The Chronicles of Equestria, Book 1 Derpy Hooves and The Elements of Equestria

by Angel Equestria

Chapter 16: Wisdom from acient times, The Run for the light, the spirit of loyality, the generosity of shareing life.

Twillight´s Pov:

What a situation I have dragged in here, first I wake on a beach with a new and totally stranger pegasus, then we get attacked bysome kind of creepy things, looking like a mix of pony, dragon and darkness, I called them Pondragos, not an awesome name but a good description after all, anyways , we have gotten attacked by them but Astralia, the Angelpegasus, helped me to defeat them, she uses magic which I never had saw and even kind of runemagic, creating laserbeams out of the brightest light ever, I only heard of that and I always wanted Princess Celestia to teach me, but it never came to this, well then after we defeated them we met an elder stallion, and Astralia presented him as one of her eight Masters, called, Orion Belt, he was nice thought, and even wise, very wise to be honest, he told us that we were on the Island Chronos, and that there were eight other Islands, wich were called Artos, Portos, Nortos, Albaros, Deltros, Galos and Mortos, together with Lumos, the greatest of the island, which is located in the middle of the ring, these eight shrines are located on the very edge of Lumen, and that
these islands once were connected together with an giant land in a circle shape, but half of the Land has going under as the light had been lost and the darkness took hold, but its said that maybe, only maybe, the light , when it shall return, would be able to recollect all the pieces of the land, making the eight Islands back to one land, the eight shrines will again get used as the protectionpoles of the land .

“So this is the whole story, in order to restore the light we must find the eight pieces of the Angelscore, and then the light inside of the hall of Purity, where the Lightguardian waits to defend, the Light of the eternal Purity, the force of the Angelscore!” Master Orion Belt told us.

“But what exactly are those Cores at all, and why do Jacky and the others need them, and why do they have those orbs on their forehead!” I asked out of pure couriosity and interest.

“Well these orbs are there to be used as kind of an Alincorns horn, all of them have losed, as much as I know, their horn on an awefull way, and well the Orbs are there to replace these horns, since we from the Eldercouncil have no clue if the horns ever will grow back, you must know, the Elements of Symphony arent real Ponies after all!” The Master said making me gasping.

“Wait , what do you mean they aren real ponies?” I asked dumbfounded.

“well, that what we see , the very corps of the Elements of Harmony are only , well, corpses , soulless bodies, formed by the Elements itself, the true form of the Elements are the elements itself, means Venturios is wind so his true form is something based on this Elements, but how exactly they look like, has been forgotten by centurys and no one but the Elements itself or the Queen does know about it, well and due to the incredible Force which can create, but also destroy in the same instant, the Elements decided to create themselves bodies, in order to keep the force under controll, but must this body be complete, but as the Second Millenium of the old world has almost being over, so also the war, the Elements had been hit by an awefull spell, called the phoenixcurse, this curse is an curse which is not able to be erased when it once hit, it works like the name said, it transform the normal lifespan of the victim in the life span of an Phoenix, maesn that at the end of his life, a phoenix, dies and gets reborn out of its ashes, and well since the Elements had been always immortal the spell only had the effect of the ageing, before the curse hit them, they always looked like this, even thought that there form had changed from time to time, but i´m drifting off, well like I said , the Orbs replace the Horns, but logically are these orbs only half as strong as an Alincorns horn, that’s why the Elements decided to create, so called soulcorpses , they split their power and hid the one half inside these Soulcorpses, these are the Elementcores, now that the force had reduced, it wasn´t necessary to completely hold the force back, so we from the Elder council together with Princess Celestia, created a set of these orbs, three Orbs for each Element, the Magic Orb, the Double-force Orb, and the Master Orb, thought the last Orb is only needed when they use their last powerfull Core, the Dragoncores!” the Master told us, and my eyes sparkled, I had heard of them.

“I have heard of them, but the book I read never really told anything about them!”

“Its hard to find one book who has a specific describtion of it, because only The Elements itself know about them, not even the Queen has a clue what exactly they are used for, all that I know from my own master, was that this force never had been used before, but that the Elements became the force as they defeated the so called Ten dragonlords, the Direct opposite of the Elements of Symphony , from their appearance and their names are only three ever named or called in the history, but do we know about them for sure, there had been the Water Dragonlord, Agora-zaphire, the Fire Dragonlord, Raven-pyro, and the Darkness Dragonlord, Tene-ryu, these are all we know about, these dragonlords had been fighted to the time of the first encounter of Nestrell, in the Pause of the War they rised to destroy the remains of Equestria, they are gruesome creatures, spiced with the strongest magic and absolute merciless, well as the Elements managed to defeat them, they took their force and sealed them in other soulcorpses, and they sealed them away , in locations all over Equestria, as the war was fought but the land destroyed, the elements created a dimension where they created a second world, after their memories of the old world, so had been the Mirror world Equuis been created, the world on which we stand. In order to defend also this world, four of the Elements took their whole force and rised up to the new world to defend this, the few folks who had been lived down in Equestria, where under the guard of the Other five remaining Guardians, and the strongest out of them had become the Gatekeeper, even though, she was the Element of darkness, but was she also the twinsister of the Angel of Light, the Element of Light, Lumena or like you call her, Ditzy Doo!” He said and I was shocked, I knew that there had been a relationship between Jacky´s group and Ditzy, but to actually hear it from another mouth was like, wow, flattening, to know that there had been two poniey, which were as old as this world itself being in our town , the one for as long as I lived while the other one came under disguise for the last 6 years.

“So she´s really, but how does it come that she never said something!” I asked him.

