//------------------------------// // Chapter 51: Grievous Intrigue // Story: Star Wars: The Great War // by ShootingStar25 //------------------------------// For everything you gain, you lose something else. Recap: Diabolical defeat! Though Republic victories outnumber their losses, the Jedi have been unable to stop Separatist advances in the Outer Rim. The ever-elusive General Grievous stays one step ahead of his opponents. With thousands of droid armies at his command, the Jedi can never predict where Grievous will strike next until now. The action was already happening. The Separatist leader, General Grievous was currently having his destroyer ship fire at a Republic cruiser. The ship belonged to an Iridonian Zabrak male, named Eeth Koth. The Jedi Master wasn't alone as he was accompanied by Luna as they were aware of the surprise attacks recently by the cyborg. Turns out he was good at his job as he managed to catch the two masters off-guard. And now he was preparing to board their ship. Both ran to the communications table from the bridge as the clones around them also scrambled. "Stand by. Grievous is boarding," said Koth to the clones near them. Outside, Grievous' ship had extended its ramp as it latched onto their ship as the enemy was preparing to board. The doors to the Republic ship opened as Superbattle droids began to open fire on the clones that were stationed. Both sides traded shots, but the droids were vastly overwhelming the clones as they fell. "Status report," asked Luna as the hologram came on to show the battle. "There's too many of them!" shouted Captain Lock through his comlink. "Get yourselves to the escape pods. We will deal with Grievous here," said Master Koth to his clone commander. "But, sir, they're commando droids," responded Captain Lock as the most deadly droids were present. "That does not matter, Captain. Now go," said Luna as she too encouraged the captain to get his men out while they stayed behind. At that moment, a thud was heard. Both Jedi Masters looked at the door in front of themselves. They immediately turned on their lightsabers as they prepared to fight. A sizzling sound was heard as the tip of a lightsaber was shown as it was looking to cut open the sealed door. The clones all aimed their blasters at the door as they prepared to fire. The blade finished making the circle as it then disappeared. Nothing happened for a few seconds. Just then, both Jedi Masters heard a small tinkering. The small opening then shot out as both Jedi Masters ducked as the clones behind them were taken out. They quickly looked back to see the feet of a droid. It belonged to none other than the cyborg himself as it now showed his face as he stood there menacingly with his hands behind his back. "Jedi," snarled the cyborg. "Grievous," responded Master Koth. He merely laughed as he stepped to the side. At that moment, commando droids appeared. Some of them fired at the Jedi Masters as they blocked their shots. The others now began to engage the clones as they were making quick and easy work of them. Soon all the clones near the Jedi Masters were taken care of as only they remained. Both were able to duck their attacks as they swung at the commando droids. They were able to take some out as one of them fired some shots at the Jedi Masters as it grazed their hands which were enough to make them drop their lightsabers. Before they could grab it, they were immediately put in a hold as the remaining commando droids had their arms under their chin. The commando droid that shot at them leaped onto the table as it looked to finish the job as its comrades held the Jedi Masters in place. One of the clones who was attacked was able to recover as he grabbed his blaster and shot the droid on the table in the head. Both Luna and Koth took that as they used the table to flip over the droids that held them and immediately pull their lightsabers to slash at them. Despite being cut in half, the top half of the droid still functioned until both drove their weapons into its skull downwards. They then looked back in front of them. The clone was then shocked as he fell. Standing behind him were several MagnaGuards as they began to file in. Seems the cyborg was prepared to deal with both highly skilled Jedi Masters as he brought enough firepower. The droids equipped with their electrostaff now began to circle the Jedi Masters as Koth had his other hand gripping his elbow as that area started to be affected when he was shot. Luna held her stance as they were backed into the table before Grievous jumped on it as they turned to face him. "Eeth Koth, isn't it? I've been looking forward to meeting you. And Luna, Celestia's little sister is all by herself. She finally decided to step out of her big sister's shadow." snickered Grievous as he looked at the other Jedi Master. "Your reputation precedes you, General. The reputation of a coward... and a murderer," growled Luna. "Murderer? Is it murder to rip the galaxy of you Jedi filth?" asked Grievous as he pulled out two lightsabers. He pushed both Master Koth with his foot as he was thrown back. Luna saw her ally fly towards the bridge. When she turned, she barely avoided the cyborg's attack by ducking down. Grievous then leaped forward as he began to engage with Master Koth. Luna was left to deal with a few of the Magnaguards as they were proving to be challenging for the Jedi Master herself. Master Koth blocked an attack by Grievous as the rest of the Magnaguards were trailing behind their leader as they stood by. As they were backing up into the bridge, Grievous spun his blades before lunging an attack as Master Koth jumped to avoid it and went for an attack that was blocked. The cyborg swung rapidly as the Jedi Master moved out of the way by leaning back. They soon reached the end of the bridge as Grievous went for a finishing blow. Master Koth