Blink of an Eye.

by iki


A sharp white light from which there is no escape, so sharp that it slowly penetrates through my hand, which is covering my face. Pain, PAIN!
Clenched teeth, whole body as if on fire, white shining pain that penetrates to the deepest part of the body, while the ears are full of cotton wool, unable to hear anything.
After a few minutes of suffering, a wave of relief washed over my body where I found myself kneeling in complete darkness.
After the bright light, I still have flashes before my eyes and it's hard to get used to the sudden darkness, but it's still better than the previous bright light.

I get to my feet and start looking around, but it's no use, I can't even see the tip of my nose when I hear a "click".
A yellow cone cut through the thick darkness and landed directly on me, I'm like on a shooting range, right in the middle of the target, I don't move, I wait in a defensive position to see what happens next.
Clap, clap, clap, clap, the sound is slowly getting closer to me and I feel the nervousness and adrenaline building, my heart pounding and pumping oxygenated
blood into tense muscles that groan with the urge to move, ears searching for any sound, clenched fists through which wide brown eyes stare into soft light, the whole body ready on command to take off and eliminate anyone who appears in the light.

When I start to lose my nerve from the slow clatter, a head appears in the light, a small purple head.
.....................A purple head?!
So it freaks me out that I lost my balance for a moment, I watch how other parts of body appear.
..........Eeeeeee, a pony? Why?
He's looking right at me, a little purple pony with a horn on his head and a white cloak over his back and legs.
He opens her mouth and makes some noises, almost like she's talking, but I don't understand anything, my brain is racing, I'm trying to understand what's going on, where am I and why does the animal look like it's trying to explain something to me?
It takes me a while to realize that it's quiet again, now the little pony is just staring at me with a questioning look.

suddenly rustling sounds started coming from the darkness around me, without a single movement in the face or body, I look into the darkness and look for the source of the sound, when suddenly everything goes silent, the purple animal stands motionless before me with a fixed expression on me.
............................................We look into each other's eyes in complete silence, her sudden smile with the twinkling of violet eyes startled me a little, she takes a step towards me, I instinctively took a step back and placed myself in a defensive stance with my side facing him, my left hand balled into a fist and slightly extended directly towards the Pony.
I feel like a complete idiot getting ready to fight Pony, I thought but quickly lost the thought as I they realized they were no longer standing but literally flying straight at me, wings spread wide and a rude look on their faces.

I don't wait for anything, in a second I'm crouched and with a strong kick to the ribs I knock the Purple Beast far into the darkness with its billowing cloak, he didn't make a single sound, I don't waste a moment hesitating over roaring and pounding around, I turn and jump into the thick darkness from the raised platform that is the target of the light beam.
The room lights up and the white wood floor cracks under the weight of my impact, I'm not looking for the door, my target is right in front of me, with a quick swing my right fist slams into the wall, going through it like a knife through butter, with the sound of falling rock and a cloud of red dust illuminating the soft iridescent light emanating from my right arm.

I flew down the corridor, no one anywhere but my red dusty footprints and the piercing sound of an alarm, accompanied by a purple white flashing light in every corridor.
I don't know where I'm running through long corridors made of red stone tiles, through stairs where I didn't see a single signpost, a single something that would tell me where I am or where I am going, I am driven by a single thought, every building has a roof from which I can find out where I am.

I feel like I'm running in circles, accompanied by the light and noise of sirens through the empty low corridors, when suddenly.
MARK! I almost screamed, I stopped so fast that my heavy black shoes skidded across the smooth gray stone floor, I had no idea what was on the tag written, but the Image of a small fleeing animal sufficiently convinced me that in this direction there is freedom from these corridors, that in that direction is the answer to all my questions.

The deafening roar of the sirens with each step increases as if an enraged eagle flies after me, the fleeting violet-white glow, as the only source of light, a shadow theater plays with me in a long empty corridor full of side doors.
It wasn't long before I saw living shadows, I slowed down and at the first opportunity I quickly ran around the first corner of the left-hand corridor perpendicular to mine, watching the movement in front of me.
I looked around the corner and saw ponies in plate armor and Spears.
I couldn't believe my eyes, those animals really wore Armor, they act like guards, everything here, everything I've seen so far only indicates that they are intelligent, but how much?
Intelligent or not, that won't stop them from killing me, after all they somehow got me to this place and it's only a matter of time before they find me again and imprison me.

