//------------------------------// // Chapter 2: Raging blizzard, dragons and the history of the origins of the empire // Story: On the path of magic // by CrimsonBrust //------------------------------// When Crimson and Twilight joined their companions, they saw their son playing with this blade. Crimson wanted to make this blade a full-fledged sword for him. But Twilight wasn't thrilled about it. But when they reached the village, a very unpleasant surprise awaited them. They were stopped by a poorly armed guard who was very rude to them. "Stop! What are you looking for here, homeless?" "Homeless? Do I look stray to you?" cried the pissed off Princess Royal Berry Jungleberry who was Custard's cousin. This young, characterful and brave princess filly loved to dress in gowns that had berry shades the same as her hair, pink mane, and red eyes. She was accompanied by a knight named Shiny White. He protected her from dangers at all times. He wore white knightly armor, a sword and lances. He has very pale cyan hair, pale yellow mane and cyan eyes. He kept her with his magic so that she would not hit the scepter on the guard's head. But despite this, others were just as surprised. "What's going on?" Crimson asked as they faced the guard. "And you surely are the owner of this whole gang. We already have enough problems with refugees. So get me out of here." "Do we look like some refugees or immigrants? We had a ship crashed yesterday. We used to sail home ..." "Yeah sure and I'm the king. Get me out of here ..." then she cut him off as a nervous Twilight told him. "How can you be such a heartless. There are children, and you judge us as if we were some inferior ponies." then the security guard saw that Twilight was right. "Okay. You can enter from the village, but I don't have any trouble. There is an inn where I can stay if you only have money." he said with a mocking smile but turned to fear as Twilight gave him such a malevolent look, so same as any other. As soon as they entered the inn which was the largest building in the village. What was more surprising was the fact that the sound was similar to that of other buildings. Another unpleasant surprise awaited them there. Crimson entered first and they will face Kalczka which she said with a bad and hostile attitude. "What kind of gang ?! What do you want?! Talk quickly, because I can't guarantee myself." "Relax. That sentry let us in. He said we'll find shelter here." "He told you so... He's a bastard... I'll have to smash this empty head tomorrow morning! I just finished sweeping the floor and you walk in here like nothing's wrong." "Can we get something warm to eat and a place to sleep?" "And what is this, it is an inn and not a poorhouse! The gold on the table will be talked about." Crimson stepped deeper inside and heard another voice. "What's going on honey?" said the stallion when he heard, and walked calmly. "Some vagabonds have come to me, and the floor is dirty. They are still eating and demanding peace, and gold is not heard or heard!" "They are just alive ... They will not be a problem for us. And the god of balance I command to help the needy." "If you want, help yourself, but don't get me involved!" she said as Crimson suddenly pulled out a full sack of gold and threw it at him." she said when Crimson suddenly pulled out a prominent pouch of gold and chucked it off him. "What I need is something to eat, drink, inform and rest." he said confidently. "That's a lot of money for one pony?" "Well, it's not just for me. You can come in!" He said as the others followed. "Oh, no, no ..." then the nervous fire said to her. "Honey is going to the kitchen. And then they have children. Just let me talk to you. I'll find out more about them than you do." then Crimson took another pouch from him and asked. "Which eyes can we sleep?" Crimson asked. "You don't have to worry, you can sleep in every room. Every room is free." the said. After they had eaten a tasty meal and played the instruments and went to sleep that night, Crimson talked with the him. "War? How are the only ones. And with whom are the fighting?" "With orcs." "With these ape-like hairy beasts. I remember in our country we fight with them." "Did you win with them?" "Yes. Dad spoke with past revenge for making us slaves. In a vengeance of revenge, we destroyed their cities, enslaved them to fight for us in the arenas just like our ancestors. We even made great hunts on them, cleansing our land of them. In my homeland only their bones are left." "Will they make slaves of us?" "Yes. But I have a question, is it possible