//------------------------------// // A Sour Apple // Story: My Little Eddsworld: Season 1 // by Sunnysunny77 //------------------------------// On a hot, sweat building day, Applejack had been bucking some apples. Her blonde mane would shimmer in the sun, as beads of sweat dripped down her face and onto the bottom of her chin. Her hooves felt heavy, but it was worth it for the apples. The trees leaves slowly drifted with the wind. There wasn't that much wind that day, but it would at least cool her down a little. The marvelous glistening of the apples was tempting enough for her to keep going, she needed them to make and sell food after all. As she treaded near a tree she had decided to pick for her next bucking, she could swear in the corner of her emerald green eyes she had seen some light. Brushing it off as sunlight, she turned her back to the tree and prepared to kick her hind legs at its trunk. But only did she realize that the light she had seen  was not sunlight. A bright light glowed in the distance inbetweentwo apple trees, flickering different colors each second. Blue, purple, red, green. Applejack backed up in shock, she had never seen anything quite like it. And before she knew it.. the light had faded. However it revealed something, or rather somepony. It was a unicorn colt. He didn't look too young, but he looked young enough to be a colt. His coat was a dark, pretty shade of blue. His mane was spiked up, and it was a dark brown color. She could have sworn his mane kind of resembled a pineapple, but she shook it off. His cutie mark was a guitar.. so he was talented at guitar most likely. The only difference was he had his back turned, so she couldn't tell what color his eyes were. Shaking her head, she quickly galloped up to the colt, concerned if he was alright or not. "H-Hey! Are ya alright, sugarcube?" She asked as she came closer, looking down at the colt. She didn't want him to stay outside for too long, for he seemed a bit.. exhausted already. The heat could get to him if he stayed out too long. "Wha.. what.." His voice was deep, masculine and had an accent somewhat similar to Raritys. Applejack spoke again in her sweet southern voice, "Hey now, don't worry.. i'll get ya somewhere less hot. Ya look as limber as dishrag." The colt groaned as Applejack stepped around him, and lifted him up with her neck. She had something else to carry back home now, but.. surely she could stop her bucking to get some random colt who randomly teleported and looked completely exhausted back to her house so he could rest right? He looked to her, and gasped, and as did she; but both of them did for different reasons. "Holy pug in a pizzabox! A talking pony!" He muttered, falling back. Applejack seemed confused by his statement, "What- what do ya mean by that nonsense?! Your the one with no eyes!" She said. The colts eyes were in fact not present. They were completely black, as if a void had taken over inside where it should have been. "No eyes? I-" He trailed off for a few moments, before putting his hoof down. "..Yeah, your right." He muttered, and his face went completely blank. Applejack stepped closer, "Ah've never seen anypony like you before.. are you not from 'round here?" She asked, looking at him with curious eyes. "..You could say that." He said, recalling the odd way he had been sent here. He had gone on so many adventures to the point where he just didn't really care anymore. "Where are ya from?" She asked. "...England." He calmly answered. He didn't know whether England existed here or not, but even if that was the case, he sure as hell didn't care. "England? I dont reckon I've heard of that place before. Do ya know where your at right now?" She questioned, if she kept asking questions, he was going to get annoyed real fast.  "No." He simply answered. Applejacks lips drew back, as she found herself deep in thought. She then spoke up again, "Well, if it's any help to ya, your in Sweet Apple Acres right now. We're the only farm here at Ponyville." "Ponyville?.." He repeated. "Yeah, Ponyville. Ya never heard of it?" She raised an eyebrow, surely he would have known about all the towns outside his own. So why didn't he?.. "I don't believe I have." Awkwardly, he answered. The colt didn't picture he would be having a conversation about where he was from with a talking pony. But this wasn't the weirdest thing he had been through, so he didn't question it. "Huh, that's weird.. usually everypony outta town knows about this place." Applejack seemed puzzled. She couldn't fathom the fact that a pony couldn't have possibly heard of Ponyville, but was from somewhere that she didn't know of. She looked back at the colt, and smiled: "Well, Ah'll take ya back to the barn. Ah think I can stop buckin for a couple of hours, so I could probably take ya to Ponyville and get this all sorted out." The colt just wanted to get the hell out of the place, so with a sigh he then replied: "Fine. But if there isn't any Smirnoff around here I'm going to be pissed." Applejack raised a brow, "Hey, language. But.. Smirnoff? I dont think ah ever heard of that, but even if ah did, I don't think it'd be lyin around here. The only thing we have 'round here is Apple Cider." She had said, much to the colts dismay. He drew his lips back into a snarl, "Alcohol. I need Alcohol." This seemed to be familiar to the country mare though, because her face seemed a bit weirded out. "Cider.. is a type of alcohol." She replied, still confused. "Oh.." He mumbled. Applejack stood in silence for a couple of seconds, before shaking her head and talking again. "Anyway, why don't we get goin? It's best if we hurry along now, this heat might kill us both if we stay out in it for too long." Applejack said, sliding sweat off of her forehead. "I'd rather it kill me than spend anymore seconds without my Smirnoff." The colt sarcastically said, looking up at the mares face with no emotion whatsoever. "H-Hey now, that's a bit dramatic don't ya think?" Applejacks face seemed a bit concerned at that statement. She had realized, she didn't know this colts name. She then asked, "Hey, you ought to tell me your name. It'd be a bit awkward havin' a friend I don't know the name of." The colt raised his brow, "Friend?.." He didn't know where she had gotten the idea that they were friends already, but it was best not to question it considering she was a literal talking pony with a southern accent. He sighed again, "I'm Tom.." He introduced himself in a half assed sort of way. He didn't really seem to care for anything, not even the fact that he was talking to a pony with a literal apple tattoo on her flank. "Tom, huh? Thats quite a unique name ya got there, ah don't think ah ever heard of it before.." Applejack said, in a more amazed way than a weirded out way. The name 'Tom' sounded actually pretty cool. "Well? Whats your name?" Asked Tom. "Ah'm Applejack. Nice to meet ya, Mister Tom." She smiled. "Your name is Applejack. Your named after an alcoholic beverage, yet you don't have any smirnoff around here." His cynical tone of voice had surprised the orange pony a little, she didn't think she had met anypony this negative or sarcastic. "Heheh.. your quite the negative Nancy, aren't ya, Tom?" She had just replied with a jolly old grin, while Tom still stayed quiet. "No-" "Well don't you worry your little head, Tom. Ah'll get everything taken care of, and you'll find your way outta here." She cut him off, optimism in her face, blinding her to the negativity from beneath. "Um.. okay?" He was still distrustful of this oddly happy pony. Surely, something had to be going on. Either he was tripping balls right now, or he had truly gone insane. "Well? Are ya gonna get up from there or do ya need my help?" She asked Tom, he had been laying on the grass this entire time and didn't even bother to get up. "Oh, right." Now with this new body, he would have to figure out how to stand up in a new way. Putting his front hooves on the ground firmly, he tried to lift himself up. But his body trembled as he kept failing each time. He was starting to get frustrated before- Applejack simply lifted him up onto her back somehow. "Hey, don't overdo yourself, sugarcube. If your that tired, ah can ride ya back to the barn. Ya seem plain tuckered out of your mind anyway." She grinned. Now he was riding said talking pony.. Great?... He only made a weird noise in response, and she had just nodded as if she understood it. And with that, she began to head back down to the barn.