//------------------------------// // Gumball in Equestria // Story: The Cat and the Drone // by MetalBrony823 //------------------------------// Young Gumball was getting more acquainted with Equestria, mostly because the drone showed him some really beautiful footage of this magical land. It was even better in person and up close for the cat boy to endure. While still missing his family, he felt the most special kind of welcome to him. It was like setting foot in heaven after death or going into a place so similar to the Garden of Eden. He got himself a nice zesty cucumber sandwich from Fluttershy in the kitchen, for he was hungry. "Wow. Yum!" Gumball said after taking the first bite of the lunch Fluttershy gave him. "But I wish there was ham or salami on it. Or other kind of meat." Fluttershy made a small gasp from herself and said: "Goodness! ponies don't eat me, sweetie." "Ohhh. right. ponies and horses are herbivores." the kid remembered. "But still good anyway. But I don't want to go hunting like a cave cat." "because you love animals too?" "And it's too much work." Gumball remarked. "if there is one thing I hate, it's work." The yellow pegasus made a small chuckle before saying: "you sound a little bit like Rainbow Dash. She can be lazy sometimes and doesn't really like to do heavy lifting... unless it involves sports and racing. It's probably not a good idea to challenge her to a race." she gave him a nervous smile. "Heh, yeah I noticed with the drone. From what I've seen with the camera attached to it, I think she was going to have a nervous breakdown. Something like punching through lava that she didn't care how much it would hurt or if it burnt her flesh off." "Goodness!" Fluttershy sounded a little shocked to hear that kind of expression.I don't even want to think of my friends getting hurt like that. It must sound awful. But it's a good thing Spike's fireproof." "He can be in lava?" "Of course. It's a dragon trait. Teenage dragons also surf in lava waves just for fun." "Ooh, it does sound like it." Gumball had that mischievous smile on his face, and he was trouble-prone after all. "Maybe we can find a fireproof surfboard for me to buy. "Oh no." Fluttershy said. "Absolutely not. It is much too dangerous for a cute, baby cat like you." Gumball growled and said: "I'm not a baby, I'm twelve!" "I know, I know." Fluttershy soothed him by gently massaging him with her gentle hooves. "It was just a figure of speech. I know you're a big cat." These massages were out of this world and out of Elmore at the same time for Gumball. He was simply enjoying Fluttershy's massaging techniques. "Yeah, that feels so amazing." he sighed as he felt his back being gently rubbed by the warm hooves. "So, your aunt Penelope sounded really nice and sweet." "Uh-huh. She's like the exact opposite of my mom. She's always calm, cool and collected without getting mad over the smallest things. I wish mom would be more like her." "You know, Gumball?" "What's that, Fluttershy?" "I think she would love a real good friend of mine." "Who?" "Tree Hugger. She's like your aunt Penelope. They both care about the environment so much and they are full of calmness and peace." "Huh. sounds like they can really hit it off after all." Gumball said. "But what if mom comes here and tries to kill me for running away?" "Don't worry." Fluttershy pointed. "your mom won't be able to find you here from her dimension." Gumball sighed before saying: "I know, I know I should work about this so much, but I have known mom longer than you have. You can't even begin to manage the things she would do if angry." "If she does try to hurt you, i will give her the stare." "The stare?" Fluttershy blushed and looked embarrassed. "Yes," she admitted. "It's the trick i would use to make animals listen to me if I can't reason with them." "Oh. Maybe you can do it on mom if she starts foaming at the mouth." The yellow pegasus began to chuckle at what the kid said. "Sure. maybe I can do that." It was quiet for a minute as Fluttershy was still giving him this nice treatment. "So, Gumball, why do you get in trouble so many times?" the cat boy frowned and replied: "Well I don't like to get in trouble. But, I'm a fun kid. I'm just trying to have as much fun as possible. Besides, my teacher is an evil baboon that is like... a gazillion years old, and my principal can be a little... weird sometimes. Besides, Anais isn't perfect either. She doesn't have many friends and and do you want to know what she does to try and make friends, Fluttershy?" "What does she do?" "She would be too clingy and too grabby to the point where it would look like a woodpecker trying to dive bomb into a log. You know that she fused with a classmate like an alien parisite?" Fluttershy laughed some more. "Oh Gumball, you're a card." "No, I'm serious. Look at what I recorded on my phone." The yellow pegasus stopped massaging him and Gumball revealed the video of how he and Darwin were trying to save Anais and her friend from this morphing parasitism. It caught Fluttershy by surprise and she said: "Goodness! that must have been awful." "And really messed up." he took another bite of his sandwich. "but we managed to get her back to normal and make her realize what she was doing... mostly. But she still behaved the same way as before." "That is no way to make friends at all." Fluttershy pointed. "You have to let them chose for themselves on whether they want to be your friend or not." "Try telling that to Anais." Gumball rolled his eyes. "But some people just never learn." "And i still don't know how your own mother can just kick you out of the family for dissing day. I mean, why she would do this to you and Darwin." "It's a very simple reason, Fluttershy." Gumball said calmly. His demeanor changed in an instant like a mood swing. "Because she is a gigantic bottle of crazy sauce!"