“Because as she loosed her horn, she lost all her memories, how exactly that happened is still unclear but it happened 23 years ago, in these 5 years of absence, the darkness came into our land, which had been always protect from a shield as long as Lumena lived by us, but with her forgotten force, which had been half sealed in her body and one time sealed back in the Angelscore, which separated from her body, she wasn’t able to restore the shield, we brought her away to the hospital in Ponyville, the nearbiest town with an professional hospital, also because she wasn´t secure here anymore, do you know who has stole her horn?” He asked us, but I had no clue.

“Her parents that time, they had been under dark magical influence, like we later found out, but we still didn´t know how the darkness was able to break through the shield, anyways, she was in adult age, means over 750 years after her rebirth, but the loss of her horn had such an effect on her, that her whole shape had been transformed, her coat changed from pure white to gray, her blue eyes changed to yellow, her whole shape of an adult mare, changed back to foaly stage, like in the state of a newborn, her memory had been completely erased or better said sealed with her own force inside her body, she became a normal pegasus without any magical force, we then decided to keep her near the hospital, and our Highpriestess took her in, she was one of the most lovely and kindest ponies in our whole land, her name is Brightlight Doo, from where Lumena became her new name, Ditzy Doo!” Finished the master and I was buff.

“So her own parents have stole her horn after they somehow came under dark influence, and Lumena became Ditzy after she lost her one half of her force, and the other had been sealed in her body, but why didn’t you tried to open the seal?” I asked.

“You don´t get it and I can´t blame you for it, it’s a bit complex, but since they are not real ponies, their power is always constant, there is no actual magical power who grows with the years, the magical font of the Elements is always constant as long as there is no special coremagic added to it, so if we would have opened the seal in foally age, it would have destroyed her body for sure, the force gets normaly unleashed in the Teenager stadium, only held back from bursting fully out with help of the Magical Orb, then when they are old enough or if there is a need for, they become the last bit of their splited magic, their Element core together with their second orb, the Double-force Orb!”

“And where is now this Double-force Orb!” I asked, expecting him or somepony of the other masters to have them.

“Lady Lumena´s Pet has it, the giant Dove Kuronema, one of the Symbols of old Equestria. There are in all four Legendary Birds, Kuronema the Lightdove, Temrha the Ghostcrow, Freyenya the Soulowl, and Sherezade the Angelsswan, as much as I know they all belonged to the strongest beings on the side of the good, So Kuronema belongs to Lady Lumena, Temrha to Lady Tenebra, Lady Lumena´s Twinsister, Freyenya belongs to Lord Shockwave, and Sherezade to Queen Equestria, its told that Sherezade only appears to the one which she chose out, since she´s an Angelswan she can´t be seen by everypony, the same goes for Temrha, but she so or so mostly lives in Old Equestria, better said in Tarakena , the Land of Darkness by her Mistress, Lady Tenebra!” The Master tells us, while we currently were on our way to the so called Hall of Magic, throught the dungeon, slaying here and there monsters and Pondragos down.

“You seem to know quite much about the Elements, but how are they, what are their true behaviour I mean, I know that they are polite but they are also very proud, they are extremly well skilled, and they seem to like to teach ponies in their kind of magic, as much as I see, I think that one of my Friends, Fluttershy the Element of Kindness, already has been taken under the wing of Floraya, but i´m not really sure!” I said to him.

“Well, I can tell you a bit about our Mistress and a bit about the others, but do I know from those guardians who are still down in Old Equestria , only as much as all the others know!” He answered and I was completely ear, while I trotted next to an equally interested Astralia, she listened the whole time and I was glad to came to know such an attentive pony, even though she don’t really like to speak much she is always friendly, she gives off an aura of kindness and of wisdom, same as me, according to what Fluttershy once said.

“ Well lady Lumena, isn´t just a very Kind person, but she is very popular in our land, everyone loved her, she is from the hardworking kind, never to shy to grab the things with own hoof or hands, depending on how she wants to be seen, she gets herself dirty and didn’t care so much about clothes but does she like them too, the most of the time she wears an white tunica with an lightblue belt around her waist, her halo always seemed to be made out of pure gold, she always was the very symbol of an healthy and good mannered mind , she loved to laugh, and to dance , she loved to sing and to play on the organ of Harmony, an old instrument located in the Cathedrale of light, she was there by every Church exhibition, be it an Baptism, communion, marriage or funeral, she was always there to give blessings to newborn, to the just married couple or to give her honor to the dead ones, the young as well as the old, everyone loved her, even her parents before the faithfull day, it was a shock like you never will see again, the whole land was in deep sorrow as we from the internal eldercircle tried with all our might to hold the unleashed force back and to still save the Angels live, sure she cant die due to her immortality but to create a complete new corpse for her is very difficult and it would probably take all the power of the whole land, we managed to save her life and her force which began to transform itself in the Angelscore, while her natural born force sealed in herself, after we managed this, we brought her to ponyville where she lived there for the last 23 years.

Well the land wasn’t what it was anymore, the deep sorrow brought discomfort, and mistrust with itself, causing the people to become more and more dark minded, the darkness began to creep in our heart, poverty and disease covered the land, and the discomfort rises until the first hatred came, whit the hatred came revolution against the curch , and soon we had rampages through the whole land, Darkness was something fully unkown by us and we had no clue on how to handle it, so we decided to use the force of the Angelscore to revive the shield and to banish the darkness out of our land, but did we underestimated the force of the Angelscore, we thought that together with all the elders forces united, we would be able to controll the force, but we were wrong, the power overrun us and as the darkness attacked in form of an rampaging Draconequus, we tried to use the force of the overhelming power as a weapon against it, something for what this power usually was made, but didn’t we ever could controll the force and the amount we released, we felt on our own lives of how much such an Element-Alincorn body needed to hold out, the force of the light began to completely ran out of controll and it destroyed the land, we managed to evacuate the land before it collapsed, only the eight Islands had been survived, the light completely was gone , and the Angelscore destroyed, it hide itself in the dungoens to regain its force, eight pieces, together they are the Angelscore of light, their remaining force has separated and crystallised, and is hidden inside of the Hall of Purity, so when the Angel gets back the Angelscore and its light, she may be able to restore the lightshield, throw back all the darkness and maybe even to revieve or raise the land back to itself, this is our biggest wish!” The master said and I needed to hold back my tears.

