//------------------------------// // A Stealthy Approach // Story: Equestria Ninja Girls: The Thievius Raccoonus // by RainbowRaptorDash1 //------------------------------// "So, who's our first target, Sly?" Rarity asked while she and everyone else were in the van on the road to the first member of the Fiendish Five. "Our first target is Raleigh, and we’re heading to the Isle of Wrath in the Welsh Triangle." Sly answered. "Sounds like the Bermuda Triangle." Adagio noticed. "What's the information on Raleigh?" Karai asked. "Long story short; Member of a wealthy family turned pirate and chief machinist of the Fiendish Five." Sly simplified. "It's a long ride, Sly. We might as well hear the whole story." Rarity replied. "Okay girls, while we're on our way to our first target, we'll need to study up on a member of the Fiendish Five, Sir Raleigh the Frog." Sly informed the beauty trio. "Our first target's an amphibian?" Karai asked in confusion. "Yeah. As a young man, this hot-tempered frog grew bored of his life of luxury and privilege." Sly started off. "Something's telling me that didn't make a good combination." Adagio noticed. "You're right about that. On a whim, he tried his hand at a bit of piracy and found it to his liking." Sly continued. "What?! A wealthy nobleman became a pirate?!" Rarity asked in shock. "It's true. And Raleigh, who quickly became addicted to crime, was brought into the Fiendish Five as chief machinist, where his evil tinkering genius rose to new heights." Sly said. "I just hope he's not like Stocker Baxtman." Adagio responded, while back in their world, Baxter Stockman sneezed. "Maybe you can describe him later. The last reported sighting of this mad machinist was off the southern coast of the Isle of Wrath, a small island uncomfortably situated in the middle of the perilous Welsh Triangle." Sly finished informing the information. "The Welsh Triangle? That's a really dangerous place, since ships that go there suddenly disappeared, not being seen again." Karai warned. "No doubt. And it's the perfect spot for one of the Fiendish Five to build a hideout." Sly added. "Well, I hope we can find out where he's hiding there." Rarity said as everyone weren't far from the perilous Welsh Triangle. And when the van arrived at a gate, Bentley handed the beauty trio special binoculars. "Here’s your Binoc-u-coms. They’ll help you spot important stuff from great distances, and we can communicate through it." Bentley explained. "Not bad workmanship." Karai noted as she examined her binoc-u-com. "Thank you. If you don't mind, I'd like to examine your cellphone." Bentley said. "Alright. A friend of ours made these. And now that I think about it, he’s just like you." Rarity remembered as she and the other two of the beauty trio let Bentley take a look in their Shellphones. "That's a scary thought." Sly joked, making Bentley annoyed while everyone else chuckled. "Rarity doesn’t mean it like that. He is taller than Bentley and doesn’t use glasses. He made tons of gadgets and vehicles from scrap though." Adagio explained. "Sounds like my kind of guy." Bentley said. "We're here." Murray called out, before Sly and the beauty trio exited out into the rain. "Oh, I should’ve brought a raincoat." Rarity whimpered. "Come on, Rare. A little rain never hurt anyone." Sly shrugged off when Adagio spotted something in one of the guard's back pocket. "Hey, what's that?" Adagio asked as everyone looked at the guard. "It's just a sheet of paper." Sly simply said. "I don't think so. My scanner is detecting a safe nearby. Might be something worth grabbing in there." Bentley noticed. "Better take that opportunity then." Karai said as the group jumped over the gate and followed the guard to a marooned ship. "Looks like a salvaging operation." Adagio noticed. "I think it’s more than that, because look up." Rarity added as she, Sly, Karai and Adagio looked up and saw a mechanical blimp with some kind of gas exhausted from the pump on top of it. "Bentley, you seeing this?" Sly asked. "Barely. Once you get closer, I'll have a better idea what it is." Bentley responded. "Right now, let's put a dent in Raleigh's salvaging." Rarity suggested. "You read my mind. I'm counting 12 guards, so we'll have to take them out quietly. It only takes one to sound the alarm." Sly informed. "Hold on, guys. See those searchlights? One careless step, and you'll all be subjected to acute combustion." Bentley warned. "I can take care of that." Rarity said as she used her geode to summon diamond discs and threw them at the searchlights, putting them out of commission. "What was that?!" The first guard asked in surprise. "Eh, probably just the storm. Those lightning strikes are getting closer and closer to us." The second guard shrugged off. "Whoa! Nice moves!" Sly awed, impressed by those skills. "What the?! How did you-?!" Bentley stuttered in shock. "Magical geode that I’m wearing right now. And it only works for me." Rarity explained. "Bentley, I thought magic wasn't real." Sly said. "It isn't... At least, not in this dimension." Bentley responded. "I wouldn’t be too sure. I think we’ll find magic from this world soon enough." Adagio said as Sly and the Beauty Trio snuck