was able to duck under and then slide behind the cyborg's back as he was now on the other side and had room to move. He blocked an attack as Grievous swung to which he ducked. He went for another attack as the Jedi Master was getting up as he blocked that with his hand behind his back as it still held his lightsaber. The Jedi Master was pushed back as he thrust his hand out. He used the Force to slam Grievous into the window as it cracked. He then charged forward to attack the downed cyborg, but that was when the Magnaguards stepped in. The ones behind Master Koth thrust their electro staffs into his back as he screamed. They released as the Jedi Master slumped over. That allowed Grievous the chance to recover as he brought both his lightsabers up for a downward horizontal block. The Jedi Master was still able to protect himself after getting electrocuted. When he blocked, the droids did it again as they jabbed their staffs into his back. Once more Grievous looked to end him as he blocked still not giving up. The droids did it a third time that Master Koth fell to his knees. Grievous then quickly grabbed his throat and lifted the Jedi Master into the air as he was being choked out. The cyborg was laughing maniacally as he relished in his victory over the defeated and helpless Jedi Master. "No!" shouted Luna as she managed to finish dealing with her foes. She charged forward and ducked under the two Magnaguards that were behind Master Koth as she quickly sliced them in half. She brought her lightsaber to attack Grievous as he had his other arm block it with his lightsaber. The two bodyguards behind the cyborg then thrust their electro staffs at the Jedi Master. Luna screamed in pain as they weren't letting go until she fell. Luna felt the electricity flowing through her veins as it was painfully to hell. She fell to her knees as some smoke was shown from her clothes. Luna coughed as she was then grabbed by her throat. She was being lifted into the air by Grievous as he was now choking her out. Master Koth had passed out and was laying on the floor by the cyborg's feet. Luna put her hands on Grievous' arm as she could feel her life starting to fade. She was struggling to get out, but it was no use due to the cyborg's tight grip. "How the mighty have fallen so easily," snickered Grievous as he pulled Luna's face in to look at her dead in the eyes. He invoked fear in the Jedi Master as she was terrified. "So easily I could kill you by squeezing even more." "T...ia..." called out Luna as she was slowly losing breath and was moments away from closing her eyes permanently. "Celestia isn't here to save her little sister," growled Grievous in joy. The cyborg then threw Luna back as she hit the table and then slumped over as the Jedi Master was knocked out and defeated. At the Jedi Temple on Coruscant, the Jedi were all gathered in the communications room. Ahsoka, Barriss, and Twilight were shown entering the room as already inside were several Jedi Masters, Storm and Anakin, and a few younglings who wanted to see what was happening. They were all receiving a message as it was from none other than Grievous. "Greetings, Jedi, it would seem, once again, two of your order have lost their way," said Grievous as the hologram showed the cyborg holding the Jedi Masters near his feet. "And even better, leading members of your Jedi Council." "Luna!!!" shouted Storm as he saw his master in the clutches of the cruel cyborg. "Lulu," spoke Celestia as she appeared via hologram, but could see the pain and fear on her little sister. "Listen to me, Jedi, I do not care about your politics. I do not care about your Republic. I only live to see you die!" shouted Grievous as he threw both Jedi Masters in front of him as his bodyguards began to shock them with their staffs as they screamed. The younglings quickly turned away as they covered their eyes by hiding in the girls' clothes as they heard the screams of pain. They did their best to comfort them as they had scowls before looking back at Grievous who continued. Storm this whole time could feel the pain of his master as his fist clenched and he seething. "But death will not come so easily for Master Koth and Luna. I will make them suffer endlessly because I know that is more painful for you all," laughed Grievous manically as soon the message ended. "Grievous you son of a bitch!!!!" yelled out Storm, his voice echoed around the room as even the Jedi Masters via hologram heard it. At that moment, all of them looked at the Jedi Knight as he was angry. Correction: pissed off. Storm's voice scared the kids even more as they were now more terrified of the boy than Grievous himself. The Jedi Knight was growling as he was trying his hardest to not let his anger control him. "Storm," called out Twilight. The girl put her hand on his shoulder as it affected the boy. The princess' touch sent a message to the boy as he could feel his anger slowly repressing as he looked at Twilight. The girl gave a worried look to her partner as that was enough to snap Storm out of his rage. He took some deep breaths to calm himself. "Away with the younglings. Much there is to discuss," instructed Yoda as Barriss and Ahsoka took the children and left. Soon some murmurs began as everybody was taking a moment to process what happened. "It's going to be alright. I promise," spoke Twilight softly as the princess managed to calm her friend. She grabbed his hand and interlocked her fingers with his as she wanted to show him that he didn't need to be in pain. That she was here with him and that whatever emotions he was feeling, she could repress and take away just as he had done for her many times in the past. "Thanks... Twilight," smiled Storm as the girl returned the gesture. They both soon turned to the table as the murmurs were dying down as they were about to discuss. "It's time somebody