//------------------------------// // 1400 // Story: A Life Lived in Hundreds // by Botched Lobotomy //------------------------------// ‘Sweet Celestia, I’m exhausted.’ ‘Ow...’ Twilight rolled over on the bed to peer at her. ‘Is your leg sore? Should I kiss it better?’ Smith cracked open one eye. ‘Ow...?’ Twilight laughed, and kissed the joint, and started to kiss higher before pausing on her hip. ‘Actually, sorry, can we do this another day?’ ‘Ow...’ ‘All that dancing took it out of me. Haven’t been this tired since, like, school.’ She yawned, kissed Smith’s hip again. ‘Tomorrow, promise.’ ‘Ow...’ ‘Oh, quit your whining and cuddle up.’ And Smith wrapped her legs around the purple mare and kissed her wife goodnight.