Meet OliveDrab

by OliveDrab


Nopony has heard my name, or at least nopony who keeps out of trouble knows my name. My life has been a fairly clouded story, and that's why I am here today. You see, I was born in a small home on the outskirts of cloudsdale. my parents were good parents they really were its just... well... they kinda weren't there very long as they abandoned me in cantarlot. Yeah I was a reject.
I remember what my father looked like. He was a tall white pegasus with a stern hard look on his face. As i recall, he was hardly ever home and when he was I remember having to hide for some reason I never really met him until that final day. That day out of curiosity I burst out to meet my father and was overjoyed to see him again... until i saw the look on my moms face when he glared at her. It was then apparent that my mother hid me for good reason.
That night I was beaten till I bled and made to sleep outside. The next morning I was beaten again and then tied like an animal so that I could be taken to a back alley in cantarlot. Once we reached cantarlot I was thrown to the ground and beaten once more. I was left on my own dying and unable to free myself.