to buy a ship in the city?" "Everything was commandeered by the royal army. But I won't enter the city." "Will we see which way it is?" "The music is going to the north. I won't miss it. But it is said that there is a beast prowling in the area! And in the city it is very restless." "Thanks, you helped me a lot. Can we stay a few days?" "Of course no problem." he replied pleased. It was the same dragon as in the golden dragon basilica. A dragon with beautiful golden scales, radiant light and large feathered wings. He didn't seem hostile, but Twilight was careful. Crimson placed Novalis in front of the dragon. You bowed respectfully and said. - What do you expect from me? Sol invictus, servant of Highfather. Why did you call to me, mighty one? Crimson said, looking at the dragon in front of him. "Crimson guardian of Ashael, how nice to see you with your wife and son. Good to see you in good health. I called you because I have to go somewhere," he said calmly. He showed no feeling but his voice, he was so kind, full of nobility and love. Then they took Novalis's blade and turned me into a black sword which they returned to him. Interestingly, Novalis was happy swinging a sword. "How will I get there?" "You do not have to worry. Highfather, I'll show you the way. But I'm sure you will succeed. If you need my help, you know how to call me. Even so, my magic has a bad effect on your son. Let the light guide you, Emperor.” The light flickered significantly, then they appeared at the inn, and Crimson felt Novalis feeling much better. "Crimson, what happened?" they asked anxiously. And Crimson and Twilight looked at each other with a full smile. "Even if I told you, you wouldn't believe me anyway." But you can say…! He was then interrupted by Twilight who said. "But maybe we'd better start getting ready to go home." And then Novalis will disappear unexpectedly. When they looked for him in the village and forest, they could not find him. But they found him as Gray Wolf, Carmel Arrow, Milky Shield, Clover Gitar, and Herb Cookie. These five had two of the best trackers. Gray Wolf who was able to turn into a werewolf. He was a pony with dark gray fur, with a medium dark mane of red-orange blue eyes, always wore a simple wolf's fang necklace, a flat wolf fur plate, and had a scar on his left eye. His cuts mark was turning a pony into a wolf. Carmel Arrow was the first border guard. It was an honor because she was the youngest in keeping this honor. She was a mare with a medium dark red-orange shade, black eyes with prominent white eyelashes and a brown-black mane. As a guardian, she wore a bow that was also her twin swords. Her cuts mark were yin and yang twisted blades. The milky shield was a defense that was sworn to protect the better from evil. He was a unicorn with very brown hair. He was wearing a white cape with a very pale blue bead on the cape. In the same cut, he wore a shield, club, and cap that covered his white hair. His cuts mark was a light blue cross on the shield. Clover Gitar was a bard who knew every story and history of his kingdom. He told them to the children and played his guitar. He always carried a green mandolin with him, the sounds of which allowed him to soothe any creature, animal or pony. He wore the typical bard green with a dark shade of purple pink, blue, calm and always happy eyes. His cuts were a mark of a mandolin from a clover. They were wandering in the woods when suddenly Gray Wolf caught the scent of Novalis. "He was here. But not alone, I feel a few more. They went this way." he pointed calmly as they walked down the path and reached the bridge in front of the city gates. “This is where the trail ends. We need to get into the city." Carmel said, knowing that with so many Gray Wolf scents, I wouldn't even find a suitable werewolf. The problem was, however, that you couldn't enter the city. Even though there were two guards at the entrance. She didn't want to risk it, but the Gray Wolf felt Novalis' new lead. They managed to get into the cave, and as soon as they entered they saw Novalis running towards them, who was standing in front of a strange colored stone. this strange stone. ”Suddenly they felt a malevolent presence emerging from the cave. "Red white elutarian dragon! Run away!" Milky shouted. And as soon as they found Novalis, a huge red and white furious dragon chased them. "Arrow, I will cover you with my shield and you will quickly fire a series of your arrows." Milky said as his shield widened to protect them from breath and rock debris. At this point, Carmel Arrow fired a series of