Star Wars: The Great War

by ShootingStar25

Chapter 54: The Mandalore Plot

If you ignore the past, you jeopardize the future.

Recap: Diplomacy or deception? The Council of Neutral Systems speaks for over 1,500 worlds who want to stay out of the war. But rumors have reached the Republic Senate, suggesting that the council's new leader, Duchess Satine of Mandalore, is secretly building her own army to fight for the Separatist cause. Now Jedi Master Obi-wan Kenobi and Jedi Knight Storm have been sent to Mandalore to discover the truth behind these claims.

Emerging from hyperspace were two fighters. Their target lay in front of them as it was the planet Mandalore. Both Jedi Master and Jedi Knight were about to exit their hyperspace rings as they each thought back to how they got here.


"I got him on the run!" shouted Storm.

The Jedi Knight was currently pursuing a person covered in armor. The person in question had attacked a Republic cruiser as they managed to create tons of destruction. The boy was chasing after the person as he had his lightsaber out to deflect the blaster shots the person tried to aim at him.

Both the boy and the mysterious person were jumping over obstacles and wall jumping as he continued his chase. The figure then activated his jetpack as he flew over to another building. Storm continued to run as he made one big leap as he rolled through upon landing on the other roof as the person kept on running. While Storm was doing his exercise, another person was lying in wait.

Once Storm turned the corner, he came to a dead end. The Jedi Knight looked around and kept a sharp eye out. Soon from the shadows, a blaster was shown as the Jedi Knight turned around in time to block it. He then began to cut the weapon off as he swung for the person. The mysterious figure managed to disarm the boy with ease they tossed Storm over their head. Soon some close combat began to engage as the boy blocked stiff shots and used his fighting skills to take down the person. A trashcan was thrown at the boy as it allowed the person to run as he was knocked to the floor for a few moments. Storm soon recovered and took off down the alley he came.

For the mysterious figure, he turned to see the Jedi Knight wasn't behind him, when he turned back forward he was hit by a clothesline. The person tumbled as they fell. The person who made the figure fall was none other than Obi-wan. The Jedi Master had instructed Storm to go after their guest as he went to cut them off. He knew what path the person would take as he made sure to lie in wait and strike when they least expected it.

"You got them," said Storm as he now appeared. "Now let's see if we can get some answers."

Both Jedi approached the person who put their hand on their helmet. Soon two lights were pointed at their face as both Jedi had some questions.

"Who are you? Who do you work for?" asked Kenobi.

The person merely answered. However, it spoke a language that neither Jedi knew. Soon they did something. From under their armor sleeve, they pulled out a knife as both Jedi expected the person to continue to fight. However, they didn't. Instead, the person quickly turned the blade to them and stabbed it right through as they spoke some final words before collapsing.

After reporting the details to the Council, they began to inspect the armor. They found out that it was similar to the bounty hunter, Jango Fett. The man who Obi-wan chased after at the start of the Clone Wars and was responsible for creating the clone army for the Jedi. It was then decided that both Jedi travel to Mandalore as that was where the armor came from in hopes of finding some answers. That coupled with the recent rumors, made it seem all too good of a coincidence.

(End of Flashback)

Both Jedi now descend to the planet's orbit as they made their way to their destination. They were heading to a domed city named Sundari as they were expecting to meet with someone. Someone that Obi-wan was rather close to. The shocking thing was that the Jedi Master didn't say to his pal how close he was to the duchess that ruled over Mandalore.

The pair of ships docked at the outside of the dome as they got out. They saw an aircraft already waiting for them as a Mandalorian guard was present.

"The Duchess awaits you, General Kenobi, General Storm." said the guard.

"Far be it from us to keep the Duchess waiting," said Obi-wan as he and Storm got on board and they zipped away.

They entered the city as it was full of vibrant colors and activity. For Storm, this was the boy's first time visiting the place as he was amazed by all he saw. For Obi-wan, he was having rather different thoughts, especially, about who they were going to meet with.

They arrived at the palace as the doors opened. Upon entering, the whole room was filled with just as many colors as the entire city. Glass windows lined the left side as it allowed the folks inside to see out into the city. There was a giant portrait of the Duchess that was hung on the wall and a throne chair at the end of the room.

"Whoever this Duchess is has got style," said Storm as the boy was taking it all in. He believed that she could give Twilight's castle a run for her money.

The pair then walked a few meters in as someone was waiting for them.

"General Kenobi."

"Thank you for meeting with us, Prime Minister Almec," said the Jedi Master as he extended his hand for a shake. "This here is the student of my fellow Jedi Master brethren, Jedi Knight Storm."

"Pleasure to make your acquittance," said the boy as he shook the hand of the Prime Minister.

"The pleasure is all mine. It amazes me that the student of Master Luna has acquired much success given your age," said the Prime Minister to the boy. "I welcome both of you as servants of the people, but I'm troubled by the false rumors that brought you both here. Mandalore would never turn against the Republic. The Duchess Satine values peace more than her own life."

"Oh, I'm aware of the Duchess' views," spoke Obi-wan as they all walked.

