Scottaloo: Scootland's Greatest Warrior

by Scotishbro

The Greatest Warrior Scootland Has Ever Seen

The morning dew rested on the beautiful rolling grasses of southern Scootland in a shimmering show of light not seen in ages. The sheep grazed peacefully, the birds chirped, and even the sun was peaking its golden gaze through the thick cloud cover every few seconds. Yes, today was a beautiful day to die indeed. Scootland was at war with the Pegasus of Grait, a bloody conflict that only recently sprouted up over what was cooler: The Unicorns of Scootland's ability to play the majestic bagpipes, or the Pegasus of Grait's ability to play the ugly sounding harp. While Scottaloo may not know why such a thing was so important, she wasn't about to disobey a direct order from the Queen herself. No, Scottaloo must prove her loyalty to the Crown, and to her courage as a warrior...

Scottaloo arose from the rocky alcove she had been sent to watch over. She thought of her brethren in arms, and how she could never really be accepted into their ranks. She may be a real Scootlander by heart, but she was Grait by blood. Scottaloo always feared a war between the two peoples would tear her asunder, but she knew where her loyalties lay, and so did the Queen. Most ponies wouldn't admit it, but Scottaloo was the greatest warrior at the Crowns disposal, and everypony knew what was up when an orange and purple Pegasus rolled up into town. She would prove herself to her peers, she would rise up and make her name known to those who would dare insult her authority, she would-

"Hey, Chickenloo! The Warcaptain needs you!" Scottaloo turn her head to see a unicorn stallion go from a grin to pure, unadulterated fear. Scottaloo wasn't known form her niceties, but now was not the time. She had to visit the Warcaptain, a one Sweetie Belle of the Royal Concierge. From what Scottaloo understood, the only reason she ever got the pretigious spot as Warcaptain was because her sister had designed a particulalry stunning outfit for Her Highness. Regardless of petty politics, orders were orders. Scottaloo raised her great Claymore, affectionately called Clay, and trotted off to see the Warcaptain.


The practice of the Royal Bagpipe Brigade filled the Warcamp with a joyous fervor. After all, they might not make it to the next morning, so why not enjoy what could very well be your last day in Scootland? Warcaptain Sweetie Belle of the Royal Concierge wasn't exactly one who you would normally call upon in a time of war, something she and everypony knew throughout the camp. Her sister, Rarity, had used her in a bid to get on the Queen's good side, despite Sweetie having absolutely no experience with tactics, let alone combat. Rarity said "Don't you play that Ogres and Oubliettes game with your little Apple Bloom friend all the time? That ought to be enough...". Sweetie feared mutiny, but little did she know a Scoot's pride was to great for that! Despite that, sharing Sweetie's fear was her close friend, Apple Bloom, an Earth Pony mare from a faraway land...

"Oh my Queen! What am I going to do, Apple Bloom?! Everypony in the Warcamp knows I'm just a maid! How am I supposed to lead an army?!" Sweetie Belle paced up and down the inside of the tent that was set up in the middle of the camp, staring at Apple Bloom with pleading eyes. Apple Bloom had found solace in an apple she had saved for the long trek they had embarked on in days past.

"I don't know, why don't we ask the best warrior in camp? They probably know something about how to fight a war."

Sweetie Belle stopped in her tracks. "Apple Bloom, you are a genius." and ran towards the tent flap, opening it to ask a guard where the strongest warrior was. You see, the only issue with asking a camp full of big burly warriors about which of them was the strongest and most capable, is that they will all rise up, say something along the lines of 'I'm the greatest warrior!', and start to fight and bicker with each other over who was the best. Instead, a white mare bearing a medics clothing came over to answer Sweetie Belle's question. She stood tall, with an angry expression on her face, not to much unlike the warriors behind her.

"Oh, great, look what ya done! It took me 3 days o' care to get Tatties n' Neeps back to health! Thanks fer making my job harder 'Warcapin'!" She turned away in disgust, but Sweetie Belle stopped her. She had to know just who was best pony.

"Wait! I need help in here. I need a great warrior. You would seem to have an unbiased opinion, please, for the sake of everypony here..."

The nurse threw her mane back with a flick of her head. "Well, if you must know..." She moved to whisper into Sweetie's ear. "It's a lass by the name of Scottaloo. But don't tell anypony I said-"

"WHAT!?" A great, big unicorn stallion came from the crowd of now settled Scootish warriors. It would appear as though he was the winner of the scuffle that arose from Sweetie's rash words. The nurse had stepped back, not out of fear, but out of nessecity. "I, Haggis MacCallan, will not be disrespected in such a way! I demand a fight with Scottaloo! No Pegasus will take my rightful place as best pony!" He struck a stoic pose upon completing his sentence, making Sweetie cringe.

She reasoned that if anypony were to be the greatest, it would be one of these two ponies. "Very well, retrieve this Scottaloo and we can make a spectacle out of this. I'm sure it will raise morale!"


Many preparations had been made for the sparring battle. Many would say that Scottaloo was a major underdog in this fight. After all, Haggis MacCallan had come from a long line of great Scootish warriors dating back to the founding of Scootland over a thousand years ago. Even with that in mind, Scottaloo only stood to gain from such a battle, as even if she lost, she wouldn't be called a coward, just not the best pones. She would prove her mettle, and fight with courage, for she was Scottaloo, Scootlands greatest warrior!