Just Another Love Story

by Stormy Charge

Chapter 5 - Scaling More than a Mountain

Scaling More than a Mountain

“Twilight! Pinkie! Girls!” Fluttershy called out to her friends, still panicking. She flew to her group of friends with all do speed, until landing right in front of them breathing heavily. The four looked at her concerned. Applejack walked to her side and leaned down. “Whoa there, calm down sugarcube.” She said soothingly yet still worrisome.

“What’s wrong Fluttershy?” Twilight asked. Pinkie Pie and Rainbow Dash exchanged worried glances, but none of them were prepared for the minute Fluttershy gasped for breath.

“Rarity has been kidnapped!” They were speechless, possibly devastated by her words. Applejack looked at Twilight, a horrified look residing on her face. She hoped that she would have an answer. But she had nothing. Twilight looked to Rainbow Dash, but she too had no answers.

Pinkie Pie ran up to the spent pegasus and said, “What happened?”

So she told them the story. Their faces changed as the story progressed from slightly scared, to mortified. Rarity was taken away from her friends, and just a week before her wedding day. As scared as they were, they could only imagine how their friend was feeling.

They remained quiet for some time. The world seemed to move in slow motion around them. Until Rainbow Dash yelled, “Well? We can’t just wait here for her to come back! If she even does come back! We have to save her!”

She looked to her friends for support, but Fluttershy spoke out. “We can’t go.”

“What do you mean by that?” Applejack asked, liking Rainbow’s plan better.

“The dogs took her underground. They probably blocked the way too…”

Rainbow and Applejack, usually ones to stick to their guns, found themselves at uneven odds at this point. With no way to find her, the diamond dogs seem to have won.

Tears shed around the group as they thought they would never see their friend again. Her generosity was unrivaled as she had given her freedom for Fluttershy’s… but perhaps that wasn’t best. They would have lost a friend regardless.

Finally, Twilight spoke up. “Wait… Princess Celestia! She’ll be able to do something about this!”

Her friends looked up in hope. “Then there’s still a chance!” Pinkie bounced to attention. “Come on everypony! We have to tell the princess!”

“Right! And whatever you do, don’t tell Ivory. We don’t want him doing anything rash.”

Fluttershy gasped and muttered, “Oops…”


Ivory Moon walked through the rocky road between two mountains, Spike still riding on his back. The air was warm and rough as they trekked through the perilous terrain. The sun beating down upon them, and the journey had barely begun. Spike unfolded the map and tried to start a conversation with Ivory.

“So where do you think the diamond dogs took Rarity?”

Ivory kept his eyes forward and focused on the destination at hoof, but noted Spike’s question. “I don’t know. But I’m trying not to think about it.”

The dragon looked at the map in confusion, turning it over a few times. “Um, Ivory, where are we going?”

“Just around that mountain ahead.” He pointed upward with his hoof at a far mountain, even steeper than the surrounding ones.

“What? But that’ll take us into the Gryphon Kingdom. Why don’t we go around?”

“We’ll just be passing through. Besides, going around would take weeks.”

Spike looked ahead, concerned for what awaited them ahead. “Are you sure?”

“We’ll be fine little buddy.” He reassured, looking at the mountain, as it got closer. Upon further inspection, there would be no easy way to get around it. They would have to climb at one point… which meant Spike would have to get off of his back.

“Spike,” He began, turning to his scaly companion. “put the map in my pack and hop off.”

“What’s up?” Spike said as he folded the map and followed Ivory’s instructions.

“How good are you at climbing?” He asked, looking up at the huge boulder, realizing now just how enormous it was.

Spike hopped off of his back and looked up at the mountain as well. He didn’t answer Ivory’s question, because he knew that he would have to climb the side of the mountain regardless.