"Master Kenobi, Mandalore's violent past is behind us. All of our warriors were exiled to our moon, Concordia. They died out years ago." spoke the Prime Minister to the Jedi Master.

"Yeah, I don't believe that," spoke Storm.

"My friend here is right. I recently encountered a man who wore Mandalorian armor, Jango Fett," said Kenobi.

"Jango Fett was a common bounty hunter. How he acquired that armor is beyond me," stated the Prime Minister.

"Well, Master Kenobi," said a voice.

Emerging from a hallway was a woman Mandalorian. It didn't take a genius to figure out that the female present was none other than the Duchess based on how she was dressed and carried herself. She soon made her way to her throne as it lit up.

"My shining Jedi Knight to the rescue once again," spoke Satine as she saw her old friend.

"Shining Jedi Knight?" said Storm as he looked at his pal. The boy could detect some hint of flirtiness in the Duchess' voice while scowling at the Jedi Master.

"After all these years, you're even more beautiful than ever," said Obi-wan in the same tone as Satine with hints of flirtiness while having a small scowl.

"Kind words from a man who accuses me of treachery," replied Satine keeping that scowl while continuing to flirt.

Both Storm and the senator next to the Duchess could sense some hidden sexual tension between the two.

"I would never accuse you of personal wrongdoing, Duchess. However, a Separatist saboteur attacked one of our Republic cruisers, a Mandalorian saboteur," said Obi-wan as he showed the recording of the person that he and Storm chased.

It ended as both the Prime Minister and Duchess were a bit stunned to see the recording.

"You must be mistaken. No Mandalorian would engage in such violence. Not anymore. Where is this prisoner now?" asked the Prime Minister.

"Yeah, well, unfortunately, he took his life when we had him cornered. Seems whoever he was working for told him to not say anything," stated Storm as the others knew what the boy meant.

"I know these commandos fought in many wars, often against the Jedi," said Kenobi.

"Every one of my people is as trustworthy as I am," said Satine.

"I know we sound defensive, but--" spoke the Senator next to the Duchess before she cut him off and spoke again.

"Cleary your investigation was ordered because the Senate is eager to intervene in our affairs!" stated Satine.

"Okay to be fair..."

"This conversation does not need a kid, let alone an immature teenager. I'm surprised you're even a Jedi Knight," said the Duchess as she addressed Storm.

"Hey! I'm..."

"I would advise the way you speak to my friend here. Despite his age, he's proven he's quite the powerful Jedi," said Obi-wan as he stood up for his buddy. "And as for our investigation, it was by order of the Jedi Council."

Obi-wan's statement got Satine to rethink as her expression soften.

"I stand corrected. I apologize," said the Duchess looking at Storm. "General Kenobi, perhaps you'd like to join me on a walk through the city."

Satine extended her hand out as the Jedi Master approached her. He took her hand in his as he helped her out of her seat. Obi-wan then extended his arm for the Duchess as she wrapped hers around his. All the while, Storm saw the pair walking as they left.

"So... I guess... I'm going with them?" said Storm to himself as he didn't know what to do given what Obi-wan and the Duchess did.

The Jedi Knight soon found the pair as he caught up with them. He kept his distance behind them as he could hear murmurs of them talking. Storm had his hands in his pockets as he decided to remain quiet with the two adults.

"I apologize."

"Huh?" said Storm as he looked up to see Satine turning to address him.

"Once again, I express my condolences to you General Storm. Obi-wan here tells me that you're the student of Master Luna and that you're skillful Jedi."

"Water under the bridge, Duchess," stated the boy.

"You may call me Satine."

"Okay, then," smiled the Jedi Knight.

"Still, to think the Republic is sending out a teenager to the front lines of the war? It sickens me a bit to have a child being involved in something so violent," spoke Satine as she continued to walk with both Jedi by her side. "It's so good to see you again, Obi-wan despite the circumstances."

"Your peaceful ways have paid off. Mandalore has prospered since the last time I was last here," complimented Obi-wan.

"Not everyone on Mandalore believes that our commitment to peace is a sign of progress," responded Satine.

"What do you?" asked Storm.

"There is a group that calls itself Death Watch. I imagine these are the renegades you're both looking for," said the Duchess to both Jedi. "They idolize violence and the warrior ways of the past. There are those among us, certain officials who are working to root out these criminals. It has been an ongoing investigation."

"Any progress?" asked Storm.

"Minimal at best," said Satine to the boy.

"How widespread is this Death Watch movement?" asked Obi-wan.

"It's hardly a movement. It's a small group of hooligans who choose to vandalize public places, nothing more. We shall soon have them in custody." assured Satine. "We have tracked them down to our moon, Concordia."

"I hope you're right, Duchess," said the Jedi Master.

Meanwhile on the moon, Concordia. There was a secret meeting happening. A man dressed in Mandalorian armor was having a conversation with a person via hologram. It was none other than Count Dooku.

"I do not understand why the arrival of these Jedi doesn't upset you," said the man to the Sith Lord. "You promised to support the Death Watch forces so we could overthrow the Duchess Satine and her weak-peacing loving government."

