she asked as she pointed at what she wanted on the menu.

"Well, it's a little shallow, I was attracted to her height at first," seeing Luna's muzzle scrunch Celestia placed both of her hooves on the table, "don't look at me like that," Celestia said, "she is just over 22 hooves in armor, and nearly 22 hooves, n-nude,"she meeped out, "and I'm only 19 hooves, so it was an immediate lust based attraction," she defended, "don't judge me, Lulu." she begged.

"Tis just that thee always disliked ponies who married based on physical attraction." Luna said.

"Well, it's not just her height, she has a wonderful personality, especially after I scraped away that shell of hers," Celestia said leaning back into her chair, "I'd like the eggs benedict." she told the waiter.

"Oh and before thee embarrass thyself in court, thee tiara is upside-down." Luna said causing Celestia eye's to shoot open as she stared at the spartan who was holding back her laughter.