The Fused and The Severed

by Golden Cake


My lone name is Dan Monikon, and I’m currently on a warplane to stop a wave of severed from wiping out a nearby market town.

This would technically be my first actual mission, actually.

I’ve trained in the field for quite a while, but now that I was actually here, in this dimly lit, loud, and shaky plane, it was a bit scarier than I expected, to be honest. I couldn’t even see outside since there were no windows.

We were above the San Palomino desert of Equestria right now. I hadn’t really visited this world much before the invasion, despite how many had said the bridge was safe to travel through.

It wasn’t safety that I was worried about back then though, it was leaving my family that scared me.

I’ve always lived my whole life with the urge to protect those around me, physically and emotionally, but what really prompted me to join the military was my desire to get stronger, to not let anyone else I love get hurt, and while it took some getting used to, I loved the feeling of getting stronger.

When I eventually heard the news that the president was having a diplomatic meeting with the leader of another nation, I wasn’t too surprised. It sounded like something the president would normally do, right?

Well, the details of who the meeting was with were… implausible, to say the least, or that was what we thought until we saw her on television.

I remember it, clear as day. On the television I was watching with my family, the magic talking horse we had heard so much about was at a stand, in a large park, in front of a crowd of who knows how many people. But she looked like she was calm, surprisingly.

“Citizens of Earth!” She spoke into the mic in front of her. “My name is Princess Celestia, and I, and all of Ponykind have come seeking companionship between our distant world’s!”

The giant audience immediately grew restless.

“What is this about?!” A girl yelled from the front.

“We don’t even know what you are! We can’t trust you!” Yelled a man who was further back in the crowd.

Through all of the commotion, Celestia merely raised her hooves in front of her and shut her eyes, waiting for the audience to calm down.

That didn’t work however, and after a full minute Celestia spoke again, once the crowd had grown only a bit quieter.

“Please! I understand your fear! But I assure you, we have no ill intent! We are humble ponies, merely seeking harmony and friendship amongst everyone, no matter what world they come from.”

The crowd’s fire had actually died down a little bit once she said that, and she saw this as her cue to continue.

“Is this a world you all want to live in? Divided by fear and mistrust? There’s a better way than this, we just have to trust each other and find it,” she said, her voice sounding calm and assuring.

“Look, I’m not going to force you all to live among us,” she said. “If you want us to go back to our world, we will leave, but we’re merely offering companionship, and we just want to help make our world, and this one, a better place.”

The crowd was silent, aside from a few quiet murmurs, until one child, who looked like she was just in her young teen years, walked closer to the stage, just below Celestia.

“Will you really make the world a better place?” She asked innocently.

Celestia smiled sweetly at the young girl and nodded, before the girl looked back at the audience sadly, almost like she was looking for approval.

Celestia did the same, as she looked for a sign of anyone who was on board with her hopeful idea, before one person near the front raised his hand.

“How exactly will you make our world a better place?” He asked, not rudely, but genuinely, like he was just looking for affirmation that her intents were true.

“I plan on offering material trade, and free, safe travel between our world’s, that way we can get to know one another, and help each other in times of need.”

As she continued talking, the tension was dissipating, and when she finished, the crowd actually cheered in applause.

“Thank you, thank you!” She shouted happily. “I will do everything in my power to keep peace and harmony between us! That’s a promise!”

I was then snapped out of my thoughts of the past when my fusion partner and best friend, Wild Wind, waved her wing in front of me.

“Yo, Equestria to Dan. You there?” She asked, looking at me.

“Y-yeah, yeah, I’m just… thinking,” I said quickly, as I scratched my brown hair.

Wild raised an eyebrow, then she sat next to me.

“Look man, I’m really sorry about what happened to your family, and maybe even your species as a whole, but we need you here, with us.”

I looked at her, then I looked around at the other ponies who were fastened tightly in their seats, who mostly consisted of pegasi and unicorns, as they nodded in agreement.

I smiled.

A year or so back, I was skeptical about working in the military with ponies at first, as I doubted they would know how to fight, but it really wasn’t that bad.

You’d think that they would be a bit too sweet for war, and there definitely are some ponies who aren’t fit for it, but the Equestrian military as a whole knew what they were doing, and knew what had to be done, which earned them my respect.

When the military of Earth and the Equestria became one, though, I was just sort of confused by the requirements of learning and using fusion, whenever possible or needed.

Fusion is exactly what it sounds like, it’s two or more people or ponies coming together to form one single, stronger person.

