TOME:Terrain of Magical Equestria

by Xinrick

Time passes

The Dragon Lands were abuzz with activity. Ember laid her egg, a shimmering blue-green color that rested in a nest of hot coals and magma.

"For the last time Nylock, this is how we keep them warm." Ember said..

“It’s literal magma! How in the world is that at all safe!?” Nylocke asked incredulously. “I know we can be safe in it, but this is an infant in an egg…”

"Nylocke, a dragon egg's shell, is just as heat resistant as our scales and as tough. The baby is basically in a blanket around the coals and magma. They'll be fine." Ember repeated. "Magma and hot coals are the only thing aside from constant dragon fire that can keep them warm properly until they hatch."

“I…just..” He sighed. “Fine…I still barely know much about ‘being a dragon’ in this new crazy world…” Nylocke admitted. “Everything’s just so…different than back home…” He muttered, still hating how when he watched Kirb forging he had this weird…anger at seeing the hobo version of Link grabbing materials…his belongings that he still needed to fight against. “I was an ass to Kirb on our wedding day for making a joke…I don’t want to be an ass to him again.”

"Relax. Kirb seems like the type to not hold a grudge, plus you were stressed."

“Still…” The dragon knight sighed. “I especially hate how…greedy I’ve been feeling…”

“That’s normal for dragons. Main reason why we hoard things. Of course, it needs to have a reason for being hoarded. Otherwise you end up a feral dragon like Spike almost became, hoarding random bits of junk or anything that was even a little bit shiny.”

“That…would make sense…” The green dragon nodded.

 “Yeah. The most common thing Dragon's hoard is gold, gemstones, and other metals, but mainly platinum. But more younger generations of dragons hoard other things. Like my small collection of comics and such. I know one drake who hoards pillows.”

“Well…that is a way to build a comfortable fort.” Nylocke hummed. “But…when I first saw Kirbopher crafting, him using all the materials felt…weird to me…”

“How so? He’s blacksmithing or whatever? It can’t be that different between our worlds?”

“Well firstly, there…really wasn’t ‘crafting’ in TOME to begin with.” Nylocke started. “This is my worlds ‘real world’ crafting, Blacksmithing and the like…but one thing that is curious, is how the young squire has been…so adept at the craft when he hasn’t mentioned doing something like this before.”

Ember just shrugged. “You learn something new about people all the time. Even old friends can surprise you every now and again.”

“That’s true…” Nylocke admitted, though he still wasn’t sure how his friend was practically a master at the craft. “But have you heard from Lady Flamegirl and Sir Alpha?” He inquired, slipping a bit into his ‘knight’ role when talking about his friends.

“Not sure about Flamegirl but I think Alpha was doing some hunting and gathering.” Ember said. “But, um, if I may… can we talk about our… married life, for a bit?”

“S-sure.” Nylocke said. “Is…is there anything important we need to talk about?”

“Well, Um, just thought I’d let you know that a Dragonesses can only lay one egg a year after marriage so… will we be having an… active… sex life?”

Nylocke’s face turned about as red as dragon fire at that. “Uh…I mean…if my lady would like…” He said nervously, trying his best not to stutter like an idiot at the question.

“Great! Good! Um, well, I just read it’s healthy for mates to, well, do that regularly. It’s… healthy.” Ember said in equal red blush. “T-that aside, we um… We need to figure out how best to run the Dragon Lands. Without the Scepter, only your strength is really what will keep the less… loyal subjects in line.”

“Well, what we’re going to do first is stopping that.” Nylocke frowned. “Cause last I checked, it’s that idiocy that’s been getting our ‘less loyal’ subjects killed thinking they know better.”

“Yes, well stuck up pride and bad decision making tend to go hand in hand. The question is how? The gem the scepter used was stupidly rare.”

“Well, funnily enough, the book Zeto somehow obtained and…threw at Kirb’s head, actually holds the answer to getting a new scepter.” Nylocke answered.

