//------------------------------// // Chapter 6: Sorrow unites more than anything else // Story: On the path of magic // by CrimsonBrust //------------------------------// Crimson, Twilight and their son Novalis spent time together at the Crystal Empire festival. Crimson had previously ordered his family and the Twilight family to be sent to safety. That nothing would hurt them. Where Crimson waited to emerge from the shadow of King Sombra himself. Twilight felt very uncomfortable with it, but overall felt very safe. Because he was protected by the Imperial Protorians themselves. The Emperor's most loyal and fanatical soldiers. Who swore to protect the imperial family to death. Their shining silver armor was reflected in the sun. They only appeared next to the emperor family. "Crimson. I'm is worried. I understand that you are waiting, but I don't know for what?" Twilight said worriedly, sitting on the throne brought to her. All three attended a specially prepared audience. Which was on a stage specially prepared for them in front of the palace. "About a package that will change everything." Crimson said softly, kissing his wife. Twilight was surprised by this. Crimson waited and remained calm. And it was already the middle of the day. And the crowds of ponies at the festival intrigued that it would be a unique event. Nobody knew what it was going to be, but the special scene only sparked the imagination of the ponies present. Then one of the protorians approached Crimson. They knelt down before him and spoke. "The package has just arrived, sir." Says the Protorian, who approached the Crimson, bowing to him. "Well, let's face it. Twilight, you'll stay here, honey. You will have a perfect view from here." "What for?" "For a surprise. he said smiling at his beloved and his son." The Crimson will stand on the stage when the ponies see him standing, they only focus on him. "Pony Hello. I think I wonder why I am in this special episode. Because the only such event will take place today. Crimson said as the Protorians held the unicorn filly as they stepped onto the landing. Handcuffed, they threw her onto a wooden stage in front of the emperor's gray hooves. Twilight and all the other ponies were surprised by what they knew. They didn't know this mare. "Perhaps I will introduce Miss Radiant Hope. Friends and cult leaders of Sombra!" Crimson said proudly. Twilight stared at the filly. It was difficult for her to express whether she was going to be shocked, surprised or angry. But what Crimson said after a moment of surprise in the crowd of ponies surprised her more. "Then I'll leave, Sombra. Because I know you are here with your followers… ”no one in the crowd was brave enough to admit it, but Crimson said lazily but with a sinister smile. "The Protorians will bring what I have prepared for the rebels!" Crimson said as the Protorians brought the gallows into the square. Together with the chained ponies. At any age. There were young and old, stallions, fillies and foals. “Of course, the cultists get to know their families in them. Because their families are here. But if no one admits it, they will see them die. And she will see for so long and will not want to take her own life. Let this bloody spectacle begin!" Crimson shouted happily. And his protorians and empire citizens stretched their hooves and cheered. "Glory to you, Emperor. That you cleanse of evil! " "You can't do that! They didn't know anything! You can't hurt them ..." Radiant shouted with despair and fear. Then she cried out to Twilight, full of tears. “Empress, if you value your victory, please forgive them and others. I am asking you to protect the innocent." she screamed at Twilight full of tears and fear, bowing as low as possible to Twilight in the audience. Twilight replied with something unexpected. "Radiant Hope. Before I do that, I want to know that you don't know anything about you. But because you value my opinion so much. I'll give you a chance. Our son Novalis. Whose veins run Blood of Equestria and the Hayland Empire. In whose veins flows the Blood of Equestria and the Empire of Hayland. I swear his allegiance to him and to us. And I will gladly set you free. Or you will stand before the Praetor Azure, who will judge you, but the rest will be released. Choose Radiant Hope wisely." Twilight said, looking at Crimson, who didn't have to show her that nothing had changed. "Can I take the oath on their behalf?" Radiant Hope asked, hoping she would agree. "If they are behind you at the time of your oath. I do not see a problem." Crimson said, looking at Twilight. Radiant Hope turned to the crowd and shouted at him. "Friends heard it, will I stand behind me to save yours family, will you renounce?" she waited for a reply from them, but no one replied. Suddenly, someone in the crowd cast a powerful spell on Crimson. As soon as Crimson ordered to lead the first group to their deaths. It was a Sombra whose eyes glowed with fury. Behind him stood other ponies that did not want their loved ones to die. "You are not as strong as the says! Your empire will fall together with ..." Sombra shouted as he suddenly got a powerful golden magic beam. It was Crimson who stood unmoved by Sombra's attack. The Crimson stretched out his wide wings and landed below without bending them. As Crimson's magic was customary red it changed to a golden hue. Twilight knew it was related to his attitude, but she didn't know what it was. "You attack me and you don't even know my skills. But in your eyes I can see that I will have to wipe that dark smile." Crimson said as his ash-gray coat changed shades to pearly white. The scarlet eyes turned to the darkest shades of purple. And the mane, black as a raven, turned to blood red. And the red stripe she had in black. After that, golden runes covering the body appeared. And the tips of his tail and mane were the shade of a pulsating gold orange light. Sombra stared at him in surprise, it was unbelievable power he knew. Not the power of the demon that she had heard so much about, but filled with good and light. And not darkness and destruction. "Who are you?" "Balance." Crimson said, lifting himself so that his hooves no touched the ground. "The power of the demon that I hold and guard," said Crimon, showing a hoof that glowed with dark fire full of unstoppable wild, destructive energy. "And the power of light that illuminates our dark world and protects us from darkness." showing the second hoof that was blazing with sunlight. As bright and pure as himself. "Separated by strong. But when they are one together!" then they would shine with a golden light and the dragon appeared on it. From blood, light and golden flames. And Crimson wore demonic steel armor, but not from the darknes. But and shone like the gold light that he was. They will stand in front of Sombra and speak with his voice. "I am Crimson