I shook my head to clear the thoughts, I feel like an animal that escaped its cage, I thought.
Lost in thought I noticed that I hadn't seen any guards in a while, So I decided to walk up to the intersection of corridors that cross perpendicularly and try to find out if anyone is still moving around somewhere.
I crept slowly down the corridor with bated breath, crouching down along the Red Wall as if I were a part of it, until I slowly got to the end of the intersection, I didn't see anyone in any of the corridors, I just had to look back in the last corridor which was in my blind spot.
I was ready to peek around the corner when I heard a clinking and snorting coming closer.

I didn't even have time to mentally prepare for what was waiting for me around the corner and I heard a quick clap coming from the corridor behind me that I came from.
Without hesitation, without fear, I jumped around the corner and startled the 2 oncoming guards, just one scream from one of the ponies in full armor was all that they managed when a green flash appeared between us, where now stood a light purple pony but without cloak and wings.

He slowly walked towards me while making the same noises as the purple pony before.
I didn't know what it meant and I didn't like how he was approaching me, so I repeated the defensive stance with a raised fist to indicate that I was willing to defend myself.
He stopped and looked at me in shock at the moment when I silently mumbled.
I don't understand you!
No matter how he took it, Apparently it wasn't good, he fixed his big blue eyes on me and the horn on her head started to shine, from which a beam of dazzling green light flew out.
I don't even know how I avoided it, luck or good reflexes, it doesn't matter, the only thing that matters is not giving her a chance to fire another shot.

Heavy breathing, beams, roars, and the occasional sound of pavement smashing against the stone floor echoed far and wide as I wrestled with the four-legged demon, who, thanks to his teleportation, is very agile and difficult to intercept.
Driven to the wall, she snapped the guards out of shock from my ambush and he swung at me with his Spear, it wasn't hard to dodge, but I lost the advantage over Violet, which began to tactically move into a better position.
As soon as I yanked it out of his magical grip by the spear point, I quickly crouched down and in a quick turn, still holding the spear by the point tripped the feet of the purple pony moving behind the mimes back and shattered into splinters by the guard's armored hooves.
Undeterred by my theft, splinters in his foreleg, the guard pony quickly turned his back on me and ducked his hind hooves at my face.
It didn't take much effort to dodge as he is slow due to his heavy armor, I quickly rolled sideways from my crouch to his side and a strong kick from lying down to his front hooves which are currently the only ones on ground, knocking him on his side.
I was about to give him one last goodnight, but I quickly sidestepped as I could already hear the sharp clatter of hooves behind me.
I watched as I slid across the floor as the purple pony ran between me and the guards and loudly sent them away.
Apparently they weren't well trained, as 1 of them still hadn't recovered from the initial shock and the other refused to leave.

The little pony and I stare into each other's eyes, I see how tense he is, how he has swollen veins on his body that are pumping strongly, and furiously swings his purple tail with a shiny mane dyed green, from charged horn glowing with shades of green, when I notice that in the place where the guards came from there is a gate, apparently leading away.
That moment of inattention was enough for him to send another green shot at me, in sudden panic I swung my right hand against the beam, which suddenly reflected like light from a mirror.

I stared in disbelief for a moment at my right hand bathed in dancing rainbow colors on a shiny hex field, now I had a Trump and the pony was well aware of it the look he threw at me.
I decided to risk it and instead of wasting time fighting I ran to the gate, but I wasn't allowed to because the little animal was already standing there.
She's fast, I thought, so I have to go through you, I ran without stopping to meet Violet, who was preparing for the upcoming encounter.

I dodged every beam that flew at me, i knocked some off with the sound of falling pavement,
When I was so close I could count how many teeth he had, a glow like a green flame emanated from his eyes, and from the visible exertion and sweat that dripped to the ground and from his horn shot out a strong concentrated beam so deep green that it absorbed all the red color around.

It would have taken a little and the beam would have consumed me, If it wasn't for my Right hand blocking the beam in progress.
I saw the Beam shatter around my fingers, I feel some of the beams it burns my legs and thighs until it burns through the pants made of dark heavy fabric.
I slowly made my way towards the source of the beam, even though he was pushing me back and it was only with great effort that I didn't give in, the green glow pushed me with such force that in places I created ruts, the moment the beam pushed me back a bit.
While feeling the growing pain in my legs from exhaustion and injury, a thick white smoke billows from my right hand blocking the energy directed towards me, I almost touched her horn when the Beam in it intensified and with a powerful scream of an animal, it hit the entire intersection of corridors with an explosion that shook the building, tore the walls, in places the ceiling and threw me against the wall from which I slid onto my ass, with the deafening crash of rubble around us.

