Shooting Star

by Lunar Rays

Shooting Star

Like lightning a silver pegasus bolted across the sky as the sun began to peek over the horizon. Her eyes watered, drops vanishing in a blink as she pressed forward. Her wings throbbed, her body ached and her eyes were heavy. The glittering streak of silver behind her faded as she descended from the skies. Her friend looked up, eyes wide and mouth slightly agape.

“Star you were amazing!” her red earth pony friend exclaimed

“Nice of you to say Cherry Bud, but it's still not fast enough.” Star said with a yawn

“Are you crazy, I've never seen a pegasus fly so fast... except for Rainbow Dash.” Bud stated.

The two of them walked over the grass field hills heading back to Star's house. The grass waved with the wind, the soft green turf beneath the hooves. Star hung her head down, eyes struggling to stay open. Bud tucked his head underneath her soft silver belly and tossed her on his back.

“Get some rest, I'll get you home.” Bud said with concern at his tired friends state.

Walking through Ponyville early morning was a quiet experience. Rose watered her flowers, checking each one individually to make sure they were all okay. Stalls were being set up for the busy market day ahead. Fluttershy walked pass happily, a bucket filled with fish in her mouth as Angel rode on her back with arms folded in his usual grumpy manner.

“Here we are, home sweet home.” Bud whispered pushing the door open.

He gently placed her down on the bed and pulled the duvet across her. He made sure she was comfy before leaving her in peace. The house was still and silent, she turned over kick at the air as she did.

Star floated through black nothingness, the silence deafening. A bright flickering light caught her attention in the distance, flapping her wings she drifted toward it. Captivating her mind, as she gazed upon it she reached a hoof out to touch it. The flickering ended and its brightness erupted like a shock wave. It created many more lights in the black void, shimmering and glittering like stars. A smile on her face she flapped her wings and flew between the lights. It was like swimming among the stars themselves.

“It's beautiful, I can't believe I did it. The first pegasus to touch the stars.” Star said to herself, filled with joy at this unbelievable moment.

She looked back at he flank to see there was still no cutie mark. She felt for sure that achieving this goal and being the first to touch the stars would get her a cutie mark. It was then that the lights went out, darkness taking hold of the surroundings once more. She felt like she was falling, descending through an unending shadow.

She jumped up eyes wide open, she was in her home. Rubbing her eyes with her hooves she yawned and fell back lying her head on the soft pillow, her long snow white mane was spread across it. Laying on her back she kicked the duvet off and sighed. No matter how she tried she couldn't fly high enough.

“I thought I heard you moving about up here, you okay?” Bud asked. Star flailed about, sitting up fast trying to look more dignified than lying on her back with her hind legs in the air.

“Yeah!” Star answered with a slight blush

“Good, it's late afternoon by the way.” He said before pulling back the curtains to let some light in the room.

“You want to go grab some late lunch, my treat.” He offered, with a wide smile.

“No thanks” She answered. Her head hung low looking down at the bed sheet.

“What's wrong?” He questioned hopping up on the bed and sitting down beside her.

“I'm never going to reach my dream, am I?” She said, looking away from him and sighing.

“Why not?” He asked, confused by her unusual lack of confidence.

“Because no pegasus has ever reached the stars before. Why should that be any different with me?” She affirmed

“But your not like other pegasi, your much more special... uh I mean that in a talented way, not that you're not special to me or anything. As a friend... we should go for a walk!” He shouted, tripping over his words. His eyes darted away, his cheeks flushed. She couldn't help but giggle at his panicked tone.

“Alright lets go for a walk. Follow your special pegasus.” She teased, brushing her tail under his muzzle.

“I'm never going to hear the end of this am I.” He said, embarrassed by the last few moments.

Outside the town was busy as ever, ponies walked the streets doing their daily tasks, the children played chasing each other around. Apple Jack packed up the stall, all the apples sold for the day. Scootaloo raced pass on her scooter with Sweetie Belle hanging on for dear life on her tail. Just another normal afternoon in Ponyville.

“Hi Big Mac, having a good day.” Bud asked as Big Mac wandered past pulling a cart behind him.

“Eeyup.” Big Mac replied cheerfully.

Up above Rainbow Dash slammed through the clouds disappearing in a flash across the sky. Star's wings began to twitch, she began to feel the urge to fly again. Bud noticed the determination in her eyes as she looked up at the sky. Her tail swayed left and right and hooves scratched at the ground.