finally put an end to that monster," spoke Anakin. "On that, agreed we are. How to find him, the question remains," said Yoda. Master Plo Koon was shown via hologram as soon as his clone commander Wolfe appeared. The clone whispered into his general's ear as they seemed to have noticed something in the recording. "After engaging Grievous, we lost contact with Master Koth and Luna. He could be anywhere," said Obi-wan. At that moment, Master Plo got the attention of everyone. "Commander Wolffe has found a message in the holo transmission. Playback the message," said the Jedi Master. The message was shown. It showed the Magnaguards stabbing the Jedi Masters with their electro-staff. But the thing everybody paid attention to was their hands. Both Luna and Koth were moving their fingers making symbols. "Look. Hand signals," said Anakin. "I admit my skills are rusty, but... Saleucami system, sector J-19. Zero-eight, zero-five, two-eight," spoke Kenobi as he looked at the hand signals and deciphered them. "Two-nine, actually, Kenobi," corrected Celestia. While the signals for the eighth and nine were similar, Luna did it in a way that was a bit clearer to decipher. "Saleucami? But intelligence reported Grievous has no ships near that sector," responded a Tholothian female who was a Jedi Master named Adi Gallia. "Yes, but so often inaccurate our intelligence is," spoke Master Yoda. "I shall go," said Obi-wan. "So will I" responded Anakin. "And I," said Gallia. All three Jedi turned to leave when they were suddenly stopped in their tracks. "You're not going anywhere without me!" stated Storm as the boy was in front of them as he blocked their path. "Storm?" spoke Twilight as she was concerned for her partner. "Don't try to talk me out of it. Luna is in danger. And I refuse to let her die at the hands of that bastard! So either you let me come, or you go through me!" said Storm as he was standing his ground. "We weren't going to stop you," smiled Anakin. Storm soon smiled as the four exited the room. The boy was then stopped in the hallway as Twilight chased after him. "Storm!" "I'll be fine, Twilight. This is something that I have to do." "But..." "Don't worry, I won't let my anger take over. I promise. I just want to bring Luna to safety." "Promise?" said the girl. "Promise," replied the boy as he reached over to grab the princess' hand and hold it tightly. "Alright, take this," said the girl as pulled out a healing stim. "Thanks, Sparky." said the boy as he grabbed it. He then turned to run, "Don't wait up for me!" "I won't," smiled the princess as she saw her partner disappear. Storm managed to round up Sark, Ricochet, and Claude as he informed the clones of the situation. They didn't need any more motivation once they heard Luna was captured as they were ready for action in rescuing their general. Soon the entire rescue crew was in space as they were about to make the jump to hyperspace. "Are you ready?" asked Kenobi through his cruiser's communications. A small shuttle was shown and inside it was Anakin, Storm, Master Gallia, and some clones. "Ready and waiting," responded Anakin to the hologram of his master. "I shall engage the Separatist fleet and send you the coordinates of Grievous' command ship." "Just make sure you get it right," smiled Anakin. "I always do," responded Kenobi. "And Storm? Try to not let your anger get to you. We will rescue Luna." "Don't worry, Obi-wan. I'll be fine," reported the Jedi Knight to his friend. "How do you plan on getting Grievous aboard your ship?" asked Master Gallia. "Not to worry. The good General and I have a history. I'm sure he'll want to even the score face-to-face." said Kenobi as he knew his rival. "Meanwhile, we'll jump in undetected and board the command ship," said Anakin. "If Master Koth and Master Luna are still alive, we will find them," stated Gallia. "Hopefully, by the end of this mission, we will have saved Master Koth and Luna, as well as, captured General Grievous," responded Obi-wan. The transmission then ended. Obi-wan's fleet then all jumped into hyperspace. In space, there was a ship. It belonged to none other than General Grievous as they were approaching the Saleucami system. The cyborg was shown as he was on the bridge of his ship as Master Koth was being held in energy binds. As for Luna, Grievous had other plans for the little sister of Celestia as she was down in the detention cells. Though he did make sure that she was given a proper welcome to her cell. "Sir, we have entered the Saleucami system," said the tactical droid to the cyborg. "Begin preparations for our landing," ordered General Grievous. "Yes, my lord." "Uh, sir. Several ships are coming out of hyperspace," spoked a B1 droid who was at a panel. "Are they Republic or Separatist?" asked Grievous. At that instance, Obi-wan's fleet came out of hyperspace. "Republic. Three cruiser-class, four escort-class," responded the droid. That got the attention of Master Koth as though he may still be a bit unconscious, he knew that our heroes were coming to save him and Luna. "You see? Your compassionate friends have come to rescue you, just as I knew they would," snickered Grievous as he hoped the Jedi would launch a rescue op to save his prisoners. One of the ships from Obi-wan's fleet now began to make its way towards the Separatist destroyer. "One of the Republic ships is hailing us, my lord," said the tactical droid to Grievous. "Put him through." They made the connection as soon as the image of Obi-wan came up on the screen. "General, I knew one day I'd catch up to you." "Kenobi! What a surprise. I assume you are here to bring me to justice." said Grievous to his rival. "You know me too well," smiled the Jedi Master. "Indeed, I do," stated the cyborg as he shut off the transmission, "Prepare to fire all cannons. And be alert. Where there is Kenobi, you will always find