"And I intend to keep my promise," said Dooku.

"But how?" asked the Mandalorian. "If the Republic interferes now, Death Watch will not be able to take over the planet."

"Consider: once the Senate orders peacekeeping troops to Mandalore, the people will be surrounded by a military presence. Most distasteful. They will rebel." smiled Dooku.

"And rally to Death Watch. Our insurgency will grow stronger," said the man.

"Yes, and Duchess Satine shall fall," said the Sith Lord.

Back on Mandalore, the Jedi and Duchess were still walking through the garden.

"A peacekeeper belongs on the front lines of conflict. Otherwise, he wouldn't be able to do his job," stated Obi-wan.

"The work of a peacekeeper is to make sure that conflict does not arise," countered Satine.

"Yes, a noble description, but not a realistic one," countered Obi-wan.

"Is reality what makes a Jedi abandon his ideals? Or is it simply a response to political convenience?" trumped Satine.

Not a second later, did an explosion occur in front of the group. They all turned to avoid getting the blast in their face as nearby people were blown back by it. Screams began to erupt as the dust began to form.

"Are you all right?" asked Obi-wan as he was concerned for the Duchess.

"I'm fine," replied Satine.

The Duchess and Jedi all ran as they saw some people on the floor who were injured and caught deeper in the blast radius.

"Hooligans couldn't have arranged an attack this scale," said Obi-wan.

"Then this must be the work of an off-worlder," said Satine as she and Storm helped an injured man up.

"Are you sure of that?" asked Storm as he pointed to something he saw.

The boy directed the attention of his friend and the Duchess to a hologram. The hologram showed a crest.

"Satine, any idea on what that crest means?" asked Storm.

"The sign of the Death Watch."

"This goes far beyond vandalism. This is a political statement against your government and against you," said Obi-wan to Satine. "You're not safe here. I'm taking you back to the palace."

Obi-wan extended his hand as Satine grabbed it and helped her up. The trio now began to walk as a crowd of people show this.

"I want to interview everyone here. Nobody leaves this scene," said the Jedi Master to a nearby Mandalorian guard as he nodded.

At that moment, someone in the crowd pushed the others behind him to the side as he ran. Obi-wan saw this as the person was looking to escape.

"You there!" shouted Obi-wan as he went after him.


"Get the Duchess back to the palace Storm. And protect her at all costs!" shouted the Jedi Master to his buddy as he went after the person.

The Jedi Master was chasing after the man who was trying to escape. The chase didn't last long as the suspicious person had run to a balcony on top of a building as he had nowhere else to run. He turned back to see Obi-wan coming down the steps and standing there.

"I only want to talk!" shouted Obi-wan putting his hand out.

The man quickly pulled out and fired a blaster as the Jedi Master moved to the side. He avoid the shot and then spun once more followed by a dodge roll to avoid the line of fire. He got up and turned on his lightsaber in a flash as he blocked more blaster shots. The Jedi Master managed to deflect a shot back at the person as he knocked the blaster out of the man's hand.

The man charged at the Jedi Master who did an arm drag over his head as the person hit the floor.

"I don't want to hurt you," said Obi-wan as he turned off his lightsaber and began to walk to the man.

At that moment, Satine made her way down the stairs and to the area where Obi-wan and the man were.

"Duchess, wait up!" shouted Storm as he appeared a few moments behind.

Seems she didn't follow the Jedi Master's orders to return to the palace as she took off after him to check up on her friend. Which meant, the boy had no choice but to follow her and make sure she was safe. He now appeared next to Satine as he saw Obi-wan.

"Stay back!" shouted Obi-wan as he turned to address the pair.

The man got to his feet and saw the other two as he ran. He got to the railing as he now stood on it with him facing them.

"Calhava bru'chun dralshye'ran!" said the man.

He then threw himself backward with his arms out. The person was now free-falling as he closed his eyes and was heading straight for the ground. The Jedi and Duchess got to the railing and looked just at the last second as the body hit the ground with a thud. Some nearby people saw the man commit suicide as they screamed and murmured while Satine put her hands to her mouth and gasped.

The person who jumped had a few moments left as he put his hand out in front as the rays of light would soon serve as the sign to take him away. At that moment, the Jedi and Duchess made it downstairs as Satine bent down to the man.

"Se solu, se kad, se darasuum kote," spoke the man in his final breaths to the Duchess.

"What is he saying?" asked Obi-wan as he and Storm didn't understand the language.

"Kadi, se norm'iim."

"Ki, kadi norm'iim," spoke Satine to the man as she whispered it into his ear and offer him words of comfort.

The man smiled at the Duchess before closing his eyes for good.

"That's the same thing the Mandalorian we chased after said before he took his life," said Storm as he recognized the languages spoken by both of them the same.

"He was speaking in the dialect they use on Concordia, our moon," replied Satine.

"I shall like to visit this moon of yours," said Obi-wan as they were interested in figuring out what was going on. "Perhaps I could accompany the body."

