Fallout Equestria: Apocalypse

by BioQuillFiction

The Everyday Work-Life

I awoke from the surgery feeling pretty good. Not quite well rested but definitely okay. With a stretch I got up and blinked a few times. It took a moment to register the… hud, in my vision now. A small compass and odd bar above it to my bottom left. A small square basic map to my bottom right, and to my left one below the next from top to just above that small map were various things such as SLP, H2O, FOOD, RADS… woah. That implant was so worth it!

"I see you have awoken Miss Plory." The Medbay AI Dex said. Her Jellyfish like holographic body floating over me.

"Yeah…and this is a lot." I said, seeing all the new things in my HUD.

"The implants were successfully placed and your Genetic Augmentation one will be usable after three days as the new cells need time to metabolize and multiply within your body. You have been asleep for ten hours."

Huh, ten hours for implants and a genetic rewrite… actually a lot less time passed than I expected.

"Surprised how fast it went." I said honestly.

"The surgeries and treatments only took three hours total. The remaining seven were for rest and to sleep off the leftover medications in your system."

With a nod I headed off. Probably got more work to do… let's see… checklist- oh, it popped up. Nice. First I need to eat. Alrighty, no arguments, second is to meet with… Grunk? Who's Grunk?"

"Answer," Amanda spoke up… not gonna question if or how she apparently read my mind. "Grunk is the name given to the male Griffin who selected you for a mate after he was modified and placed through the Academy for intelligence, education, and job placement." 

Oh… right… I actually forgot about that…

“Alright…kinda forgot about all that…” I blushed a bit in embarrassment and remembering how…I got myself a boyfriend here.

I headed to the cafeteria- Holy crap! I nearly skidded to a halt as suddenly, the formerly empty cafeteria was now a buzz with all kinds of creatures in work suits all getting meals and talking amongst one another.

I had to admit, the line was also different. Aside from some creatures I know from Equestria, there were various aliens too! I think that's a human, like the AI Tony from Vision's honeworld, and… some weird tiny ones with big heads and eyes, and is that one on fire?!

"Ah, there you are." I looked up to see a familiar red eyed griffin male fly down in front of me, sporting a similar suit to my own. Woah… that voice is… yeowza! Like a deep, formal type of southern accent but none of the speech slang. "I finally get to meet you, Plory." He said, brushing some talons across my cheek.

I did not know my feathers could turn red until now…

“Uh…” I stuttered a bit. “It’s…it’s nice to meet you finally.”

"Come, let's get a meal to enjoy with our first date." 


Oh well that's embarrassing… now my wings won't go down…

“Well uh…this is very embarrassing…” I said nervously.

He lead me to the food Dispenser. We both had a fried ham sandwich with mustard. He then lead me to The Garden where he had us picnicking on a planet that had FLOATING islands in the sky.

"I hope you enjoy the scenery." Grunk said as he gently took my talons… woah sweet baby Celestia his talons are so shiny, sharp, firm yet gentle…

“I’m…most certainly enjoying a lot of thing’s right now.” I said sheepishly, trying to reign in my my emotions to try and have some semblance of professionalism and not be a griffon head over talon’s in love.

As we ate we began talking. "I know I've only had a mind of my own for the last eight hours, but I remember bits and pieces of my life in the Zoo. Nothing really… clear but once I was taken to the Academy and given a mind I was overjoyed to learn it was on your order."

“Oh? You were overjoyed because I ordered it?” I inquired

"Yes. When I was mindless the only thing in my head when I saw you was… well, heh, I'd rather not say…" Now Grunk was blushing… "But with a mind of my own, knowledge and self awareness I can actually bond with you! Talk, share moments and be something more than my mindless self ever wanted. Especially once the Academy AI modified me to be of your interests."

“Uh…yeah, they certainly…modified you to my interests…” I gulped. “And…well, I’m glad your happy.”

"More than I ever knew I could before you came into that zoo Plory." He said. He then leaned in, and placed a light peck of a kiss on my cheek.

Immediately, all my feathers stood up, my wings expanded their full span of length, and my face was redder than a ruby… then it all went dark.

I woke up in the Garden still. Thankfully… oh crap did I faint… from a kiss?! On the cheek?!?!?

“Uh…I’m alright…everything’s fine…I totally didn’t pass out!” I said in mild panic.

I tried to sit up only to feel the hefty weight of something keeping me down. When I saw what, or rather, who it was… my brain may have blown several fuses…

Grunk was cuddling me… correction, he was SPOONING me! I was the little spoon, he was the very… very… big, muscular… warm… unexpectedly soft big spoon… he seemed fairly out and once I saw his arms wrapped around my belly I felt… really hot all of a sudden… 

I was actually thankful he wasn't… aroused right now. I don't know how much more I could take if I felt that poke at me or… against me… and now it's getting hotter it seems…

“Oh no…” I muttered, not liking how hot and bothered I was becoming because of this situation. “Could this get any worse?”

