My Little Beast Wars: Children of Cybertron

by Trooper028

Waspinator: Origins Part 1

Waking up from a car crash after being in a coma for a week sucked. Waking up from a car crash after being in a coma for a week and remembering your past life as the universe's chew toy? Waspinator didn't have the words for it.

He was terrified to tell anyone. They'd think he was lying or crazy. Or even worse if they believed him they'd hate him. He was an "Evil Predacon" after all. He had done bad things under Megatron's command. He recognized that now. He was a bad person, but he didn't want to be bad anymore.

Waspinator was happy being human, he had good parents, a nice older sister, a lovable puppy, friends at school. The ability to speak in first person like a normal person!

“Wazzzpinator have headache in his whole body.” He groans from his bed.

Well he had the ability till the car crash. Now he was back to speaking third person again. Still his life was good. He didn't want to go back to being that.

However there was a feeling gnawing at him deep inside to see if he could transform back into his old body. If there was one thing he did miss it was being able to fly. To soar above the clouds again was something he dreamed of each night since coming home.

Getting up from his bed and leaving the room he shares with his older sister he goes into the bathroom and locks the door. He stares at his reflection in the mirror. Blue eyes, black hair with yellow streaks, and green skin.

Waspinator wasn't sure where the creature who called himself Discord had sent them but he was pretty sure humans did not have green skin, but whatever.

Taking a breath he lets the familiar yet alien words slip out of his mouth,

"Wazzzpinator Terrorizzze!”

Nothing happens. Of course like it would be that easy? Maybe the activation phrase was different now? Or maybe he really was going crazy and this life of being an alien robot was all just a dream brought on by the car crash?

“Hey bro you done in there? I got to go really bad.” Came the voice of his older sister Buzz Saw from outside the bathroom.

“D-done.” Waspinator said. He steps out of the bathroom and starts to head back to their room but his sister grabs him by the arm.

“Hey you doing okay?” She asks worriedly.

“…do you ever dream of flying?” He asks wanting to change the topic.

“Sometimes, why?”

“No reazzzon.” He pulls away and resumes his walk back to their room. He picks up his phone from his nightstand to see if he got any messages and saw he got a few from his friends wishing him well. He puts his phone back down and lies down on his bed next to his dog he gives the pup a light scratch before closing his eyes and trying to get to sleep. He prays he doesn’t dream of being blown up again. He hates those dreams. Soon enough though he drifts off into dream land.

He dreams of flying.


Returning to school after the accident felt strange to Waspinator. Not least of all because he had a lot of school to catch up on and was behind on various subjects. Thankfully none of the teachers were being mean about it. I mean it wasn’t his fault he got into that car crash.

What was strange was every now and then the world would blur and the humans around him would become transformers even his sister would become a variant of his old body albeit with a more human face with a helmet and optics that resemble her shades.

It was weird and getting to be too much.

“May Wazzzpinator pleazzze go to the rezzztroom?” He asks during math class at one point. He swears he hears someone snicker behind him but he ignores it. He needs to leave now.

“Go on.” Said his math teacher.

Waspinator leaves the room quickly as he could. Once he reaches the bathroom he goes to the sink and starts splashing water in his face when he looks up into the mirror he sees not a human but a bug eyed robot staring at him. He cries out and stumbles backwards in alarm. He looks at his hands they were robot hands made of green metal. He blinks and they’re back to human again.

“Izzz Wazzzpinator going crazzzy?” Maybe that was it. He was losing his mind.

That was when someone grabs him by the shoulder and shoved him into the bathroom wall head first.

“Hey there Waspy how’s my favorite punching bag doing?” Said a large teen with a Cheshire Cat grin.

“Really?” Waspinator thinks in a daze. Cataclysm? Here? Now? He really had awful luck.

“Now just a friendly reminder I have nothing against you personally. My beef is with your sister for turning me repeatedly down even after I tried to comfort her after hearing about accident.”