"The Concordian moon is a province with its own governor. You'll need me to escort you," said Satine to Kenobi.

"That won't be necessary," stated Obi-wan.

"Actually, it will. You won't make much progress without me there, especially since you've just been involved with the death of a Concordian," stated Satine to her friend.

"I didn't kill him," said Obi-wan as he defended himself.

"I know. That's why I'm still talking to you," said Satine bluntly before walking away.

"Damn, she's ruthless," said Storm at how the woman was able to talk like that to someone as well-respected as Obi-wan and leave him speechless.

Soon both Jedi made their way to the shuttle that would take them and the Duchess to Concordia.

"Woah!" said Storm as he saw Satine in the shuttle's cockpit, but her appearance was vastly different.

"What?" asked the Duchess.

"Just... you look different without the whole... headpiece," said the boy moving his hands above his head to make a shape. "Without that, you look rather stunning."

"I appreciate the compliment," said Satine to the boy. "If only it was Obi-wan who said that."

"Huh?" said Storm as he didn't quite catch what the Duchess said.

Soon Obi-wan appeared as their ship took off. They were now heading out to space and towards Mandalore's moon, Concordia. They approached the moon as both Jedi saw its surface.

"I thought Concordia was an agricultural settlement," said Obi-wan who was standing to look out the window before turning to Satine.

"Before the end of our wars, they turned it into a mining base. The sheer mining facilities here nearly destroyed our forests. They're finally growing back." replied Satine.

Their shuttle then entered the hangar bay. The Jedi and Duchess exited the ship as there was a group of Concordians waiting to greet them.

"Duchess Satine, you are most welcome," said a man as he saw the group approach him.

"Thank you, Governor Vizsla. May I present Master Obi-wan Kenobi, and Jedi Knight Storm, representing the Jedi Council," said Satine as she introduced both Jedi to the governor. "Governor Vizsla is one of the officials I spoke of. He has been working to find the members of the Death Watch."

"I take it you've heard the rumors about Satine, about how she's supposedly leading Mandalore into an alliance with the Separatists," spoke Governor Vizsla.

"Our only instructions are to seek out the truth," said Obi-wan to the governor.

"This was the man who bombed the memorial shrine?" asked Governor Vizsla.

"Yes. He was apparently part of Death Watch," answered the Jedi Master.

"A worrisome prospect. If you'll pardon me, General, we must attend to the body," said Governor Vizsla as he excused himself and left.

Satine and Storm also began to walk when Obi-wan grabbed the Duchess' arm and got them to look at him.

"I need a favor from you. Please keep Governor Vizsla occupied at dinner," said Obi-wan to Satine.

"Where are you going?" asked the Duchess.

"Just for a look around. I'd like to see one of those mining facilities for myself."

"You mean you want to determine if they're still operational," corrected Satine at what her friend actually meant.

"I hope to determine they're not," responded Obi-wan.

"Well, I'll go with..."

"No, Storm. You stay with Satine. Don't want to draw too much attention. Just keep her safe."

"Alright then," said Storm to his friend.

"Here. I want you to wear this earpiece so that we can stay in contact, in case you run into trouble while I'm gone," said Obi-wan as he pulled out some earpieces for both him and Satine to have.

"Remember that you're here under my protection. Please try not to cause problems where none yet exist," said Satine to Obi-wan got a speeder.

"Think of me as searching for solutions," said Obi-wan to the Duchess.

"I have to tell you I'm opposed to all of this," said Satine.

"I'd be disappointed if you weren't," said Obi-wan as he took off and exited the hangar.

"Why do I have a feeling we're gonna have to save his ass?" stated Storm as Satine shook her head in agreeance with the teen.

The two then made their way to the dining hall as they did their job. For Obi-wan, he was currently traveling toward one of the mining locations to begin his investigation. He zoomed past many trees as the sun was starting to set.

In the main hall, Governor Vizsla was holding a tablet taking care of some business when he saw out of the corner of his eye, Satine and Storm entering.

"Forgive me, Duchess. I'm writing a condolence letter to the dead man's family and making arrangements for them to retrieve his body."

"Of course, Governor. Very proper. General Kenobi will join us shortly. He said he needed to meditate." replied Satine.

"That and because if he doesn't get his evening nap, he tends to... how should I say this... throw a temper tantrum," said Storm. Both officials looked at the Jedi Knight with raised eyebrows. "Hey, being a Jedi Master is a stressful job. How else is he supposed to relieve himself?"

Speaking of the Jedi Master, he had made it to one of the mining facilities that Satine told him about. He got off his speeder and approached the mine entrance. The door opened as the Jedi Master was welcomed to darkness. He walked a few meters before coming to a tunnel as he turned and walked down it cautiously. Obi-wan came to the end of the tunnel as he was welcomed to a room.

"Doesn't look abandoned to me," said Kenobi as saw the room was still functioning with the many gadgets that looked in working condition.