In mild gloom, with my head hanging on my chest and unable to move, I watched my clothes torn to shreds, the skin burned to the flesh on my stomach, legs and thighs.
White smoke from my right hand, I can feel the wetness on the back of my neck, where the blood runs between my short dark hair and down my neck to my back, under my torn brown leather-reinforced T-shirt. After a moment of pain I felt energy spreading through my body from my right arm, after a short silent hiss, the wounds on my body slowly began to close.

I sit in silence and gloom, watching a thick cloud of dust roll around, with a feeling of relief from the pain, waiting for the moment when I could move.

The dust cloud hadn't settled down a bit and I could already see the glowing horn, I quietly got up with a great effort and crept towards it in an arc, which was impossible due to the omnipresent debris just simple.
When I was close enough and the flying horn didn't notice me, I decided to jump on it, It was a perfect ambush unexpected but bad timing, because the moment I took the first step, the purple pony decided to blow away all the dust in the vicinity, now I stand with my hands above my head like a bear standing over its prey.

As soon as the frightened pony saw that I standing so close, she panicked, stood on her back, eyes closed, head thrown back and hooves folded on her chest, she began to build tremendous energy on the horn with the sound of crackling and sparking.
I can't let this happen, I said to myself and I reacted like a cat, jumping on her, I grabbed him by the neck and slammed him against the wall, at my eye level.
Now we were equal, face to face I watched the animal gasp for air.
For a small animal like him it is not very good, as he is not standing on the ground, but is by the neck of my hand, ready to end this fight, I extended my hand to strike and then slowly bent it down.

I had no idea what was happening, a tearful animal with a bloody mouth whimpering in my hand, from which I felt something I have never felt, it is hard to describe it is a cluster of feeling, emotions, shaped by his energy flowing from him, no matter how I looked, I didn't see hatred, aggression, or resentment anywhere, the only thing there was fear, not for him, but for those who I might encounter next, if he didn't stop me.

A blinding pain shot through me, in confusion I stepped back and released the small defenseless animal, which fell to the ground with a loud thud, but it didn't get up, no, it just lay there coughing, panting and clutching its chest with its hooves from the blood it had wiped off from the mouth.

I stood petrified over him and without blinking I watched as he lay on the ground writhing.
It wasn't my pain, nor my emotions, I really felt what the animal felt?
Stunned I looked at the fingers on my right hand covered in blood.

I didn't know exactly what to think about it all, surely the animal lying in pain in front of me wasn't trying to kill me, just to stop me before I hurt anyone.
Even though I was kidnapped, it's true that the first thing he did was not fight, he just walked towards me and apparently It was trying to communicate, I just acted like a Neanderthal.
Feeling guilty, I knelt down to him with a determined expression and put my right hand on the injured spot, since she had no injuries, I assumed it would be where she was holding on.
She looked up at me horrified with overflowing blue lakes in place of her eyes, gently feel her bushy belly to hit the center of the pain, through the soft fur caked with blood and full of dust that I can't feel because I have no feeling in my entire right hand, ever.
I hit an extra sensitive spot, I'm stopped by the helpless look to death of a frightened and desperate animal that has fear but no strength to defend itself.

The colors on my right arm begin to dance as I release a bit of energy into the pony's body as the energy circulates between us to find all the injuries he has, the rainbow glow turns into the spilling of oil paints on a hexagonal field that she watched in fascination with the slowly fading.

No wonder you are in this condition, you have broken ribs and internal bleeding, I thought, she jerked hard, screamed and contorted her face in pain, her hoof started kicking my chest and face as I started to move the rib back to its original place, she doesn't have much strength anymore, that's why her blows are not felt.
I understand that it hurts, I whispered, but there is no other way.

When she was literally wailing in tears, I stopped, looked her straight in the eyes, placed the palm of my left hand on her bushy red-purple face, bent down as close as I could to her and with the most honest look into their eyes I whispered
Everything will be alright, I promise.
It was clear to me that she didn't understand me, but that was not my point, she must have understood my intention, she folded her hooves to her body and closed her eyes, from which rivulets were still flowing, which dried in the dirty fur.

The dancing colors pressed down on the wound again, being sensitive is impossible, the injury is too serious and I only risking her life by prolonging it.
She is shaking with suppressed pain and I can see how she is trying not to fight back.

It didn't take long And my efforts paid off, the bones returned to their place and the wounds closed.
Exhausted, I stood up, took a step, and collapsed onto my back.
So I overdid it again, I smiled watching the devastated surroundings.
I would be very nervous lying exhausted like that in the middle of God knows what, but it doesn't matter now, two corridors have collapsed anyway and another one is covered in rubble, if someone comes i will have enough time to run away.