“Really? That’s… convenient.”

“It really is…” Nylocke said with a frown. “Which begs the question…did he trade the Scepter with one of these All Makers for that book? Or did he magically find it and got something else from that deal?”

“Don’t know and honestly don’t care. I owe him some broken teeth.” Ember growled. “But what did the book say about that?”

“The book held so many magical items, all the way up to Artifact class item’s…which in TOME would be the highest and strongest rank of items, only raid bosses give those.” He said. “So for the specific crystal…what Kirbopher brought up was that it was an Emotion Stone, a special type of those Elemental Gem’s we found…”

“I see… Hmm… Well, did it say where we could get one?”

“Well, it showed that it was an incredibly rare drop from the enemies around here, or from Dungeons…don’t know where they would be, but it actually explained how to make them.” He said honestly. “One way is to…quite literally mine it from a memory with the…most emotion to it.”

“Hmm… Well, guess we’ll have to try and see about. So, what else… Oh, I also remember there used to be a really good gem and ore mine north of the border. But scouts said it’s packed with monsters… cause of course it would be… If we can get the gems and metal, we can really make weapons and armor.”

“Good timing,” They both turned to see Kirb holding up two items covered in heat proof clothes. “Cause given you’re talking about that, I need you two to give me the go ahead on giving these to the other’s for said Mine recapture.”

“Were you waiting for that to come up or did you actually walk in right at that moment?” Ember asked.

“I just walked in at that moment.” Kirb said readily, even though it was a tad bit of a lie as he got there a little bit before when they were talking about Zeto and what he did with the crystal. “Cause I’m just that good with timing.” Kirb said with a boastful grin.

“Right… So, you made some weapons then?”

“And armor.” He said while putting the two thing’s down and opening one of them, the two dragon’s eyes widening at seeing such a mastercraft set of armor. “So the tricky thing with the armor was trying to get it to fit to…literally anyone’s size cause when dragon’s range from Nylockes size to the size of a mountain, I had to think outside of the box on that part.” He explained, cause even though the red colored armor with tufts of fur from some monsters around the area. “And that was due to a shapeshifting monster’s organs that I used in the enchantments, it’s shapeshifting abilities mostly went through changing it’s size, but it worked out great.”

Ember looked the armors over, amazed at the craftsmanship. Nylock held back some laughter. It held a very familiar look from an ever iconic anime back home about a certain human looking alien with a monkey's tail.

Kirb sighed a little dramatically. “Yes Nylocke, I couldn’t help myself.” He chuckled.

"So, these will help protect us in a fight. What about the weapons?" Ember asked.

“Now those were thankfully simple enough to make.” He said, unwrapping the cloth and showing two different weapons, a bastard sword and two knives. “Due to many of the creatures around, it was very easy to take their parts and fuze them together with the materials I had on hand.” He said, bringing up the knives for her to inspect. “Careful, they are very sharp.”

"I can see that. What metal did you make this out of?"

"The book showed me a way of creating steel, and then fusing that with certain monster parts." Kirby said. "Can't really name the metal, but I'll just call it 'Monster Steel' for now, cause it can fit many different types of monster materials."

"Huh. Well, that's good for us. Thank you Kirb." Ember said with a smile.

"It'll only get better once I get more materials." Kirb said happily, though inside he still felt guilty and wanted to make some things right.

"Again." Luna said.

Sofdi huffed, focusing again as they made another set of flowers. It was added to the pile of various odds and ends.

"Are you sure…this is going to help me Luna?" The now turned data fairy asked.

"Your powers are based on creating. Life, items, back in your home reality you helped make an entire world. Here, your powers will likely be more limited but still useful and resourceful. Using them to make simple items is the best way to grow how much and what you can create."

"That's fair." Sofdti sighed. "But we've been at this for hours." The pixie whined, wishing they could do something different or at least make something other than flowers.

"Practice is often repeating the same actions til they become second nature. Flowers, simple, easily crafted by divine power, and" Luna levitated a few up, and ate them. "Quite tasty."

