Affection Therapy

by Twilight2022

Rainbow Dash

It’s pranking day to Rainbow Dash. Instead of hanging out with other ponies, she had to prank them. But most of the pranks have been failed or gone wrong.

She sadly flies to Cloudomindium entering her bedroom. “I have been pranking some ponies once a month and… and… most of my pranks gone horribly wrong” Rainbow said.

Five minutes later, I heard a noise coming from Cloudomindium and wants to get up there, but can’t because I’m just a unicorn.

I asked one pegasus named “Derpy Hooves” to help me get up there. I’m riding on her to finally reach up there.

Entering the bedroom of Rainbow Dash. It was crying that I heard. “Go away! Can’t you see I’m crying?” She yelled. “Hey, It’s okay. There’s nothing to be worried.” I kindly said.

Looking at me curiously, Rainbow stopped crying immediately. “Hey, who are you?”

“Me? My name is Jamming Hits.” I introduced myself. “I came to see why are you crying.” I said.

“Well, duh. How did you get up here? Because I don’t think you are a Pegasus to me.” She asked.

“I asked a pegasus to help me get up the Cloudomindium to see why are you crying, Rainbow Dash.” I explained.

“Oh, you know my name, huh?” she questioned. “Let me tell you why. Today is pranking day, which most ponies don’t know. I was pranking the ponies around ponyville and most of them gone wrong, like, horribly wrong!” She said.

“Okay. And then what happened?” I asked. “That’s all I can think of. Is there anything that can cheer me up?” Rainbow questioned.

“I can help you cheer up with an affection. It will make you cheer up the most for giving you, nose boops, belly rubs, hoof massages, mane pettings, and ear scratches.” I said.

Rainbow is shocked. “You what? But I don’t like my hooves being touched!” She yelled. “Just relax. I’ll be gentle. There’s is nothing wrong with hoof massages.” I said.

“Do you promise?” she said. “I promise I’ll be gentle.” I responded.

“Whatever you say, Jamming. You can go ahead. And hurry up, it’s almost bedtime for me.” She stammered.

I started off by giving her belly rubs which the blue pegasus felt relaxed. “You can do it, but just be gentle.” She reminded me.

I nodded at Rainbow continued rubbing her belly for one more minute. Then, I booped her nose which makes her stick her tongue out.

“Why are you always cute?” I questioned. “I’m not. I’m totally awesome!” Rainbow said.

“Okay. But still cute to me.” I said as I start to scratch her ears with my hoof. “Ruff Ruff Ruff” Rainbow barked like a dog.

I smiled because it’s cute. I continued to scratch her ears for two minutes while the blue pegasus is panting.

I looked at her hind hooves, walked to them, and started to massage the right one first. This makes Rainbow feel scared. “Are you sure about this?” She questioned.

“I’m sure about that.” I said. One minute later I gently massage the left hoof. “That’s the cutest little hooves I have ever seen!” I exclaimed.

“What did you say?” Rainbow asked. I ignored her question as I continued for thirty more seconds.

“I said nothing, Rainbow.” I finally responded. Starting to walk away, I almost forgot one more thing. “Mane pettings?” I questioned myself.

Coming back, I then start to pet her mane rapidly with my hoof. “Oh yeah. Keep it up” she said.

I stopped petting her mane as soon as my forehoof gets tired. “I can’t my hoof is tired” I said breathing in and out.

“Well, Jamming. It’s nice to see you with your awesome affection that you gave to me.” She said.

It’s bedtime for Rainbow. I pulled the blanket over her body and kiss her goodnight which makes her blush. “Hey. I told you that being cute is a good thing.” I said.

Rainbow tries her best not to be cute. “I know it is. It’s nice to see you” she said. “Goodnight, Rainbow.” I quietly said.

Exiting the bedroom. I tip hoofed the building to not wake up the other pegasi. Finally, I exited the Cloudomindium with some clouds are like stairs to easily exit. Safely, I made it on the main ground and continued wondering around Ponyville.