Questions for a Friend

by MistyShadowz

Questions for a Friend

Twilight eyed the fashionista sat in front of her. The lavender mare had her eyes squinted, examining the mare sat before her as though she were a test tube. The newest news Twilight had received from her ever so chatty friend, Pinkie Pie, was of something that had brought a shake to her regular, everyday, regime. Something that had caught everypony of Ponyvile, including the element bearers, off guard and surprised.

Now, sat before the white mare in a dinner neither visited all that often, all Twilight wanted to know was; what comes now?

"So, you and Rainbow, hm?" She was the first of the two to start up conversation since they both arrived. Rarity didn't seem all that surprised by the question. In fact, it was nearly as though she had been anticipating this.

"Why yes, darling. Me and Rainbow. Why do you ask?" Rarity answered, placing her hooves on the table so that her chin could easily sit atop it. Her expression was easy to read; smug, knowing and anticipating. Went as no surprise to Twilight.

"I ask because... well... I simply didn't see it coming..." Twilight relaxed her posture. Her eyes returned to normal, though they still did keep eyeing the mare up and down. "I mean... Fluttershy and Rainbow would have shocked me less, but you and her, I don't know what to say, honestly."

Rarity blinked once, then tilted her head to the side, "Are you saying you don't want us together?" The answer was obvious to anyone who knew Twilight, or even just knew off her. It was a no-brainer, as Rainbow would often put it.

"Wh-what!? I never said that?! Why would I-"

Rarity raised a hoof to stop her friend's worries, "Darling, it was simple 'fooling around'." She used her hooves to quote the last two words.

Twilight heaved a sigh, before adjusting herself on her seat. "Well, yes, I should've known, huh?" She gave a sheepish smile.

Rarity shrugged, "Yup."

"Wow. Rainbow's really rubbed off on you, huh?" Twilight commented, pointing a rather inquisitive hoof at her friend.

Rarity smiled, "Well, yes, of course. I have been spending nearly all my time with her. It's only natural some of her tendencies rub off on me. She's honestly quite a delight to be around... as soon as you get past the bravado, at least."

Twilight nodded in agreement, "You're not wrong there." Her train of thought shifted, and a new question popped in her mind. "How... how did you guys end up together, anyway?"

Rarity's hooves played with one another as the question left the lavender mare's mouth, "Well, I'd love to say that we kissed under a willow tree as our way of getting together, but... I'm afraid it wasn't as romantic as I had hoped..." Rarity tiptoeing around this topic gave the indication that she hadn't really spoken to Rainbow about this as of yet. She cleared her threat, "We... we got... intoxicated one night, and feelings just poured out, I suppose. Honestly, it was Rainbow who had started the whole affair, but, I can't say I regret any of that night." By the end, her smile had grown.

"Drunk? Doesn't sound like you Rarity. I mean, sure it's a Rainbow thing, but-"

"I will emphasize that, while I did get heavily drunk, I was the first of us to recover, and it was her idea to get intoxicated to begin with." Rarity interrupted her friend, making sure those two vital pieces of information were out there to be recorded.

Twilight let a chuckle slip her lips. "So... um... Rarity, a lot of us have been wondering; why exactly did you... no offense to Rainbow or anything, pick her? Don't get me wrong here! Rainbow's an amazing friend, but, you guys seem to have practically nothing to bond over, and you seem to despise her antics."

Rarity's smile grew wider; now this was question she was proud to answer. "A lot of reasons, darling. Rainbow has always, since the beginning, been on my radar. It was simply my desire to find a male suitor that had prevented me from going after her. She's always impressed me, her abilities in the sky, flight, her loyalty, determination. She's simply amazing, don't you agree? I mean, she's a boaster, we all know this. She claims to be the fastest, the best there ever was, and frankly, I find that kind of... adorable?" Seeing the look of confusion pop up on her friend's face gave her the sign that she needed to elaborate upon on that. "Well, sure, I had found her quite obnoxious before the whole 'Mare Do Well' incident, but after she calmed her ego down, I adored seeing her shine." Rarity chuckled, "And a little bragging on the side felt quite deserved to me."

"So, you basically had to embrace her into your life?" Twilight asked, now more curious than ever.

"Well, yes. Isn't that what you and Applejack had to do?" Rarity asked, earning a nod from her winged friend, "Like that, except, I had to accommodate for an egocentric athlete, and not a prideful farmer. As you said before, me and Dash have very little in common, but we manage."