"You just wanted me to give you lunch didn't you?" The AI turned goddess huffed.

"Flowers are more of a snack. Besides, this is the same way I was trained. Now," Luna's horn lit up, in a flash of brilliant blue light an empty patch of ground now stood a raven. It turned it's head in curiosity at Sofdi and Luna before flying off. "I can do that."

"Wow…" Sofdti said in awe at creating a real life raven.

"I can make more, bigger, some with the capacity for intelligence, self awareness, but that is much more difficult. I imagine you can do this too, with practice and patience. My sister and I can do this and we are only half gods. Demi-Gods as it were. You being most likely a full fledged one means you can do so much more and I have faith in your potential."

“I…I understand.” She nodded. “I just…hope I can live up to all the hype I guess.” Sofdti sighed, still thinking about Zeto and everything with his shenanigans.

"I believe you will surpass the 'hype' as it were."

Aven sat board in the border office. So far there wasn't anyone coming from TOME or this Equestria. He at least had unlimited food and entertainment from his little living quarters, but so far nothing seriously-

"Hello?" Aven looked up, seeing a familiar Raccoon hacker.

"Oh God…why are you the first…" Aven groaned. "Hello there Rockcoon." Aven said said to the raccoon in question.

"Aven? Where have you been? You and those weird players haven't been seen in a week."

"Only a week?" Aven asked in surprise. "Huh, thought it would have been longer." The griffon shrugged. "So how'd you get to my office?"

"Some guy looking like one of those creepy tragedy masks gave me this." Rockcoon held up what looked to be a passport book. The image of the TOME Gameworld over the front in a neon blue and silver coloring. "Said if I had it on me and came to that dungeon you love fighting so much for that axe or whatever I'd find a new level."

"Was it a smiling mask or an upset mask?" He asked, taking the card and looking it over.

"Smiling. Thought he might be some temp for the devs looking for beta testers for the level. And I plan on messing around there."

"Just gonna nip that in the bud…" Aven sighed. "That was one of my bosses, and right now your in an…in-between, the border of worlds, and this 'level' reality." Aven explained carefully. "Not a game anymore, the moment you step onto a new world, you will be flesh and blood, understand?"

"Psh. Yeah right. How much they pay you to say that?" Aven sighed. He figured he wouldn't believe him. He sighed again, figuring it best if Rockcoon learned the hard way. That way he'd actually learn something.

"Alright, guess it's learning the hard way." Aven said as he got up and pulled out a communicator. "Gonna be giving someone a tour, be right back." He said into it, letting his coworkers know.

Rockcoon was lead to the other door and pushed through.

Aven sighed. He felt sorry for whoever he runs into.

"And don't forget to sweep the barn!" Granny Smith yelled, Rockcoon having a huge bump on their head as an angry Granny with a frying pan watched the hacker sweeping the half blow up barn.

“Yes Mrs. Smith…” The raccoon grumbled, not believing he just got his ass handed to him by a talking cartoon horse granny.

"And when yer done, you're helping Big Mac rebuild what you blew up!"

Rockcoon gulped, looking at the large red pony stallion carrying large piles of lumber and tools on their back without effort.

“Why me…?” The demolitionist whined.

"Okay so I'm thankfully immune to Spider Venom…" Flamegirl said as she rubbed the fresh bite from a now crispy arachnid. This marked the fifth bite and thankfully, no illness or signs of poison.

“Maybe it has something to do with your fire magic, or maybe your demon wings and tail have something to do with it?” Alpha inquired. “Only guess I can think of.”

"Well, it's good to know regardless." She shrugged, wrapping makeshift bandages on them. "Damn, the pain goes away after a bit but still stings."

“Don’t push yourself if it gets too much.” Alpha said readily, not wanting his girlfriend to get too hurt on their first dungeon adventure.