Skywalker not far behind. And their little friend to complete their trio." The droids heard the command by their leader as they began to prep for battle. "The enemy ships are faster and more maneuverable. I suggest caution," said the tactical droid. "Draw them in. I want to board that vessel. I shall kill Kenobi face-to-face." said Grievous as he was looking to settle the score with his rival and put an end to him. The ships from Kenobi's fleet then launched their smaller fighters as they began to engage the warship. The field became covered in red and blue lasers as Obi-wan saw this from the bridge. "Well, we certainly have his attention," said the Jedi Master to Cody before touching his comlink, "Admiral Yularen, keep Grievous' fleet occupied so Anakin and Storm's arrival is undetected." "Yes, General. Commence attack. All ships fire at will." ordered the admiral to the navigators. "Yes, sir. We're moving in," said one of the pilots as several smaller ships fired at the Separatist fleet. "Commander Cody, do you have the exact coordinates of the command ship yet?" asked Obi-wan. "We're patching them through now, sir." "We are receiving the coordinates from General Kenobi," said Anakin as their shuttle still awaited. "How close are you going to jump in next to Grievous' ship?" asked Master Gallia. "Hmm. Pretty close. Buckle up, boys." smiled Anakin smugly. "Define 'pretty close'," said Master Gallia as she was worried. "Close enough to get the job done," translated Storm as the Jedi Master was now full-on worried about being with the boys as they smiled. Their shuttle then jumped into hyperspace. Meanwhile, Obi-wan's forces were still keeping Grievous' attention. "Get me a tractor beam lock on Kenobi's ship and prepare a boarding party," stated Grievous. The droids then pushed some buttons as they managed to secure the Jedi Master's cruiser. "Tractor beam has us, sir. Shall we fire on the source?" "No, Cody. Let them think they have us. We need a diversion for Anakin and Storm." said Kenobi to his clone commander. At that same moment, the shuttle carrying the boys was about to exit. "Coming out of hyperspace. Hang on," said Anakin. They emerged as Anakin began to use his pilot skills to navigate them. He slipped in between his master's fleet as they were making their way to Grievous' ship. They were able to make it to the warship undetected and attached to it. "Primary power down," spoke Anakin. It then panned out as it showed the shuttle was upside down and attached to Grievous' ship. The battle around them continued. "So, was that close enough for you?" asked Storm to the Jedi Master. "Any closer, and we'd be flying down hallways," responded Master Gallia with a smile on her face to the boys. "Ehh, next time," said Anakin. Droids were shown walking along the halls of the ship. They made a turn as they continued their patrol. A small hatch was shown as a lightsaber appeared and cut it open. Out emerged Anakin as he and the rest of them managed to successfully break in. "The coast is clear, Rex," said the Jedi Knight to his clone commander as they saw the droids disappear around the corner. "Copy that, sir." "Stay here and guard the entrance. This may be our only way out," said Anakin to Rex and his men. "Skywalker, Master Koth is located on the bridge," said Gallia as her comlink beeped. "And Luna?" asked Storm. "I don't know where she is. But maybe Master Koth knows. This way." said the Jedi Master as she began to lead the way. "Men, follow us," said Storm to Luna's clones as they followed the three Jedi to the bridge. While our heroes were doing their job from the inside, Kenobi was doing his part. Grievous' ship was now approaching the Jedi Master's cruiser as they were side by side. "Remember, we need to keep Grievous on this ship until General Skywalker and General Storm are clear," said Obi-wan to Cody as they were walking towards the hatch where the cyborg was boarding. Along the wall, were clones all having their blasters aimed at the entrance. They were waiting as soon the hatch from Grievous' ship was extended and attached to the Republic cruiser. Four lightsabers were shown as they cut a circle. One of the clones along the wall was about to put his gun out as the hatch flew. It was coming at Obi-wan and Cody as they ducked. Commando droids entered, but this time, the clones were ready as they began to take out the tough droids. The commando droids evolved their line of fighting as they managed to take out more clones as Obi-wan jumped in to take them down. Soon some Magnaguards appeared as they stepped to the side to reveal Grievous with two lightsabers in his hands. "Kenobi," said the cyborg as his bodyguards were stalking the Jedi Master. "How are we doing?" asked Anakin as they were running along a corridor. "We are close," responded Gallia. They ran down a slope as the Jedi turned on their lightsabers. Luna's clones that accompanied them began to provide coverfire for them as they managed to take down the squad of droids they ran in with ease. They kept on moving as they approached the bridge. With Kenobi, he was being backed up to the bridge as the door opened. He then entered as he had nowhere else to go. The bodyguards stepped to the side of the Jedi Master as Grievous stood before his rival. "So, Kenobi, is everything going as planned?" asked Grievous. "That depends on your point of view, General," responded the Jedi Master. He then blocked a sneak attack from one of the bodyguards as he then spun in the air to block another sneak attack from the other bodyguard. He dodged another swiping attack from the bodyguard by ducking as it hit his comrade. Kenobi then took that moment to slash at the stunning droid as he fell. "You wouldn't come here without a plan, and you wouldn't come alone. Tell me, do you think Skywalker has rescued Master Koth yet? And has Storm rescued his