“Well that was it for Lady Lumena, for Lord Shockwave, I only know so much, he is mighty in love with Lady Lumena, and he visited Lumen quite often to be honest, he is very wise and he loves to sing , day in day out, favorable in a duet with Lady Lumena, he was also very beloved here in our land and everyone always said that they both where the perfect couple and we always knew it wouldn´t last long for them to get kids, well after the Catastrophe in Dezibeltown, he lived 8 years on its own, then he lived 7 months together with Lord Venturios by Fabula, the nomad-folk of Wind, then he found the folk of Symponya, also a nomad folk , then he lived there for until 7 years , then he lived for two years alone in the mountains around ponyville, and then he came 6 years ago down to ponyville, but all I know of his life before he lived alone is, that the town where he lived had been destroyed, almost completely erased from the map, since years he wasn´t there anymore, avoiding to speak about and even to visit it anymore, he was one of the few survivers, but we don’t know of how it has happened, not even Symponya knows about, they used to live there, but an internal conflict has split the folk decades before the incident and so they became nomads.

For Lord Venturios, well he mostly lives together with Fabula, the Folk of wind, or with the Stormhawks, his old flyergroup, down in the Hurricane Canyon, by his folksister, Compass rose, in his freetime he loves to dash around the sky or to write books under the synonym, Midnight Shadow!” he said and I know that I heard of that name before, that I saw it in one book before, but cant I remember which one it was.

“Do you know a title of a book from him?” I asked , the Master.

“I think the last book he wrote was Daring Doo and the Azur Statue, or something like this, he always loved to write about adventures, well he was been found by an befriended Circusdirector and his son, after he lost his horn, also he is very secretive about it but it´s understandable, no one likes to speak about something like that, well the circus director saw his talent and brought him to an befriended nomad folk, which used windmagic, that was the folk of Fabula, after Lord Venturios became older, he began to search for an place to settel down with its folk, and they found it according to history in the wide Hurricane canyon, a deadtrap for every pegasus or pony who isnt used to fly in the strongest storms, there shall also be an trainings camp for the royal guards, well the pegasi logically, so they will learn to fly constant in the wildest storms!” I was amazed, so the royal guards were train by one of the Elements of Symphony and I think it would be interesting to see RD´s expression when she get´s to know that Venturios is the Author of Daring Do.

“He is kind and proud and he has a heart of gold but is he also a joker, and he loves to fly through the strongest storm only to test his limits, his sister is always concerned about his condition and if it would go after her she would have him in the house everyday, I saw her one time and she is very shy but extremly kind!” Hmm sounds like that kind of pony from which Fluttershy could be.

“Well Lady Floraya, is a very nice person, as long as you don’t destroy the nature, but when you do, you better have strong and good contidioned runninghooves, she´s in an eternal clash with Lord Shockwave, because he seems to get on her nerves with always causing from new, craters in whole Equuis, by landing too fast on the ground, bringing Lady Floraya up the palmtree, the last time I know she lives in the Everfree Forest, and she shall also have created this forest, after her folk has practically destroyed itself during an internal war, they had fought over her, one side wanted her out of the Folk , for no explicit reason, and the other side wanted her to stay, an war broke out which destroyed the whole tribe folk of Chlorophelia, leaving only two members, Lady Floraya and her Folksister Zecora Madonis, but there are rumors, according to these , that the Folk has been raised from the death, is that right?” He asked me curious.

“Yes as much as I saw, the one side of the folk who had been for Floraya has been completely revieved, but do they don’t know either how it is possible, they just keep saying that Floraya must have prayed to Queen Equestria for their lives, and that the prayer had been heard, I don’t know more but a few of them were with us as the wave took us here!” I siad and I shrugged, not knowing more.

“Ah so is that, well then i´m glad for her, anyway, well, now we come to the Guardians who live in Old Equestria, Ladys First, so Lady Jetfire is a little Stormwind, always there where a explosive party is, she loves to set huge spaces in flames, like her Element Fire allows her to, she is one of the best flyers out of the Elements and it´s said that she came up with the idea of calling them all Fallen Angels, and years before the incident in Pyro Town, where almost same to Dezibeltown, half of the town had been destroyed, she used to live with Pyron the Folk of fire in Pyro Town, but after the incident she vanished, its said by Lord Shockwave that she lived after the incident by the Dragons in Old Equestria, since 23 years she hadn´t set a hoof up here in Equuis, only for exactly 2 hours to fly one full circle over Dragon´s Mountain each year, then she used the portal to go back in Dragon´s Hill, down in OE, well honestly we can´t blame her, the whole case was a nasty one, according to reports, there had been a real chase for her over the whole town, as they got her they shall have slayed off her horn like by so many of the Fallen Angels, well the blast which had been created, had the power of an minor hydrogen bomb, destroyed half of the town and the town was huge, I mean really huge, as huge as the half of our land to be honest, I think you girls can imagine of how much of destruction that was!” Master Orion Belt said and I gulped, so powerfull that they destroy whole towns and even lands, I cannot imagine of how many destruction they could cause if they were in full consiousness.

“And that´s exactly why they hold themselves hidden for so long!” The Master said and I just recognized in the same moment that I had speaked my thought out loud, like so often.