Thankfully some god, maybe that elderly one from earlier, showed me some mercy as a short while later Grunk woke up and while part of me did not want this awkward yet really, really nice spooning session to end, it helped me get back under control of myself. "Well, I guess we should get back to work. I will be in Science Lab 98. Will I… see you after work?"

“Yes.” I said a little too quickly. “Er…” I took a deep breath. “Yes, you will see me after work.”

He smiled, gave me another cheek peck and sent my wings at full mast before he left.

Once he was gone I collapsed to the ground and tried my damnedest not to start leaving a small puddle of… liquid, under my loins. Sweet Celestia's tits I have never been so turned on by anyone like that before… ever… like, seriously, not even in my perverted wet dreams have I felt that ready to pounce!

“Okay…why did you have to make him that perfect?” I groaned lightly, putting my tail between my legs to try and keep myself in check.

"Answer. Crew Member Plory showed interest in Crew member Grunk before his alternations and enrollment aboard The Eternity. Data from the Scout Satellites and your own brain scans informing us of your likes, dislikes, interests, hobbies, dislikes and fetishes all were a factor into Grunk's personality and attitude. Even his voice was modified and altered to best suit your likes based on data showings is your favorite voices to listen too."

“Well you could have at least made sure I wouldn’t want to ruin his hips more than the damn war ruined the planet.” I frowned.

"Such a situation is impossible, as those measures were taken care of with some minor genetic alterations giving Grunk the maximum endurance, strength and stamina a male Griffin of your species can have as well as added modifications to his reproductive abilities, and an entire subconscious catalogue of all your fetishes."

Oh great he's also gonna be as horny as me when we do start doing it… curse you advanced alien technology! You've doomed my hips!

“Yeah so…I’m gonna need a longer break at this point…” I said slowly. “Unless you can magically get me off in a moment's notice or cool me off more than a tidal wave of cold showers I think I’m gonna be here for a while…”

"I can have a realistic, life sized silicone replica of Grunk's reproductive organ delivered to your room for Practice. as well as a cold to room temperature shower ready for you upon arrival to your personal quarters. As for your work, it can be delayed for now."

… Wow an AI is better at preparing me for getting laid than I ever was on my own willpower…

“Have I ever said you're amazing?” I asked.

"Recognition is not needed but appreciated."

I smirked. Man, Amanda is definitely learning. Feels less like an AI and more like a Gal Pal.

The battle took many hours in the chilled water. The beast was way, way bigger than I was expecting. But after many hours of trial and error I eventually learned that I can tackle the monster and sweet Luna's moon will it leave me with a limp…

The epic battle nonsense aside, I think that genetic modifications to his genitals were based on a few of my fetishes… Feels like it should be illegal to be packing an Anti-Material Rifle in your pants but apparently that's what my boyfriend has and I only have a rifle case that can hold maybe a hunting rifle without some excess force and something to use as lubricant…

Still I left that shower feeling accomplished and more sexually relived than I ever have before with a normal shower session.

“Ah, nothing like the fresh feeling of accomplishment after a nice shower.” I said with a little pride.

I laid on my bed on my belly cause at the moment my rear was a bit… sore… no regrets…

Still, at least something arguably amazing came out of this chaos… almost enough to make me forget about War and his whole deal… Almost…

I sighed as I pulled myself onto my side and grabbed one of the many books my room had from the prior owner. It was a collection of fairy tales. Most made no sense to me and others were rather odd. Yeesh, these Grimm brothers must have hated happy endings.

Eventually I was well enough to sit upright and wondered what to do next… as fun as that new toy is and as amazing as Grunk is, it's all distractions… something to keep me sane or happy when dealing with War and whatever else might be happening…

With a sigh I figured it was time to review that data Amanda said she had on the son of a bitch.

“Alright Amanda, mind showing me the data on War?”

"Accessing Data." She said, many video, audio, photos and text files all came up in my HUD view.

Okay, let's see, ah, basics.

High Eternian Koposiv Entry 1.

These new entities that appeared after the death, or rather, the rejection of death by the planet are unexplainable.

Four in particular stand out amongst the endless hoards breeding and festering on the planet now.

He goes by War, and frankly his skills and abilities make even myself believe he might be the concept and action given physical representation. Every weapon from crude stone and metal swords, spears, bows and arrows no matter how weak he can use with unimaginable lethality. More modern weapons he does damage and shows skills our best veterans never could achieve in a thousand lifetimes.

He doesn't seem to be immune to damage, in fact he actively avoids it but a lethal wound is but a temporary annoyance as he body regenerates at speeds that are not biologically possible. His genetic makeup shows him to be High Etherian like us yet it seems his, and the others, genetics can change and adapt into any species.

Samples of his tissue and blood have proved… indestructible. No poison, radiation, virus, even nanobots can't break the cell walls apart. They simply can not be damaged nor does the blood coagulate or the flesh Rott. Decay is not a possibility with War… 

Course, the opposite is true for his sibling Death. His cells are all dead yet somehow function as living ones. Another biological impossibility yet here we are with them…

I'll be frank. I have no idea what this or the other three actually are, but if there is a God, then these things must be of their, or some crueler divine entities making.