The Jedi Master approached a work table as on it were some jetpacks and Mandalorian helmets. He picked one up and began to inspect it. Soon a blaster shot and scream was heard as a person was charging at the Jedi. Obi-wan was able to avoid the rapid-fire shots with one of them hitting the helmet in his hand as he was then tackled by the Mandalorian.

They were knocked to the floor as Obi-wan quickly got up and turned on his lightsaber. However, when he looked around, the person was nowhere to be seen.

"I am here on a diplomatic mission under the protection of Duchess Satine," said Obi-wan as he circled himself keeping an eye out.

"We do not recognize her rule," said a voice.

Coming from behind the Jedi Master was the armored Mandalorian as he jumped over the convoy belt and fired his blaster. Obi-wan blocked the shots as he then spun to do a roundhouse kick. The person moved out of the way and shot another blast as he managed to knock the lightsaber out of the Jedi Master's hand.

The two now began to engage in fist-to-fist combat as in the background another Mandalorian was shown. Obi-wan managed to get his foe on the ground as he punched their helmet. The second Mandalorian then appeared as he grabbed Obi-wan's right arm as the Jedi Master continued to use his left to punch him. The other Mandalorian then got up and grabbed a bold of the Jedi Master's left arm as both kicked him in the face and did an uppercut as the Jedi fell to the floor. Obi-wan got to his hands and knees as the last image he saw was a boot to his face.

While the Jedi Master was dealing with his investigation, Duchess Satine and Jedi Knight Storm were in the dining hall with Governor Vizsla. The official poured a drink for the Duchess as he also had another person bring a cup of cider for the teen. Soon a conversation began.

"Someone is feeding misinformation directly to the Republic Senate, saying that the Death Watch is taking over Mandalore," spoke Satine. "Who stands to gain from these lies?"

"If I may, Duchess? I think the question should be: Who is your biggest enemy and is willing to do anything to see you fall." stated Storm as he offered his opinion to the woman.

"Well, that would be the Death Watch, of course," said Governor Vizsla to both of them.

"They could not engineer all this. The problem has clearly grown much larger than we thought. And I suspect some external force helped it along." said Satine.

"Hard to believe. It would have to be someone at the highest level of influence among the Separatists," said Governor Vizsla.

"I have a few connections in the Senate that I could try. See if they can dig anything up," said Storm to the Duchess.

"But why target me?" asked Satine to both males.

"You lead the Council of Neutral Systems. Thus, you threaten the Separatist goals," said Governor Vizsla as he sat down at the table.

"The way you're saying it, makes it sound like that's a good thing for the Duchess," stated Storm at how the governor chose to word his justification.

"Take it as a compliment," corrected the governor. "Someone very powerful is working towards your downfall."

"That still doesn't make it any better," said Storm to Satine so that only she could hear it.

While the pair were doing their part of keeping the governor busy, Obi-wan had a different situation. The Jedi Master now awoke as he was being held in a force field to which he was hanging upside down. He looked around as the two Mandolarians he fought appeared.

"Commander wants us to sweep the area and check for any other Jedi until he arrives," said one of the Mandolarians.

"This one's harmless enough without his lightsaber. The boss will love this," snickered the other Mandalorian as he tossed and caught Obi-wan's weapon.

The pair left to begin their mission as Obi-wan alone. Once the men were gone, the Jedi Master then pushed a button on his commlink. He was now sending a signal to Satine. Speaking of her, she and Storm were about to start dinner.

"General Kenobi's meditation is taking a rather long time," said Governor Vizsla as the Jedi Master hadn't shown up.

"You know the Jedi, They never do anything by halves," said Satine. She did cast a look in Storm's direction.

"Why are you targeting me?!!" shouted the teen at the way the Duchess was looking at him. "It's not my fault, Obi-wan is so old. I told you if he doesn't get his daily meditation in, he becomes pissed off."

"Duchess, please acknowledge," said Obi-wan through the earpiece so that only she could hear it.

"May I offer you another drink?" said the Governor to Satine.

"Yes, certainly," smiled Satine while brushing the hair behind her ear as she also spoke to acknowledge the Jedi Master.

"I'm in a bit of an awkward spot. I'm being held by the Death Watch," spoke the Jedi Master to the Duchess' ear.

"Sorry, Duchess. We're out of ice," spoke the Governor.

"Sorry to hear that," said Satine to both voices.

"Perhaps we should begin dinner without General Kenobi," suggested Governor Vizsla as he placed the drink in front of the Duchess.

"At this point, I'm hungry," said Storm as he could hear his stomach growling.

"There's a tracking function on your comlink. Follow it due east to my location."

"I don't know if I can do that at the moment," smiled Satine to Governor Vizsla while addressing Obi-wan at the same time.

"It's extremely urgent!" said the Jedi Master.

"Are you not feeling well, Duchess?" asked Governor Vizsla.

"Perhaps some fresh air would do me good," said Satine as she got up from the table. At that moment, dinner was starting to be brought out as a plate was put in front of Storm.

"Shall I escort you outside?" asked Governor Vizsla.

"Take a speeder. It's rough terrain," said Obi-wan through the earpiece.

