Random Shorts Frazzle Did

by Frazzle2Dazzle

Bonus Round: Appledash

Twilight ran around the side of the building, a hand to her face as she heaved breaths into her lungs and tears of fear welled up.

“Twilight…. Come out and play, Twilight!” The creaking voice echoed out, so familiar, so foreign.

She hurtled away through the dark night like death was on her heels.

It might very well be.

Glancing over her shoulder, she didn’t see the pole until she ran into it, her ears ringing as she hit the ground.

The wet slap of something gooey against the earth sent a chill through her veins, as she scrambled to get up, but it was too little too late.

She didn’t have time to cast a spell as the slimy fusion scooped her up and let off a sickening laugh, the swirling orange and blue mess grinning with crazed glee.

“I found you!” Her friends said, “Now we can play!”