The Dangers of Personal Growth

by Silent Whisper

Employee Email Records 3

Cycle 47 - Summer, Day 3
05:57 Greenhouse Orbital Habitat Local Time 
From: Courier Lightning Dust
To: Supervisor Fiddlesticks

Sorry, Fiddles, but I had to leave early. Duty calls and those hornheads in the settlements are rowdy for strawberries, apparently. Sorry to nap and run, but you looked so peaceful sleeping there. I made Missy promise she wouldn’t wake you! I think she likes me. 

I’ll be back the day after tomorrow, sometime. I know that’s not what we discussed, but the more deliveries I make, the faster my payments will process, and the more I can save up. The ship’s pretty much paid off! I wish they’d approve your vacation requests. I’d love to take you in-atmosphere with this baby and show you what she can REALLY do!

We’re almost there, Fiddles. I can’t wait for our future. It can’t come fast enough!

Cycle 47 - Summer, Day 3
07:02 Greenhouse Orbital Habitat Local Time 
From: Supervisor Fiddlesticks
To: Courier Lightning Dust

Three seasons without you, and I didn’t even get a kiss goodbye? Is there a way to file for a divorce before the wedding? (I’m joking, darling.) 

I am terrified to see what your ship can really do, because I know exactly how much you paid for some of those parts, and you already shouldn’t be able to pull off half the stunts that you manage. 

Also, Missy says she’s deemed you adequate company. She says you make me happy. Even the sprinkler’s on to us! She also clarified that you did not, in fact, use cement in your mane to make it look “just so,” but offered to prove it when you return. Leave me without a kiss again, and I might take her up on her offer!

Cycle 47 - Summer, Day 3
07:26 Greenhouse Orbital Habitat Local Time 
From: Courier Lightning Dust
To: Supervisor Fiddlesticks

Crap wrong email fiddles this is the company email no kissing in the company email be professional they might read it you know. Winky face. 

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Cycle 47 - Summer, Day 3
07:28 Greenhouse Orbital Habitat Local Time 
From: Supervisor Fiddlesticks
To: Courier Lightning Dust

Oh, shut up. And fly safe!