Villian's Orientation

by Ferak

Chapter 3: Otherwordly/Dimensional Confrontation

The doctor's transfiguration wasn't akin to dementia's, he still had trouble walking on fours and maybe he wont be able to adapt any time soon he thought, not that it matters, what ever happened to them he may figure out how to fix this mess, he was very uncomfortable with the idea of him being naked, he even asked her about their clothes but she pretty much didn't care shrugging off the question with a "its better this way, it might get in the way, I feel more free" then ignoring any more of his comments about this.

'She thinks its natural or something... maybe her extra animal instincts overpowered her human ones or maybe its all this four over us, at least I dont feel cold during this Night in a dark forest'

It was too dark, cold and even the doctor wounds after countless falls seemed to have taken a toll on his stamina, but his partner was eager to continue since they finally found a road. That finally made their progress less direct, but at least it gave them the idea that they were n't walking on circles.

The doctor was horse, wounded and Starved at that, but he was in too much pain to continue and needed a break, he even got really confused since his partner was wounded too but seemed like her wounds/scratches were gone already, unlike his, this made her more unreasonable about them being not a Big deal, settling near a tree at least until the sunrise he now finally wanted to understand a little more about all of this.
But it was in vain, She went off by herself leaving him behind, he might need to scold her once they get back, or even to normal but he cant blame her, She wasn't sane to begin with.

Trying to rest for the time being hoping she finds help for him might be his best shot at the moment, even if he wanted to pursue her it was impossible due to his condition+wounds inflicted by her, also his legs were killing him, all those walking without anything to eat over 1 full day made him way more weak.


As she took full sprint after the nonsense of her partner "let's rest, continue tomorow" 'why rest now?, when im not even tired, also a fuzzy feeling made her reallyyy go in that way for... Help?, for his sorry ass' she got surprised after trying to do as earlier... Since she seemed to be even faster and her reinforced endurance which seemed to be comically higher than her normal, since a weird energy powered her up from inside which was provided by her new form...
(She doesn't know since magic is unknown to both, her and the doctor)
made seem like she lost time during all that walking but at least she knew were to go now all she had to do was speed up the progress by herself since even if he can't continue, a weird feeling since the day they came hasn't gone away... Even more so, it became more intense since they may be close to where she felt where she may go, maybe sleep or food, since she really liked those, anything was better than this forest, well who was she kidding, she really wanted to get back his plushies of his loved one, even more since he made it special... Or sentient, anyway it was way better this way.

After running long enough, the ground became rockier and the trees sparser, which may have taken mostly 1 or 2 hours for her was like mostly 10 minutes, finally she approached the streets of the village, as usual the houses were closed and the lights off, the night might be the problem in this case, getting the locals to help him may be harder than she expected...
The place was dead silent and tense, like someone was lurking or setting an ambush, But before our villainess could rethink her situation out of nowhere someone tackled her into the ground, and wow...
'This beast is strong like me, also it feels familiar in more than 1 way...'


Meanwhile somewhere else.

"Wait come back!, why..."
"Stupid-A, esto es tu culpa, por ti..."
Slowly the enraged tone changed to concern (not that he would admit it) he felt like his own voice cracked after his words or language felt again comfortable which he quickly noticed, like he started speaking a eldritch otherwordly language without noticing and snapping out of it by a very lucky accident (word)
'Que voy a hacer, esto se siente como una pesadilla, es muy colorido todo y caballos? Que clase de mundo tiene caballos parlantes con poderes?... Es muy afeminado todo, incluso mi y... Incluso mi cuerpo es como un tipo de caballo?, todo esto es muy extraño... como si todo fuese imaginado y hecho por y para niños pequeños'
"Solo espero que encuentre ayuda y no nos meta en mas problemas de los que ya causo... Buenoa quien engaño, claro que lo hará, asi es e- lla..."
Finally stopping mid-words he at some time may have began to think aloud his thoughts, which also was weird...

He tried to wonder what his overlord may be doing right now, at this moment he may even begin to torture him for her explosion, or atleast what he actually saw before ending up here, which was tons of sound which he dislikes, and always punishes them for being "ruidosos".

But it seemed like him wasn't coming anytime soon, maybe this was the punishment? He likes to make a situation or manipulate it for his enjoyment like in his last mission, he made him brawl with the brain/mask parasited Demencia...

The doctor now tried to stand up or at least tried to despite the blood/injuries he may have aquired during demencia's playtime, which he found a little easier now, but who was he kidding, he was in no shape to do any of this, he started to wonder what to do meanwhile she came back, which made him realize he had something which made him wear his beloved "mask" which was like a bulge on top of his skull? Which made him lose his balance trying to touch it he... Fell onto the ground
"Ay... Pero que es esto, un chichon que me hizo esa loca? Y porque se siente como si estuviera unido a mi craneo"
Demencia braced for a fight, which she craved after the big disappointment of those semi-indestructible wood wolfs weren't able to heal back after breaking them over and over again, she wanted to fight back the weird being on top of her but the familiar feeling made her stop, at least for now...
"Surprise!, Ooooh its You/me/us?,Its weird right? ihadthisweirdFamiliarfeelingallthedayhavebeenpreparingasurprisesurprisepartysincethisissuperspeci-"