//------------------------------// // Scene one- The Intro // Story: My Little Dark Knight // by Raot //------------------------------// On a dark day, A Pegasus lifted a unicorn up above a cloud just outside of a Ponyville bank. Both wore clown masks, and both prepared for the heist. Meanwhile, inside the bank, three earth ponies with firearms mounted to their horseshoes made their appearance. “Nobody move!” yelled one of them as they shot up into the air. They rounded up all the clerks and had them on the floor in seconds. One small dragon was able to send out a message before capture however… “Got it!” said the unicorn outside, her horn glowing. “Strange though, it wasn’t going to Celesita…” “Is that a problem?” asked the Pegasus holding her up. “Nah, I’m done here… wait!” the Pegasus dropped the unicorn and let the pony fall to her doom. Because money split four ways is better the five. “So it’s just us three?” asked one of the earth ponies after all the clerks had been accounted for. “Nah, two in the air. Money split five ways is good money.” “Six, remember the one who hired us…” “Her? If she thinks she’s getting a share, she’s crazier then oatmeal…” the pony was suddenly blown of his hooves by a shotgun blast. The other two masked ponies dived for cover… The Pegasus made his way in through the back and into the vault room and began working on the door…. “He has three left right?” asked one pony from behind cover. The other paused for a moment, then shook her head and tapped the floor twice. The pony rose out of cover fired, and ducked down below the next two shots. He then nodded to his comrade and exited cover, but immediately got clipped in the shoulder. As the brave gunner began to reload the wounded robber shot him down. “Where did you learn to count?” the wounded pony walked away as the other shrugged. “You almost done?” asked the wounded pony to the Pegasus working on the vault. “Yea, almost, they wired 5’000 volts to the safe, what kind of bank does that?” “A diamond dog bank. I guess our boss is as crazy as they say. Hey, where’s the unicorn?” “Boss told me to drop her when the job was done.” He opened the vault when he was finished. “Funny, she told me something similar.” The wounded pony raised his weapon. “Wait, wh…” he was silenced by the gunshot. The bank was emptied out in a few minutes, and the final two ponies just finished loading the loot into the center of the bank when the wounded pony raised his weapon and pointed it at his last team member. “She told you to kill me too didn’t she?” he asked her. “No.” She said in a high pitched and cheery voice. “I killed Carmel.” “Whos Car…” Suddenly, a carriage burst through the wall, running down the injured pony, and leaving debris everywhere. The last pony picked up the gun from the floor. “Hey?” a pony came out of the carriage. “Wheres ever…” he was shot down without a thought by the last pony. “You.” The final pony stopped and looked down. It was the hero pony from before. “She’s just going to do the same to you. You think your so smart. Criminals in this town used to believe in things, honor, respect, what do you believe in huh? What do you believe in!” The pony interrupted him by taking a Parasprite from her purple coat and shoving it into his mouth. “I believe.” she said, removing her mask. “That whatever doesn’t kill you, makes you…” she revealed her pink hair and face, painted green and white with blotches of missed spots. She then looked at the mans wound, and the blood pouring from it. “Pinker.” She smiled, loaded the money into the carriage, and dove the vehicle out of the bank and into a line of identical carriages outside. The man stayed there with the Parasprite in his mouth… too afraid to move… until he finally realized that the thing was made of frosting and chocolate. He fainted from surprise. “So, I heard on the news that you where close to catching the Batmane.” Asked the mayor, walking into the police department. Spike, leaning back in his chair rolled his eyes. “The investigation is ongoing.” He said, throwing a dart at a board labeled “Batmane suspects.” On it was a picture of Celestia, Luna, and a cockatrice. Spike angrily left the room and started up the stairs… On the roof, Twilight stood near the Bat Signal, Spike started, “Hasn’t shown?” “Often doesn’t, but I like reminding everyone she’s out there.” Twilight responded. “Why not?” “Hopefully… because she’s busy.” In a dark parking lot, two black carriages pulled up next to eatchother, out of one, came several diamond dogs, led by Gilda the Mob boss. The powerful looking griffon looked up and saw the signal in the sky. “That’s why we bring dogs.” She then took a very wall eyed Derpy hooves out of her vehicle. “Look what your drugs did to my customers!” she said to a pony leaving the other carriage. “Are you another one of those NEGH sayers?” said a blue unicorn as she exited her carriage. “The Great and Powerful Trixie told you the compound would take you places,” The Great and Powerful Trixe smiled and laughed. “I never said they would be places you wanted to go! If you don’t like it, get another supplier, if Batmane left anyone else to buy from.” Suddenly, one of the Diamond dogs began growling. “He’s here.” Gilda said. Just then, a shotgun blast hit the side of one of the carriages. The dogs went wild, running everywhere, but the shadowy fighter seamed to be everywhere… “It’s not her!” Trixe said, trying to get into her carriage. She saw a Batmane in her way and quickly used her magic to throw her back and run into the vehicle. Just then, another black carriage burst through the wall. “That’s more like it.” Trixe said in the safety of her car. “Shes getting away!” yelled one of the fake Batmanes. She pointed her hoof gun at Trixies carriage, but another hoof knocked the gun out of her hands. The real Batmane made her entrance, hoofed her in the face, and quickly took out the other imitators. She moved like a shadow with armored black wings. The only part of her that was not armored was her light blue mouth and jaw. She then quickly dashed towards Trixie’s retreating vehicle, flew above it, and smashed down, breaking the structure, and sending Trixie flying back the way she came. Tied in a lasso, the fake Batmanes and Trixe were left in the parking lot. “You can’t do this to me! I am The G…” Batmane stuck an apple in her mouth to silence her. “That was for a friend of mine.” Batmane said. She then unmasked one of the imitation Batmanes. “Whoa…” Batman stepped back “S… Scootaloo?” “CUTIE MARK CRUSADER SUPER HEROS!” They all said in unison. Batmane sighed and facehoofed. “We just wanted to help…” Scootaloo said with a little guilt. “Well, don’t, I got it.” Batmane said, getting into her big black carriage. “Awwwww….” They all said in unison as Batmane rode away. Applejack carried down a plate of apple fritters to the underground bunker. “An apple a day can only do so much sugar cube.” she said to Rainbow dash as she was stitching one of her fore hooves. “D’you get bit by a manticore or somethin?” “Nah, diamond dogs… big diamond dogs.” Rainbow dash shook her head. “Armors too heavy, I need to be faster…” “I’m sure Rairity’ll love to work on that for you.” Applejack responded. “But Ponyville may be getten better, jus’ look at the new DA…” A screen turned on and showed Fluttershy giving a speech in front of a crowd, talking to politicians, and walking beside a fiery haired yellow pony. “Yea, I saw…” Dash said with some melancholy in her voice. “Do I detect a might bit of jealousy in yer voice?” Applejack teased. “Who Spitfire spends her time with is her business. Besides, Fluttershys a good pony, I’m sure she’ll make a good DA too.” “Well, I hope you don’t follow me round on my days off.” “If you ever took one I might.” Dash scoffed, finishing the stiches on her limb. “Try an know yer limits Rainbow” Applejack said with caution. “Batmane has no limits.” Dash said quickly. “But you do sugarcube” “I can’t afford to know them.” “And what’l happen when you find out?” “I know how you like to tell me ‘I told you so’” “When that happens Rainbow… Even I wont want to.”