//------------------------------// // Game Players 32 // Story: The Game Players // by GamePlayer64 //------------------------------// Last Time on The Game Players The Game Players were helping Tunes preparing for The Battle of the Bands as she won her rounds but lost after a teacher named Strict Authority rigged the voting to end in his favor after the final round where the Rainbooms and Dazzlings bands battle but humans of the Abyss crashed the competition in order to capture The Rainbooms and Dazzlings to drain them of their magic. The Game Players were lucky to avoid the temporal pause as they charged to the rescue. As the Rainbooms & Dazzlings felt hope was dying; one Game Player named Dark Speed was wise to hide within Sunset Shimmer’s shadow. With the aid of Dark Speed, they escape. With the aid of Miss Lax who is known in The Abyss as the ‘Witch of Carnage’ along with her Druid Partner with Game Life’s childhood friends & his step-siblings. Through thick and thin, plus Sweet Tunes’ new Hyper Mood & a Titan-Size Centaur; The Game Players have successfully defeated the hunters & saved their new friends. After learning of the actions of a corrupt teacher, Sweet Tunes got her chance to sing & the girls left to have a party while the guys had a simple time. Nothing could go bad at a party, right? WRONG!!! (Author’s Note: Do not read this if you’re eating. Will include vomit) Game Life, his step brother, his old friends and the rest of the male Game Players are at the 8-Bit Café helping their female friends who left them for a girls-only celebration, holding back their hairs as they were barfing in the toilets except for Sharp Shooter as she was holding a doll. “You girls were irresponsible, careless and ignorant to your limits!” Yelled Game Life as he held Fancy’s hair back as she threw up in the toilet. “Please… not… so loud… My headache hurts.” She said as she threw up more. “Don’t let my dad… see me… like this.” She said as she was groaning in pain as Game patted her back. “Thanks…” “This is like… my families’ hangovers.” Said Exo as she barfed in the can as IQ used his magic to hold her hair. “Without the smell of liquor…” She said as Sharp came in. “I’m lucky that my child body made me sleep early to avoid this sad example of teenage life.” She said as Strong lifted her head. “SHUT IT… BRAT!” She yelled as she continued to throw up. “My stomach wants to kill me…” Said Strong as she flushed to puke again. “It’s the price of what you girls did.” Explain IQ “Also we have to open in 2 & 1/2 hours & both the men’s & women’s bathroom toilets on the 3rd floor have been coated in regurgitated food.” He said as IQ held back Tunes’ hair. “I… blame Pinkie’s… dessert surprise.” She said as Dark Speed opened up with a tray of glasses filled with strange green liquid. “Dark Speed arrived with his mother’s organic veggie drink. Strong enough to cleanse your stomachs.” He said as Cute grabbed it and smelled it but gagged a bit. “Ugh… will it work?” She said as Dark Speed had a bag of toilet paper rolls. “Here’s in case the 1st roll isn’t enough.” He said as GQ looked at it. “If the price for a clean stomach is getting the screaming shits, then bring it on!” She said as She chugged the entire drink, grabbed a roll and headed for a stall. “We’ll need to burn the bathrooms after this.” She said as the guys left the bathrooms as every girl felt the price of their actions. “How the hell can we clean those bathrooms?!” Said Death as he wore a gas mask as they put some thoughts into it. “I got an idea but I’ll need time.” Said Game as he ran to the Manager’s room. 1 Hour Later The guys were watching Disney’s Gargoyles as Spike enjoyed the show. “A thousand years they’ve been in stone?! How can they survive?!” Asked Spike as Large smiled. “Watch and learn, little dragon. Also are there any Gargoyles in Equestria?” He asked as Spike put some thought into it. “I’ve never met any but I did hear that Lord Tirek’s brother Scorpan was a Gargoyle who helped our princesses send him to Tartarus.” He explained as Dark turned to him. “What a fool that Scorpan is.” Said Dark Speed as Spike looked shocked at what he said “Whatever he did for the betrayal was worthless to a member of his family and the price cost him everything.” He said as he walked away. Death Alchemist noticed what he said as he looked at Book Life. “I know I’m one of the smart ones but sometimes I have no idea what the hell