They finally reached the side of the slope that was too steep to simply walk. They stopped and stared at the structure for a long while. They both swallowed in fear, until Ivory made the first step. His right hoof pulled him up the rocky wall and his hind legs pushed him upward until he was precariously perched on a slim piece of flat rock jutting out the side. He looked another place to grab and pull himself higher.

After a few seconds of slow and steady climbing, Spike finally followed the path the earth pony was taking up the wall. Spike seemed to be more frightened, though he made quicker progress than Ivory seeing as he had fingers. That made climbing a heck of a lot easier for the little dragon.

The two reached a small flat surface and decided to rest there for a bit. After a few minutes of silence, the two had caught their breath and were up and at it again. The mountain was becoming less steep as they continued to climb, but that didn’t make it any less treacherous.

Soon enough, they reached another resting point with still a ways to go. Though Spike had fingers, he was still smaller and younger than Ivory and needed any chance to rest they could find. Though not a fan of the constant stops, Ivory appreciated the company.

While resting, Spike looked at the saddlepack on his friend’s back and asked, “What’s in the bag?”

“Nothing really useful at the moment.” Ivory said reaching into the pack. “We have a book on unicorn magic, a photograph of Rainbow Dash, and a pie. Oh, and the map you brought.”

“Is that all we have?”

“Yes. The pie should last us until we get to the Gryphon Kingdom, but until then we have to keep moving.”

The two spied another resting point a bit higher up the mountain and began searching for a means to get there. Ivory lead the way, making sure his companion could see his hoof placements. The slope became less steep but more jagged and rough. And there was still much of the hike to be made.

“Have you ever been to the Gryphon Kingdom?” Spike said, pulling himself up the ledge and joining Ivory on the flat land.

Ivory just stared at the sun in the middle of the sky. “No. I’ve never been outside Ponyville.”

Spike became confused by what he said. “But I had never seen you before…”

“Before I met Rarity, I know. Let’s keep moving.”

Spike wanted to keep talking, but before he could continue his train of thought, the earth pony was already up and at it. The sweat dripped down Ivory’s brow as he pulled himself higher and higher. The next resting place was farther up than the last few, and there was no room for mistakes. The two were already a decent distance up the wall. Spike followed with caution as the white pony led the way.

“Man…” Spike grunted, pulling himself up the rocky wall. “This would be a lot easier if you were a pegasus.”

His words hit Ivory like a truck, making him lose his concentration and his grip. He fell a few feet down the mountainside until luckily he grabbed hold of an outgrowing vine in his mouth. He struggled for a place to put his hoof to support his weight and get to safety.

“Ivory!” Spike yelled, still hanging below his companion.

“I’m fine!” He called out in a muffled tone, still grasping the vine in his mouth. He quickly grabbed hold of any ledge he could find and was up on the resting point a few seconds later, breathing heavily.

Spike joined him after a moment and ran over to his friend. “Ivory! What’s wrong?”

Ivory panted desperately trying to recollect his thoughts. “I don’t…” He paused, slowing his breathing down to a normal rate. “It’s… nothing.” He said, getting back up and looking for a shady place to rest.

“Was it something I said?” Spike whispered quietly to himself, looking worriedly at the pony. He sat with his back turned, leaving the dragon to wonder what had gone wrong.


“Spike! Spike!” Twilight yelled running into the library and looking all around. But the only one in the library was Owlowiscious perched on her desk sleeping the day away. Twilight ran to her pet and shook the sleeping bird awake.

“Owlowiscious, have you seen Spike anywhere?”


“Is that a yes or a no?”

“Who.” Owlowiscious shook his head back and forth leaving Twilight shocked and confused. Where had Spike gone?

He wasn’t one to just disappear all of the sudden, and with the travesty at hand, it was imperative that he send a letter to Princess Celestia immediately. The five friends could take the train if need be, but with all of the preparations for the Summer Sun Celebration going on, Princess Celestia would be too busy for visits.

