
by Equimorto

Transcript of a popular Equestrian foals' rhyme and of highlighted passages referring to it; Taken from a copy of a Local History & Culture book published in 876

Round the Spire
Hear it sing
Round the ring
Round the ring

Down the Spire
See it sink
Ring a prayer

origin unclear

seems to have first appeared around the time of the Spire's construction

'singing' could refer to the intense sound produced by the combined magical efforts used to move the large blocks that make up the structure

foals might have wandered close to the building site while construction works were ongoing

possible corruption of an earlier rhyme about a tower, which could explain the second part

ponies will sometimes claim the Spire emits sound

the geological conditions of Reconciliation Park and the wider Canterlot area appear to be perfectly stable, and the structure is at no risk of sinking nor leaning