Hm, this must be from a LONG time ago. Vision already told me basically how their planet became a dark god by rejecting death, making the Demons and those four… so, High Etherian. Also explains why they look like Equis natives now. They shape shift.

“Huh…” I muttered. “That’s…massively concerning.”

Next document.

High Eternian Koposiv Entry 2.

We might be royally fucked here. The entity War has a Psionic power to override the cognitive functions of entities with even basic higher intelligence, and no, Psionic dampeners do little against it. Once he hooks Into them that's it, their mind is gone and all that's left is an imprint of War with the sole purpose of causing death and chaos.

There is at least a silver lining. If the victim dies but is revived the imprint dies and doesn't come back. Sadly neither does the original person, all that comes back is a mindless body akin to a state of brain death. Ethics committee is debating on recording personal minds for events like this but that's a huge debate.

Frankly I don't care. We should toss these monsters into a black hole and hope for the best cause somehow I'm willing to bet they escape it.

At least the other groups are having better progress with the others than I am. They're intelligent, extremely so… maybe if we can get them to understand compassion, the value of life and peace then maybe we can gain allies rather than fruitlessly attempt to destroy enemies.

“Well…that’s good to know…” I muttered worriedly.

The next few documents were more of the same. Finally though. I reached the final entry.

I was a fool…

War played me like a Gods damned string. He understands, he gets empathy and regrets, misery and the joys of life….but he honestly believes there can be no progress without conflict, that there can be no improvement without loss. He will plunge the entire universe into… war, just to see it fight and leave behind only the ultimate species.

He is willing to be a monster for his beliefs and that is a dangerous thing. His siblings tried to stop him. Death is the one that can match him in a fight but thankfully Pestilence and Famine can manage to distract and stun him for short periods of time…

New Eden is gone. And unlike old Eden, it did not fight death. It passed on and accepted it's fate. So few of my people are left alive… War will be back and he can not die; he can only be imprisoned temporarily. Maybe for a year, maybe for thousands, but by the time he is, we will be ready.

The last of the High Etherian with Death, Famine and Pestilence's help are building something to bring hope. We're calling it The Eternity. The most advanced scouting and Archiving ship we will ever create. The project will likely take many years but when it's done, and should the day War is finally slain for good, the Eternity's cargo, DNA, replica worlds, history and culture of every civilization across the stars War will attempt to slay, this ship can bring it all back. But only when War dies permanently. Even if it takes til the end of creation and time.

“Huh…” I muttered. “That’s…really interesting…”

I sat there for a while, asked at how this ship came to exist and how old it actually is… this ship is beyond Ancient… and still the most advanced thing to ever exist.

I put the documents away for now and decided to get some sleep.

A few hours later I got a knock at my door. Confused I got up and saw Grunk… right, after work meet up! "Hello." He greeted with a nod to me.

“Nice to meet you Grunk.” I said happily. “How you doing?”

"Pretty good. Lab work was work. Mostly some soil sample testing and such. How are you?"

“Well, did a lot of reading on War, and contemplating a lot of thing’s about how ancient this ship is.” I shrugged.

"Oh. Cool. Wanna talk about it?"

To be honest I want to do a lot more than just talk but I barely handled the copy and the real thing might split me in two. Still… doesn't mean there aren't other things I can do with my boyfriend.

“Well, there is talking and…well there are other things that we can do…”

I pulled Grunk in and kissed him. On the beak.

Odds are… we're gonna die fighting War, or heck even on an unrelated mission… I'm gonna make the most out of my life before something happens.

So, for now I'm gonna kiss, grope and be groped, and spoon with my boyfriend til I can readily handle his custom made monster.

And I slept amazing that night with him holding me close and tight.

"So, you and Build-A-Boyfriend seem happy?" Storm commented as he and I were checking the cells again.

“Grunk is amazing.” I sighed happily. “I mean…sure they built him more perfect than my wildest dreams but…yeah, we happy.”

"You two… fool around already?"

“Considering I had a limp just from a dildo based on his…proportions, not yet no.” I said. “Seriously, he would split me in half with the size of that thing if we got rowdy.”

"Not gonna ask how you got that, but for your sake I hope he ain't into anal."

I stopped as I thought about that… I'm into that… and he has all my fetishes… oh boy… ohhhh boy…

As Storm walked ahead I gave my rear a sad pat… Sorry… curse my pervertedness…

The room we were checking on was one of the more dangerous ones. Documents showed no pictures, but stated he's fairly docile unless looked at, in which he entered a manic rage state accompanied by howling cries where he will chase anyone who sees his face to the ends of whatever planet they are on and kill them in a fashion so brutal the victims remains photos have a warning on them.

They call him The Shy Guy. And he is placed in a Vibranium cell with no light, very small holes for air, a dark matter force field around it and for added measure he has a Vibranium box locked over his head. It's one of the few metals that can handle his raw strength in his rage state.