“Like its been told, great power creates not only big responsibility but also big concern and mistrust under the public, the people see the overhelming force of the Elements and ask themselves if they ever will do something against them, or if they ever would be able to even stand against them when they would tick off and rampage through town or land, that’s what I think has happened in both Dezibeltown and Pyrotown!” The master said but then I had an question eating inside of me.

“But then why don´t they hate, mistrust or even try to assasinate Princess Celestia or Princess Luna?” I asked and I was almost ashamed of myself for asking this question, but didn’t I understand all of this .

“Because when you look at the Princesses you see the very form of them, you see how they look, you know what they do and where they live, you know exactly that they are the ruler of Equestria and that they are always fair, but when you see the Elements of Symphony, what exactly do you see by looking at them, when you see Lady Lumena for the first time what did you thought, or as you saw Lord Shockwave?” He asked me and I needed to think back.

Well I knew Ditzy always just as a kind filly, trying to live her live as best as she can, doing her job good, even when she sometimes looked as if she didn’t it right or somehow she appeared out of nowhere almost Pinkie like, or she flies on the back, things like this, she was funny, kind and a wonderfull mother according to Carrot top and Miss Cherilee, and I mean Dinky is a very polite and lovely young foaly, all in all Ditzy was a bit strange in a good way but she was lovely and a friend to do everything with, if you get to know her, and then the day when I saw her and shockwave the very first time together, I saw a complete new side of her, I saw how strong she was, how she glowed and her whole appearance became cold , ice cold and dark, as she protected her daughter, or the moment she got angry and furious about the Diamond werewolf, who treated to kill her beloved daughter, the moment as I felt the first time magic at her, this signature of warm and caring magic which had also something dark on her, her eyes who became hard and absolute unmesurable from one moment to another, her look from the once cross eyed to an hard normal straight forward look.

And the same happened when I saw Jacky the first time, his appearance and his whole look screamed like total trouble , and first I thought he was only snobby or boasting like Trixie, but I got to see that everything he said was true, his power and the force of his magic was incredible and out of almost every league and after I knew him a bit longer, I got to see that he wasn’t like that at all, he was caring, and lovely, I saw him playing with Dinky and the other foals, I heard from Miss Cherilee, of how Jacky practised with Dinky and the class, other than to speed teaching the lyrics, he teached them the lyrics verbaly, really trained intensive with Dinky as the frontsinger, and she made it with big success, I saw how concerned he was over both of us, Fluttershy and me, and even about Floraya as she ticked off that time in the Forest temple, but when I saw him fighting against Stone Rich there was again this hardcore darkness and this unmeasurable destructive look in his eyes, ready to kill , everytime, everywhere and everypony in his way, it made me shiver and I got myself in doubt as if the whole friend act was only façade.

“I Honestly cant really give an answer to that, he can be really scary with times, but he is also very caring and protective over his friends an the one he loves!” I said and the master snipped his fingers.

“And that’s exactly it, no one can tell, Twilight, the Elements of Symphony are not only the Creator of this and the Old World, but also the Guardians over the two worlds, they do everything necessary to help holding the peace in Equestria, and when I say everything I mean everything, they participated in so many wars, that the whole reports seemed to be completely out of the air, but they are all true, they took action in more wars than you can imagine, they took themselves endless amounts of scars and handicaps, they losed more people they liked or even loved in the war than even the Princess, they fight with all their might to hold the peace in our world, with their force they create and they destroy, always for the greater good, no one can tell how they really are, so like no one can tell how they really look like, like I said they always change their appearance from time to time, and that makes the public nervous, to never know how they look, to never really know where they are and if they don’t listen to them just in this moment, if they would help them when a war breaks out, or if they just help the ones who they love, the people don’t trust them because they are highly afraid of them, and this fear is just normal, you also have fear sometimes from Princess Celestia for nothing, she might like to sometimes trolling a bit around or to entertain herself by joking with someponys, but is she always fair and and willing to listen to her subjects, but the people know that, they see her , she never really change her appearance big, nor does she ever really gets angry when not needed.

The Princess is someone who you just cant other but love, for what she is and what she represent, but the elements, from Water and Nature and light there is plenty, if there is no sound the ponies just make it, the people just don´t know how to thank them anymore, or they think that they don’t need the elements anymore, the most of them even have completely forgotten about them, or do you ever found an book which had described or even mentioned the Elements of Symphony, no because the ponies simply think that the Elements had been made by the symbol for life itself, Princess Celestia, there are also several books over centurys and decades, who state about the same thing, that Princess Celestia´s parents where the creator of this world, but that isn´t true, Queen Equestria and the Elements of Equestria have created this world, and that is a thruth that has been forgotten by the majority of this world!” The Master said and I thought about it, he was right, if the Princess never would have tell me in private and let me swear, under an thruth spell, to never tell somepony,not suited for the truth, this story, I would never would belive that it actually were true, the first time when Ditzy told me, she had seen the Queen Equestria, I don´t know how she knew, that I knew something or if it only was guessed since I am the Princess´s protegée.

“I guess I never really can say that I would be able to fully trust them but I will try my hardest to not let them hang!” I told him and he ruffled my mane.

“This is the first step on a hard way of trust, but it is a step forward after all, well anyways I guess we are here, this is the Entrance of the Hall of Magic!” The Master said as we stood infront of a giant gate, which opened almost instantly, letting out a flood of light.

“From here on can´t I come with you, here are only, fillies with an strong, unbreakable and pure heart allowed, only the ones who know magic in its purest form are able to bring back the fragment of the Angelscore!” The Master said and I looked at Astralia, and she nodded, understanding me without a word, I turned around to thank the master but he was gone.

“Eh, where is he!?” I asked dumbfounded.

“The Masters mission is done, he had waited so long for someone who is able to find the fragment of light, in order to do so, he had but a spell on himself, that his soul will be bound as long as somepony comes who is able to restore the light!” Astralia said and it were the longest sentence till I knew her.