“Your not going to try race Rainbow Dash are you, she's the fastest pegasus in Ponyville!” Bud exclaimed

“Oh yeah, we'll see about that.” Star said confidently. Her wings spread and with a thrust she took to the air leaving a cloud of dust behind her.

Rainbow Dash had already cleared the sky over Ponyville and began to slow down, performing aerial acrobatics as she did. Star flew along side her, the two of them locked eyes. Rainbow Dash knew exactly what she was after.

“First one to complete the circuit around Ponyville wins. The checkpoints are Rarity's shop, Sweet Apple Acres and Fluttershys Cottage. The Race finishes here above the Library!” Rainbow yelled, a competitive smirk on her face.

“Your on!” Star shouted back, her voice filled with confidence.

The two of them lined up beside each other in the sky. The ponies below cast their eyes up, smiles on their faces and wide eyes of anticipation.

“Three...”. Star beat her wings rapidly to warm them up.

“Two... One...”.

“Go!” Rainbow shouted.

With that the two of them rocketed away through the air. The crowds below cheered and screamed with joy. Races such as these always were great entertainment for them.

Straight of the mark Rainbow Dash had a good lead on Star. But this didn't discourage in the slightest. Rainbow looked back at Star with a cocky smile. However when she turned her head back to focus in front of her, her face contorted in surprise at a pegasus who flew into her path.

“Hi, Rainbow Dash.”. Rainbow took an evasive dive to avoid crashing into the pegasus.

“Derpy!” Rainbow exclaimed.

“Bye, Rainbow Dash.” Derpy yelled waving a hoof to her.

Star had gained a small led over Rainbow thanks to a little interference. Ahead was the first checkpoint, the two of them thundered across Carousel Boutique rattling the shop as they did. Rarity yanked the door open and glared at the two of them.

“I am trying to create my latest masterpiece, so would you please keep it down out here!” Rarity screamed.

Rainbow shot pass Star once more regaining the lead from her. On the horizon they could see Sweet Apple Acres. Star began to push harder and harder, using every ounce of strength she could muster. The tree leaves rustled and some were ripped away from the trees. The trunks and branches flexed with the forceful tail wind. Star had managed to close the gap on the cyan pegasus and was soon beside her. The crossed across the barn and took a knife turn to the next check point. Granny Smith had walked out with Apple Bloom as they passed over, they looked ahead of themselves and saw a storm of leaves, twigs and apples flying towards them. They dropped to the ground hooves over their heads as the torrent passed over and into the side of the barn.

“What in tarnation was that?” Apple Bloom gasped.

“What?” Granny Smith yelled deafened by the roar of wind that had blasted them. Apple Bloom rolled her eyes and went over to help her up off of the ground.

Below they could hear the muffled cheers of the crowd and yells of encouragement. This invigorated the two pegasus, driving them to fly faster and push harder. On a hillside Cherry Bud watched his friend go faster than she had ever gone, she was going nose to nose with Rainbow Dash unquestionably one of the fastest pegasus to ever grace the skies of Ponyville. Stars eyes shifted to her right looking at Rainbow Dash who was fully focused on the next checkpoint ahead. One thing Star began to notice was a static charge begin to build around Rainbow Dash as she pulled a little ahead of her.

Star was beginning to fall behind Rainbow Dash, she wasn't slowing down Rainbow Dash was just speeding up and getting faster. Fluttershy's cottage was right ahead of them, the unsuspecting yellow pegasus was watering the flowers as the two racers appeared in the skies. Angel tugged on Fluttershy's mane to get her attention. She turned her head to see her little bunny friend pointing in the sky to two dots rapidly growing in size.

“That looks like Rainbow Dash, I wonder if she is coming to visit?” Fluttershy questioned.

Within seconds of finishing her sentence the two racing pegasi darted pass leaving behind a thundering wind. The cottage rumbled and shook and the animals cowered and hid away. The door flew off of its hinges and tumbled through the house. All the windows shattered helplessly against the shock wave. Fluttershy's mane was slicked back and frozen like a spike. She let out a small squeak before falling on her back, fainting from the sudden blast.