Then it hit her. If Spike wasn’t in the town hall… and he wasn’t at the library… he must be with Ivory Moon. As fast as lightning, Twilight ran out of the library searching for her friends. Sure enough, they hadn’t gotten far from town hall and she caught them just as they entered the town square.

“Fluttershy!” She jumped in front of the yellow pegasus and said, “Was Spike with Ivory Moon when you told him that Rarity was kidnapped?”

Fluttershy looked slightly scared by Twilight’s sudden entrance, but thought back quickly and answered. “Um, yes he was.”

“Oh no!” Twilight started panicking, jumping around like Pinkie Pie would, but in a horrified manner. “He must have gone with Ivory to save Rarity! Spike doesn’t know what he’s up against!”

Rainbow Dash stepped up and added to the pandemonium. “How are we gonna get a letter to the princess now?”

“What if we just go to Canterlot ourselves?” Pinkie piped up trying to calm the frantic unicorn.

“Nopony is getting in to see the princess this time of the year, Pinkie.” Twilight said, trying to hold back her tears. It was a terrible feeling, not being able to do anything to help Rarity, Ivory, or Spike. The kind of feeling that makes your heart ache. Leaving you helpless to aid the ones you love.

Applejack stepped up and said, “Wait ya’ll.”

The others turned to her, looking hopeful that she might be on to something.

“Don’t lose hope yet. Juss because we can’t see the princess, don’t mean she can’t come to us.”

“But we can’t send her a letter to tell her what’s going on.” Twilight said, still feeling bad that she couldn’t help Spike.

“In a few days, she’ll be down here herself, and Ah think she’ll take time to listen to you Twi.”

“But what do we do until then? Spike is just a baby dragon.”

“Listen Twilight, you raised Spike right. What he’s doin’, he’s doin’ outta the kindness of his heart.”

“But are you sure he can survive on his own?”

“He is with the strongest pony Ah’ve ever seen in my life. Ah know Ivory won’t let anything happen to Spike.”

“Yeah,” Pinkie added. “Trust me Twilight. Ivory will protect Spike at all costs.”

“How do you know?” Twilight asked, wondering if the two earth ponies knew something that she didn’t.

Pinkie and Applejack exchanged worried looks and backed away from the inquisitive unicorn. But she was persistent, asking again, demanding an answer.

“Ah… really don’t think we should be talkin’ ‘bout that…”

“It’s nothing personal… but Ivory Moon is really touchy about his colthood.”

Twilight didn’t back down, she just became even more intense. “Spike is out there right now with a pony that I know nothing about. Please… tell me.” She looked about ready to cry.

The two sighed and glanced at each other. Twilight wouldn’t stop until she knew why Spike was in good hooves. Finally, the two caved and sat down, prepared to tell the story.

“Sit down Twilight.” Applejack said, ears drooping and hat removed. Her face bared a sorrowful frown. Pinkie’s expression was no different. The other three sat down, curious to what story would unfold from the earth ponies.


“Ivory?” Spike whispered, walking up to the earth pony. “Are you ok?” He leaned down, bending his knees to look Ivory in the eyes. He sat staring at the ground.

“I’m fine buddy…” He turned away from Spike, trying to hide his face.

“No, you’re not, Ivory. Please tell me what’s wrong.”

“No- nothing is wrong Spike. Just leave me alone.”

“I know that’s not true. You can tell me Ivory.”

The two sat quietly for some time. Only the slight whistle of the wind made a sound as it passed by their ears. The earth pony kept his gaze on the gravel below. He lifted his hoof but once, but put it back down immediately. A tear fell from his eye as he opened his mouth to speak.

“Unicorns and pegasi are no better than earth ponies.”

“What?” Spike leaned in to his friend and said, “What do you mean by that?”

Ivory looked at his friend out the corner of his eye and spoke softly. “Those were my mother’s words. She was a pegasus, and my father was a unicorn.”

