Raine Lionheart Presents... My Little One-Shots

by Raine_Lionheart

Groundhog's Day

Fluttershy's first trip to Earth-2 took place during an event the humans celebrated called "Groundhog's Day". She was thrilled by the prospect of an entire day devoted to such lovely little critters.

Her entry point was in New Jersey, a state in the human country of America. The town that she had been advised to visit by Consul General Ploomette's office was called Milltown, about 37 miles from New York City.

There, Fluttershy would seek an audience with the town's augury of weather, Milltown Mel.

"~Laa-la-la-la laa-la laaaaa...," the butter yellow pegasus sang to herself softly as the charter bus pulled into the local post office's parking lot. She picked up her saddle bags, slipped them on, and waited as the humans onboard disembarked. She made her way to the front and politely thanked the bus driver once more. He impolitely inquired if her rear was magic enough to save him a half hour of decontamination.

They both discovered that the Stare worked quite well on humans, and bus driver Stewart was ever so polite.

He directed Fluttershy to town hall, where the ceremonies would be taking place the following day. As one of Equestria's foremost experts on critters, Fluttershy had been sent to not only meet Milltown Mel - respected seer and no doubt a pillar of wisdom in the community - but also to observe human reverence to their rodent brethren. From all accounts, humans were omnivorous, and yet it was said that they placed enormous faith in these critters. Enough to worship them.

Certainly, groundhogs in Equestria were as intelligent and magical as the next critter, but Fluttershy could not recall ever meeting one who had the seer's gift. This Earth's lack of magic also made things unclear.

Fluttershy was certain that Milltown Mel would elucidate for her.

She was quickly escorted into the mayor's office, where she was greeted by Mayor Mehr... hmmm. That was odd. But she confirmed that the human was indeed Mayor Trina Mehr. Fluttershy made a mental note to mention it to Mayor Mare.

"Welcome to Milltown Ms. Shy," the mayor said kindly, extending a fist, which Fluttershy timidly met with her hoof. "I understand that you were hoping to meet with Mel." Something in the woman's eyes unsettled Fluttershy. She seemed... anxious?

"Y-yes, if that's all right with you, Mayor Mare... I mean Mayor Mehr."

"Of cou-" Mayor Mehr paused, brow furrowed, before she pressed on. "Yes, it's just that..." She knelt down to meet Fluttershy's eye - or tried to, the pony was all but cowering - and said, "It's just that the animals on our planet can't exactly communicate with us."

Fluttershy's entire demeanor shifted and she lit up. "Oh, that's no trouble for me, I assure you. I have a special gift that allows me to understand our little furry friends."

Mayor Mehr made eye contact with the chipmunk perched on the pegasus' head and nodded. "I can imagine." She stood and gestured for Fluttershy to follow her.

Mel was being fitted for his sacred robes. Fluttershy bowed immediately, but rose once it was clear that none of the other humans were prostrating themselves before the prophet.

"Your Divine Grace," Fluttershy said softly.

The rodent's head spun around, and he gazed at her with beseeching eyes as he began to jabber fretfully. He gesticulated wildly with tiny paws.

Fluttershy gasped and replied, "Oh my, how awful!" She listened as the little critter continued, nodding or shaking her head, much to the amazement of the humans assembled.

Finally, Fluttershy turned and began to explain to the Mayor of Milltown that Mel was not a prophet after all.

In fact, the word abduction was thrown around.

And that's how Fluttershy became a witness in Earth's first class action lawsuit filed by groundhogs.