After lying for a while with my eyes closed on the cold floor, freezing in places where my clothes are torn.
I realized that I couldn't hear any whining anymore, I just didn't have the strength to open my eyes or rather the desire, the exhaustion doesn't go away and even if death came for the Violet, I wouldn't even have the strength to say bye to her.
Whatever happens now, it doesn't bother me anymore, I will leave with a clear conscience that I did what I could.

Clap clap clap, the slow clap is approaching me, disliking what is happening I opened my eyes with great effort, I saw my patient upside down, she stopped the moment I looked at her.
The pony took another step and another and another until she was almost at arm's length, her horn glinting slightly until it lit up like you light a match, She slowly backed away as she stretched out her head and I turned my head away.
She looked at me for a moment with her horn off and then she repeated it again, she didn't come close to me for the third time, using her magic she pulled my right arm to her face which she gently caressed with her eyes closed, I didn't feel any danger from her.
When I calmly withdrew my hand and put it back along my body, I closed my eyes and waited for what she would do, but she sat down and looked at me, her head tilted cutely to the side.
I sighed and stroked her head lightly, apparently that was enough as an explanation, she smiled and slowly bent down to me with a glowing horn until she touched my forehead with hers.

"Thank you" came quietly.

"........" I froze

"Are you okay? She asked and slowly walks around me until she sits by my side, While I'm still speechless and just staring.

“gigle…..did you hurt your mouth? she flicks her tail

"I guess you don't understand what's going on, I imprinted our language on your memory, that's what I've been trying to do since the beginning when we met.

"By the way I'm starlight,.......And you?

Still a bit in shock and not believing what's happening, I try to stutter out a few words.

"How are you talking? What kind of language? Her question break us out of the awkward silence.

“Are you feeling okay?” she asks, tilting her little bloody head towards me.

"Yeah, Sorry........ I'm just a little shocked, You can call me Tropy" I reply

"Nice to meet you and thank you once again for saving my life, I wouldn't expect that from someone who is trying to take it away from me.

"You have nothing to thank me for" I turn my head away in momentary shame.

"Are you going to tell me where the hell I am?

"For this misunderstanding, I must apologize to you on behalf of our entire empire, you were summoned" she smiled sweetly.

"Empire? Summoned? I don't know if I want you to continue talking" I close my eyes.

"to get this right, you were summoned to our realm using a magical pentagram that........" When starlight doesn't see any reaction she asks.

"Doesn't it surprise you that someone will tear you from your home and transfer you to a completely foreign world?

"I'm surprised yes, But to tell you the truth, it's not the first time, I admit that I haven't seen talking ponies and I'm a little uneasy about it"

Starlight laughs and settles down next to me.

"Really? How many times have you been summoned? And where have you been?

"second time now" still with my eyes closed and ignoring the animal lying near me.

"The first time it changed my life beyond recognition and I would never expect to find myself in a similar situation again, if you are interested in this then no there are no talking ponies"

"I wasn't really interested in that, I was more interested in the reason why you were called there and now what happened" cheerfully waving her frayed tail and smiling waiting for an answer.

"It doesn't matter, it's been a long time"

"You don't have to be afraid to speak, no one is judging you here, after all, we summoned you, your past won't change anything"

"Then why do you need to know" I grunted feeling the warmth and gentle flow of energy from Starlight's body.

"The past makes the present and the future, I'd like to know what you've been through" When she sees that I don't even respond to a nudge with her hoof, she thinks.

"believe that we all have something from the past that we regret, including me, I was quite bad in the past..." She lowers her eyes with visible sadness. She sits up, straightens her disheveled mane with a hoof, and says in a broken voice

"I ummm........kind of enslaved a pony village, I'm not proud of it but I'm thankful that it happened because I was able to be saved by Twilight who became my teacher and role model"

That woke me up, I look up at her and I stare at her in disbelief for a while until she starts to feel uncomfortable, her blue eyes tremble with tears on the edge, which she does not dare to raise and meet my gaze, in fear of what is to come.

"I admit that it's quite an achievement" I smile and pat her on the side.

"You and I are alike, I didn't enslave the village, but I totally understand how you feel.

"really? I was afraid for a moment that I was overdoing it" She lights up like the morning sunrise at those words

"yeah, I also lost my way and in my grief I did things that I regret to this day and certainly not easily forgivable"

"then ask what you're interested in, I won't be able to do anything but talk for a while anyway" I smile and relax on the stone floor.

An excited Starlight And a calmed but exhausted Tropy talk about their past, for that one moment all time stopped, all the problems, suffering and destruction that happens behind the walls of the building seem to cease to exist, like this moment is only for them, for two soul mates.