“So you mean, he was a ghost!” I asked ready to freak out.

“I would rather call him an earth bound soul, but , yes, ghost matches better!” She said and I was dumbfounded, I just had an rather interesting and long conversation with a ghost.

“Thud!” the sound of me, fainting.

“Geez, now she´s useless until she wakes up!” I weakly heard Astralia say, or it was what I thought at least, the last thing I felt was that I was dragged towards something warm.

Meanwhile with Rainbow dash and Venturios

Rainbow Dash´s Pov:

Okay , let me get this straight, first I fly with Mr. storm throught that tornado-like storm, then we suddenly are getting chased by something black, then we get dragged by the storm and stranding or better said crashing on an unknown island, then we get attacked by some strange Cannibal ponies, then we meet such an Elder Stallion, who keep telling us something about the Hall of Loyality and dragged us into some kind of underground dungeon, then we getting attacked by giant Insects which Mr.storm shoots away with his storm magic, and then we stand infront of an giant Gate, which opened like from ghosthands, the Elder babbled something from that we need to go in on ourself, then that dick simply vanished in thin air, like he never existed or stood on that place at all, shitting the crap out of me, and now we are kinda stuck in an hack and slay game against the guardians in this hall, the fuck is happening here.

“Urgh, what the hell is wrong with this island!” I shouted as I blocked the giant sword of the guardian with my own, it was hard but definitely as shorter and thinner as the meat ax of my opponent.

“Stop rambling and fight like a Stallion!” Mr.storm yelled and still getting on my nerves.

“If you still don´t get it, I am a mare!” I yelled to the stallion who took two guardians down at once.

“And that’s an excuse for what exactly, havent you seen Floraya, she´s a mare too, but she could take these suckers down like nothing!” He yelled, and I need to remind me, he was right , Floraya was a mare too.

“And what about you, aren´t you too an Element of Symphony, like Floraya is?” I mocked him, and I almost could see the veins at his neck in anger.

“As you cocky, little filly maybe havent seen, has Floraya already her full force back, mine is still split in half, as long as I havent my Stormcore, I cant create bigger things than an wolf out of wind, if only I have my Stormsythe with me, I should have heard on Compass Rose and actually bring it along!” He yelled, as he pushed back another guardian.

“Who is Compass Rose?” I asked curious.
“She´s my little folksister!” He answered bluntly.

“Aha , thanks for the info!” I said sarcastically, I looked to the side as one guardian approached me, than I saw it, in a corner stood an long staff with an long knife on it, I quick planned the thing through, then when I had the possibilitie I losened my grip on my sword and let I go while bolting towards the long staff, I grabbed it and flew over to Venturios.
“Hey Venturios, catch!” I screamed as I throw him the staff as soon as he looked.

“Thank you, its not a sythe but its better than nothing at all!” He screamed then , faster as I could see, he filled the staff with wind magic and rammed it with the uncovered end on the ground , creating a shockwave out of wind, blowing away the Guardians.

“Here we go, Zanpakuto!” He yelled, and I could see how a giant needleball out of spining wind created around the blade of the staff, I saw him jumping on one guardian , and beating it with one strike straight down to the ground, where it turned to ashes, while I watched all of this, I didn´t payed attention to my own surroundings, as suddenly I got hit by an guardian, he punched my his fist right in the face.

“Rainbow dash!” I heard it coming from him, I heard how the guardian stomped over the ground and I saw it coming but wasn’t I prepared for the impact, I felt how the air got pressed out of my lungs, I felt how I suddenly had a metallic wet taste in my mouth, and I didnt like it a bit, but the thing what I felt the most was the pain in my guts, as that asshole stomped me right in my stomach, sending me flying a few meter, I prepared for the impact with the hard ground, …., but it never came, I felt how strong hoofs wrapped around me,and I heard a thud and a groan, I managed to open my eyes a bit, I saw him screaming in my face, blood running down his cheek, I think I smiled, with my cocky smile, because he smiled to, behind him I saw suddenly a guardian, and I was bright awake from one second to the other.

“Watch out!” I screamed but it was too late, the sword already stabbed through his body, I saw how his blood crashed out of his muzzle, I saw how the sword stuck out of his chest, I saw how he smiled, like an sick idiot, I looked behind as I heard screams, I saw how those guardians became what they deserved as the long staff with the giant blade on it, pierced right through their bodys, by getting accelerate by Ventus stormpower, turning them to ashes, but I hadn´t time to enjoy and to celebrate, as I felt a weight on my shoulder, I felt Venturios head on my shoulder, he panted hard and I felt how the blood soaked my coat.

“Go , get the Fragment of light, I am okay, you don´t need me as burden, you must find the light, go and get it!” He said weakly , I saw his smile but I also saw how the light began to fade out of his eyes, no , that can´t be true.

“Fuck you, you don´t die here, got it, you live, You will live, you got to live!” I screamed as I suddenly felt a weatness on my cheeck, I don´t know if it was because of my pain, but I told me that it was okay to cry, to throw my pride away when I want to save somepony, when I see somepony who gives up.

“Don´t you dare to leave me alone, don´t you dare to die, I will not see that, you don’t give up got it!” I said as I ripped the sword out of his chest, I opened my medical bag and found what I searched, luckily Venturios told me to take first aid material with me, when he woke me up back then , when our journey began, I stabilized him in an upright position and began to wrap the bandage around his torso, I was afraid that he might got an infection, or that he already had lost too much blood , so I zipped up his vest and put it down, and , yes I admit, I never saw a colt beside of Big Macintosh, with such fine muscles, every of his muscle I could feel, he was very good looking too, to be honest, i blushed the moment I thought that, but it was true, he wansn´t just an realy good flier, flying through the storm like nothing, but he also was indeed very good looking, not that I actually see me with him, but if one was at least a bit healthy in the head, they would admire him for his body, even better trained and shaped than Soarin´s, and his coat, I thought it would feel rough and hard from all the little treatment he did in the last few days since I know him, but no, his coat was, well, soft and fluffy, more like a newborn pegasus, but it can´t be, that he has such a soft coat, or did I just felt that, because my senses are still in a rush by the hurt of this armed foot, who sended me across the room.