It was the final leg of the race, Rainbow Dash had the lead but barely. Star was beginning to match her speed and the static charge began to build around her too. Her eyes were dry the moisture falling from the corner of her eyes, teeth gritted. A cone of air formed around the two of them, the static began to crackle around them. Rainbow Dash gained a tiny lead but it was with this lead that she pierced the air conned around her and rocketed off with a boom. The forceful Sonic Rainboom knocked Star off course and barrelling through ponies houses before coming to a stop crashing and rolling across the ground. Bud wasted no time running down the hill and into the streets to find Star.

Star opened one eye to see Rainbow Dash in the distance land in a crowd of ponies all chanting and cheering her name. Most of the ponies were already running over to cheer, only a handful remained to check on her.

“Excuse, coming through!” Bud grunted as he pushed ponies aside to reach his friend.

“Star, Star are you okay, can you move?” Bud asked anxiously, worried for her.

“Bud...” Star muttered weakly.

“What is it, is it your wing, your legs?” Bud asked.

“Bud. Stop shouting, I can hear you just fine” Star mumbled.

“Oh right, sorry” Bud answered rubbing the back of his neck embarrassedly.

Though scratched and bruised she could move and her wings were surprisingly only slightly battered. She sat up on the ground and looked to the crowd, she began to wonder if she was finally fast enough to attempt her dream.

The crowd parted aside letting Rainbow Dash approach Star who stood strong despite the crash she had just gone through. Cherry Bud was concerned for her, fearing she was masking her pain and injuries from the eyes around her. All to protect her stubborn pegasus pride.

“Looks like I won, but I am the fastest pegasus in Ponyville so don't take it so bad.” Rainbow said, a confident and victorious smirk on her face.

“You think you're so fast, let's go again!” Star yelled.

“Star, you can't race again so soon. I know you want to prove to yourself that you are ready to tackle your dream. But you need to limit yourself, that was a bad crash and to fly so soon after might damage you further.” Bud affirmed.

Star looked back at Cherry Bud, a fierce determination burned in her eyes. As she looked into his eyes she could see the fear and concern for her safety. Her stance softened and she turned away from Rainbow Dash. Walking from the crowd Bud noticed a slight limp in her step.

“Do you want me to carry you?” Bud asked.

“No, I'm fine.” Star answered, her head hung low and her face twitched with pain every time her left foreleg touched the ground.

Bud rolled his eyes, she was always a stubborn pegasus even from the day they met. But he always found her stubbornness to be one of her best qualities, because it gave her the drive to do what she wanted and fight on even when everypony else gave up. Ignoring her answer he scooped her onto his back and carried her along. Though it was embarrassing for her, inside she felt relieved to be off the leg.

“I'm never going to reach the stars am I?” Star sighed.

“Why not, you were matching Rainbow's pace at most points.” Bud stated.

“Until the end, I can't do a sonic rainboom. Rainbow has more of a chance at reaching the stars than I do.” Star said. Her confidence seemed more rattled than usual.

“I don't believe that and neither should you. Whenever somepony said you couldn't do it you went and proved them wrong. Your cousin said you would never be faster than her, within a month you flew circles around her. Your father said you would never be able to win the acrobatics competition, you trained and trained hard. In the end you proved him wrong. Your family said you would never reach your dream because nopony else had done it and you know what they'll be wrong again.” Bud argued.

Star went quiet and looked away from him, her mind a storm of arguments. The two of them arrived at Bud's family cherry farm. He placed her carefully on the soft grass beside the river.

“I'll go get some bandages, just rest your leg okay.” Bud said, she watched him dash away to the farmhouse leaving her alone with her thoughts.

She looked into the crystal clear waters, the surface sparkled like it was a river of stars. It almost felt like the water was mocking her. Her whole life had been dedicated to her singular vision and dream to touch the stars. Her dream seemed far off and out of reach for the first time in her life. A single tear dropped from each eye to the ground. Fighting her emotions she tried to hold back the tears that tried to escape her. The fast steps of hooves could be heard approaching from behind her. She quickly shook it off and wiped her face of any evidence of tears.

“Sorry I took so long, my parents gave me a cherry pie to give to you.” Bud said.

“That's okay.” Star answered, her voice a little broken as she fought back her urge to cry. She didn't want to cry and not in front of somepony more so.

“Lift your leg, I need to bandage it.” Bud instructed.

She lifted her foreleg up as he asked and looked away while he tended to her. To her it felt as if he was being more gentle than usual with her. He wrapped a bandage around the leg carefully, trying his best not to hurt her.

“There we go, it's not to tight is it?” Bud questioned.

“No, it's good.” Star said.