is he saying.” He said to Book as he tried to translate what he said. “Hmm… I guess your friend is saying that Scorpan, whoever he is, betrays his brother for something common to everyone and he just destroys the trust and love from his brother and perhaps even his family.” He explained as Death understood that. “That makes sense.” He said as Spike climbed on his legs. “But! If Scorpan didn’t do that then Equestria would be taken over!” He said as Book looked at Spike. “So… he’s from…” “Yes.” Answered Death “Not gonna ask about the talking dog but tell me, has this Scorpan has made historical events after his betrayal? You know, invent something new, discover something new or perhaps make a publicity for your cities and towns?” Asked Book as he just stared at him. “Um… Uh… I… don’t know.” He said as Dark was drinking tea. “Told you all. Betray for good or betray for evil, it will always lead to the same price.” He said as Spike whimpered. “I suggest getting Princess Book Addicted to research any recorded history after Scorpan betrayed his brother. To prove Dark Speed wrong… for once.” Said Death “He’s never wrong. Or at least; when we’re with him.” Death corrected himself as Game opened the door while carrying a bucket. “OKAY! I’m back and I think I got the solution to our plumbing problem! I hope…” Said Game as the guys gathered near him. “What is it?” Asked Mochi. “Okay. I went to my Slime ID, set it on Hard and worked hard as hell in taming a powerful slime, collected some high-grade Slime Cores for her and leveled her up.” “HER?!” Said some of the guys as Game’s Monster Farm Portal opened up. “Monster Farm! Come on over, Soap!” Said Game as his friends looked at him. “Soap?” Game turned to them “Well I can’t be a maid out of… certain reasons.” Answered Game as a huge pure clear white goo came out. It grew to the size of a Hummer as its cord was yellow with hexagonal patterns on it. The Slime forms into a human but in a skimpy maid outfit. The guys' jaws dropped as they looked at Game with raised eyebrows. “Don’t look at me like that!” Game pulled out a book with a Slime on the cover. “I got this after killing a Grand Slime Boss. This book teaches me how to evolve a Slime. This says that Slime can evolve after consuming what it’s fed the most. So I feed Soap mass amounts of filth and grime as she transforms into a Cleaning Slime.” He explained as his friends looked at him. “So where did you get the filth?” Asked IQ. “Where else? Tough Exo’s room.” “Ewww…” They said as Game smirks. “Her parents threatened to shoot me but after I convinced them I cleaned up to pay back Exo. They let me in.” He said as Exo’s folks do have guns “Soap cleaned her entire room and here’s the proof.” Said Game Life as he pulled out Exo’s Gym bag. The Game Players gasped in disgust as he opened it as they covered their noses. He showed a completely clean gym shirt. They smelled the air as they smelled nothing. “Is… That… Exo’s shirt?” Said Dark. “Is that what clean smelled like?” Said IQ as Game smirked but frowned. “Also she found Exo’s…” He paused as he looked at the twins and Spike “Triple X books, Maid Versions.” He said as they groaned in annoyance. “That makes sense.” Said Dark Speed as Soap turned into her Slime Form and disassembled into 20 miniature Slime, cleaned the Arcade of dust and crumbs and then the guys and twins. “Whoa!” “Hey!” “…” “This tickles!” “Hahaha!” They all felt clean as Soap formed back together. “All clean.” Said Soap as she bowed. “Thank you Soap. We’ll need your services again but don’t turn that Human Form into our Female friends.” Said Game. “Except for me.” Said Tunes as everyone turned to her as she was eating some Doughnuts. “I’m cool with her.” She said as she walked around Soap. “Can I ask her if she can change her body structure? You know; jiggling chest, bouncy booty and well thick thighs?” She asked as they heard a cough to see Sharp behind her. “I expected that from the smart ass brothers but you… I say that would be wrong but since you did admit your sexuality, I’ll let it pass. Just promise me; you don’t do it in front of me or around me.” She asked as Tunes patted her head. “Deal and sorry. I have the lust of a man but sometimes there are men with the lust of a woman. You will go through this after puberty.” Said Tunes as Sharp crossed her arms. “I’m gonna hate my teen life.” She said. “Trust me… you’ll only hate the hard parts of being a woman.” Said