Twilight smiled warmly at that, but her thoughts kept running, and more and more enquiries popped up in her mind. Most prominent of which being; "Don't you get fed up of how quickly she does things, and how little she thinks before doing them? From what I recollect, you used to hate that about her."

Rarity chuckled. "Well, yes. I did... not appreciate her quick minded decisions and her lack of thinking before making said quick decisions, but I found to love that about her. I myself take quite long to make a decision, so having somepony who is fast with her choices makes my life far easier. Not to mention how adorable it is when she actually doesn't know what to choose."

"And what does she think about clothing?" This question was quick, catching Rarity by surprise, not by a lot, though.

"Oh, she hates it." Rarity answered with no change in her expression.

"And you're... okay with that?"

"Yes." Her expression remained as a smile, and chipper eyes.

"You sure?"

"Why wouldn't I be?" Rarity chuckled. "Don't worry, darling," her expression darkened, "I'll get her to love clothing just as much as I do, one day, you'll see. She won't think my pretty pink laces are girly, just you wait! She'll come to adore all things fru-fru, and puffy!" She gave a near sadistic laugh after that, then swiftly returned to looking chipper once again.

Twilight blinked, adjusting herself a little more in her seat. She gulped something down she didn't know she had swallowed. "Right. Don't you think that's..."

"A bit dramatic? Well, Dash does have to adore my brilliant works, now doesn't she?" She chuckled a little more, this time it sounded far less frightening, "I'm not serious of course, she doesn't have to enjoy the things I do. But, she doesn't complain all that much when I ask for her to model for me..." A smug look crept up on her features.

"She doesn't?" Twilight asked, more confused than anything else.

"She doesn't." Rarity nodded. "She doesn't as long as I give her what she wants at the end. She adores our little times spent together. Alone." Rarity's smug expression was all Twilight needed to put the pieces together.

She shifted a little more in her seat, and wore an uncomfortable look.

"Oh, darling, don't be like that! It's only natural that I give her something she adores for doing something I adore. Besides, I don't mind it myself, either. It's a win-win, really."

Twilight nodded, shifting a little more in her seat. "Well, I guess I have only one more question to ask." She declared uncertainly. Rarity awaited the question, anticipating the opportunity to talk about something, or rather somepony, she loved. "What now?" Seeing the anticipation turn into confusion, Twilight quickly added, " I mean, what do you girls plan on doing next? Do you want to take tings slow? Or do you want to skip ahead a little... or what?"

Rarity pondered the question a little. She hadn't really given that a second thought. Neither she nor Rainbow had even considered about what they were doing, they just... did what they did. They had done plenty of stuff together, gone on countless dates, had fun in the bed as it were, they've flirted and teased and motivated each other. What was next for them? Was it too early to think on that? They've been together for three straight months, nearly hitting the anniversary in a few days. I couldn't be too early to consider their future, and whether or not they plan on having each other in it. Rarity liked fantasying about her possible futures, but when it came to Rainbow... she was at a loss for words. Things simply flowed easily with her, no need to worry about the future, just the present.

"I suppose, I really don't have an answer to that. I mean, maybe it's a bit early to say? I want Rainbow in my future, definitely. But... when it comes to the specifics, I don't know. I usually fantasize this sort of stuff in my head, but when it comes to Rainbow... I guess, it just... it's just so easy with her that I don't even have to think about tomorrow. Frankly, everything feels as though it is in place when I'm around her, nothing further to think about." Rarity sighed, thought for another second, and continued. "I suppose, I won't really know what'll happen with me and Rainbow in the future, and what's next for us. And as cliche as this is about to sound, I know she's gonna be apart of my future, for sure."

Twilight smiled. Seeing the love in her friend's eyes as she uttered those words was, in itself, a pleasure. Twilight giggled, "Happy to hear, Rarity. Hope you girls the best in the future, whatever route you guys choose to take it."

"Now, may I have your orders ladies?" A stallion, suited in a maroon waiter's outfit, asked with a rather deep voice.

Twilight darted her head up at the waiter, "Oh, sorry there sir! We're truly sorry, did we keep you waiting?"

The stallion took a second, then shook his head, "No, just arrived actually."

Twilight then looked back at Rarity, who was staring at the waiter's outfit with a rather judgmental expression. "Rarity?"

"I'd like a slice of that Apple Pie decorated in a rainbow."

"Good choice!" Twilight stated, then turned her own head to the menu, and looked through the options she was given.

All the while Twilight pondered her choices, Rarity couldn't help but feel like a certain somepony was missing from that dinner. She had to shrug it off. They had plans later, anyway. She turned to face Twilight.

"I'd like this thing... just remove the cheese..."

The End!