arrows at the dragon with her bow. And Clover was playing tunes that were very suitable for the situation. Suddenly, the Dark Sword joined them. Pegasus a warrior with dark brown hair, black mane and jet black armor. He was holding a sword that struck the dragon with black lightning from his sword. When Carmel looked into his red eyes, she knew more would come soon to help them. Before the others joined. Crimson had Twilight's children taken and taken to a safe place. "What we do?" Tae Knight asked. An old knight in a heavy gray knight's armor holding a chlabard with his magic. His helmet was there "We can't let him attack the village! We have to get rid of it somehow!" Crimson said avoiding the mighty and massive dragon's tail. "Easier said than done! This dragon is mighty." said the Dark Sword. "And I thought that for you nothing is impossible?" Crimson replied with a mocking smile. "I guess I have an idea?" said the Dark Eye. "So talk!" Crimson will exclaim "Almond, use your magic shackles to immobilize him in one place. And me and Latte will draw him with our magic from inside the trap that will weaken the dragon with combined forces." he said, and Crimson moved his head so seriously. And he pushed the dragon with his attackim towards the trap. Where great white chains had tied him. And their combined power forced the dragon to stay where it was." "Good and then what?" Latte asked. "I will calm the dragon. So that he does not hurt anyone. If I attack the city. It will be a grave for all innocent ponies." said Crimson confidently. When he protected the others from great dragon meteorites. When they managed to trap them. Crimson bit his hoof until he got blood. He dropped a drop and said. "Blood seal. Now you and your dragon power will belong to me." Crimson said as black runes appeared on the dragon's body. And it decreased to the size of a small medallion. After which it became a medallion with an unusual but very similar appearance to a dragon. Crimson put on the locket and said. "Okay, now go to town to get us a ship." They camped in front of the short bridge that led into the city. For tomorrow, Crimson has discovered a way to get off the island. "Sewers?" she screamed out loud. But the anti-noise spell kept it a secret. "Do you know how to enter the sewers?" Ginger asked confidently. Crimson then pointed to an entrance that was a slender wooden door in a wooden gate. "It's the easier part. The plan is worse with the wild animals inside. But Shuri shouldn't have any problems?" he said confidently as he opened the door to the ninja pony. "I will find my way to the city and clean it." he said coldly, without endusing him. He came back an hour later with the marten in his butt. "Don't ask how it happened. The way is clear. I'll show you the way." as he passed that hour to his destination. They had minor problems because some ponies didn't want to get their hooves dirty. They reached the underground camp, and from the corner they went through the unstable entrance to the city port. "A good plan is simple. Chillie and Rye are making a fuss at the port. Mango and Shark will find a ship to take us from here. Black let your ravens see a potential danger ..." "How does this plan fail?" Twilight asked. "Then we improvise!" Crimson said, but the whole plan shot in the bubbles. Because the port was the poorest district of the city, so fights were on the agenda. But Crimson slightly changed this plan. Chillie was going to steal something but she make a fuss on a grand scale. She stole a few paintings, the city treasury and a few other items. And then it just got weirder. They found a ship that was fit, but there was a problem with stealing a ship full of guards. But the problem was solved by Crimson when they touched their medallion outside the city and said: "Unite us with your wrath of Velat." Summoned a sealed dragon that has changed beyond recognition. Red and white scales, horns, great wings and more expressing power. "Velata, your task is simple and will force the soldiers to leave the city." he said as the dragon growled hostile to him. And he flew towards the city to force the guards to confront him. Once they managed to distract and steal the ship, but not the one they wanted. It turned out that it was a military galley and a commercial galley. Crimson grabbed his head, uncertain whether they would ever make it home. "Well, at least no ... problem ..." Crimson said as the ship was suddenly enveloped in the monster's tentacles. Crimson thought it was a had hallucinations. But Novalis' magic caused them to teleport somewhere.