The afternoon passed with the two of them sitting quietly by the river sharing cherry pie. The sun had set on the day and the sky was decorated in a sea of stars covering the entire night sky. Star's eyes were fixed on the sky above. The silver shimmers and twinkles made for a beautiful sight and in her heart began to remind her why she fights to make her dream come true.

“I want to go for it.” Star said abruptly, breaking the silence between the two.

“Are you sure, I mean your injured, do you think now is the best time?” Bud asked.

“Yes. I need to do this now before my mind starts to talk me out of it. Besides my wings are fine, it's just this leg” Star affirmed.

“Then I'm behind you every step of the way.” Bud said.

“You always have been. Even when my family and friends tried to stop me, calling it a foolish air headed dream. You have stuck by my side... thank you.” Star said, a slight blush on her face.

Bud smiled at her as she looked away from him. It felt awkward and weird to be talking from the heart for her.

“Enough of this mushy stuff. Tomorrow can you do me a favour.” Star asked.

“Anything.” Bud answered, not even taking a moment to think it over.

“Can I ride on your back for a run up. I can't run like this. All you need to do is run a straight line and I'll take off from your back” Star said.
“Okay, anything to help.” Bud affirmed.

Cherry Bud sat outside Star's house while she rested for the oncoming attempt at her achieving her life ambition. She felt it would be best to attempt it at night so she could see her goal in front of her. To inspire her, give her the focus and drive to fly on without her mind distracting her, telling her she couldn't do it. When she stared at the starry field above any doubts would wash away and her heart would fill with a great determination.

The day seemed to crawl by to Bud who was anxious and worried about the night ahead. While he was excited for his friend he had a sinking feeling inside. Nopony had ever reached the stars except for the sister Princesses Celestia and Luna and it was that which worried him. Maybe other ponies had tried, if they did they didn't make it. What if she got injured or worse. He tried to remain optimistic but doubt weighed on his mind.

“Good morning, Bud. Everything okay, you seem bothered by something?”

He looked around to see who was talking to him but saw nopony there. He began to think all his worry was making him crazy.

“Up here.”

He looked above him to see a pale yellow pegasus stallion looking down at him with bright energetic filled brown eyes. The pegasus laid on a cloud peeking over the edge at Bud his orange mane shining in the sunlight.

“Sunny Spirit, what are you doing here?” Bud asked.

“Clearing the skies.” Sunny answered cheerfully.

“Well it kind of looks like you're just laying about.” Bud countered.

“I was clearing the skies and then I spotted you sitting outside alone looking saddened or annoyed. What's got you bothered?” Sunny questioned again.

“Star is going to attempt to reach the stars tonight. I'm worried something might happen to her,” Bud sighed, his eyes cast down at the ground.

“Wow, she's really going to go for it then.” Sunny said, surprised at the sudden decision.

“Do you think I should stop her. I mean I know this is important to her, I just don't...” Bud said before pausing.

“What?” Sunny asked, confused at his abrupt stop.

“I don't want to lose her. Look, to me she is more than just a friend, okay.” Bud revealed, a small pinkish tint in his red cheeks.

“Really, why don't you tell her that. You should go tell her that!” Sunny yelled in excitement.

“I can't... every time I try to tell her I get tongue tied and look stupid.” Bud argued.

“What is so hard about going up to a mare and saying, I love you, you're my special somepony. Something like that,” Sunny laughed.

“Oh really, have you told Cloudchaser how you feel yet?” Bud questioned.

“I better get back to the clouds. I'll see you later.” Sunny answered, a sudden nervousness washing over him.

Bud watched the pale yellow pegasus dart of into the sky punching through the clouds on his ascent. Alone again, Bud laid down at the door, he crossed his forelegs and rested his head upon them. The long slowly moving day of worry had taken it's toll on him, he closed his eyes and rested. The warmth of the sun and cool breeze in the air made for a calm atmosphere around him.

“I hope nothing happens to her.” He mumbled as he dozed off to sleep.

Though it felt like minutes that he had fallen asleep he awoke to find the sun down and stars in the clear sky. But what was more unusual was the huge crowds that had amassed in the streets, the nights usually saw the street empty. He sprung to his hooves and rushed inside the house, heading up the stairs and busting into her bedroom. The sudden bang startled Star, she leapt into the air in surprise.

“Why did you burst in like that?” Star asked, slightly annoyed at the abrupt awakening.