“I wonder why he’s so shy?” I wondered. “Or why do they go into a manic rage…hmm…” I hummed, looking through the notes to see if there was any survivor’s that saw this Shy Guy.

… None. Not a single thing has seen him and lived…

"Let's just make sure it's all still working and sealed then get out. Something that dangerous is frankly, not something I want to be around." Storm commented.

I frowned, feeling like there was something more about this being but had to put that in a mental shelf as I had way too many cells left. “Well, I’ll figure out something for this being, cause something about it feels off…”

We checked the cell, finding no faults in anything and headed off. We arrived at the Science Lab, well, one of them, for assignment. 

"Ah, there you are." Vision said as he floated over to us. "I have good news… and bad news…"

“What did War do this time?” I frowned.

"Oh it wasn't War, thank divines. Good news is the Captains are back."

"And the bad news?" Storm asked.

"Well, Pestilence also brought back a small number of concubines, Famine after eating all the food in a town accidentally, repaid them by sharing her blood which terra formed the southern quarter of the Equestrian Continent into a lush jungle of fruit and vegetable plant, and Death is apparently being worshipped as a God for letting the locals speak to lost loved ones and reviving a few of the more recently dead."

“Sounds like an average tuesday then?” I asked.

"If it were an average Tuesday there'd be an angry mob, several pissed off alien gods and Taco's."

“Holy hell, never thought I’d hear Taco Tuesday in a serious fashion, in real life.” I said in awe.

"Yes, well with their return now comes the damage control. Which is why we are going topside to… hopefully not have a repeat of Higal…" Despite being made of metal, Vision shook.

“Should I even ask?”

"Let's just say that while it was a smooth transition at the start, being the cause of a Holy War left a very bad taste in our mouths…" Vision said as he led us back to the elevators. It had been a while since I came through the main entrance. The skeletons were cleaned up thankfully and once we made it out of the tunnel we were surface side. It had been a bit since I saw the sky. I used to look at it and see an adventure across the horizon… now, it feels… oddly, smaller, but still holding promise. "Now then, where is the nearest settlement?"

“It should be that way.” I said, pointing off towards the nearest settlement. “Hopefully there isn’t an angry mob there…”

We all flew towards it, and found all those fruit and veggie plants. There was also a bunch of ponies worshiping what I assumed was a poorly built stick and mud statue of Death, and upon arriving in the town we saw the local Brothel hanging signs stating 'Hiring, no experience necessary, you'll get it on the job.'

The looks Vision got were varied. Some ponies were wearing, some clearly didn't give a damn, and others rolled their eyes, likely not wanting to deal with more nonsense.

"Well, so far so good." Vision said with a smirk and a nod to himself.

“I’m surprised I’m not immediately hearing a chug chant.” I brought up.

"I'll give it five minutes." Storm added.

The next few hours were spent interviewing locals, informing them of who the Captains are, the eventual pull out of the ground of The Eternity, and whatever other random questions they had.

"Well, as far as damage this isn't the worst the Captains have ever done." Vision said.

"And the worst was?" Storm asked.

"Well, it depends. For Pestilence he literally screwed a new subspecies into existence. Famine turned a desert planet into a near endless food buffet of fruit and such but the climate was also drastically altered because of it. Death invented a new instrument once that showed the listeners how they'll die."

“Uh…huh…” I started. “That’s…definitely a thing you just said.”

"Trust me, the absurdity is not lost on me. In any case, getting the Eternity out of the soil will take some time so till then we can probably use this town as a temporary base and point of reference."

“Fair enough.” I nodded. “And considering how they’re either worshiping the captain’s or…well how this place has been terraformed for the better, I’d say it’s a good place to start.”

"Or how most are sleeping with one of them." Storm added.

"Yes, which means once we get everything set up we can begin our space explorations again." Vision said with a hand clap. "Let's head off to Storage."

“Alright.” I nodded. “Onwards to storage.”

We flew back and went with Vision through the many storage rooms. Turns out they had robots ready to construct buildings and such immediately. Once those were out and programmed it was back to inside the Eternity where I did some basic lab work for a few hours before I returned to my quarters where Grunk was happily there to massage me…

And he's really good at it…

“Oh sweet Celestia that is good.” I moaned in bliss from the wonderful massage.

"I'm glad you like it. This is my first time doing this, but the knowledge on how was put into my head at The Academy." Grunk said, using his knuckles to press Into my back and break apart knots and tension I didn't even know I had.

“I…know that sounds weird, but you’re doing wonderful.” I said. “Even if it’s your first time…you can’t really hardwire in experience.”

"Heh, true." Grunk said. After the massage was over I enjoyed a light spooning as we just laid there.

After a while, he tapped his talon on the nearby wall. To my surprise some kind of holoscreen appeared against the wall across from us and began displaying the clearest, brightest and most colorful video I've ever seen… holy crap! It's a TV!

“Wow, an actual TV.” I said in honest surprise. “Didn’t think this would be here.”

