Eileen's Exhilarating Collection of Extremely Short Fiction

by EileenSaysHi

February 2022: "Bureaucracy" (Hon Mensh)

Welcome to My World

Sunset didn’t even bother backing up from the P.O. box before tearing open the envelope, an expression of overwhelming glee spreading across her face.

She’d gone to the DMV two weeks earlier to fill out the forms and get her photo taken for her learner’s permit, and she’d had a paper copy since then. But that flimsy black-and-white scrap was nothing compared to what she was now holding.

There it was. Her first-ever official photo ID as a human. It wasn’t the most flattering picture, but who cares? It was proof that Principal Celestia’s efforts to help her obtain a birth certificate had paid off.

After years of legal limbo, Sunset Shimmer could show, without a doubt, that she belonged in this world.

She couldn’t wait for her friends to see it.