//------------------------------// // Aftermath // Story: Unmarked Once More // by gamernerd717 //------------------------------// “I took away your cutie marks.”, the sorcerer answered Apple Bloom’s question. “I needed them for my own ends, and manipulating you girls was all I needed. Now, I implore you to go on your way and never come back here”. “Give us back our cutie marks!”, Sweetie Belle demanded. “Yeah!”, Scootaloo followed suit. Without another word, the sorcerer whisked the Crusaders out of his lair and sealed off the entrance, as to ensure the fillies would never be able to re-enter the place. Even in their worst nightmares, the Crusaders would’ve never imagined they’d be blank flanks once again. Everything they worked for, their entire life achievement, what motivated them to push forward, all gone in an instant. The trio tried to hold it together once they got to the clubhouse, but it was too much for them to take. “This can’t be happening!”, Sweetie Belle cried. “Not again…..not again!” Apple Bloom cried in a mix of rage and sadness. “No no no!”, Scootaloo cried out along with her companions. The Crusaders all let out their tears at the same time. They had no idea what they were going to do. There was a pony they were supposed to help today, but they couldn’t do it without their cutie marks. “What are we going to do? What about all the ponies who need our help? What are we going to tell them when they come to our clubhouse?”, Sweetie Belle asked in a rapid-fire manner. She had so many questions, and couldn’t think straight in her panicked state. “Calm down, Sweetie. There has to be something we can do. Right, Apple Bloom?”, Scootaloo turned to Apple Bloom in an attempt to reassure Sweetie Belle. “Girls….I don’t know. I just don’t know”.