Tunes as they heard a lot of groaning. Rainbooms, Dazzlings & The Female Game Players came looking horrible. “AHHH… My ass hurts so much!” Said Rainbow Dash. “Rainbow! A lady should never say anything vulgar about her body.” Said Rarity as she nearly fell to her knees. “Even though it's true.” Sunset & Twilight came looking sick as Spike walked towards them. “Are you okay?” “No…” Said Twilight. “I never knew partying like that would make me feel that sick.” Said Sunset as Fluttershy was perfectly well as she was carrying Pinkie on her shoulder. “Pinkie… I… want to do that again.” Said Pinkie as she was asleep. “She had a Sugar Crash. I’ve never seen her like this.” Said Fluttershy as she placed her on a coach that Game bought for their closing hours. “Also do you have more of that juice? I love the taste and my stomach feels cleansed as I feel energetic!” She said as Dark Speed narrowed his eyes. “The juice is only medicine for the stomach. Ask Dark Speed for it if your stomach is in pain or sick.” Said Dark Speed as he crossed his arms. “The recipe is Dark Speed’s property, Dark Speed refuses to give it away. Mama Sweet Meds is professional in medical studies.” He said as the Dazzlings came out fine. “That drink wasn’t bad.” Said Aria. “I thought it tasted horrible.” Spoke Adagio. “That was so good. It reminded me of the seaweed & kelp smoothies we had in Equestria without the sea salt.” Said Sonata skipped to the couch and watched the show “I love this show but I don’t like those Weird Sisters.” “That we can agree.” Said Book as he watched the show as Model came in looking like shit. “I am never going to another girls only party again.” Said Model “Teenage girls. You all managed to poison my insides & I think I gained weight.” “Where? Her waist or her head?” Whispered Book to Game as they both snickered. “I HEARD THAT!!!” Yelled Model as Game & Book both dodge a thrown chair. “If you destroy an Arcade game, you are paying for its market price & we all know how expensive they are.” Said Game in anger. “Must you piss your sister off?” Asked Sharp. “If you suffer from her break-up fits, you would piss her off as payback.” Said Book as Game and him fist-bump. “You tell it brother.” Said Game as Model snarled at them “Sometimes I wish you dorks get hit BY A BUS!” She yelled angrily as everyone looked scared except Strong Love. “Yep. It’s like the Amazon Guild. You get so annoyed by others; you wish something horrible happened to them. Like sisters that you can’t get away from.” Said Strong as she got some uneasy glances at her. “Okay… Now that everyone is out of the biohazard bathrooms.” Said IQ. “HEY!” Yelled every girl except Sharp & Sea. “Game, tell Soap to do her specialty.” He said as They looked confused. “Soap?” “Game’s new slime. He tamed and evolved her into a Cleaning Slime.” Explained Death as a big slime went past them. “You think that monster can clean what we did?” Said Exo “I need proof and if it's true. I’ll wear Rarity’s frilly dresses for a month.” She mocked Game as he tossed her a shirt. “HEY! Don’t throw my gym shirt at… Huh?” She took a big whiff of it “I can’t smell my stink.” She said as Exo noticed her Gym Bag, she opened it as she dumped her clothes out to see bright gym clothes; no sweat stains, no rancid smell of being unwashed in weeks and no fungus growing under the armpits. “Is… this what clean is?!” She said as Rarity grabbed it and smelled it. “Did Soap… clean this?!” She yelled as Game nodded. “Yep and her boyfriend consumed the garbage.” Said Game as they looked at him. “BOYFRIEND?!” “Oh… I forgot about Scavenge. He eats garbage & crap waste.” Said Game as they looked disgusted at Game. “Before you say that’s gross; tell me something. Does any of our Monster Farms have plumbing?” He said as they didn’t answer. “God damn it!” Yelled Exo. “If it wasn’t for that slime; our farms would smell and have pissed off all our monsters.” Said Sharp. “My monster started to complain about the smell.” Said Large. “Dark Speed will admit to that flaw.” He said as Game opened a portal a big brown Slime came out as it took the form of a gentleman butler. “Greetings Masters and Misses.” They turned to him with raised eyebrows. “I don’t give the personalities. I think it's random whenever monsters are tamed.” Answered Game. “I believe I am summoned to reveal my abilities, yes?” He asked as Game nodded. “Very well.” Scavenge created a smaller slime