“No that cant be!” I said after I was done with wrapping, I looked down at him, laying my head gently at his chest, to hear his heartbeat, it still slayed, I listen to it.

“Boooboom, boooboom,boooboom!” it was a constant thumbing and it was , actually nice to listen to, I layed my head on his chest to listen more, and it slayed, I don´t know how long I sat there like this, but I was glad, I don´t know how it happened, or why I didn´t finished my mission, but all I knew was that I didn´t wanted to, I don´t want to do a mission if I don’t know that my friends are safe, I don’t know where the others are, but I don´t want to lose now the last remaining one, Venturios was the only one I have for the moment, to lose him is something in don’t wanted at all, because I don´t know where I will end without him, and if I ever can return, to come and saving him , how could I go further when I needed to leave him behind.

“I will stay by your side, I don´t leave because I care about you, I don´t care about the fragment of Light or whatever, you are the only one I still have, I will not go away, how can I ever leave a man behind, when we shall find this core , we doing it together, we will leave this dungeon together, and that is my last word!” I said still having my head on his chest, I suddenly felt how his hearbeat changed, it changed from slow to fast, I felt warmth coming from my saddlebag, I opened and looked inside, I saw how the element began to shine and to rise out of the saddlebag and wrapped itself around my neck, I felt a warmth rush through my body, and I almost saw the glowing in my hooves, I don´t know how but I knew suddenly exactly what I shall do.

“Don´t you dare to die, I will not leave you down here!” I said as I put my hands on his wounded chest, I felt how the warmth traveled trough my body and over my hooves into his chest, he began to shine and I suddenly had a feeling that every thing would be alright, the light still shined and I put my head back at his chest, again hearing the constant slaying of his heartbeat.

As soon as the light came, it faded away again, and I suddenly felt another warmth, coming from somewere else, I saw a shadow behind me and I was ready to freak out, but before I could do I recognized that it was my own, I looked behind me, to be greaten by an bird, a bird of light to be precise, it was bigger than every bird I ever saw.

“Element of Loyality, you have proven that you are worth ,for what this Hall held in for you, you have proven that the live of your mans is much more important to you then the biggest treasure, not only once but twice, also as you decided to help your friends instead of joining the shadowbolts, or that time as you wanted to help your hometown, even though you made a wrong chose because it was only a trick, but it had showed me that you always want to help everyone when its needed, I have looked in your soul, Elementbearer, and I saw light in you, the light of Loyality, and so be it, from this time on, you are the Bearer of the Light of Loyality, so long until its time to give the light back to the one it rightfull belongs!” The bird said and I suddenly saw a lightsphere floating towards me, it floated right into my hoofs, and as I touched my hoof the light faded, revealing an piece of an amulett made out of pure gold, I sensed an strong feeling from it, and a gentle heat radiated from it.

“Take this fragment of light, and fullfill your mission, we will see each other again soon !” The bird sayd and suddenly my vision became blur, I fainted and I felt how my head gently touched Venturios chest , again, I smiled.

Meanwhile in the hall of Generosity:

Rarity´s pov:

I hate it here, since we arrived on the rocktower, and entered the hall, things had going mighty downhill.

“How could it come so far?” I asked myself since I landed in this stinky old Armor, but was it better than being stabed to death by those little suckers who kept coming at us with their forks, little monstrosities of something looking like lyzards with giant forks, I fighted against them but wasn´t I very good in fighting with an sword anyway, nor did I knew anykind of battlemagic to defeat them, Pinkie however simply jumped around and somehow manged that she landed on one of those things head, planting it down, or she jumped just a moment before two of them could catch her, causing them to collide with each other, Spike, well Spike was another case, he simply burned the lyzards butt.

“I hate this Island!” I said after we finally managed, well or better said pinkie and Spike managed to get those things all down from me and over the edge of the plateform on which we fighted
“Wow this was one funny game!” Pinkie said not even the slightest bit outpowered.

“Well it wasn´t that bad , I could had been worse, like when the plateform suddenly begins to literally melt by an lava sea under us!” Spike said and I looked at him, with a doubting glare.

“I will not even ask what for videogames Luna brought last time, you, twillight and her had an videogame session.
“I had invited you but you wouldn´t at all, you were busy to cry again over Blueblood because he didn´t replied your love!” Spike said with an spicy amount of sarcasm.

“I´m sorry that I at least wanted to try it again, but I learnt my lesson he is and will always be an butt!” I said with determination, that asshole is realy a number , just because he is a prince he behaves like the greatest snob on earth and constantly want me to do everything for him.

“Didn´t I told you so from earlier!” Spike said, and I need to say, he was right, he did said it earlier.

“I guess so, well thanks anyway, and,….!” Suddenly the whole room , which we just entered began to shook violently, I looked behind only to see how the Gate behind us closed by an big Stonewall.

“OH,nonononononoononononooooooooo!” I tried to held it up with my magic, but I was way too weak, I should have learned more than just fashionmagic, geez.

“This cant be good!” I siad as I looked in front of us, there layed something looking like a giant armor, I reaylly hope she does not what I think it does.

“Uahahhhhhrg!” Suddenly the Armor came in motion, and I beated myself mentally up for my thought, the armor began to raise and faster than I knew, a giant Knight stand before us, he was at least twenty feet high.