“Well, between getting bit all the time and getting caught in webs, I’d prefer the bites.” Flamegirl said, making Alpha huff at all the cobwebs stuck in his hair.

"Believe me, I don't like it either." Alpha grumbled, trying to get the cobwebs out of his hair. "But we've made good progress so far."

“What’s weird is that there are a lot of random weapons and such all around.” Flamegirl commented. Swords, spears, arrows, a few bows, even battle axes and crossbows all around or stick in webs. “I doubt anyone has actually died here yet. At least, not enough to warrant all these weapons.”

"That's true…" Alpha hummed worriedly. "Maybe it's just part of the dungeons aesthetic?"

“Maybe. Kinda like back in TOME?” She asked, kicking a dented helmet across the floor. “Maybe we should look for any that would do the Dragons good?”

"Sure." Alpha nodded. "Plus all the loot we're getting is also gonna help greatly."


The two ventured further and deeper. The carved, webbed stone soon was replaced by pure rocks, and after that all around them was the old dusty white webs and the occasional wrapped bodies of bones or items.

Soon the two stood in a massive cave, heavily webbed with some signs some construction was underway here. In the center of it all stood a massive stone spider, easily five stories high and each eye was a giant gemstone shining a brilliant ruby red.

“Either that’s a really good statue of some spider god, or that’s our boss fight.” Alpha pointed out.

“Maybe both?” Flamegirl asked, walking up to and knocking on one of the statue spider’s legs. “Hmm… It doesn’t feel like stone. Or, exoskeleton for that matter… feels more like… some rough metal?”

“Hmm, that’s weird.” Alpha said. “I don’t remember seeing any metal deposits around, what kinda metal do you think it is?” The greco-roman inspired fighter asked.

“It kinda reminds me of how old cast iron pots feel but it’s not as… heavy, or thick I think?” She knocked again, listening for anything inside. “Sounds solid metal all the way through…” Flamegirl then jumped to the top of the creature, giving a few more knocks. “Same here. This is just one giant weird metal statue.”

“That’s…very weird.” Alpha hummed, jumping up on top of the statue as well. “Though I do wonder what the gem’s are.”

Flamegirl walked over to one of the gems, kneeling down. She pulled one up, it popping off with ease as she sniffed. She looked down, seeing a small valve and a scent of… gas. “Hmm… She set a fire to the valve, a small flame burning as she put the gem back over it. The single eye lit up and projected part of a map above on the ceiling. “Look, it’s part of some puzzle.” Flamegirl pointed out.

“Oh?” Alpha looked over at the map. “What do you think the puzzle is?”

“If I were to guess, we need to light all the gas pipes under the gems, then probably arrange the map in proper order.” The two got to work. In a short while displayed in a clear red light above them on the roof was a map of the Dragon Lands, and many locations were marked. There was a Spider, a Snake, a Fish, a Goat, and a Dragon all across the map. “I think those are all other Dungeons. There’s the Spider, which is here. There’s a Snake way over in the south. A Goat in the mountains. And that giant volcano has a dragon.”

“So what? We accidentally found a World Quest or something?” Alpha asked, considering that the map was showing the entire country. “Or do you think we’ll find a spot where we need to remember what the symbols are?”

"Probably. Either way, sounds like fun. TOME didn't have many puzzle based quests or dungeons so this will be fun." Flamegirl said. Suddenly behind the two the Spider Statues rear opened up, revealing a pedestal with a metal plate pressed printed version of the map, and a small metal version of the Spider Statue.

"Cool." Alpha said with a smile, pulling out the map and the spider statue. "This'll be useful for later."

“Definitely is part of the puzzle.” Flamegirl said with a nod.

Ring! Ring! Ring!

"What?" Kizuna blinked, looking over and seeing a phone that…most surely was not there before. "Uh…huh…" She frowned, walking over and answering the phone. "Hello?"

“Kizuna, it’s Zeto.”

The poor bug tester nearly dropped the phone at that. "Z-Zeto? Is it really you?"