Oh not this again couldn’t Cataclysm learn to take no for an answer? Waspinator thinks. His sister was even already dating someone!

“I won’t hurt you too badly just enough that she’ll get the message that turning me down was a mistake.”

Before he could make good on that threat however Cataclysm finds someone grabbing him by the shoulder and pulling him away from his intended victim.

“Leave him alone! He has committed no wrong against you!” Silverbolt said. He stood a head taller over Cataclysm and glares down at the other teen.

Cataclysm snarls and shoved Silverbolt’s arm away.

“Back off this doesn’t involve you white knight.”

“I’m choosing to get involved.” Silverbolt said with finality.

“A real knight in shining armor aren’t you?” Cataclysm said sarcastically. However knowing he was outmatched he backs off.

“The bug’s not worth it anyways.” Cataclysm said as he stalks out of the bathroom.

Seeing the bully was gone Silverbolt turns to Waspinator and helps him to his feet.

“Are you alright?” He asks.

“Doggy-bot?” Waspinator said blinking at Silverbolt who from Waspinator’s view point was flickering between robot and human.

At the nickname instead of confusion Silverbot’s eyes show recognization.

“Waspinator you remember? You’ve awakened?”

At those words Waspinator’s eyes widen in panic.

“No!” He shouts causing Silverbolt to step back in surprise.


I said no.” Waspinator reiterates.

“Wazzzpinator doezzz not want to be evil, Doezzz not want to be a Predacon, and ezzzpecislly doezzz not want to go back to being blown up all the time!” He rants before taking a breath and glares at Silverbolt.

“Wazzzpinator refuzzzezzz.”

He then runs out of the bathroom leaving Silverbolt standing there agape.


“So Waspinator’s awake? If it were anyone else I’d be worried.” Blackarachnia said. The goth girl sat with her boyfriend Silverbolt and Cheetor at their lunch table in the school cafeteria.

“I don’t think we have to worry about him at all. He was very clear he had no interest in being a Predacon again.” Silverbolt said.

“You think Megatron will give him a choice?” Blackarachnia asks.

“You have a point my dear.” Silverbolt said. “But perhaps we could convince him to join us? Dinobot was a Predacon after all.”

“Maybe.” Blackarachnia said.

“What do you think Cheetor?” Silverbolt asks only to see the other teen was on his phone texting someone.

“What? Sorry I wasn’t paying attention a friend of mine was texting me. What were we talking about?” Cheetor said.

“About asking Waspinator to join us before Megatron can get to him.”

“Nah, I’m pretty sure he hates us too much to become a Maximal. Besides it doesn’t matter which side he’s on Waspinator will just get blown up the moment the fighting starts anyways.”

“That’s rather pessimistic of you.” Silverbolt said.

“But it’s not inaccurate.” Blackarachnia said.

“True, but you didn’t see how upset he got. He needs our help not our apathy.” Silverbolt argues.

“Fine we’ll talk it over with Big Bot later and see what he says.” Cheetor said.


“Since I know you’re still recovering it’s cool if you don’t want to come to the party at the bowling alley.” Said Retrax. He was sitting at a table with Waspinator, Buzz Saw, and several other people. Each holding an invitation in their hand. Though Waspinator’s was resting in the table in front of him as he holds his head in his hands trying to fight off the headache he was currently suffering from.

“You okay bro?” Buzz Saw asks concern in her voice.

“Fine. Wazzzpinator izzz fine.” He said having chosen not to tell her about his altercation with Cataclysm that’d just lead to an even bigger mess.

“Wazzzpinator will come. Thank you for the invite.” He said taking the invitation and placing it his pocket before resuming his efforts to will his headache away.

“Come on bro let’s get you to the nurse’s office.” Buzz Saw grabs her brother by the arm and helps him walk towards the exit. As they leave the cafeteria she suggests something in hopes it’ll cheer him up.

“Say why don’t you call Vinyl and see if she’d like to be your plus one to the party?”