"It's a standard feature of every room in the living quarters." Grunk told me. "Every planet the Eternity visits, if it has video media, everything gets archived for later viewing as the crews desire. So far it seems this Earth first mare Vision is from still has the most on record though. Guess those humans loved entertainment." He added with a chuckle.

“I can imagine.” I shrugged. “Considering how many books they wrote, they must have had a lot of time on their hands.”

And so, I lay there spooning up to Grunk as my first TV experience of Human Media began. A show called The Golden Girls.

Many hours into the night and many gut busting laughs later, Grunk and I fell asleep.

The next morning I woke up in a really good mood. Grunk was still asleep spooning me so I happily let him, not even budging… wow, hard to believe it's barely been, what, two days and I care this much for him… does that make me needy or attention starved? Or both?

“This is nice…” I muttered with a warm sigh, loving every minute of this even if I was…most likely extremely attention starved and needy.

It was maybe half an hour later that Grunk finally woke up, giving me a morning kiss before getting up and letting both himself and I stretch.

"So, what's on today's agenda?" He asked.

"Crew Member Grunk is to report to the cafeteria for morning meal then report to science lab 42 for cross pollination experiments. Crew Member Plory has the day off." Amanda answered.

… I have a day off? Huh… wasn't really expecting that…

“Huh, I didn’t think I’d have a day off.” I said in honest surprise.

"Well, I guess I'll bring you breakfast then." Grunk said, giving me a peck on the cheek. "Any preference?"

“No preferences this time.” I shook my head. “Now bring me my food you wonderful stud.” I giggled happily.

He gave me a quick kiss before heading off. Once he was out of the room I jumped back onto my bed and honestly felt like a school chick from some pre-war romance novels.

I decided to see if I could turn the TV on… and there it is. Hmm… well, what else has Humanity made in terms of entertainment… shit! How can one species make THIS much media!?

“Holy shit, how the hell did they make all of this?” I asked in awe, sifting through hundreds of thousands of different media’s…and there was still more!

Hmm… Anime? The heck is that? Well, hmm… looks like odd cartoons. Eh, why not. Let's see… huh. Death Note?

By the time Grunk came back with breakfast I was enthralled in this show. It was definitely not a cartoon ment for kids…

"So you write a person's name in the book and they die?" Grunk asked.

"Yeah…and it's really good for some reason." I said honestly.

"Well, as long as you like it." He shrugged as we ate a breakfast of pancakes, eggs, sausage and bacon. "I'll try and see you on my breaks if I can."

"Take your time." I said softly. "I'll be here when you're done

He smiled at me as we ate. Once the food was done he gave me another kiss and headed off to his work…

The thought that crossed my mind immediately made my wings stand at attention as he left… I feel like we're a married couple… and of course that made the image of a few small purple feathered griffins with red eyes flash in my mind and… I'm gonna use that practice toy in the shower now!

Once I cooled off from that sudden thought and found it was a bit easier this time than the first time with my practice toy, at least I don't have a limp… still sore though…

I jumped back onto the bed and began watching the rest of Death Note. It had thirty seven episodes and the ending was kinda bullshit. From there I was watching and sampling various media.

As I was doing this I reached to grab a glass of water… only for a purple aura to cover my talons and my glass of water to be covered in that same aura and float up some… the magic implant! It's working! Holy crap!

"I got magic now woo!" I cheered happily, happy to see the levitation magic working.

My cheer made my magic surge, and my cup shattered instantly. I yelped, then watched in awe as a tiny round robot emerged from a hole that opened in on the floor, picked up and dried the water, class and left the floor clean again before returning to the hole and the hole being covered again.

Huh… neat…

Now how do I use this magic stuff…

"Answer. Contact The Wizard in the Mystic Arts Room." Amanda said, reading my mind again.

Huh… a Mystic Arts Room… this ship has a room for everything…

"Alright, so where is the Mystic Arts room?" I inquired, getting out of bed and ready to learn me some magics.

To my surprise the minimap in my HUD suddenly gained a small compass on the bottom left corner of it, and a green line across the map… and same green line was in my view along the ground… wow this HUD implant was so worth it.

I followed the path my HUD gave me and arrived in Storage to a small room. It was lined with books and scrolls and in the center of the room next to a fireplace burning no wood or gas, seated in in an old fancy chair was a mummified human corpse. He wore a mostly black suit with a red cape of sorts, and a gold looking medallion hung around their neck.

"Hello?" I asked the possibly still living mummy.

The gold medallion on their neck suddenly began moving, opening and turning until it formed an eye. The green gem inside glowed with power and soon a semi transparent, probably alive version of the mummified human stood before me. "Oh, a Griffin. Wasn't expecting that. Hm." They said, kneeling down to my eye level. "And who are you?"

“My names Plory, and uh…who are you?” I inquired. “And what’s the gem somehow…keeping you alive?”