precious master?" taunted the cyborg. Speaking of the Jedi Knights, they had found the bridge as they were about to open it. Before entering, Storm had told Sark and the two other clones to stay here. They nodded as the Jedi entered. The door opened as the tactical droid guarding Master Koth turned and saw pieces of a Superbattle droid being tossed to his feet. He then looked back up and saw the Jedi enter. "Surprise," said Anakin. "Not exactly,' replied the tactical droid. At that moment, commando droids appeared from their hidden spot as they surrounded the Jedi trio. All three of them were back to back with their lightsabers out in front of them. "At least, they're not destroyer droids," said Anakin trying to sound optimistic. "The General's description of your tactics has been 100% accurate today. Very impressive, even by my standards.," said the tactical droid to the Jedi as they had scowls on their faces. Obi-wan was still dealing with Grievous as he blocked more attacks from the cyborg. He quickly blocked an attack from the remaining bodyguard before ducking under a swipe attack from the General. He got back up and blocked some more attacks as he stepped a few steps to the right. He then turned around to block another sneak attack by the bodyguard as he was kept on his toes despite the handicap. Once more, Obi-wan's skills in defense were on display as he wasn't having any problem going up against two enemies at once. He blocked more jabs and thrusts by the bodyguard while being pushed back. "Your plans have come to ruination, Jedi," said Grievous as he walked behind his bodyguard dueling his rival. "I hear a lot of talking, General, but in the final accounting, what does all the talk get you? A futile quest for power, a mutilated body, and your place as Dooku's errand boy!" stated Obi-wan while blocking more attacks from the bodyguard. "I'm no errand boy. I am not in this war for Dooku's politics. I am the leader of the most powerful droid army the galaxy has ever seen." responded Grievous. Obi-wan then tripped up the bodyguard as the electro staff went into the air. He grabbed it and jabbed it downwards at the bodyguard to stun it before plunging his lightsaber through its chest. "An army with no loyalty, no spirit, just programming. Why do you need to show all your power? What have you to gain?" shouted Obi-wan taking his stance to fight the cyborg. "The future! A future where there are no Jedi," said Grievous as he now made his arms split into two as he now wielded four lightsabers. He crouched as he had the two blades above him spinning as he began to approach the Jedi Master. He managed to duck his swipes as he began to fight. Obi-wan was also using the electro-staff to battle Grievous as he lunged for an attack. He blocked the lightsabers near Grievous' lower half while using the staff to block the lightsabers coming down on him. The staff broke as Obi-wan leaped over the general as he went for a thrust attack. When Obi-wan landed, Grievous kicked the Jedi Master in the back as he fell to the floor. "The story of Obi-Wan Kenobi ends here," said Grievous as he stood over the Jedi Master. Back on Grievous' ship, the Jedi were still holding their stances. The tactical droid then pushed a button on its wrist as the binds that held Master Koth next to him shot electricity at the Jedi Master. They all took a step as the droid shut it off. "One more step and your friend will die," taunted the droid to the Jedi as he laughed. Anakin put his hand out as he pulled the droid to him and slashed the arm off. Both Storm and Gallia began to take out a commando droid before the fighting began. The Jedi were now battling the rest of the droids as they pulled out their small blades. Gallia force pushed one of them over the bridge as Storm took the moment to move. He ducked under some droids trying to get the boy as he chopped the head off of one of them before going for the tactical droid. He reached the droid as he pinned him back to the ground and raised his lightsaber to its face. The light from his blade showed the fury on the Jedi Knight as he stared at the robot. "Where is she?!!!" shouted Storm. "She's in the lower detention levels," said the tactical droid as he was legit scared of the boy. "You better not be lying or I'll stab the other!" shouted the Jedi Knight. "The other what..." The droid didn't finish his sentence as Storm plunged his lightsaber tip into the left eye of the tactical droid as he let out a scream of sorts as the Jedi Knight got off of him. The droid covered his eye with his attached arm as Storm turned. "Anakin! I'm going for Luna!" shouted the boy. "Meet us back at the ship when you find here!" said the Jedi Knight to his friend. Storm then ran out of the room as he exited and saw his team of clones waiting for him. "Follow me, men!" said the boy as they all ran to where Luna was being held. Grievous stalked Kenobi who was backing up on the floor. He went for a downward strike as the Jedi Master flipped out of the way and got to his feet with his lightsaber on. The cyborg jumped as Kenobi moved to avoid more slashes as they began to fight in close quarters. Kenobi managed to block all four lightsabers with his single one as Grievous had the Jedi Master pinned against the control panel. "Your friends shall die, Kenobi, and you shall soon follow," said Grievous as Obi-wan pushed his back. Both Anakin and Gallia were still dealing with the commando droids "Got to get it..." said the tactical droid as he was crawling to get his chopped-off arm. "Behind you!" shouted Anakin to Gallia as she finished cutting the commando droid she fought. She looked and saw the tactical droid about to grab his arm as she used the Force to hit the droid in the face as it flew over him. Anakin soon disposed of his final foe as the tactical droid managed to grab his arm. He laughed as he