General Celestia insisted it was to combine the strengths of our combatants, which I was a bit skeptical about at first, but as long as it would make me stronger, I would gladly get used to it.

Fusion magic depends on all participants wearing a special bracelet that lights up, which, when equipped, becomes linked to, and stores the specific wearers DNA and genetic makeup. You need the bracelet to fuse, but it’s also the only thing that makes it possible to unfuse back into your separate selves.

Luckily, the bracelets were made with the intent to be usable by a mix of different creatures, which included ponies AND humans, but the only think I didn’t exactly like about them was that once you put them on, they’re bound to you, and can’t be removed, except by amputation. Ponies could wear theirs on one of their hooves, and humans could wear theirs on one of their wrists or ankles.

I’ve been told by General Celestia that Equestria has many different species’ of creatures, ranging from fire breathing dragons, to creatures like hypogriffs, which are sort of like fusions in of themselves, but I’ve barely seen any creatures other than ponies, aside from a few severed Kirin’s and a severed changeling or two, which I’ve had to put down.

Over the years of being in camp, and fighting for a better future, I’ve trained in fusion with Wild Wind many times before, we were damn good friends by now, and the two of us were paired up for a reason.

With my family being gone, as far as I knew, she was the closest person I’ve had in my life for the past few years. Our relationship is strong enough that our fusion is basically just the icing on the cake, so to speak.

But I do prefer us fusing together when we’re in combat, as opposed to fighting separately, to ensure nothing happens to her without me being there to protect her.

…I just… I don’t know what I’d do if anything happened to her.

Anyways, Wild was a pegasus, with a grayish, light blue coat, and a sort of messy, purple mane and tail with a large, dark stripe going down the center.

She’s a tough mare, who doesn’t let anything bad happen to her friends.

She’s a bit like me, in a way, aside from how she was a much more outgoing person than me. I’ve honestly just been more prone to keeping to myself in life, rather than being around people I don’t know, and being so bold with my emotions, in the same way that Wild does easily.

But I’d never let our evident differences in personalities get in the way of our strong friendship. In fact, there are times where I do love how much Wild never holds back her real emotions from me.

I appreciate how straightforward she is with me, and everypony she’s friends with. Though she is a bit more soft spoken with me compared to them, I suppose because she’s aware of my more sensitive personality.

Wild was born with heterochromia, with one eye being pink and the other being a vivid green, not that it’s ever affected her actual vision, luckily, though she did used to be picked on for it when she was younger, based on what she’s told me. I guess that’s why nowadays she doesn’t take any hate from anypony without putting up a fight.

Speaking of vision, I myself actually have great eyesight and perception, and with fighting, I’m much better in melee combat with blades than I am in ranged combat with guns. Wild has wings, which is always an upside, and she has a strange sort of special sense for when something bad is about to happen, she’s great with movement speed, and she’s good at sneaking when she’s in the right situation.

Together, as one, we can see danger coming from a distance, and take down our enemies silently by hiding out of view and striking when the time is right.

Having wings is an upside for fusions in general, as it allows us to soar safely from high places and stuff like that, but magic has never reacted perfectly with humans during fusion, so with pony human fusions with pegasi, their pegasus magic isn’t strong enough to allow upward flight, only the ability to soar from a high area.

Even though I’d fused with Wild before, and would do anything to protect her, the concept of fusion still sort of scared me. I mean, it was two different bodies, but most importantly, minds, coming together as someone new, as the previous two people had ceased to exist, just like that. It was kind of freaky… and intimate.

Just then I heard our pilot, Spitfire, yell from the front of the plane.

“ALRIGHT COLTS AND FOALS! THIS IS OUR STOP, GET READY TO CONVERGE AND I’LL GIVE THE SIGNAL TO JUMP!” She yelled painfully, as the large hatch on the back of the plane slowly started opening.

I then unfastened my seatbelt, and stood up, and saw as Wild had done the same, before she turned to look at me, her eyes filled with confidence.

I bent my legs to look her straight in the face, as she held out her hoof for me to grasp.

“You ready to do this together?” She asked.

I looked down at the floor for all of about a second, before I looked at her confidently.

“Yeah, let’s go.”

“Good, let’s do it,” she said.

Once she said that, I held her left hoof, where she was wearing her bracelet, with my right hand, where I had my bracelet, as we both shut our eyes.

When we touched each other, our bracelets glowed. Her’s glowed a dark purple, while mine glowed orange, and our bodies shined with a blinding, blank white light as our minds went numb, until our forms phased together, and we became someone else entirely with a brief flash of light.