"Oh, that." He said turning and looking at the mummified body in the chair before looking back at me. "Right. Well, long story short, I am Doctor Steven Strange, and yes, timeline wise I am dead, but thanks to the Eye of Agamotto and some clever spell work, when needed my consciousness can get brought forwards in time, even past my death, to help. Mainly answer some questions or cast a spell. So I am dead, you're just talking to me in the past. I try not to mess with time anymore and especially around or involving my death, so, what brings a young talking Griffin to my chamber that Vision somehow put into this alien ship thing?"

“Well, I got unicorn magic due to the surgeries,” I demonstrated by, thankfully, levitating a book a little bit. “And well…I need to learn how to control it and how to use a lot more magic.”

"Hm, interesting. Which Unicorn if I may ask? Are we talking your basic unicorn, bicorn, tricorn, multidimensional unicorn, or some random unicorn species I don't know of yet?"

“Have you heard of Equis?” I asked nervously, thinking if I just named the planet he might know what I’m talking about. “Which uh…might technically be considered the basic unicorn but after all of…this, I don’t really know what ‘basic’ would mean anymore.”

"Equis… the name doesn't ring a bell. Mind using your magic again?" I nodded, lifting up my talons and letting the legic flow through. It was easier than expected… almost like sparking a lighter. "Hmm… Oh, Oh! This is, wow, okay that is unexpected." Strange said as he stood up. "Well, I know this world, or the world this type of unicorn magic comes from as Galtri. Um, question, how did you get this unicorn types magic, that planet went extinct when a Fallen Star God crashed into the surface."

Well, that confirmed the Security Mare's whole story…

“You confirmed one person’s story…” I muttered. “So I got this from a surgery to help be a better crew member on this ship, and was given this brand of magic.”

"I get that but the species this magic came from went extinct. How could you have an extinct species magic?"

“I think I remember Vision saying that he revived the planet.” I answered.

Strange face palmed. "Of course he did… well if anyone could it would be him and three Embodiments." He shrugged and shook his head. "Alright, now I admittedly don't know much about your magic or where it's limits are. But I do know it is tied to the Reality stone. It's one of the six Infinity stones."

“I’ve heard of those, the Mind Stone is what Vision has.” I said. “So…our magic is powered by that? Wow.”

"Well, powered by, no, originated from, yes. See, each form of magic works and functions in different ways and all tied to the species of the planet that magic forms on. For example, human magic, my own, originated from the Mind Stone. It works by study and understanding the programming the universe and multiverse works under, allowing us to draw energy from them in order to do those same basic universal actions at will. Yours however I don't know how it works cause, well, I can't use it. If I tried it would reject me and if I'm lucky horribly and irreversibly disfigure or mutate me."

“Well…that’s weird.” I frowned.

"Not when you understand how the Infinity stones work. See, as you can guess each stone works as a physical line, like a nozzle or link to a fundamental primal force in the universe. Time, Space, Power, Mind, Soul, and Reality. Each stone is incredibly powerful alone, if you can use them all at once and live, you're a god basically, ya know, without actually being one, but each one only has control over that specific section of the universe. And so any magic that evolved as a byproduct of their powers are also bound to those principles. It's like trying to mix water and electricity or to breathe in space, it doesn't happen… unless, in your case, you want it to." He said, looking me in the eyes now. "I have seen all the Infinity Stones in action before and the Reality stone has literally ignored the programming of the universe and rewrote or broken it with zero consequence. If your magic is tied to the Reality stone then odds are all that power isn't just in the unicorns of that race. That much power would divide itself amongst the species of the world over time."

“I suppose that would make sense why a lot of the races can just…do thing’s, and find nature doing normal thing’s is ‘weird’...” I said honestly.

"Possibly. Without more information I won't know for sure. If you can find some magic tombs or anything on the subject from your world and bring it to me I can study it and help you practice the best I can."

“I’ll try, cause currently my world is…after a brief bit of terraforming near a town as an apology, an irradiated wasteland.”

Strange sighed. "Of course it is. Well, good luck and come back to me when you find anything." He said, his body fading away as the medallion around his neck closed back up.

With that I went back to my room… actually…

“Hmm…” I hummed, thinking about heading off instead of going back to bed. “Let’s change it up.”

I was about to head out… then remembered… damn, what about Grunk. He'll probably be expecting me to be there… gah! Dating and working to save the world are hard!

With a sigh I decided to head back. Maybe Grunk can help?

I arrived to my quarters to find Grunk with a large Pizza. "There you are. Was wondering where you headed off to." He said with a warm smile. 

“Sorry about that, just went to talk to The Wizard about somethings.” I said, feeling oh so happy to see that warm smile again. “Cause I got’s me some magic.”

"Oh, I heard you got that genetic augmentation. So, gonna need some magic tombs. Amanda, can you print off some basic magic tombs for unicorns from Equestria's pre-war time?"

"Printing now." Amanda said. A second later a tube popped out of the ceiling and dropped five fresh brand new books on magic on the table.

… It was that easy?!?!

“Well…I didn’t think it would be that easy…” I grumbled.