“Meeeeeeeeep!” I made as I looked how that thing stood in fron of us with a giant sword, from a bread of ten hooves, his eyes were from a strong yellow and its pupils from an evil red, looking at us, I shivered and I must say this, as much unladylike that is, but it I almost shitted my not existent pants.

The Knight raised its sword and froze in that position, for a while, I was curious as if it had been stopped, but faster than my thought came, I got to learn that that thing simply played with us, I suddenly felt his glare at us and I just had one secodn to throw spike in ther opposide direction and to jump before the sword crashed at the spot we stood just a second ago, I looked behind and I saw how the sowrd sudenly came behind me , ripping up the wall, who , like from magic repaired itself instantly, I runned, as fast as the armor I was in allowed me.

“Aaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhh!”, I scramed with tears in my eyes, I suddenly heard some other sound, and I looked behind me, what I saw was even more gruesome, the Knight had changed the swords hold and it aimed now with the blade-side at me, while ripping the wall with the end, when I look at the whole diameter of this round hall, and where this Knight stays, I must say that there is no escape, the thing stands right in the middle of the room, using the full diameter to attack.

“Why is this happening to me!” I screamed as I ducked, the sword raced over me, and I was glad, but now I saw how it was behind Pinkie and Spike.

“Oh no, you don´t!” I screamed and laucnhed for both of them, I managed to get a grip on them, I honestly have no clue from where exactly this rush of adrenaline came, but all I know, is that I mangaded to jump back and under the sword I waited before it changed its hold again and I decided to simply running behind the sword, but to be honest, I should have known that my calculation was for an ass, because as soon as I runned two full rounds, the blade stopped, and what I saw now was the greatest horror ever, the knight took out of a shade from his back another sword in the other hand, and as soon as it ripped the wall to the exact same high, the sword we had runned behind , changed its direction and manner to be hold and it chased now behind us.

“Ohh nuuuuuuuuuu!” I screamed as I runned away, but what came next gave me almost the rest, the other sword which I saw earlier, came racing at me, how was that even possible, I jumped with the others and like in a dance I jumped just right in an horizontal manner as both swords crashed over and under me and the others, missing us for an hairs breed, I came up back on my feet, I looked at the Knight and I saw what I thought would never happen to me, the Knight had transformed into an tower with Swords on arms in every height and on every direction, making it impossible to hide, I looked upwards as how hight I got, that’s when I saw it, above the tower was an opening, a tiny little opening fit for letting a pony throught.

“Guys, we need to get out of, here, and I know just the right thing to do, we need to jump over the swords upwards to the opening up there!” I said to them as I raced for the first sword, luckily as soon as it came it turned itself in the vertical maner, allowing us to jump on it holding ourself on the flat edge of the sword, suddenly it turned in the horizontal way just as I thought, I looked back to the direction we runned, and just as I thought the next sword came on us in the vertical style, ever so further we switched the swords and we managed to come high above the ground, it only lasted one last sword before we could manage to go throught the opening.

“Alright now it counts , when I say now, you jump okay!” I screamed to the others who nodded.

“1-2-3, now !” I screamed as we were just a few centimeters from the opening, I managed to get a good grip on the ceiling, but just in the moment we jumped, something unexpected happened, the sword turned from horizontal to vertical, and Spike, fall not being able to hold himself any longer.

“Aaaaaah!” He screamed as he fall down, getting hit by several swords, and finally landing on one, not so far away from the ground, I didn’t saw him moving, I was pretty sure he was unconsious.

“Spike!” I screamed as I jumped back down after him, I jumped over swords until I was next to him, I saw the other sword coming in our direction, I felt a rush in my head, the adrenaline flew through my brain, I clenched my teeths.

“Here we go on the whole!” I siad with a determination I rarely ever had, I levitade spike on my back and and a rope out of my saddlebag, I wrapped it around my waist and around spike, tightly to hold him in place.

“Alright, here we go!” I screamed as I again jumped upwards like a mountain-goat, jumps up on rocks to climb up on a mountain.

“Pinkie, you ned to help me , I don’t can this alone!” I siad as I was again on the last sword, I looked at her and she smiled, her hooves ready to grab me.

“On 3, 1-2-3, jump!” She screamed and I jumped in the right moment, a second before the sword turned itself again, I hung on Pinkies hooves and litteraly on my own and Spike´s dear life
“Don´t let go!” Pinkie screamed as she struggled to pull me upwards.

“Darling , I never even thought of that, to do!” I said as I tried to swing myself upwards, I managed to push mysellf upwards with help of the swords who ame back, I place my rearhoof on it and jumped, and I was throught
“Phew, finally we are all out of danger!” Pinkie said, but if it just were true.

“R-Rarity!” A weak voice sounded, I looked at spike, after I put him on the ground , he had a huge hole on his head, losing too much blood at once, he was pale, extremly pale.

“NO SPIKE DON’T DIE; PLEASE DON´T DIE ; I BEG YOU DON’T DIE!” I screamed, with true tears in my eyes.

“Rarity, i-i-I just, wa- anted to te-ell you, that I a-always l-loved you!” The weak dragon said , and it ripped my heart out to see him like this, he was my not my Spikey, wikey, not like this, he was always so liveable, unbearable to hold still always next to me or Twillight, always helping everyone, the ment he confessed the first time his love, I thought he had just a crush, that time as he transformed back from the giant greedy dragon to his own self, I thought it was just a crush but it felt good to hear it, but now, so weak he was, and he told me the whole truth on his dead bed,…, no, I don´t let him go, I will not see that he dies in my arms after I finally see , when I finally had understood that he was the right one, he wasn´t the baby dragon anymore, he was an teenage dragon, and he was in love with me, and little I knew that I was also always in love with him too, I never would have guessed that he almost need to die to finnaly let myself admitting the truth, but here I was , frantically searching for something to say, for something that may save his life, like a wonder.

