Living The Dream

by Kickass222urmom

Royal wedding

Here it is, the wedding. Enjoy.

Chapter 32

I stood in front of the mirror adjusting my suit, just finished tying my tie and buttoning the dress jacket.

I looked into the mirror at my pony body and smiled. Thank you Princess Celestia. She had turned me back into a pony, she said it would have been hard, but since Greg's magic is new and weak, it was easy.

I missed this body. I look so much better this way.

I pushed the goggles down over my eyes. I was wearing the new ones that Frederic had given me, and they really worked. Not only did they give me the ability to see in the dark and fog, but also improved my eye sight by a little.

I walked away from the mirror and walked down the stairs and to the front door.

Now, all I got to do is wait for Frederic to come and pick me up. I wonder what being best man will be like.

After a few minutes of standing outside of my house, a Royal Chariot landed in front of me, pulled by two Royal Guards.

Frederic stepped off, a large smile on his face. He was wearing a suit similar to mine, but had a few extra pockets and looked more official.

I smiled as I walked towards him, "Looking good Frederic."

He grinned, "Thanks." He looked me over, "Nice suit. You ready for this?"

I smirked, "What you should be asking is: Are you ready for this?"

He chuckled, "Oh, I'm ready for this. I've been ready for five long years." He moved to the side, "Get on Lance, I don't want to be late for my own wedding."

I walked on and turned, "No, you wouldn't want to do that now would you?"

He walked on, "No I would not." He walked to the front of the chariot, "Okay, take us back to the palace."

The two Royal Guards nodded and lifted off.

Frederic turned to me, "You know what to do right?"

I shrugged, "Yeah, just stand up there and look pretty."

He laughed, "Good, help me keep this wedding from going down hill."

I nodded with a smile, "You know me, I'll make sure everything goes the way its suppose to."

He patted my back, "Thanks."

The chariot landed and we stepped off, and made our way towards the ballroom where the wedding was starting to begin.


Twilight sat on one of the many benches that was in the ballroom. She sat with all of her friends, the only one not with her was Lance. But that was because he was Frederic's best stallion.

She glanced around and saw Frederic making his way to the alter, followed by Lance.

She smiled at him and he smiled back. He was looking good in his suit.

Rainbow Dash groaned loudly, "When is this going to be over?"

Twilight chuckled, "But it hasn't even began yet."

Rainbow Dash sighed, "But we've been here forever!"

David, who was sitting next to Rainbow Dash, grinned, "We just got here not to long ago."

Rarity put a hoof to her face, "Darling, we've only been here for five minutes."

Rainbow Dash looked to the ground, "But its so boring. It felts like hours."

Applejack looked over, "Ya'll need ta learn some patience."

Big Macintosh, who was next to Applejack, nodded, "Eeyep."

Twilight nodded, "Just sit back and enjoy the wedding."

Rainbow Dash sat back, "Fine."

Twilight smiled and returned her attention to the alter, where Frederic stood, looking nervous, waiting for the wedding to begin.

She looked over to Lance, who was rocking on his hooves, and smiled. She couldn't wait for their wedding. She was so happy that all her friends were helping her plan it out. She wanted it to be perfect for her and Lance.


Greg walked into the ballroom followed by Seth.

Seth was pushing a wheel chair with Zorrow in it. Zorrow had a full body cast on, and a head bandage. An IV was stuck into his left hoof. Big Mac had really done a number on him.

Once they were inside and sitting on a bench, with Zorrow's wheel chair next to them, Zorrow sighed and looked towards them. "I'm going to get you back. Both of you. You guys left me behind."

Greg shrugged, "Sorry dude, you wasn't close to me, so I forgot to grab you."

Zorrow sighed, "You could have came back for me."

Seth chuckled, "We did come back for you."

Zorrow grunted, "Yeah, after it was all over and the crap had been beat out of me."

Greg laughed, "At least we came back."

Zorrow closed his eyes and sighed, "I can't believe he shaved my hair off."

Seth and Greg laughed, "You look good bald dude." Greg said grinning.

Zorrow looked at him, "Fuck you man."

Greg smirked, "Time and place dude."

Zorrow rolled his eyes, "Shut up."

Greg smiled and looked up towards the front, where the alter was. He saw that one brony, Frederic, standing there. Over to the side was Lance, who was looking at the front roll smiling.

Greg chuckled to himself. Looks like Lance found a way to turn back into a pony. Wondering how he had done it.

He looked back to see that Zorrow was complaining to Seth.

Zorrow was complaining about his cast and everything else. "Damn, those lights are to bright. Can you turn me to the side a little?"

Seth sighed and turned Zorrow's wheel chair to the side a little.

"Now I can't see the alter, turn me back."

Seth groaned and moved him back to the spot he was before.

