//------------------------------// // Crystal // Story: Drake and the Tantalizing Crystal // by Bad Dragon //------------------------------// Drake was a sweet enthusiastic dragon with only a few years in his name. He was playful and got excited by the smallest of stimuli, enjoying life to the fullest as it came. Days were spent chasing butterflies, smelling for crystals and enjoying the world in general. He was a curious little dragon, often learning new tricks from neighborhood dragons. The future was an open road. He could become any kind of dragon he wanted. A knowledgeable one, an agile sporting kind, a hard-working forge master dragon or any other variety. If it was up to him, he’d become every kind of dragon and more, for he loved all and enjoyed everything. He didn’t spend much time indoors because there were just so many things to enjoy out in the open. The only time he came inside was when the day was over and he was tired from all the fun activities. He looked forward to the morning and couldn’t wait for the night to be over. Life had a lot more in store for him and he would pursue his destiny with the tenacity of a dragon king. Or so he thought. The following night everything changed. A big tremor shook the ground. Seismic activities were regular phenomena given that his cave was at the base of an active volcano. However, the shaking was quite severe that time around, collapsing the wall at the end of his cave and revealing a whole new room. The world was still the same, and so was he, but there was one little detail that was offsetting him. Under the ceiling hung a big juicy crystal. It probably had some kind of history, but it didn’t matter. All he knew was that he wanted it, badly. Unlike all the other mornings when he would jump right up and run out to enjoy life, that start of the day was different. He walked under the bait like a shark, readying for a strike. The chandelier was probably a remnant of a time long gone, but it didn’t matter to the little dragon one bit. All that mattered was him getting the crystal. A neighboring dragon from the hot springs called for him outside the cave, “Drake! Come out to play. The lava is hotter than usual. We can wrestle in it all day long. I even brought us a rock to throw at each other.” Drake walked ever faster toward the entrance to remove the boulder blocking the entry. His jumps slowed to a walk and the walk slowed to a halt mid-way. The dragon outside was his friend, but there was another thing calling him from behind. A smell of delight, right there for the taking. All he had to do was grab the crystal and everything would be as it always was, just better. The boulder blocking the entrance had to stay in place. Drake knew dragons, for he was one himself. Unprotected hoard is free for the taking and crystals were the most sought-after treasures. Nodragon should know about the chandelier. Privacy and solitude were Drake’s friends. At least that’s what he thought at the time. He plunged back, running faster and faster. At the entrance of the new room, he jumped as high as he could. He flew up with an open mouth. His long tongue brushed against the hanging crystal which overflowed him with the divine taste, but when he snatched at it with his sharp teeth, he missed it just by a little. A relentless crash to the dusty floor followed. He found himself sore and bumped, but it didn’t stop him from trying again. And again. And again. He attempted to knock it off with his tail and claws, but couldn’t reach. Only his serpent tongue was long enough to touch it, yet not firm enough to bring it down. After the whole day of jumping and falling, he tired. The many failures damaged his resolve and his will was waning as well. The many injuries from the falls amounted to a limp. Yet, that wasn’t the main reason why he wouldn’t walk out of his cave like every day before. He sat in the middle of the room, looking up at the one thing he wanted more than anything else. The crystal dangled above him, so close, yet just out of reach. He couldn’t help himself with any item from his cave, for he had none. Being a simple dragon, he never needed anything. To venture outside, however, would put his treasure at risk. Parting with it was not something he wanted to do. Nothing can ever come between a dragon and his crystal. His joy turned to misery as he sat there, looking up to the one thing that could bring back his happiness. Minutes turned to hours, hours turned to days. He didn’t venture outside anymore. What he wanted was right in front of him. Knowing that, he stayed indoors. Nothing else could bring him joy anymore, not until he would get what he wanted. With days, the smell only grew more enticing. His desire for the crystal grew, but inside of him was turmoil. With the crystal in his snout, every other activity would be better than it ever was, but without it, everything seemed meaningless. Drake knew the dangling crystal was sucking out his enjoyment of life. But at the same time, it was the key to his happiness. He could not leave it alone. One way or another, he would get to it, or die trying. Even though it was torture for Drake, he stayed in the room. Everything he loved until that point simply ceased. That out-of-reach crystal would always and forever be the center of his world. The craving wouldn't make him happy. In fact, it would make him miserable. But he could not help himself. As long as the crystal would exist, he would never be free. And the crystal wasn't going anywhere anytime soon. Drake was trapped.