"Oh, I'll find my way. Never fear," said Satine brushing her hair near her ear once more.

"Well, I'm staying," said Storm as he was about to take a bite.

"General Storm! I do require your assistance!" shouted Satine from the hallway.

"God damn it!" shouted the boy as he was starving.

The Jedi Knight got up and was preparing to leave the dining hall when he stopped and looked back at his plate. He quickly ran over to it and quickly shoved all the food into his mouth as the sounds of chewing could be heard. He quickly downed his cup of cider in one chug as the boy let out a huge burp which the governor found surprising that the Jedi finished it all in seconds.

The Jedi then made his way to the door as Satine was waiting and the two walked together.

"Let me guess, I was right," said Storm to Satine about what he said regarding Obi-wan from earlier.

"Let's just hurry and see what he wants," said the Duchess.

The pair arrived at the hangar as they each got on speeders. Soon both exited as Satine was leading them to their destination.

Eventually, the pair followed the tracking function on Satine's comlink as they arrived at the entrance of the mine.

Inside the mine, the two Mandolarians were present with the Jedi Master. One of them was receiving a transmission from their boss.

"Yes, sir," replied the Mandalorian. "Start the machine. Time for the Jedi to meet with his fatal accident."

"With pleasure," said the other Mandalorian as he pressed the button to start the conveyor belt.

The conveyor belt started to move. Obi-wan had another force field in front of him. It moved as it stopped and was then pressed together by some giant pressure plates. Then soon released as the debris and rocks inside of the force field were crushed.

"This is not good," said Obi-wan.

The force field then continued along the conveyor belt as it reached the end. It released the force field as the rocks were dropped into the grinder below. At that moment, both Satine and Storm were looking for their friend.

"Where are you?" asked Satine as she was the only one who could communicate with the Jedi Master.

"Listen for the loud metallic clanging sound. That would be the machine about to smash me to bits," said Obi-wan calmly.

The conveyor belt was still moving as Obi-wan was heading to where the giant pads were squeezing together. At that moment, Satine had pushed some buttons near the entrance panel to set off some alarms as she and Storm hid. It was picked up by the Mandalorians.

"There's some kind of disturbance at the entrance. Let's check it out," said one of them as they left to investigate.

As they were leaving the room, both Satine and Storm were hidden behind the conveyor belt as they saw them leave and popped out.

"Well, it certainly took you two long enough," shouted Obi-wan as he saw the pair running beside him.

"You know, we haven't saved you yet," replied Satine with the same snarkiness as the Jedi Master.

"Yes, no need to remind me of that," replied Obi-wan with the same tone.

"Be patient!" shouted Satine as she began to climb the ladder.

"I happen to be a bit short on patience right now!" replied Kenobi.

"Now I know where you got your snarking side from," snickered Storm as he looked at Obi-wan to which the Jedi Master rolled his eyes.

"Now let's see. One of these," said Satine as she was looking at the control panel.

"Satine, turn the machine off!" shouted Obi-wan as he was about to be squeezed.

"I'm trying!" yelled the Duchess.

"Satine!" shouted Kenobi.

"There!" shouted the Duchess.

She pushed a button as the machinery stopped itself from squeezing the Jedi Master. The conveyor belt was still moving as the Jedi Master was still trapped and heading to the gears. Satine now climbed down the ladder and joined Storm as they still had to save their friend. At that moment, both Mandalorians arrived as they saw the pair.

"Look out!" shouted Obi-wan as he saw them heading for his friends.

Both were caught off guard as they wrapped their arms behind the pair. Satine did a kick as Storm ducked so that the Duchess managed to hit the Mandalorian that held the boy and released his hold. She was still being held by her hands as the Jedi Knight was now engaging in close combat with his foe. At that same time, Obi-wan was about to drop into the gears. Satine saw this as she was still restrained. The Duchess noticed a nearby canister as she kicked it.

The force field cut off at that moment as the Jedi Master dropped. the canister that was kicked by the Duchess fell into the gears. It stopped for a moment as Obi-wan landed on it as he was doing a handstand. He immediately pushed off as the gears destroyed the canister and flipped in the air. He transitioned his body to deliver a flying kick as Satine ducked and the Jedi Master hit the Mandalorian to release her hold and hit the wall.

With Storm, he was ducking and dodging all the punches thrown by the Mandalorian he was facing as he managed to grab the arm and do an arm drag. The Mandalorian rolled through as he looked at the Jedi Knight. The boy looked at Obi-wan behind him as he gave a nod. The Jedi Knight ran and then leaped into the air to do a jumping knee. At the same time, Obi-wan received the signal from his friend as he went for a low sweeping attack. The pair managed to pull off a high and low attack at the same time as the Mandalorian was flung off his feet and hit in the head. Obi-wan quickly used his speed and grabbed ahold of the armored man in the air and flung him into the wall with the other.

"For a man swore to peace, you take an unseemly pleasure in the injuries of others," said Satine to Obi-wan as they all entered an elevator.

"It's called self-defense!" countered Storm at what the Duchess was implying.