aboard the without the guards seeing them. Karai coiled around the sail beam as a guard walked by. "Gotcha!" Karai quietly shouted as she grabbed the guard and knocked him out, before grabbing the piece of paper in his pocket. Rarity snuck bellow and found three guards close to a cell as she brought her sickles. "Good night, boys." Rarity said as she slashed through the trio of guards, and when she put away her sickles, the guards fell unconscious. Four guards were cutting pieces of the ship off when their buzzsaws stopped working. "Hey, who cut the power?" A guard asked, before a cord wrapped around their bodies. "Lights out, boys." Adagio quipped as she knocked them all out cold. Sly snuck up to three guards who were loading up the salvage. "Time for a work out." Sly said as he drew his sais and pickpocketed some guards with his cane before knocking them out with his sais. One of the guards saw everything, but the thief and trio's speed and the lightning strikes made it look like he was seeing demons attacking. "Who's there?" A guard fearfully asked before Rarity stood behind the scared guard and karate-chopped his neck, making him fall unconscious as the others walked up. "You could've waited til he gave us directions." Sly suggested. "Sorry, Sly. But we couldn’t risk him sounding the alarm. And it seems we’re a bit closer now." Rarity responded before a radio was suddenly activated. "Is anyone there? Report!" The voice ordered. "Bentley, can you patch into the guard's radio frequency?" Adagio asked. "Can do." Bentley answered "If I don't hear a response in three seconds..." The voice started to threaten before... "Uh, everything is fine. Storm knocked out the light figures on our end." Adagio said in a modified voice. "I see. Well, what’s the situation?" The voice asked. "We're working on getting them fixed, but the salvaging is going to be running a little slower than usual." Adagio answered in the modified voice. "Hmm… Well, get a move on." The voice ordered. "Yes, sir." Adagio responded in the modified voice. "And don't lose the safe combination." The voice added as Karai looked at the paper she grabbed. "Understood, sir." Adagio replied in the modified voice, and when Sly and the beauty trio were sure the line was dead, Bentley called on the Binoc-u-com. "According to my Amphibio-Positioning System, that big blimp is where Raleigh is hiding out." Bentley said as Sly and the beauty trio looked up, seeing the blimp again. "Actually, that blimp looks more machine than hideout." Karai noticed. "You're right, Karai. That is a storm machine! It's the reason why it never stops raining around here." Bentley realized. "That certainly explains all the wrecked ships around here." Rarity said. "But why would Raleigh want bad weather at his own hideout, 24/7?" Bentley asked. "Beats me, but rain or shine, we're going to steal my family's book back. And if Raleigh gets in our way... it's on." Sly declared. "Adagio, I have something back at the van you might like." Bentley said. "What is it?" Adagio asked. "A voice modulator headset. Come back to the van and I'll give it to you." Bentley answered. "Already on my way." Adagio said as she started heading back to Bentley and Murray. "We'll go on ahead and scout." Sly said as he, Rarity, and Karai went ahead and found a vault safe. "The clue has led me to believe that the code for this vault is 7-9-2." Bentley informed as Sly inputted the code and opened the vault. "So what's the loot?" Karai asked. "One of the things I've been looking for." Sly answered. "Sly, you found a page from the Thievius Raccoonus! This page teaches old Drake Cooper’s Fast Attack Dive Move." Bentley informed. "That'll be useful. But more importantly, that's one page we got." Rarity happily said as Sly put a calling card in the vault. "All three of you, hands in the air or I shoot!" Carmelita's voice ordered, surprising Rarity and Sly, but Karai simply shook her head with a laugh. "Real funny, Adagio." Karai said in amusement as the other two found Adagio laughing while wearing the headset with a holographic eyepiece over her left eye. "I'm sorry. I couldn't resist." Adagio apologized in Carmelita's voice. "I expected this pranking behavior from Michelangelo, Pinkie Pie, Rainbow Dash, or even Sonata." Rarity said in surprise. "You can thank a certain scare king for me and my sisters having a liking of doing pranks from time to time." Adagio explained. "Bentley, did you have a hand in this prank?" Sly asked. "No, but you gotta admit, it was pretty funny." Bentley answered. "Bentley, I can hear Murray laughing in the background." Sly pointed out in an unconvinced tone. "Okay, not exactly involved." Bentley corrected himself. "I just asked him where was Carmelita's voice in the selection and paid him 5 bucks not to tell you I was coming back." Adagio explained. "Okay, I couldn't resist it either the second I figured out what she had in mind." Bentley admitted. "Tell me Carmelita's voice isn't the only one in there." Sly requested. "Of course it isn’t the only voice in there." Adagio answered. "Good." Sly responded in relief. "Let's get going." Karai said as the group headed down the path that leads further into Raleigh's hideout.