“Sorry, I thought you'd gone already. I thought I woke up late and missed you leaving,” Bud panted.

“I wouldn't go without waking you up, we've been together through everything leading up to this night. I wouldn't leave you out of this now.” Star affirmed.

“What's all that noise outside?” Star asked her head drawn to the open window listening to many voices talking outside.

“I don't know, I woke up and there was a huge crowd outside.” Bud said with a shrug.

Star wandered past him confused by the commotion outside. They both headed out into the street where they were met with an eruption of cheers. Flying over the crowd and landing with a slam in front of them was Sunny Spirit.

“Isn't this great!” Sunny yelled happily.

“What is all this?” Star asked him.

“I got talking to other ponies and I guess it spread. They're all here to support you!” Sunny cheered, throwing his hooves up in the air.

“This is amazing,” Bud gasped.

“They came to support me...” Star said, almost at a loss for words.

The two of them looked left to right and into the air. Unicorns, earth ponies and pegasus alike had turned out to cheer Star on. Even Rainbow Dash could be seen cheering her on from above Fluttershy beside her quietly shouting her support.

It was overwhelming to see so much support, the yells of encouragement. It all sunk in deep to her heart invigorating her spirit.

Star sat down on the ground rubbing her leg with her hooves. The sudden awakening and noise from outside had distracted her, making her forget about her injured leg. Running down the stairs and outside had caused it to throb intensely.

“I guess I shouldn't have ran down the stairs.” Star said a small smile on her face trying to mask the pain and discomfort it caused her.

“Are you absolutely sure you want to go through with this, you could always try next week.” Bud suggested.

“Yes, I just need you to do my run up.” She answered confidently.

She spread her wings and with a few wing beats she hovered off the ground and landed on his back. Bud began his walk to the outside of Ponyville and onto a long straight dirt road. The crowds of ponies followed behind Bud, the cheers and shouts still coming from them. As the crowd parted and moved to the grass fields beside the road, Bud took a long deep breath to calm himself.

Star looked around her looking into the eyes of each pony around her before looking up at the stars. Her heart raced and began to beat faster, the excitement flowed through her.

“Before you do this... I just wanted to say something.” Bud said not looking back at her.

“What is it?” She asked. He closed his eyes and took one last deep breath.

“I... uh. I love...” He fought his nerves the best he could, though it was how he felt and he wanted to say the words from his heart he struggled to say them.

“I love you.” She whispered into his ear. His eye's sprang open at hearing the words come from her. Did he just hear her say that or was it just his mind playing tricks.

“What did you say?” He asked, nervous and excited to find out what she had said.

“I said, I love you.” She repeated. He turned his head to look back at her and when he did he saw her sparkling eyes and joyful smile.

“I love you too.” He said, a small sigh of relief to finally say the words to her. She leant her head forward next to his and placed a tender kiss on his cheek. Her soft lips sent a tingle through his body and melted his soul.

“Please be careful.” He said, the concern for her rushing back in after moment.

“Don't worry, I'll be just fine.” She assured him.

He scraped his front left hoof on the ground like bull ready to charge. The kiss still replayed in his mind causing him to blush and smile a little.

“Go!” Sunny Spirit yelled into his ear. Startled by the shout he galloped forward at a tremendous pace, dust kicked up into a cloud behind him. Star spread her wings and became to flap them slowly getting them warmed up increasing the speed as she neared take off.

“Good luck!” Bud yelled over the noise of the cheers and his galloping hooves. With those last words she flapped hard and took off into the air the run up giving her the boost she needed.

The moment had a arrived, she was going to reach for the stars and make her dream coming true. She beat her wings with all he strength, putting everything she had into it. The ascent began swimmingly she was darting higher and higher with each passing second a small silver streak around her. It was almost like watching a shooting star only this one was going toward the heavens and not falling from it.

The higher she got the colder it became, the freezing air nipped at her wings making them stiffen up. But her burning desire kept her pushing on. It was the highest she had even flown nopony below could be seen and nopony could see her anymore. Since she could not make out anypony below her anymore, her focus became what laid before her the bright twinkling of hundreds of thousand stars. A troubling thought gnawed at her mind, no matter how high she got the stars remained distant and small. It felt as if she was not getting closer what so ever.

This wouldn't stop her from trying her hardest, her whole life had worked up to this moment. She wasn't about to admit defeat over this. But the atmosphere around her made it increasingly difficult as she climbed higher.