Before I got to reading I got to eating trying to relax and feeling a bit cheated at a possible Adventure for some books.

When lunch ended I gave Grunk a quick kiss on the cheek goodbye and then opened up a tomb and began reading…


I fell to my side and saw no more of the books. Huh… read them all already? And in four hours? Damn… well, that was all well and fine but from what I can tell they all basically sum up to concentration plus will power and clear mental imaging with the right mana reserves makes magic happen. Sounds about right given what Doctor Strange said about the Reality stone.

“So…from what the books said…if I just…imagined an apple, and concentrated hard enough…” I muttered, closing my eyes and focusing hard on creating an apple.

Turns out that isn't so simple. Levitation is one thing, creating something from magic… yeah not happening. Haven't felt a claw cramp like this since highschool physics… Should start with more basic stuff first I guess… for now I'll just practice levitation… hmmm…

Using my newfound magic and knowledge from the books I levitated them up and around me easily enough and managed to put them all away on my shelves. Huh, well that was definitely easier than before… huh?

I noticed a new spot appear on my HUD. MP. I had six left. Crap I didn't even know that appeared… or that my HUD could quantity my mana reserves… cool!

“Alright, this is really, really cool.” I said with a giant smile.

I learned that drinking or eating can help restore MP. So my max MP is currently eleven… and it seems like Levitation uses very little MP at a time. Trying new spells uses a lot but practice and constant use can decrease the MP it uses and makes it easier to cast with a thought.

I also find imagining is part of it. I need to visualize key details. Like for a fire spell how hot to make the fire, how big, where it will ignite into existence at and how fast/strong will I throw it at something. Things like that also need to be accounted for.

I decided to rest my new magic powers for now and just relaxed while various songs from the Human culture files played. Starting with Classics, this Beethoven guy was good. His music kinda reminds me of that song that Vending Machine gave me to drink.

I ended up taking a nap, having a pleasant dream about Grunk and myself getting frisky… thankfully I woke up before I made a mess of the bed and sighed. Damn perverted virgin horniness. I swear once I hit puberty it all just came flooding out in many nights of wet dreams and many mornings of washing sheets.

“I really need to have that hunk of a griffon plow me already…I don’t know how much longer I can hold it…” I grumbled to myself.

I swear I had this under control before… everything… damn it is sex going to be a coping mechanism for me? 

I sighed as I wondered if it was worth it to shower again today just to use my practice toy…

I shook my head and pulled up some files from Equestria. Seeing as this ship and those Satellites in orbit gather everything might as well see for myself… Population census? It took census of them all too? Wow, organized by birth year… I wonder…

Skip ahead a few hundred years- Holy crap I'm here!

“Well…didn’t expect that.” I said in surprise. “Also…damn…”

Wondering just how much this ship knows about me I opened my file.

Name: Plory
Species: Griffin
Sex: Female
Birth Mother: Melody Coos.
Birth Father: Melody Coos.
Birth Mother: Deceased.
Birth Father: Deceased.
Adopted Mother: Spring Flower

Age: 22
Sexuality: Bisexual/ Bi-curious
Sexual Identity: Female.
Notable accomplishment: First Griffin to graduate NCR public college, Apprentice under Professor Clockwork, Enrollment into The Eternity Mobile Science Technician Division.

There was a lot of other stuff here and all of it basically hit the hammer on the head… but my birth mother… is also my birth Father?!?!

“Uh…” I blinked. “So how the hell is my mom…also my dad?” I asked, not knowing how that’s possible given…well Griffon’s don’t do that.

I quickly found mom-dad's file here- Unicorn?! She was a unicorn?!?!?!? Okay what in the hell is going on with my birth family?!?

I read through the entire document. To summarize… mom was a whore… no really she worked as one at a brothel. One day someone who was collecting Killing Joke accidentally had some escape and it got to mom. This oddly turned her into a hermaphrodite Griffin. Now, apparently old mom-dad didn't mind the change and it seemed the customers loved it. 

She also indulged in public showings of herself quite literally screwing herself… and that's how my egg came into existence.

Some time later a remnant raider gang hit the town hard and mom escaped with me into the Hoof wastes… only to die leading a pack of feral dogs away from where she had placed my egg to return and take… 

Later that day, mom, Spring Flower, found my Egg…

Wow… the just… wow… wait so if my mom is also my dad am I like a clone of them? At least it explains my abnormal colors but… I mean… what the Fuck?

“Uh…hey, so am I technically a clone of my biological parent?” I asked nervously. “Cause uh…I’d like to know…”

"Answer. Given your DNA compared to Melody Coos, post Killing Joke transformation, your genetics are a 100% match for their own. Biologically, you can be considered a clone, but mentally, you are two completely different individuals." Amanda answered.

Well… that answers that… also explains why I'm such a pervert thinking about it… Still weird… actually, I regret finding out… all the regrets… am very much wanting to forget this…

“I think I need the brain bleach after learning all of this…” I said nervously. “But…seriously, how flexible did she have to be to literally fuck herself?”

