My Little Eddsworld: Season 1

by Sunnysunny77

An Unintelligent Pegasus

Rarity sowed, and sowed away. A pony had ordered a bit of a complex dress that day, so she would be working away for hours on end. The sunlight seeped in from her window, making her coat extra warm. Today was a particularly hot day, and she didn't want to have to spend her precious time outside.

The sun crept into the hairs of her coat, and made her feel a great warmth. Summer. Probably the worst month of the year for Ponyville. For the Pegasus mostly anyway. They'd have to fly around and push clouds in, all while the sun poured onto their sacred skin.

This was why Rarity didn't particularly get ponies like Applejack. She seemed to love anything that would get her messy. And the sun? It made anypony messy with sweat.

Rarity picked up the fabric with her horn, her blue magic laced the purple fabric with a glitter. "Ah, now this should do magnificent! Purple always does go well with black, does it not?" She gently put it away, and picked up a piece of black fabric.

As she put the black fabric under the sowing machine, a flicker of slight flared in the corner of her eyes. She quickly turned her head. Oh, if this was her little sister messing around again, she'd-

It flickered again, then began to show all sorts of different colors. Green, blue, red, purple.. she had never seen anything quite like it! She gasped, and began to back away from the sight. Did she have to cut off her precious tail again?! No-

The light vanished, and revealed.. a pony. It was a pegasus colt. Stallion? Colt? She couldn't really tell.

The colt in question was a stallion or colt with a fluffy, bright ginger mane. His coat was a light purple, shimmering in the silence of the sun. His cutiemark.. it was a mirror. Did he specialize in making mirrors?

His eyes- when they opened, they were revealed to be a dashing shade of ice blue. It was a perfect color, like a crystal shining in the light. He was simply.. marvelous!

He groaned, gracefully and heavily lifting his head in a pained way. Rarity shook her head, no, now wasn't the time to focus on his fabulousness! Now was the time to.. to...


She let out a high pitched scream, which caused the stallion to flinch hardly. He shot up into the air screaming from the sudden surprise of a mare screaming in his ears, and knocked his head on the roof.

He groaned again, and his head bobbled from the sheer pain. But then he shook his head, "Wait, humans cant.." He looked down at the ground. His eyes darted attention to his limbs, and his face turned into an exaggerated expression of horror.

"Um.. darling, are you alrigh-" Raritys question was then cut off by the pony screaming again, and clumsily flinging his limbs in the air. As he flung around, he knocked into a wall, and faceplanted onto the floor.

Rarity gasped, "Oh my!" She then jogged towards the colt and bent her head down to see if he was okay. Rarity hadn't been expecting company today, but it seemed she'd have to put off her work a little while.

"Are you okay, darling?!" Asked she. He stared up in response, and replied, "No! No I am not, talking unicorn I was trying to comb my luscious hair, and then I got teleported into some weird hell dimension- wait.." He slowly looked up at Rarity.

"Your a.. talking pony!" He gasped, while sitting up and pointing a hoof at her. "Why- why of course I am, dear.. why else wouldn't I talk?" Rarity seemed confused at his own shock, furrowing a brow as he still kept his mouth open in shock.

"What do you mean why else wouldn't you talk?! Your a pony! Ponies can't talk!" He protested, seemingly getting defensive. "Whatever do you mean?! Your- your a pony!" Rarity asked, she had just met this stallion and she was already getting irritated.

"What?! No I'm not-" The stallion then took a look at his hooves. His face turned to surprise, "I understand now.." He said in a rather serious and mature tone of voice.


"This must all be one fantastic dream!" He smiled joyfully. Rarity stood still for a moment, in disbelief. She had never met a pony so.. wait, she did. And her name was Pinkie.

Anyway- Rarity inhaled, and tried to think of what to do. An unusual case like this would be fit for Twilight. She was Celestias student after all. And considering what happened yesterday, she might be able to find a way to handle his situation.

"Um.. darling, I hate to break it to you, but this isn't a dream-" "Of course! Whatever you say dream pony! Say, do you have a mirror? I wanna get a good look at my face!" The stallion cut her off, but she didn't have to answer that question, for he saw it anyway.

He walked up to a nearby mirror, and gawked at his looks. "I'm so beautiful!" He exclaimed, tears of happiness falling from his cheeks. Rarity walked up from behind, a bit confused by his lovesick attitude towards his own looks. She did have to admit though, he was rather charming.

But now wasn't the time to focus on the fabulousity of others! Right now, she needed to get him to Twilight. She could focus on his.. dashing, darling blue eyes later!

"Um, sir.. what is your name?" The beautiful unicorn mare had asked, peeking over his shoulder while speaking in the most polite voice she could. He answered with; "Oh, I'm Matt, dream pony!" Rarity groaned, "Oh for Celestias sake i'm not-" She sighed.

"I'm Rarity. If you could, darling, be a dear and please do step outside." Trying to still sustain her polite self, she asked him to do so in the most nice fashion she could. "Hmm, okay, dream pony!" Matt then full of glee skipped out of the room.

Rarity scoffed. She had already told him her name. So why was he-

She bit her lip, and began to walk out of her room. This was going to be a long, long thing to deal with before she could deal with her dress making.