tried to push the button but he couldn't as his joint moved in place. "Uh..." Anakin then slashed him as he was destroyed. They both approached Master Koth as the Jedi Knight slashed the base as the binds turned off. Gallia caught the Jedi Master as she had his arm over her shoulder. "I see you got my message. Where's Grievous?" asked Master Koth. "If everything's gone according to plan, he's onboard Obi-Wan's ship," replied Anakin. "He's been captured?" replied Master Koth. "If we can cut off his escape, there's a good chance of that," said the Jedi Knight. Meanwhile, a small scuffle was occurring. Some droids were standing along a corridor as they minding their own business. Soon they heard some sounds as they looked down the hall. The door they looked at was banging. It banged harder as soon the whole thing came off and it crushed several of them under its weight. Standing there was Storm as the Jedi Knight had his hand out. He showed his face as his eyes made the droids scared. "Kill him!" shouted one of them. They began to open fire on the boy as he simply put his hand out again to slow down the shots. He blocked them as in rolled through Sark, Claude with Ricochet standing behind the Jedi. All three clones began to return fire as they were taking out the droids. Storm raced forward and bounced off the walls as he slashed at the tougher ones while his men took out the ones he missed. They were currently in the lower levels of the ship as they were tracking where Luna was located. "Claude?!!" shouted Storm. "We're just about there, sir," replied the clone as he had a scanner in his hand. All four walked as he led them. They soon found the detention cells as the clone raised the device to each door. He then walked a few meters and when he raised it, a sound went off. "This is the one," replied Claude as he began to open the door. It opened as all four stepped in. They soon looked and saw Luna who was in stuncuffs. The Jedi Master was slumped on her knees with her hands behind her back. She was still bruised from her scuffle with Grievous as some moans were heard. "Luna!" shouted the boy. She looked up and there before were her student and most loyal clones. "Storm?" said the Jedi Master. "It's alright, General. We're here to save you," replied Sark as he and Claude began to cut her binds. "You shouldn't have come," replied Luna to her student and men. "Yeah, yeah. I know. You can scold me later." said Storm as he quickly looked out of the door with Ricochet to see if any droids were coming as Sark and Claude freed her. "Are you alright, General?" asked Sark as Claude injected the healing stim that Storm was given by Twilight. "I believe so. Nothing... too bruised," said the Jedi Master as the pain started to fade due to the stim. She tried to take a few steps forward before falling as both clones by her side caught her. "You're in no condition to walk, sir," replied Claude to Luna. "General Storm?" asked Ricochet to the Jedi Knight as they awaited their orders. "We need to get back to the ship. Anakin and the others are waiting for us. Sark, Claude, help Luna. I'll lead the way back to the ship. Rick, can I count on you to watch our sixes?" asked the boy to his sharpshooter. "Always, sir," replied Ricochet. "Right then. Let's move men!" shouted Storm as he turned on his blade. He then exited the cell with Claude and Sark putting Luna's arms over their shoulders as they carried their general. The group was now making their way back to join the others as they had secured the package. Of course, it wasn't going to be easy as a few droids were in their way. Both Storm and Ricochet took care of them with some assistance from the other two by aiming their blasters in their other hands while carrying Luna. While both Anakin and Storm had gotten both Jedi Masters, Obi-wan was still dealing with Grievous. The Jedi Master was blocking all of Grievous' precision shots as he was once again showing why he was a master when it came to Form 3 as his defense was holding up even going up against four lightsabers. Obi-wan ducked and twisted his hand and body to block shots that would have injured him. He noticed the body of the bodyguard he dispatched as he quickly stuck his hand out to use the force and fling it into Grievous. They collided into the window as it cracked. "Surrender, General," spoke Obi-wan as he pointed his blade at the cyborg. "Never!" shouted Grievous as he lunged on top of Kenobi before crawling off of him spider-like as he began to leave. The door closed as Obi-wan recovered and he began to cut through. "Anakin, I hope you've rescued Master Koth and Luna because Grievous is headed back to his ship," said Kenobi through his comlink as he was cutting. "I got General Luna. We're making our way back to the rendezvous point," said Storm as he notified the rest of them through his comlink. "You both go. I'll make it back. I'll be fine." said Master Koth as he was being carried by both Anakin and Gallia. "I'll have to disagree with you on that one. Master Gallia, you go ahead. I'll get Eeth back to the shuttle." replied Anakin to the Jedi Master. "May the Force be with you," responded the Jedi Master to the Jedi Knight as she turned to run down a corridor. Anakin then left in the opposite direction as he was carrying Master Koth. Along the way, they ran into Storm and the clones as they both rescued their allies. "Get back to the bridge. We need to detach before Grievous jumps ship," said Kenobi to some navigators as they went in the direction he came from as he turned left. "Cody, come in." "Yes, sir." "Grievous is heading your way!" shouted the Jedi Master. He and the rest of the clones finished the droids that were with Grievous when the boarding happened. He then looked to the corridor as turning the corner was Grievous as he was still spider crawling. He and the two other clones opened