My eyes needed to be burned when a video popped up… I do look a lot like her, and she packed a… good slab down there… but I did not need to see that…

I spent the next few hours looking at the ceiling in a blank star… my origins are right out of a wild wasteland tale of craziness… ironic given I usually love those…

"Hey Plory." Grunk said as he entered my room. "Something wrong?" He asked, walking up next to my bed.

“So uh…” I started. “I learned who my birth parent is…as in they got hit with Killing Joke and…I’m practically a clone and…I learned how flexible they are when Amanda showed me my…conception against my will.”

"... Well, that's… unsettling." He said, putting his talons to my head and gently rubbing it. "Well, aside from that, you are still you. Crazy clone origins aside or not. It's not like you have her memories anyway."

“No, I’m still me.’ I asid honestly. “Amanda said that, while I’m technically a clone, I am my own griff, and I should be okay with life even though I saw mom literally fuck herself…”

"Yeah, you need something to help you forget that…"

“They won’t let me get the brain bleach…” I said sadly. “Please help me…”

"Heh, well if you want we can see how flexible you are? If you want, I mean."

I looked at him and took a deep breath. “You just had to ask…” I said, grabbing Grunk and dragging him to bed. “Cause yes…I will show you.”

I spent the next two days after that night recovering. I didn't break anything but I sprained a lot of muscles and frankly I can still smell the musk in the room despite this being new sheets and a new mattress.

Word of advice, when your Boyfriend is a custom built lover with all your kinks and fetishes in mind, you will get to experience all said kinks and fetishes… even some I think shouldn't be possible but we still did them.

I also learned that yes, my rear was doomed once I threw my common sense and personal safety out the door after the third load… I also learned my beak can not take in that beast… but I sure as Tartarus tried… was amazed my rear did though… 

Needless to say I felt like a badly written smut fic and I honestly loved it.

"I'm honestly amazed nothing tore or was dislocated." Dex said as she scanned me over again. 

“Still worth it…” I said happily.

"I would advise against anymore sexual activity of that nature for a while miss Plory. At least until you lay and maybe use another genetic modification to increase your size to one that Grunk won't accidentally damage." Dex informed.

Oh yeah, and I'm pregnant. It's not really a shock to me given… what we did… how long we did it, how MUCH I took in and the fact we didn't bother with any form of protection. According to Dex it's twins, two separate eggs. Also, cool, gonna get that modification later for sure.

“Well, that’s all great news.” I said warmly. “Still…can’t believe I’m going to be a mother…”

"Well when you don't use protection and take nine of his climaxes in your vagina you should be glad you aren't pregnant with more." He's said with a huff. "Other than that you're pregnancy will likely last with you needing to make a nest and your eggs will be ready to lay within a week. And hatch within two months."

I nodded. Unlike ponies, Griffin infants are conceived and 'born' way faster, but still age at the same rate.

“All I can say is…still worth it.” I chuckled.

"Just remember that once your little ones hatch to bring them here so they can be enrolled as Eternity Civilian Crew members."

Huh… haven't heard that before.

“Civilian Crew members?” I inquired.

"Yes. In the past and majority of The Eternity's crew were largely born from an older generation of crew members. They are given the classification of Civilization Crew Members and are restricted to the Residential floor and will be enrolled in schoolings that will help them best obtain a job here aboard the ship."

“That sounds good.” I nodded.

With that done I went back to my quarters which had received a major overhaul. No longer was it a single room and bathroom section, now changed into fair sized single floor house.

There was now a proper living room, kitchen oddly, two bedrooms, a master and one that is a nursery. Two bathrooms. One hallway bathroom, and the master bathroom in the master bedroom, some closets and storage space, and best of all my own office space with the books I'm enjoying so far and, as you can imagine, Grunk. He was basically living with me anyway so, this works out way better.

Under the Eternity's laws Grunk and I are now part of an official Family Unit. First of the new generation of crew members. It's the talk of the ship. Captain Pestilence and his concubines do not count for obvious reasons…

"Wow, so three days and ya finally got him, and got knocked up." Storm said as he flew down next to me from wherever he came from. "Ya know this ain't the wasteland right? You could have let it wait until a month at least."

“Listen…I’m a massive pervert, and he asked me.” I tried to counter. “He was made more than perfect…I love every fiber of his being that’s isn’t just his massive dick…and also I needed to get my mind off of what my birth parent did to themselves to make me…”

"So your solution to forget about your conception was to screw and conceive your own foals?"

“Better than knowing my mom literally fucked herself to give birth to me after a Killing Joke accident.” I brought up.

"... You're a weird bird Plory. So, how are you gonna juggle being a first time mom, your work here, your research and vendetta against War, whatever missions you might get and the eventual truth you'll have to tell that mom pony of yours in the Hoof that you found your origins and she's gonna be a grandma?"

… Shhhhhhiiiiiiit…..

“Uh…I mean…” I tried to find some argument to that…”Fuck.”