O, Dearest Friend

by Dumium

Deleted Lines

We can’t forsake those who have already abandoned us,
For the act holds no meaning as thus.


—And if a fiend is what they see in their protector and overseer, perhaps a fiend is what they should get!”


I had to try and learn what had happened that made sister so furious and conspiratorial at and against me all of a sudden, as soon as possible.


Few had been the times when I wouldn’t know how to act in difficult a situation.


—as a terrible reality was revealed to me: I was to blame for all that would follow thenceforth.


I was too busy on focusing on fighting in order to pay it any heed at first.


I knew immediately to whom that voice belonged to, because it was the one my little ponies heard when the would come to me for guidance.


But after suffering too much strain and injuries, I could no longer dismiss it, as its words were becoming—