fire on the cyborg as he got back to his feet. He activated all of his lightsabers as he spun them to deflect the shots. The clone all stepped to the side to avoid getting hit as Grievous was heading for the entrance. "Open fire on the Republic ship. Target their engines!" shouted Grievous to his comlink while the clones continued to fire at him. "But, sir, the ships are still attached," replied a B1 droid. "It doesn't matter. Prepare all troops for our landing on Saleucami!" ordered the cyborg. The droid pushed some buttons as the guns on the ship all turned. They were aimed at the cruiser ship as they began to open fire on it. Anakin and Storm made it to the hatch. They had the clone help both Luna and Koth into the shuttle as they soon followed. The clone navigators made it to the bridge as they began to push some buttons on the panels. "The circuits are fried. We have no controls. I can't Even get the engines online." said one of them. Grievous was just moments away from getting to the docking tube. One of the clones fired his grappling hook on his blaster as it embedded in the cyborg's shoulder. Now all three were pulling as they were trying to capture the Separatist dark lord. They managed to reel the cyborg in as they all began to dogpile him. Grievous was putting up a fight as he swatted away the two clones. Cody was on top of him trying to put a sleeper hold on the cyborg as the other two jumped on top of their commander to add more weight. They got a few punches in on the cyborg's face before he broke free and tossed them away. He then began to run back to the loading dock as the guns on his ship hit the engines. It caused the whole cruiser to tilt as Obi-wan saw Grievous. He ran into the docking tube as the Jedi Master and the three clones followed him. "We've lost our stabilizers," said one of the navigators at the bridge. "I can't hold her steady," said the other one. The docking tube tilted. The clones, Kenobi and Grievous all fell. The cyborg was sliding towards the Jedi Master as he pulled out his lightsaber and was bringing it down. Grievous managed to turn around just in time as he blocked the attack from Obi-wan. Grievous got to his feet as he began to continue their fight from before as the Jedi Master was ducking and moving out of the way of the cyborg's swings. They continued to duel as the docking tube broke. Grievous took that moment to shove himself into Obi-wan as the Jedi Master tumbled and was looking to fall when he grabbed onto a footing. He looked up as Grievous was spider crawling up the docking tube as it was now perpendicular. "Until we meet again, Kenobi," laughed Grievous as he made it to the top and was safely back on his ship. A lightsaber sound was heard as the general looked to his right. There was Master Gallia as she made it and leaped to engage the cyborg. Grievous turned on his lightsabers as he blocked an attack from the other Jedi Master. He went for a quick 1, 2 attack as Gallia blocked those with ease while taking a step back momentarily and pushing forward on the second block. Obi-wan was seeing this as he was still hanging. He began to climb as he looked to assist his Jedi Master brethren in capturing Grievous. The cyborg went for a sweep as Gallia jumped and spun in place before going for an attack. At that moment, the tube broke. Obi-wan was now flying back as a powerful suction was formed. It was strong that it interrupted Grievous and Gallia's fight as they were being sucked in. They each immediately grabbed onto the side of the entrance. Cody managed to grab a hold of Obi-wan and almost went flying into space as did one of the clones. Grievous once again, spider crawled up into his ship and continued up the corridor. Gallia managed to pull herself up once more as she began to get something from her belt. She shot her grappling hook as it zipped past the remaining trio and embedded it in the wall under them. They all began to wall climb. When they reached the top, Gallia pushed the button on the panel to close the ship. "Hurry. We can still catch him," said Kenobi. "Obi-Wan, Anakin's leaving. We'll be trapped on the ship," said Master Gallia as she informed him of their situation. Obi-wan stood there as he heard that statement. He let out a sigh as he so badly wanted to capture Grievous, but right now, they couldn't. They needed to get off. Soon he began to contact his student. "Anakin, Storm, come in. We're in a bit of a spot, and we need a way off of Grievous' ship." "There's a large hangar near your position. Make your way there, and we'll pick you up," said Anakin as both Jedi Knights were preparing to detach. The shuttle now took off to where Anakin said as both Jedi Masters and two clones all ran there. At that same time, the droids were all doing their own evacuation as they were getting into some escape pods. "All droids to the landing craft," spoke the P.A. One of the droids was about to get in before Grievous grabbed them and tossed them away so that he could get in himself and closed it. "Get to your stations. We're going to detach," said Grievous to the B1 droids he was in the escape pod with. At that moment, the Jedi Masters had made it to the hangar. A few seconds later, the shuttle appeared as its ramp opened up. All of them quickly got in as Anakin flew them out. "The reactor's been breached. I can't lock it down!" shouted the pilot on the cruiser. Soon it broke apart and exploded. "Here we go!" shouted Anakin as he was now piloting them through the debris that broke off. He managed to successfully fly them through the wreckage as they were heading towards the Republic cruisers of Obi-wan. "Anakin, get me Admiral Yularen," said the Jedi Master to his student as he began to make contact. "Several craft detached from Grievous' ship and attempted to land on Saleucami," informed the Admiral to the Jedi Master. "Then we'll