“Back when I was a colt, my parents were both incredible. My mother was a Wonderbolt and my father had been in the Royal Guard. But when I was born, they both moved to Ponyville to raise me together. A year later, my sister was born. But while she was gifted with the power of flight… I was just an earth pony.” He started to tear up at remembering his past. But he remained strong, forcing the tears back. He looked at Spike who was entranced by the story.

“When I went to school,” He continued, struggling even to speak. “None of the colts… liked me. They saw my parents and sister and how amazing they were. They called me a mistake. They said, ‘how could a pegasus and a unicorn have you?’”

Not a pegasus, not a unicorn, your parents didn’t even love you!

Sh-shut up! That’s not true!

Then how come your sister can fly?

Leave me alone!

You were a mistake, Ivory loser!

“I ran home, crying my eyes out. My sister flew close behind me, but she hated fights. So every day, I had to face those colts by myself.”

He cried for a minute or two, trying to recollect his thoughts. “Then… one night, I was so angry… I lost my temper…”

Ivory Moon, please calm down.

Why do you hate me?!

We don’t hate you honey. We love you so much.

Why am I not special? Golden Sun can fly, so why can’t I?!

I don’t know Ivory… I don’t know. Unicorns and pegasi are no better than earth ponies.

No! It’s because of you that everypony hates me! I hate you! I hate you and dad! I hate all of you!

Now struggling for breath and on the verge of bursting into tears, Ivory tried to close his story. “That night… my parents left with my sister. She told me that they were going to get me something special, but that I would have to wait patiently.”

“That night, there was a terrible accident… one of the carriages’ wheels broke off. It swerved out of control…”

Silence. A pen could have dropped, and it would have sounded like a cannon. The thing the two could feel was a cold chill of the wind running down their spines. The warm evening air a contrast to how they both truly felt.

“I didn’t find out until the next day that…” He couldn’t bring himself to say it. He just couldn’t. His heart could take the pain no longer. He looked over at Spike, who had also succumbed to the sorrow, letting the tears flow down onto the hard rock below.

“I…” Ivory started, his tears breaking down the dams behind his eyes. “I never got to tell them… that I don’t hate them…”


“When Ivory heard the news, he never left his house. He didn’t talk ta anyone. Fer three years he stayed disconnected from everything in Ponyville.” Applejack said, about to tear up herself. The other four had failed to hold back the tears; even Rainbow Dash felt the despair of the story.

“It was a good thing Granny Smith heard about his family, otherwise the poor guy woulda starved.” She opened her eyes and looked at the sad faces all around. But she couldn’t stop just yet; she had to finish the story.

“We brought him food from Sweet Apple Acres and Sugar Cube Corner. It was a wonder he even ate. For three years we did that. An’ then one day, something in his head juss clicked. When he came outta his house, ya never woulda known that he’d been through a traumatic experience.”

“He’s been doing everything he can for everypony he sees ever since.” Pinkie Pie shakily interjected. “And… that’s the whole story.”

The five friends looked at each other. The evening had grown late and the streets were vacant of many ponies. Only the light of the street lamps and the dying rays of the sun kept them out of the dark. Then, they all huddled together in a group hug. They didn’t know why, they just felt that that was what they should do. Though nothing bad had befallen them, they couldn’t possibly imagine what it would be like to lose a their family in one night.

“An’ Twilight,” Applejack muttered through the tears, “That’s why Spike is in good hands.”

Twilight looked north to Froggy Bottom Bog, a worried look still on her face, and rightfully so. He was just a little baby dragon, out on a life threatening adventure with only one pony to keep him safe. But… that pony was Ivory Moon.

“Ah know Ivory won’t let anything happen to Spike. That’s the honest truth Twi.”

The unicorn stared at the mountains beyond the swamp, praying that her Spike would come back safely. She then turned to her orange friend.

“You’re right AJ.” Tears rolled down her face, but not of sadness, of hope. “I trust Ivory Moon with my Spike… and I know he’s coming back with him, and Rarity.”