Journal of a Starving Sister.

by Fujimi200SX

Day 30

I̵ ̶c̶a̶n̵'̸t̵ ̷t̸a̸k̴e̴ ̶t̶h̴i̶s̷ ̷a̸n̷y̴m̷o̵r̵e̶.̷ I'm sorry Aloe. I am D̴Y̵I̴N̷G̵. My stomach wants to snap itself apart. Whoever finds this I'm S̴O̷R̸R̸Y̸.̷.I had no choice. I looked E̸̟͊V̴͚̇Ḛ̷̋Ȓ̵̭Y̴̨̏W̷͍̔H̷͚͝E̶͎͆R̴̠͘E̶͙͛.̷̓͜ There is no escape from the mines. T̷h̶e̷r̴e̷ ̶i̷s̷ ̵n̴o̷ ̴e̶s̴c̷a̵p̷e̷ ̸f̵r̸o̵m̷ ̴t̴h̴e̶ ̶m̴i̴n̵e̸s̵.̸. T̵̴̷H̶̸̷E̷̴̵R̵̶̸E̸̴̵ ̶̷̶I̴̶̸S̵̴̷ ̶̵̶N̸̸̵O̸̷̸ ̶̷̵E̷̶̴S̴̷̸C̷̶̵A̷̶̵P̷̶̸E̶̷̵ ̸̵̵F̸̴̴R̸̴̸O̸̷̶M̴̶̶ ̴̶̵T̷̸̶H̷̵̵E̸̴̵ ̶̴̶M̵̶̸I̴̶̸N̶̷̷E̷̵̵S̵̷̵.

I'm so sorry Aloe. Celestia forgive me. It's what I have to do.