Brust, the demon and the dragon. Light and Darkness. And when they unite they become perfect. And you still want to fight me?" Crimson asked calmly. Sombra glared at him, but the others just knelt before his divine power. "Are you?" "I'm just myself." Crimson said they are smiling. Sombra whacked him with his magic. But Crimson stuck out his forefoot, and with his wave, all his magic dissipated. Crimson hit Somber with his magic that literally swept him out of place outside the city. The Crimson will stand in front of Sombra in the clearing, examining him with their eyes. "Only Sombro's venom flows through your words and deeds. It didn't have to be that way. Your dark power doesn't have to dominate you. Follow me and I'll show you." Crimson said, sticking his hoof out in front of him. As a token of consent. But Sombra rejected them and said: I don't want anything from you. I want my empire! "They exclaimed to Crimson. "In such a case, you give me no choice." Crimson said as he grabbed his hoof and said. "You will serve to the end of this world. So long until you will not understand your mistakes!" they would scream and his voice was heard echoing in every corner of the world. When Crimson returned to town, Twilight was waiting for him with her son. Crimson landed in front of her, reverting to his original form. "Crimson where Sombra?" Twilight asked when she saw the crystal ball in which was the Face of Sombra. "Now has become this." Crimson said as he handed the crystal ball to Novalis. And he watched his little son play. "Is it safe?" "Of course. I can't do anything wrong with him. Because his power belongs to Novalis. He can only give good tips and advice." Crimson said looking at his son. "Lord, something extraordinary is happening! This rainbow stone that your son came down is shining with light!" said the Protorian. The three of them walked towards the sock where they kept the stone. And behind them all the other ponies. Moved by what caused them to run as hard as possible to the crystal palace. When they reached the stone that glowed, something amazing happened. He turned into a dragon when they flashed. But not just any dragon. It was an astral black dragon. When the little dragon no bigger than Novalis himself, he opened his golden eyes and looked around. And as the little dragon and Novalis looked at each other, they were united by a sudden bond of destiny. But they all awoke from that ending when they heard a roar. Coming from the outside. Twilight and Crimson ran out together to check it out and saw that the sky was full of stars. But among these stars they saw astral creatures shrouded in legends, myths, and more. Their roar spread across the starry sky. "What's going on? Crimson, maybe you know what's going on?" Twilight asked, full of surprise. Why something so incomprehensible was happening. Crimson ran for Novalis and the dragon. And holding them with his magic, he placed them on the ground. "I knew Novalis was extraordinary. From the moment you were born. And I think today your destiny is calling you to it." Crimons said as he hugged his son with tears in his eyes. Twilight didn't understand what was going on but Crimson grabbed her by the hoof and asked, "Will you go there with me?" Twilight already understood what Crimson meant. They spread their wings and flew straight into the sky. Crimson will then start singing a song. And Twilight with him. Crimson: There's a time in your life When the world is on your side Twilight: You might not feel it You might not see it But it surrounds you like a light Makes you stronger for the fight Crimson: Never letting go Gotta learn to grow Watch me as I touch the sky Together: Still I fly Now I know it's what I gotta do Find a dream that's new Give it all I got this time Crimson: Still I fly Twilight: Still I fly Twilight: Feel the wind all around All the courage to be found Crimson: Who knows what's out there But I know I'll get there Oh off into the sun I know I'm not the only one that's Together: Never letting go Gotta learn to grow Watch me as I touch the sky Still I fly Now I know it's what I gotta do Find a dream that's new Give it all I got this time Still I fly Still I fly Still I fly Crimson: Breathe it in I'm gonna shine It's my moment Twilight: Gotta live and live it right I'm flyin Flyin so strong Crimson: I'm movin ' Twilight: I'm movin ' Together: I'm movin 'on Together: Never letting go Gotta learn to grow Watch me as I touch the sky Still I fly Now I know it's what I gotta do Find a dream that's new Give it all I got this time Still I fly When they got there, they stood and spoke together. "We love you, son. And remember that no matter where we are, we will always find each other." hugging her son one last time. "And you watch him your best." they said to the dragon that followed Novalis. Novalis looked at his eyes full of tears. And he hugged them one last time as his glowing body glowed more and more. And it drew him and a new friend along the path of their destiny. When they returned to earth they were all shocked when they saw the imperial couple say goodbye to their only son. Nobody thought about anything else but to pull them out of the trance where they looked at the sky full of stars. Everyone who was there and saw what happened tears fell. Even Sombra himself did not hold back his tears and tried to fight it. And the news of this spread throughout the known world. When they asked them what happened. They just stared at the sky full of pride and smiles. What happened to Novalis himself. Well, he came back to them as he was writing. But they didn't take hundreds of years or more. He returned unexpectedly when on the next day when everyone was in the shocked, the little prince was found sleeping with his parents. And a little dragon by their bed. Twilight and Crimson hugged son and said. "Novalis, you little prankster. You are like a star. You disappear and appear, but I'm sure that you will have more than one adventure." Twilight said. "Yes, your destiny called you. But the smile of your fate made me not called you yet. Because it is our duty to prepare for it." Novalis will touch Twilight and Crimson with their hooves. "My parent," he said as all three hugged. And what happened to the cult. It fell apart and most swore loyalty. Radiant Hope herself was asked by Twilight to tell what Sombra was like before. After that, they begin their journey through the empire with their son and the Crimson horse. They were standing in front of the gate that would lead them home. "So what are you ready for?" Crimson asked, holding Novalis. "Yes. How do you think our nations will eventually live in harmony?" “They are already harmony. Because sometimes sadness is closer than anything else. But they're also getting closer to joy, and maybe even stronger than anything else. " they will say as they pass through the gate.