Love in Equestria

by Wolfe15

Confection Confessions Pt. 2

Confection Confessions Pt. 2
The story of Mrs.Carrot Cake and Ms.Banana Split Sundae

He glared at his hands as Cup Cake screamed at him. He hadn't been doing anything with Banana but his lovely wife seemed ready to remind him just how close he had been to his old friend. "Stop ignoring me!" Carrot flinched as Cup Cake smacked him with his own hat then began to scream. He wondered how her screaming didn't attract the police but just chalked it up to the fact that they always argued.

He sighed softly then focused on the red-faced harpy. Cup Cake growled before pulling her fist back and punching Carrot in the nose. Contrary to popular belief, Carrot Cake couldn't handle himself in a fight, he was to weak and kindhearted. He grabbed his face in pain then looked up to see her punch him in the face again. He slid out of his chair then yelped as Cup Cake kicked him in the mouth. It was always the face with her. "Go to the kitchen and toss out that cake!"


"Do it!" Carrot flinched but collected himself off of the ground and rushed to the kitchen. He opened the fridge and paused when he saw the beautiful cake. The work, the detail, and dare he say it? The love? Flinching again, he pulled the cake out with a strength he didn't know he even had and tossed the thing out back in the dumpster. As soon as he walked in through the back door, he almost crashed into Banana. Banana was crying and he dimly thought about hugging her but he stumbled back when he felt a force hit his face.

He held his cheek and looked to see Banana was holding her hand close to her chest sobbing. "Y-You've turned into a terrible person Carrot! I don't know what happened to you!"


"NO! I don't want to hear it!" Carrot stared in shock as she ran out of the store and flinched when he saw the worried face of Pinkie.

"M-Mr. Cake? Are you okay?" Carrot sighed softly then looked down.

"I'm fine Pinkie."

The next morning Carrot was putting a band-aid on his chin when the door opened to the bathroom and Cup Cake came in. "I found the flyer about the dessert contest. I say we enter it and show that stupid Banana Split what for." Carrot looked up in the mirror then nodded. Cup Cake grinned then left the bathroom and Carrot looked in the mirror. His eyes, a light green, were dull and and he looked a bit ragged but other than that he was fine. He straightened up then pulled his hair back before leaving the bathroom. Soon he was cleaning the store while his wife baked. "Mr. Cake?" He looked up and smiled at Pinkie, who looked upset.

"Yes Pinkie?"

"Are you okay?" Carrot smiled his fake smile then nodded and turned away.

"Pinkie go see it Cup Cake needs help." He didn't have to see the smile that graced Pinkie's face to know she was excited to help Cup Cake, who was like her other mother. While Pinkie bouced away Carrot looked down and tried to control his tears.

Soon Carrot was putting the cake for the bake off into the fridge. He had just finished putting it away when he heard the store bell ding. "Please give me a minute." He finished then walked into the front and paused. Banana was standing their and looking off to the side.


"I want my sketch back." Carrot flinched then reached into his pocket and pulled out the ice-cream cake sketch then handed it to her.


"Thanks." Carrot looked at the floor as he heard retreating footsteps then looked up as they paused.

"I'm going to beat you in the competition and when I do... I think I'll finally stop loving you." Carrot closed his eyes and heard the door open then shut and felt a tear slip from out of his eyes.

Soon it was the big day and Carrot was less than enthusiastic. He was staring into the mirror with a blank look on his face while his wife was ordering Pinkie and her friends around. "Maybe." He smiled softly then chuckled. Banana deserved better. Soon Carrot and Cup Cake were standing in a line with the rest of the desert bakers. Part of him was cursing his luck that Banana was standing right next to him. Banana's eyes were red rimmed and she was staring straight forward, while Carrot began to go off into his own little world. He was thinking about everything he had been through.

When had he gone wrong? Well it was probably the day he said I do to the harpy to his left. How could he had missed Banana's feelings? "Mr. Cake?" He looked behind himself and into Pinkie's concerned eyes.

"You look pale. Do you need some air?"

"No sweetie. I'm just a bit tired." He lied before turning back to focus on the princesses speech.

Carrot stood off to the side as his wife presented the cake she had made. Carrot found himself drifting again as he looked around the room. Royals and guards were watching the princess intensely to see if she would like the cake, already 10 of the fifteen teams had failed.

"I like it!" Carrot's head snapped in the princesses direction and he stared in shock as she happily ate his wife's cooking. Go figure.

"Thank you princess." They bowed then left the area as Banana came in with her ice-cream cake.

Behind the scenes Carrot sat as his wife yelled at him and insulted him. He mumbled sorry's and never going to do it again's as his wife tore him a new one. As soon as his "wife" was done she left the room and he rested his head in his hands. Sniffling he finally broke down. He had been running on empty, pain, and sugar. He hated his wife, his job, and his life. Part of him wished he could end it all, another part wished he hadn't been so blind to Banana's feelings, finally a small part wondered what it would be like to be free.