"Why did you put me back in the light? Move me to the right a little."

Seth's eye twitched and he moved the wheel chair to the right.

Zorrow sighed, "Come on dude, now I'm looking at a door. Move me to the left a little."

Seth stood, "You want me to move you? Oh, I'll move ya." He bucked Zorrow's wheel chair towards an open widow. The wheel chair hit the window and stopped suddenly. Zorrow flew from the chair and out the window.

Seth sat back down, "I think he'll like the fresh air."

Greg chuckled, "Good one dude."

Seth looked over at him, "I'm tired of his whining."

Greg shook his head, "So was I. I wanted to throw him down the stairs, but out the window works to."

Seth grinned and looked towards the alter. The wedding was already starting.

Greg looked around and heard a tune that sounded like 'Here comes the bride' playing.

The double doors opened and out walked Luna, dressed in a white wedding dress. Greg had to admit, she looked pretty damn hot in it.

She walked down the aisle, a large smile on her face. She stepped up in front of Frederic and Princess Celestia, who was acting as the priest or what ever they call them here, began to talk.

Seth tapped Greg's shoulder, "Damn, that guy up there is pretty damn lucky."

Greg looked at him, "Yeah, you got that right. I mean, he got a Princess to marry him. Think about all the fucking benefits he's going to get."

Seth nodded, "I know dude." He looked back to the front.

Greg looked back to the front. Damn, he wishes he was the one up there getting married. That way he could be a real royal pain in the ass.

He laughed at his own joke and focused on the wedding.

He noticed that he had missed to much of the speech, because she had just finished asking Frederic if he would take Luna to be his wife.

Frederic looked at Luna and smiled, "I do."

Celestia nodded and looked over to Luna, "Princess Luna, do you take Iron Clad to be your husband? Do you promise to be true to him in good times and in bad, in sickness and in health, to love him and honor him all the days of your life?

Luna looked at Frederic smiling brightly, "I do."

Celestia nodded, "I now pronounce you as husband and wife. If anypony has any reason why those two may not be married, speak now or forever hold your peace."

Greg smirked. He stood and yelled, "I have a reason."


I stood off to the side of Frederic, smiling at the scene before me. So far the wedding was going great.

Luna had just said she would marry Frederic and Celestia nodded, "I now pronounce you as husband and wife. If anypony has any reason why those two shall not be married, speak now or forever hold your peace."

Now, all she has to say is he can kiss the bride.

From the back of the room, a pony yelled, "I have a reason."

Everypony in the room gasped and turned around.

I looked at the pony who stood, a shocked look on my face. When I saw who it was, I sighed. Damn it Greg, what are you doing?

Celestia looked at him, "And what would that reason be?"

Greg stood tall and smirked, "Because, I want to tap that first."

Everypony sighed, and Celestia shook her head, "Anypony else have a reason?"

Greg jumped up again, "I do!"

Celestia sighed, "What?"

Greg shrugged, "I forgot, continue."

Celestia shook her head and looked at Frederic and Luna, "You may now exchange bracelets."

Frederic picked up a wedding bracelet with his magic and hovered it towards Luna. She raised her left fore hoof. He placed the bracelet on her left hoof and closed it.

Here's something I've learned about those wedding bracelets. Once you clamp them on the one you love, it never comes off. It isn't meant to come off, as you and your lover are not meant to leave each other.

Luna smiled and picked up a wedding bracelet with her magic and moved it towards Frederic. Frederic raised his left hoof for her. She placed it on his hoof and closed it.

Celestia nodded, "You may now kiss the bride."

Frederic and Luna moved close together. Luna bent down to Frederic's height. Their lips connected.

Everypony in the room cheered and clapped.

Celestia took a few steps back.

Why is she stepping back?

Then, a light began to show where Frederic's and Luna's lips met. The light than began to engulf Frederic.

I shielded my eyes against the bright light. When I looked back at the two, my mouth dropped.

Frederic stood there, now as tall as Luna. But what really took me by surprise was the wings he had grown out of nowhere. I couldn't believe what I was seeing. Frederic was now an Alicorn, complete with horn, wings, and height.

Somepony spoke up, "What just happened?"

Celestia stepped forward to explain, "When a Alicorn marries another pony, that pony becomes an Alicorn also. But it only happens if the two truly love each other."

She walked over and stood next to Frederic, who was now as tall as she was, "All hail Iron Clad, the new Prince of Equestria!"

Everypony cheered and stood, clapping.

I looked down at Twilight and smiled, she smiled back.

Frederic took Luna by the hoof, and together they walked down the aisle towards the double doors.

I stepped off the small stage and reached out a hoof to Twilight. She stood and took my hoof, and we headed for the doors that lead into the garden. Where the reception was being held.

I smiled to my self. This should be fun.