"For a woman sworn to nonviolence, you don't seem troubled that I could have been killed back there," said Obi-wan as he grabbed Satine's arm so that she could look directly into his eyes.

"But you weren't," scowled Satine. "And yet I still haven't heard any thanks."

"Well, you certainly haven't changed much," scowled the Jedi Master as he looked away from the Duchess.

"Talk about sexual tension," said Storm to himself as he saw both adults avoid looking at each other and acting like they were teenagers.

The door whooshed opened. There was a Mandalorian standing there as he turned to see the elevator open up and saw the group. Obi-wan quickly jumped into action as he threw some punches at the armored man as he went down.

"This is not the way we came in," said the Jedi Master.

"Look there," said more Mandalorians from the level below as they saw the group.

"It's the Jedi!" shouted the other one.

Obi-wan pushed the button to close the elevator but it wasn't working. Soon more Mandalorians appeared and began to fire at the group. Without his lightsaber, Obi-wan could defend himself as he grabbed Satine's hand and ran. Storm pulled out and turned on his weapon as he began to provide more cover for them as they ran. They moved to the side as the shots hit the elevator and made it drop back into the tunnel.

"We'll have to stand and fight. Or in your case, just stand," snickered Obi-wan to Satine.

Satine was offended by that as she made a face at her friend. Obi-wan stood up and reached to his side when he realized that he didn't have his lightsaber.

"I guess, it's up to me," said Storm as he got up and began to block the blaster shots.

"You three, stop them!" shouted a Mandalorian.

The three Mandalorians ran and then leaped into the air as their jetpacks turned on. They began to fire as they were hovering towards the Jedi. Without his weapon to fight back, Obi-wan was helpless as Storm kept on protecting them. He soon saw the blaster that was from the man he knocked out earlier as he used the Force to bring it towards him. The Jedi Master then got to a knee and began to fire.

The Mandalorians were still aiming at the Jedi. Obi-wan took a while to get a good shot as he saw his target and fired. His blast took out the Mandalorian in the middle as he sent flying back. The Jedi Master then grabbed the backpack on the unconscious Mandalorian he knocked out. Storm saw this as he ducked his head when Obi-wan tossed it into the air. The Jedi Master aimed once more as he fired and his shot hit the jetpack as it exploded when the two other Mandalorians fly close to it.

Smoke appeared as both Jedi looked at it. Soon a body was shown lunging for the Jedi Master as one of them survived and tackled him to the floor.

"You there!" shouted Satine as she got the attention of the armored man and threw a small rock at his helmet.

He then directed his blaster at the Duchess as Storm quickly appeared in front of the women and defended the shots from hitting her. Obi-wan took that opportunity to trip up the Mandalorian as he kicked him once he was down.

"Satine!" shouted Obi-wan as he was worried.

"I'm alright," said the Duchess.

"I'll deal with this," said the Mandalorian in charge as he saw the whole thing go down in the command center. "Get your ships and evacuate."

The call was given as all the Mandalorians were running to their shuttles and taking off. The group emerged from the rocks to see the ships flying, but also to see a small group of Mandalorians that were being led by their leader. He had a side cape that had the symbol of the Death Watch on it as they approached the group.

"Failure," said the leader to the Mandalorian who was coming to as he shot him dead for letting the Jedi Master best him.

Both Storm and Obi-wan emerged from the rocks to confront the leader as they could see the Jedi Master's weapon hanging off the side. The leader of the Mandalorians then stopped and took off his helmet. Upon reveal, it caused all of them to be shocked a bit at who was the leader of this terrorist group.

"Governor?" said Satine.

"For generations, my ancestors fought proudly as warriors against the Jedi. Now that woman tarnishes the very name Mandalorian. Defend her if you will." said Governor Vizsla as he tossed Obi-wan his lightsaber.

"Storm, stand down," said Obi-wan to his friend as he needed to do this himself.

"Very well. I'll protect Satine," said the boy as he saw the look on the Jedi Master's face as he knew not to disobey his orders. He soon stepped to the side with Satine as they were preparing for what was about to go down.

Obi-wan turned on his lightsaber and spun around before taking his stance as he pointed his weapon. Governor Vizsla then reached into his back and pulled out a weapon. He then turned it on as out shot a blade that resembled a lightsaber, but it was dark-colored.

"Is that... a black-lightsaber?" said Storm. For the boy, he never heard of a lightsaber that was that dark-colored, neither by his master nor any of the books he read in the archives.

"This lightsaber was stolen from your Jedi temple by my ancestors during the fall of the Old Republic," stated Governor Vizsla. "Since then, many Jedi have died upon its blade. Prepare yourself to join them."

Governor Vizsla then leaped into the air as he looked to do a downward strike as Obi-wan blocked it with his lightsaber positioned horizontally. he pushed back the governor and quickly leaned back to avoid his attacks before he went for his as it was blocked. He pushed it to the side as the governor spun when it was and looked to cut Obi-wan's legs off. The Jedi Master predicted it as he leaped into the air to avoid it. He landed and blocked another downward attack by transitioning his hand upside down to use the blade to block at that angle.