It was becoming harder to breath and she felt slightly dizzy and light headed. Her paced breathing from before was turning to a pant as she tried to get air into her body as fast as she could.

Her wings began to form small icy patches and her breath became short. She began to feel tired and drained of energy. She tried to fight it but everything began to go dark and her wings froze up completely. She began to drift a little almost as if she was floating before slowly being pulled back down toward the ground.

Down below on the fields Bud looked up anxiously searching for any sign of her but nothing. That was until a bright white light high above exploded violently. His mouth hung open slightly, he wasn't sure what he saw and didn't know how to feel. Was it a good sign or a bad one?

The white ball of light streaked across the sky this time like a true shooting star. He collapsed to the ground he began to feel like something terrible had happened. He closed his eyes almost reduced to tears when the light he saw above grew closer and closer before fading. He opened his eyes to see none other than the Princess of the night herself Luna carrying Star on her back.

“Princess Luna!” He gasped. The town's quiet murmurs could be heard in the dead silence of the night. Luna stepped forward to Bud and using her magic she lifted Star onto the ground laying her down in front of him.

“She will be fine. However I must insist you get her to a physician.” Luna suggested.

“How did you find her up there?” He asked, confused and surprised at her appearance.

“On my flight across the night sky I spotted this pony gathering below. I watched from above masked in darkness. I watched your friend, her spirit was truly something to witness. When she stopped and began to fall I pulled her to safety.” She explained.

“Thank you, Princess.” He said, bowing his head to her gratefully.

“I must return to my duties. Farewell.” She said taking off into the sky. Blending into the dark backdrop almost instantaneously.

Bud nudged her gently to get a response from her as she lied still breathing quietly. Twilight stepped forward from the crowd and lifted Star onto his back. Nopony said anything as he passed between the two crowds on either side of the road. Everypony there soon followed behind him as he returned her home. He opened the door and stepped inside the house the town ponies sat outside only one pony stepped inside the house with Bud, Nurse Redheart.

“Can you check her over, make sure everything is alright?” He asked, his voice trembling a little as the concern for her grew more and more with every passing minute.

“Of course, but could you please step outside.” Nurse Redheart instructed. He looked over at Star wanting to stay in the room with her but did as he was told. The hours passed by with no word from the nurse, it was an agonizing wait. But as the sunrised Nurse Reheart opened the door with a saddened look on her face.

“What's wrong, is she okay?” He asked.

“She is going to be fine, however the cold has done some severe damage to her wings. Unfortunately, she will never fly again.” Nurse Redheart revealed. Bud was saddened and shocked by the news but was relieved that she was fine otherwise.

“She is awake, you should go talk to her. She didn't take the news very well,” Nurse Redheart sighed.

He stepped inside the room and stood beside her. He wasn't sure what to say, flying meant everything to Star and to lose that was like losing a life to her. Instead of saying anything he wrapped his hooves around her and hugged her.

“No matter how much tried I just couldn't reach them. All those years I spent training and for what, a broken dream and busted wings.” Star said.

“You showed everypony out there that dreams are worth chasing no matter what others say. That with spirit and determination you can drive yourself to push for those dreams to come true. Today didn't work out as you or I hoped for, but you showed everypony out their what true devotion to a dream looks like. It's responsible for us falling in love with one another, all that training and spending time together bought us closer to each other.” He expressed.

“I guess it's true what they say. Every cloud has a silver lining. But to fail achieving my dream and never get a chance to try again... it's tough to accept.” She said

“I know and I wish I could fix it. I would give anything for you to be able to fly again.” He affirmed. The two of them fell silent outside the faint sound of the crowd could be heard, all at once chanting two words. Shooting star.

“Everypony stayed outside last night, all of them were waiting to make sure you were okay.” He said, a small smile on his face. Star slid from under the covers of her bed and hopped to the window to look at everypony outside. As she appeared at that window the whole town erupted in cheer and celebration once more.

Though she had failed to achieve what she set out to do the town still cheered for her as if she were a hero.

“You know, when you feel better we should go out for a special dinner.” He suggested.

“When I'm better. I am not laying here for days, let's go now.” Star said her usual stubbornness returning.

The dream had crumbled but through it all she did gain her special somepony and showed ponies that going for your dreams no matter how much the odds and stacked against you takes a strong will and determination. That it shows true strength from within and that everything is worth fighting for if you believe in it.