“Don’t say this, never say this again!” I screamed at him, and he looked at me with weak eyes.

“But i-it´s the t-truth, i-l-l-love,….,!” He said, but I cut him off.

“Don´t you dare to say this now, I will not allow you to tell me this here on your deadbed, I will make you fit again, and then you tell me this for real, without weakness, but with your whole passion in your voice, got it!” I screamed, I saw how he closed his eyes, how they falled close, how he fall asleep, to sleep forever, but not with me.

“Nooooooooo Spike, don´t fall asleep!” I screamed as I searched in my medicbag, the one which little Appelbloom gave me, I emptied the whole content out, spilling it all over the ground until I found it, the glass bottle with the red liquid, I popped up the lock and hold it on his mouth, but he didn´t drank it half of the liquid flew over his cheek, he was too weak, his chest lifted weakly, almost not visible, to a point where it soon stopped.

“I guess I have no other choice!” I said to myself, as I emptied the whole puttle in my mout, I opened Spike mouth, and sat him in an upright position, and before anyone could say something I pushed my lips on his, and let the Liquid flowing in his mouth, it was the most unladylikest thing I ever did, but I cared a shit about it right now.

I still at my lips on his, as I felt how the life came back at him, I felt how he began to breath through his nostrils again, I touched the back of his head, the hole had vanished, the Liquid worked, just perfectly, I felt how he breathed hard but relaxed, his hearbeat increased, as he opned his eyes, I took my lips away letting him breath through his mouth, he looked at me in wonder , then he smiled.

“I thank you, Rarity you have saved my life!” he said to me and he nuzzled his head on my chest, I was flattened.

“How could I let my love dying , in the moment I felt out of your feelings!” I said to him, while carresing his head, he looked up on me and I leaned in, closing my eyes, it doesent last long before I felt his soft lips on mine, the world and the time stood still, for me, everything around don´t mattered at all, only Spike, whos was in my arms, kissing me, I felt suddenly a heat radiating out of my Saddlebag, I parted away from spikes lips, to look at what happened, I opened my saddlebag and I saw the Element of Generosity floating outside, it wrapped itself on my neck.

“What the?” I asked as I saw light in front of us, I looked and what I saw was amazing and so beautiful, in front of us, a giant Bird, better said a dove,illuminated out of light, floated, her wings spreaded, gently in the air.

“ Bearer of the Element of Generosity, the Light has chosen you, and I have looked in your heart, you are a very generous person and you showed this often, you can be snobby but are you always generous to others, as long as you are not under dark influence or tricked by the darkness, the light your spread and the love you shared , the life you gave in order to save your beloved one, is a quality which this hall is made of, Bearer of the Element, you have been chosen to bear the Light of Generosity, as long until you give it back to its rightfull owner!” The dove said, and I saw an Lightsphere floating at us, it landed in the palm of my hooves, and the light faded, revealing an Fragment of an amulett made of pure gold.

“Bearer of the Element, take this Fragment of light, and save this land, help with all your might to bring the light back to its rightfull owner, until then, may Luck, Love and Light , always be by your side, we will sure see each other again!” The dove said before she vanished in a strong burst of light, illuminating the whole hall, we were in, as soon as the light faded away I got to see that we were outside of this hall, back in front of the entrance to the dungeon.

“Well that was,…., awesome!” Pinkie said, and she jumped up, suddenly she gasped.

“Guys look at this!” She screamed I looked and I saw how a giant Pillar of Light, shooted out of the direction we just came, I runned with the other trought the forest, in the direction of the pillar, we came out on a beach and I could see that this wasn’t the only pillar, on an island not far from here raised a second pillar of light.

“I guess that means that also somepony else must have found an Fragment of light!” I siad to them and they nodded, I heard a cracking of an dry branch behind us, and suddenly I saw how the giant bugs creeped up behind us.

“Oh gosh no!” I screamed but before they could attack, the light of the Pillar hit them , and they transformed and what I saw was something I never saw before, a whole unknown magic for me, but the giant bugs transformed the shell fell of and the whole shaped shrunked until it was as big as a pony and also so shaped, it seemed that all the bugs transformed themselves intoponys, orr wait, when the light transforms them, thn I should better say, transforms them back into ponys.

“Do you think this are,…?” Spike asked and I nodded.

“Yes, that were the true habitants of this island!” I siad as infront of us a horde of Angelpegasi stood, with the elder from before in front.

“We thank you Bearer of the Light of Generosity, we thank you a million time, you have released the habitants fro their dark influence and changed them back to what they are, I can´t say how gratefull I am!” The Elder said as he bowed before, me, then he looked up to the in the sky I looked up too and saw that over our Island the dark clouds had faded, revealing a clear starlit sky.

“Its wonderfull!” Spike said, I felt how he took my hoof, I blushed.

“But not as wonderfull as you are!” He finished and I melted on the inside, I took him in my amrs and kissed him on his lips, fully aware that we had been watched by Pinkie and all those other ponies, but I didn´t cared at all.

“Well my mission seems to be done, and I finally can rest in piece, just make sure that this land again can bloom up in the light of the Angel!” The Elder said as we looked at him.

“Thank you , hey you never told us your name!” I yelled as he suddenly began to fade away.

“My Name is, Astral Shine, I was the former Priest of the Hall of Generosity!” The Elder said and suddenly he was away, I wasn´t even rally shocked about that, I admit I didn´t ever thought I would speak or even ever see a ghost but I at least an say that he was friendly , polite and really caring.

“Thank you master Astral Shine, for everything!” I whispered as I hugged Spike, while we walked back on the island, celebrating with the other ponies.