A few more attacks were thrown by the governor as Obi-wan was simply defending and winning the fight. He managed to catch the governor's hand that held the blade. The governor went for a punch with his other as Obi-wan moved his head out of the way. He let go as he tossed it to the side and ducked more attacks before spinning and coming back to his original position before thrusting his hand out to us the Force. He sent the governor flying back as he was caught by the group which he released from their grip.

"The Jedi that fell to that thing must have sucked! You can't hit for shit!" shouted Storm as he could see that Obi-wan wasn't having much of a challenge against the governor.

The governor was enraged by the comment made by the teen as he charged forward to Obi-wan once more. He spun in the air once more to slash as Obi-wan just moved back a few inches before bringing his knee to make contact with the governor's face and at the same time knock the darksaber out of his hand. The governor kept on fighting as he managed to throw some punches to make contact with Obi-wan's midsection as he did an uppercut that knocked the Jedi Master to the ground.

The governor then quickly retrieved his Darksaber as he fired up his jetpack. Obi-wan was sitting up as he saw the governor use his jetpack to fly into the air as he looked to bring the blade down. Obi-wan simply got up and ran before leaping into the air to meet him. He avoided a swing before punching the governor in the face and kneeing him before swinging him and throwing the Mandalorian to where his comrades were.

"You want me to step in? Cause I'm pretty sure I could you a more fair fight. Granted I'll still kick your ass with ease, but at least I'm giving you a chance." snickered Storm as he could see the governor wasn't all that good.

The governor was enraged at Obi-wan dominating him in their fight and the comments made by the Jedi Knight.

"Warriors, finish them!" shouted the governor as he stood up and pointed at his men to complete the job.

The Mandalorians all stepped forward and pushed a button on their wrists. They all bent as they fired a missile from their jetpack as it was heading towards Obi-wan. The Jedi Master was able to dodge and shift his body to avoid all of them. The rockets flew past the Jedi Master only to circle back.

"Oh, shit!" said Storm as he and Satine saw them turning around and coming at them.

"Satine!" shouted Obi-wan as he ran with the pair to the elevator shaft.

The Jedi Master grabbed the Duchess into his arms as he jumped down with Storm following behind them. They all hit the bottom and tumbled as the rockets hit moments behind them as debris and smoke filled the room.

"Should we go after them, sir?" asked one of the men to Governor Vizsla.

"No. There's no time. Don't worry. We'll catch up with the Duchess soon enough." stated Governor Vizsla.

Down in the shaft, Storm had gotten up and coughed to clear the dust in his lungs. He then looked next to him as he saw Obi-wan was on top of Satine as they were coming to. The Jedi Knight cleared his throat as the adults saw him and then the position they were in. Obi-wan quickly got off while keeping his cool.

"Nothing happened!" said Obi-wan to the Jedi Knight to avoid him getting any ideas.

"I believe you. But next time you two need to be alone, all you have to do is ask," smiled Storm while putting his hands up.

Eventually, the Duchess and Jedi made it out the way they came in as Satine had Obi-wan's shoulder over hers.

"I suppose we're even now," stated Satine.

"Ah. How so?" asked Obi-wan.

"I saved your life. You saved mine," justified Satine.

"Yes, well, mine was the more daring of the two rescues," said Obi-wan with slight flirtiness in his statement while trying to look impressive in front of the Duchess.

Satine merely clicked her tongue at the Jedi Master as she giggled. Soon all three of them got on their speeders as they prepared to return to Mandalore.

The morning was shown on Sundari as Duchess Satine and her people were shown boarding her ship.

"But if Pre Vizsla fled, we have no way of learning how widespread Death Watch really is," said one of the senators accompanying the Duchess on her trip to Coruscant to meet with the Senate.

"It's obvious the Separatists are supporting the Death Watch," said Obi-wan.

"I disagree. I told you I wanted to stay out of this conflict," said Satine as she glared at the Jedi Master.

"Given the current situation, I'm afraid that may no longer be possible," said Kenobi.

"I thought you of all people would understand my position on this matter. I will never be a part of this war!" shouted Satine as she walked away.

"Yeesh, what gives. Last night she was on our side, this morning, she's against us," said Storm as he could see the Duchess was back to her normal diplomatic self.

Approaching them was Anakin, as well as each of their clone commanders as they had been sent to accompany the two and the Duchess during her trip.

"Reporting for escort duty, General."

"Oh, Anakin. Am I glad to see you," smiled Obi-wan as he was relieved to see his student.

"Hmm. You sound tired," said the Jedi Knight to his master.

"The peaceful ways of the locals worn me out a bit," said the Jedi Master as he began to board the Duchess' ship with the clones.

"So, what really happened?" asked Anakin to Storm.

"It's a long story. Thankfully, we've got a long ride to Coruscant. Which is more than enough time to tell you the details." smiled Storm to his buddy.

Both Jedi Knights then walked up the ramp to board as the ride to their destination was going to be long. And no doubt, what was about to happen, meant their flight was going to be even longer.