have to land and follow them. Prepare the tanks," stated Obi-wan. "Yes, sir," responded the admiral as the transmission ended. "There must be several landing sites. It may be hard to locate the good General," said Anakin. "You'll have to command the space battle while Rex, Cody, and I head to the surface," said Obi-wan. "Are you sure you can handle this on your own?" asked the Jedi Knight to his master. "I think I can manage." The shuttle then entered the hangar as it docked. The ramp opened as out came the clones, the Jedi Masters, and the Jedi Knights. "We'll get Master Koth and Luna to a medical frigate," said Master Gallia. "You all took a great risk rescuing us," said Eeth Koth. "You're welcome, Master Koth," replied Obi-wan. "Since you divided your forces, Grievous is still at large. We would have gladly given our life if it meant bringing that monster to justice!" said Luna. "At least we all live to fight another day," said Storm. While the rescue mission might have been a success. One thing was for sure, Grievous had gotten away again. Luna was currently being checked out in the medical section of the ship. Obi-wan was rallying up his troops as they were about to leave to head to the planet's surface to chase after Grievous. Storm was leaning against the entrance of the medical center as he saw the medical droid checking out his master. The droid was finishing up his diagnostics to the Jedi Master as Storm let out a sigh and left. Luna saw her student leave as the droid left. Storm entered his quarters on the cruiser as he flopped onto the bed and faced the wall. The boy lay in silence as soon as a knock was heard. "Storm? Storm, can I come in?" asked Luna as she knocked. "Yeah, I guess," said the teen boy as the door opened up. In walked Luna who had a bandage around her forehead. She saw her student as she sighed. The Jedi Master approached the bed and sat on the edge of it as she looked at the boy. She noticed him as she extended her hand but hesitated a bit. Eventually, she put her hand on his shoulder, and Storm didn't reject it. Luna then began to pet it as she spoke. "Storm..." "I know, I know. I shouldn't have disobeyed you." "Well, yes. But... I should have expected you would pull off a rescue mission to save me." "Are you mad?" asked the teen. "Yes, but also no." The Jedi Master then thought back on a memory. (Memory) "Remember Storm, follow my teachings and my guidance. Only then will you be successful. And it will lead you on the path to becoming a Jedi Master." said a younger Luna. "Yes, Master," replied a younger Storm as the padawan got up from his knees. "I promise to always listen to you." The Jedi Master smiled as she was proud to have an obedient protégé. (End of Memory) Now Luna looked at her protégé as she had to come to terms. The boy she was once cared for, was no longer a child. A child who listened and followed all of her orders. But he was a teenager, and that alone meant he was growing up. "Come here," said the Jedi Master as she opened her arms. Storm looked at his master as he sat up and fell into Luna's embrace as the Jedi Master now held her student like he was a child. She put a hand on his head as she began to rub his hair. She did a little humming of her song as Storm just sat there in his master's arms as he listened. "These past adventures, I've been strict. But that's only because I want you to be the best that you can be, my student. Of course, I should know that you're not the same person you were when you were a padawan. You're a teenager. So I should expect you to rebel against me. It's only natural." "I don't mean to disagree with you at times, Luna. I... I just..." "I understand," spoke the Jedi Master as she pulled back from the embrace to look at Storm's face. "Storm, my job is to help guide you when you struggle. And sometimes that requires me to be strict with you. But know that's only because I care for you. I have since you were given to me, and I always will." "Yeah, I know. And I would never do anything to embarrass you, Master. I just want to make you proud." said Storm. "And you will one day," said Luna as she planted a kiss on her student's head and then hugged him once more. Once more, Luna was now thinking about some things. I'm gonna become a better Jedi Master than you ever were! And then you're gonna bow down to me!!! Bow down to you, Storm. That... will... NEVER... Happen. NEVER. I'm gonna become a better Jedi Master than you ever were! And then you're gonna bow down to me!!! Just as it is my responsibility to prepare Storm for his! To prepare him so that he can be a leader! To prepare him for his destiny!! And he hasn't been able to prove that because of his stupid @#$#@#%%#@ friendship he has with Twilight!!!!!!! I'm gonna become a better Jedi Master than you ever were! And then you're gonna bow down to me!!! I'm preparing the boy for what fate has already foretold him to be. He's to be a Jedi Master. And he does not need a distraction, especially a liability. So I advise the princess to remember her duty that she needs to take care of. She needs to keep her hands off of Storm, and stop dragging him into her personal drama. I'm going to become a better Jedi Master than you ever were! And then you're gonna bow down to me!!! You can bet your ass!!!! All of these thoughts ran through Luna's mind. These thoughts are what fueled the Jedi Master into forming a scowl on her face while she held her student. Soon she released the hug as the Jedi Knight looked at his master. "Thank you, for saving me. My son," said Luna as she called Storm that. "Now go get ready to leave with Obi-wan. Take Sark, Ricochet, and Claude with you. Go capture Grievous." "I won't let you down... Master," said Storm as he got off his bed and exited his room. Luna kept the smile as she watched her apprentice leave. It then turned into a serious scowl.