//------------------------------// // Mystical Mysteries // Story: My Little Eddsworld: Season 1 // by Sunnysunny77 //------------------------------// Sunlight glimmered across the fields of grass in Equestria, as all the ponies of Ponyville walked around and did their business. Many ponies chattered, smiles on their faces and seemingly no cares in the world. Twilight Sparkle and her friends had just defeated Nightmare Moon a day ago, and due to that, Ponyville was happier than ever. Twilight relaxed in her room, scanning her eyes across the page of the book she was reading. She had been reading it to learn more about spells, strangely enough, there seemed to be one about vortexes. She tilted her head in thought, curiosity shining in her dark violet eyes. Surely, only unicorns powerful enough would be able to do a spell like that. Or at least, that's what she thought. She continued to read the paragraph, taking in all the information she was learning. From the corner of her eye, it felt as if the room felt brighter all the sudden. Figuring it was just the sun, she kept reading. But then it got brighter, and brighter. To the point of being too bright to be a bit of sunlight peeking through the window she had so gracefully placed herself next to. She turned her head, and her eyes took in the sight before them. Spike raised his head from the pillow he rested on, making exhausted noises; "Twilight.. I'm trying to.. whoa- whaAaagh!" The little dragon gaped his mouth in surprise, and tumbled out of bed. Twilight then hopped of of her bed, and stood firmly. Her mouth was agape, she couldn't believe what she was seeing. For brief moments, white flickers of light flashed before her eyes. In fact, different colors seemed to flicker all throughout. Green, blue, purple, red.. then, the light had faded, only to reveal that it was not the only presence in this room. What appeared from the sudden burst of light was.. a colt. It was a unicorn colt. He grumbled in pain, his eyes tightly shut. Multiple items of the same figure were scattered around him, all bright red and white. They looked like.. cans? What could he possibly have been doing? The colts coat was a dark green, like the fields of grass that were surrounding the entirety of ponyville. A forest green, perhaps? His mane was a dark brown, and his tail was oddly short. His cutie mark was a paint brush. So he was most likely an artist of some kind. His eyes finally then slowly opened, revealing it to be an emerald green. A brighter green than his coat, that's for sure. He continued to grumble, muttering a simple; "Wha... where.. am i?" His head gently looked around the room before him. "What.. is this place?" Asked the colt, confused. Twilight rushed down the stairs, concerned for the seemingly hurt colt before her. "Sir! Are you alright?!" She yelled, her hooves gliding across the floor as she stopped. The colt looked at her, raising an eyebrow. But then his eyes widened. It was only for a brief moment he was stunned by his shock, but as soon as it was over.. "Oh.. my god.." He muttered. Twilight didn't even have time to react before- "My colas!" He looked down helplessly at his cans that were scattered all around the room, and quickly began to gather them all with one of his hooves. He seemed more focused on the cans of this 'Cola' surrounding him more than he did that he was in a different place. Twilight stood in confusion, as Spike just stared just processing the sight he had saw before the colt. Had he teleported here? Or had he.. been teleported here? "Sir.. uhh.." Twilight trailed off as he kept scooping up the countless amount of cans in the room, "you know you can just use your magic, right?" She tried to remind this colt of the normal everyday task that was unicorns having to use their magic. Why was he not acting like he didn't have a horn? "My.. magic?.." He repeated those words back as he turned to face her again. "Yeah, you know.. this?" Twilight pointed to her horn, "You can use it to pick that stuff up. Do you.. want me to help you?" Asked she, staring at the confused unicorn. "What do you mean my horn-" The male unicorn had brought up his hoof to the part of his head where his horn was, and upon feeling it, his eyes widened again. His mouth slightly gaped in shock, as he then looked at his hoof. "Wait.." He raised his head up and looked seemingly nowhere, "I'm a unicorn!.." He stated. Twilight couldn't even get a response out, as he suddenly then shouted; "Noooooo!" - It had been a normal day for Edd, he ordered some cokes since he had ran out of some and was practically