version of himself. “Commence garbage removal.” He said as the small slime bounced to a trash can and consumed the garbage. “Whoa…” “Now releasing deodorant.” Said Game as the mini Slime releases a refreshing smell. Sharp got a whiff of it. “Mmmmm… lilacs and daffodils.” “All the garbage was consumed.” Said Scavenge as Soap came down. “All bathrooms are now clean to be used again.” Said Soap. “Thank you for your help.” Said Game as they bowed and returned to the MF. “If the world had a Slime like Scavenge; it would end growing dumps and decrease landfills.” Said IQ. “Yeah. Too bad some of the people in the world can’t know of the Abyss. It would be World War Hell.” Answered Death. “Great solutions stopped by reality and its consequences. Life is always cruel to those who wish to save our dying planet.” Said Dark Speed as Model looked at him with disgust. “Okay, can we get him to stop talking?” Said Model. “Pay Dark Speed in cash. Dark Speed will not take pictures, undergarments nor flashing of any gender.” He said cross. “Is he for real?” Said Model as the Game Players & Rainbooms nodded. “God damn it. Normally a nude pic of me would be what most men want.” She said as she opened her purse. “In your dreams.” Said Dark, Book & Game as they all went to Tunes’ RV. Game decided to drive as Tunes was still recovering from the sickness as Game’s old friends decided to go home but left a request form to join the Game Players & Game’s step-siblings said their farewell but with a death threat from Model to not include the twins but Game added try not to dress indecent which is slim as Book as Model left pissed off. Heavy Cute, Gambling Queen and Strong love parted ways as Dark Speed made himself a noose out of chains. Game drove to the school as he played one of Tunes’ songs from her playlist. Before Twilight, Adagio, Aria & Sonata return to Equestria, Tunes wanted to give something to them. “Hey Girls. Here is something from me.” She said as she gave them each a bracelet with members of the Game Players’ symbols. “What’s this?” Asked Twilight. “Friend Code Bracelets.” Said Tunes as Twilight looked confused “Friendship Bracelets.” She said annoyed as Twilight understands it. “Oh!” Said Twilight as She looked at it as Spike felt a bit down that he didn’t get something like that until IQ gave him a wrapped present. “Here’s a gift from us guys.” He said as Spike picked it up with his mouth “Just a reminder, don’t eat the crystal or get over 1 million volts of electricity through your system.” He said as Spike gulped as he wondered what was in it. “It’s a device that has all the shows we watched before we clocked out.” Said Death “Plus some extras that we watched & love for you to laugh.” He said as Spike wagged his tail. “Also if the crystal doesn’t charge; you need to charge it with either magic or electricity.” Explained Death as Spike nodded as Exo gave Twilight a bat. “Here. Use this if there are some who want to hurt Tunes’ Siren Sisters.” She said as Twilight smiled nervously. “Uh… okay.” She said as Fancy whispered to her ear. “You don’t have to do it.” Twilight sighed in relief. The Gamers & waved goodbye to Twilight & their new friends as they looked at each other. “So… Now you know what we’re dealing with. Promise us you won’t be part of it?” Said Game as Rainbow Dash looks shocked. “WHAT?! We nearly-” Sunset covered her mouth. “We promise!” As her friends looked surprised at her “If you Pinkie Promise you let us handle Equestria’s Magic.” She said as they put some thoughts into it. “If you can handle it.” Said Dark Speed “And/or if The Abyss is a part of it or tries to interfere; we’ll aid you.” He said as Sunset looked at him and nodded. “Deal.” “Just don’t blame us if we change something.” Said Game. “You can expect a lot of changes in this story.” Said Pinkie Pie as she winked at nothing. “Why is she this loony?” Said IQ as they parted ways… until Monday as Tunes took the wheel as they were getting themselves some breakfast. “Pancakes & Waffles is what we’re having.” Said Tunes as they nodded as Fancy was cuddling with Game as Dark Speed sank in the shadows to avoid his obsessed fan. “I believe we need a good rest.” Said Fancy as her phone rang. “Huh?” She pulled it out to see a number she hasn’t seen in a long time. “It can’t be!” “What is it?” Said Game as Fancy got up and answered it. “Hello?” “Hi Besty!” Fancy’s eyes widened in shock and horror. “Soothing Massage…”