“Yeah, it’s me. Things got… odd, but I need you to come and find me. Look around for some players or something with either a smiling or frowning tragedy mask for a head. It’s hard to explain but they’ll get you to where I am.”

“I…I did meet one actually.” She said carefully. “But…where have you been!? I’ve been searching for you for over a week!”

“That’s the hard part to explain. Look, just find them again and then once you get the item head to the cave where I was as Kirb with the others. Trust me this is one of those ‘need to see it to believe it’ kinda things.”

“And…” She took a deep breath. “And what of the plan? I can’t just pack up and leave, plus we still need to work on the ‘projects’...”

“If what I was told is right then that THING is gonna become a much larger problem for everyone. We will have to modify the projects and our time tables, but hopefully we can still prevent a massive disaster.”

She sighed, rubbing her temple bitterly. “And what are we going to tell our…’benefactor’?” She asked carefully.

“Tell him if he values TOME at all that he’ll make a second account and see the mess that’s happening personally.”

Kizuna chuckled at that. “If the bastard even has the time, he’s still freaking out about what happened last week and has been going through each and every bit of code from all the characters that disappeared…he especially panicked when he noticed you weren’t in the code anymore.”

“Well, trust me, he will wanna know what’s going on here.”

She sighed. “And…if worst comes to worst, should I involve our Contact?” Kizuna asked, wanting to know if they should be in contact with Giga, their Cyber Protectorate agent overseeing Softdi’s secret being kept.

“I don’t know. Maybe? Honestly we’ll keep them as a last option.”

“I’ll at least take a look into her room to make sure she’s still there.” Kizuna said, cause all of this craziness has been throwing everything out of whack for the last week. “And hopefully…hopefully we can settle things in this ‘new world’.”

“Good luck. Just get here as fast as possible. Once you do, contact me so I can find where you ended up. Entry to this… place, seems random given how I and the others first got here.”

“I can imagine…” She sighed. “I’ll get there as soon as I can…and then I’m gonna shoot you in the knee with a rubber bullet when I get there, making me worry.” She huffed.

“Better than a regular one. That would hurt more than I’d like.”

Before she could ask further, he hung up.

Hurt? She thought, getting a bad feeling.

The catgirl gunman sighed, ending the call as she looked up. “Demon?” She called out for the special man.

“Yes my feisty feline friend?” He asked, appearing in a haze of pixels.

“Zeto called, telling me to come visit him and…I would need your help doing it.” She said simply. “And…what the hell is happening over there? What did he mean when he said ‘it would hurt less’?”

“Oh that? Best to find out for yourself. Otherwise it would spoil the fun.” Demon said, with a flick of his wrist was holding a passport book and handing it to her. “Enjoy, and remember, no livestock or raw produce.” Demon said, giving a laugh before vanishing into a haze of pixels again.

She sighed, not knowing what the hell he meant by that but opening the passport book to see if it had everything in it. “Best not find out there’s anything missing here…I really don’t want to deal with some stupid interdimensional version of border patrol…”

Aven sneezed. “Who the fuck is talking about me?” Aven sniffled a bit and grabbed a tissue. “At least Rockoon is having fun…”

“So you tied him to a homemade rocket?” Big Mac asked.

“Yup.” Applebloom said.

“That you and yer friends made to try and get Space Exploration Cutie Marks.”


“And ya asked him to put a bunch of his bombs under it to act as thrust to launch it?”


“And rather than launch it up into the air it just exploded all around and sent him crashing three feet into a rocky wall?”

“Yup.” Applebloom said, the two watching as Rockcoom was in a full body cast and being pulled away in a medical cart.

“You did all that on Purpose as payback for the barn didn’t ya?” Big Mac asked.

“Yup!” Applebloom said with a smirk.

“I KNEW IT!” The mummified raccoon shouted. “I fixed the thing and you still spite me!?” He whined, before crying out in pain at the fact that a lot of his bones were still bruised from the looney toon’s esc crash.

To be continued...