shaking in excitement. After all, he had ordered 9 boxes of it! He would be stocked for weeks or months! Well, depending on how many he drank. The last time he ordered that many boxes he drank them all in 2 days. It had also been the day Tord had come back after a while. Ever since the whole entire Giant Robot incident, things had been pretty rocky between them. But Tord had promised he wouldn't do such a thing again with an oddly happy voice. So Edd trusted him! I mean, it's not like he would take advantage of him and Matt's low intelligence to screw them over again right? Tom of course, wasn't very happy about it. He had been spending the entire day in his room. For some reason he heard loud banging noises coming from in there, but oh well! It was just another Tuesday, so that was normal. When a few hours passed by, the colas had finally come. The man at the front door was oddly confused by the amount of colas he had ordered, but it didn't really matter. He would be getting a larger paycheck than he usually did anyway. Edd tried to lift the many boxes of Cola, but a wisp of light suddenly went by and knocked said box over. "Well, well, well.." A familiar voice had come from another direction. Edd turned over, and clenched his fist upon seeing who had knocked over his precious colas. "Eduardo.." He growled, as the familiar bearded man stood their with an odd item in his hand. It was a wand, but why did he even have one in the first place? Eduardo and his friends stood on his lawn with a smug smile on their faces like always. "What are you doing now, you loser?" Eduardo asked, a smirk on his face. "Well, if you must know, I was trying to take the colas I had ordered inside of my house." Edd walked over, hands on his hips and an annoyed face. "Ha, and your just doing that? I ordered 40 Diet Cola boxes!" Eduardo grinned, raising his hand to point out the boxes that had been piled on all of eachother. Edds face turned into disappointment, "Thats.. thats fine, I don't really care." "..And 90 more Cola boxes!" Eduardo then raised his arm to point out the less obvious and taller boxes of normal coke all piled up on eachother. And way bigger than any of the houses. Edd gasped dramatically, how could he have won by such a large amount?! "Now, uh.. we'd love to watch you fail some more, but we'll be on our way!" Eduardo grinned. "On our way? To where?" Jon questioned, looking puzzled. Eduardo gave him a mean glance, making him flinch up a little and stand up. "Oh yeah.. uhh.. a real better way!" Jon repeated after Eduardo, only it made less sense. As they walked off, Jon looked sad as Eduardo muttered some mean comments to him. Edd didn't know why, but something in that moment made him feel.. so much more angry than he did on other days like this. Before he knew it, it was as if his body flew into the air. And he saw Eduardos body get closer and closer, until- He crashed into Eduardo, and began to punch and punch without any thoughts whatsoever. The other two watched in shock, this had never happened before! The wand that had been in Eduardos hand moments ago fell out as he kept getting beat endlessly by Edds fists. It had conveniently landed next to Jon's feet. Not knowing what to do, but wanting to help, Jon took action and picked up the wand. He began to chant random spells he had most likely been making up, "Uhh.. Colanarnia! Pugaboxer.. um.. umm.. Alicornia!" In that moment, Jon hadn't actually been thinking it would work. But nor did he think it would work at the third word either. In that moment, a shock wave suddenly crashed throughout the area, and made Edd fall off of Eduardo almost immediately. A bright light was now right above the neighbors house. A circle of light. A red car pulled up, and the window was lowered. It was Tord, and he could only mutter a; "What the.." Matt and Tom came out of the house, their faces in surprise. Everyone who had seen the circle was in surprise. They couldn't mutter a single word, they were all too stunned to do so. And before they knew it.. like a spoon scooping up some cereal.. they felt themselves being sucked up. They all screamed, trying to hold onto random things for dear life as to stay on the sweet sweet ground. It was hopeless though, for the Hole of Seemingly The Gateway To Heaven had been to strong for them. Screaming was in the air for a moment, a brief shout had sounded into the air; "NOT THE FACEEEE!" And just like that, the glory hole was gone.. ... For about 3 seconds. Like a human eating some rotten food, it spat out the neighbors in an instant. Before quickly dissapearing again.