"Excuse me?" He looked up slowly and flushed when he realized it was the younger sister of Princess Celestria. Princess Luna.

"I-I'm sorry Princess."

"Are you okay?" He smiled lightly then stood and nodded.

"Yes dear. I'm sorry I've been a bit stressed lately." Princess Luna nodded then looked longingly at the cake. Carrot smiled lightly then cut off a slice and handed it to her.

"Here sweetie."

"Thank you!" She took a bite then grinned and skipped off while Carrot waved. Carrot smiled softly then sadly before sitting and holding his head.

"I'm an idiot." He rubbed his face then walked to the bathroom and splashed some water onto his face. He bowed his head then jumped as the door to the restroom banged open and his wife stumbled in kissing another man. He stared at the scene before him blankly as they kissed. Suddenly Cup Cake looked to the side and yelped in shock but Carrot smiled and tore off his ring.

"I'm free!" He laughed then walked out of the bathroom, dropping his ring into the trash.

Needless to say he lost the competition. Carrot wasn't so sad, he was more happy to lose if it meant leaving early to go and toss all of Cup Cake's belongings into the trash. Cup Cake didn't seem too sad either. She seemed more happy that she was moving "up" in life. Now he needed more help around the shop but Pinkie was more than happy to help out. For once in a long time he woke up everyday with a smile on his face and a spring in his step.

Three months later and with his divorce behind him, he found himself baking when their was a ping from the front counter. He paused, frowning, but put his icing tube down and walked into the front. He paused in the doorway and looked down. "Hey Banana."


"Um, what brings you here?"

"Stopped to get some food before I head to Canterlot on business. So how have you been?"

"I've been good." An awkward pause arose and they stared away from each other pointedly.

"How's Cup Cake?

"I don't know. We got divorced three months ago."

"I'm sorry."

"I'm not." Another pause arose and Carrot sighed.

"I-I'm sorry."

"For what?"

"I blocked you out. I made you feel terrible because I was afraid."

"I understand Carrot."

"Um, well what do you need?"

"A muffin will do." Carrot nodded and pulled out a banana nut muffin and handed it to her.

"Um, I have to finish some cookies. I'll see you later." Banana nodded while looking at her muffin.

"How much is it?"

"Huh? Oh that's free for all the stuff I put you though." Banana looked up at Carrot and realized how tired he looked. Happy but very tired.

"Have you been sleeping well?" Carrot looked at her curiously but shrugged.

"I'm okay." Banana nodded and watched as Carrot entered the kitchen.

It was nice seeing Banana again but it hurt just a little bit to know that she was probably over him. He rubbed his forehead then winced as he realized his icing covered hand had smeared the icing onto his forehead. "Damn." He mumbled before looking around. "Where..." He turned to grab his cleaning rag when he almost crashed into Banana. She smiled and held up a green rag and chuckled.

"You always were messy." Carrot flushed and Banana smiled. "Carrot?"


"Do you regret every marrying Cup Cake?" Carrot grimaced as he wiped off the icing on his forehead then hands before sighing.

"I do." Banana nodded then looked past him and grinned.

"Nice cake." Carrot blushed then turned and frowned.

"It's missing the logo. It's for a Pinkie Pie party." Banana nodded then walked over to it.



"Do you ever wish you could take back something you've said?" Carrot frowned then looked up.

"Um, can't say I have. I've never said anything I haven't meant."

"I have." Carrot looked down and into soft yellow eyes. He flushed and took a step back nervously.

"U-Um, really?" Banana smiled and nodded before stepping closer to him. "I don't think I can ever stop loving you." Carrot blushed redder and Banana giggled. "I love the way you blush when your nervous, I love your freckles, I love your green eyes, and I love your carrot colored hair. Most of all I love you Carrot Cake." Carrot by now was redder than before, if possible and was looking away.

"I-I'm not good with words Banana. Um, I can say this. I was stupid. Really stupid but I think I can honestly say I love you too." He looked at her and was surprised to feel her lips on his own. Carrot froze then melted into the kiss, kissing Banana harder and with more vigor. Lights seemed to explode behind his eyes and he smiled, feeling genuinely happy.

Some time later Banana smiled as she watched Carrot finish decorating the cake. "Hey Carrot?"


"What kind of cake is that?" Carrot flushed then scratch the back of his head. "Carrot Cake." Banana's face went blank then she began to laugh.

Pinkie smiled as the people around her partied. She took a look around and grinned when she found an exhausted Mr.Cake napping in a chair with a Miss Sundae next to him. Pinkie felt her leg give an involuntary twitch and she grinned. Scratch the Miss Sundae part, a future Mrs.Cake, next to him.