//------------------------------// // First Day // Story: One of a Kind // by cpthitsugaya //------------------------------// --First Day-- It was a big day for fillies and colts in Cloudsdale. The first day of school. Although school only lasts four years in Cloudsdale, it was still a bittersweet moment for fillies and colts all around. Going to school meant Lightning couldn't spend as much practicing, but at least he would get his education. Mathematics, Language Arts, and History are the majors taught for all pegasi, however due to the limited time for teaching, the courses would be rather intense. A challenge to say the least, but a challenge the three were up to right away. As Spitfire, Lunar, and Lightning said goodbye to their parents, their teacher had walked outside to greet them. “Hello my little ponies! My name is Ms. Diver, and i will be your teacher for the year!” The three looked at each other, then back to her. She was a large mare, standing slightly larger than an average mare.She also had a long, flowing purple mane that complimented her body colors. Her body was a light blue shade, with soft pink eyes hidden behind the frame of her glasses. Her cutie mark seemed to represent that of a textbook, which only seemed appropriate for a teacher. Rather ironic to say the least. The three had walked up to shake hooves with their new teacher, and looked at each other nervously after making their way into the classroom. Seats were filling up quickly with different fillies and colts placing themselves close to friends. “So where should we go sit?” "I guess we should just go find our own seats before they all get taken.” Finding a group of empty desks, they each sat next to each other in front row facing Ms. Diver. Making her way to the front of the room, she put a book down on her desk and turned to the class. “Good morning my little ponies! My name is Rain Diver, and I'll be your teacher for the year. I'm excited to get to teach all of you!” Lightning was quite the observant type, constantly inspecting his surroundings. From what he sees, she is a kind hearted teacher whom would be great friends with all her students, given the chance. After small introductions of each student, she began to teach how Equestria was founded, and how Cloudsdale was settled. Basic pony history. During her lecture, the other fillies started slowly drifting off to sleep. Lightning however, stayed attentive to her lectures. Not because he was some sort of super student, but simply because history interested him. He loved history because he enjoyed learning about Equestria’s past roots, events that occur leading up to today, just things that their ancestors accomplished to allow what they have today. Lightning had written down a few notes, while the teacher went on to wake the other ponies. She would swing by a desk, banging her wing against it, which always lead to a funny reaction from each student. Ms. Diver then made her way back up to the front, while the others began to finally start writing a few notes on the founding of Equestria. A few hours had passed in class, and slowly but surely the day was coming to an end. Ms. Diver had just about finished up on mathematics when one of the colts had shouted out, "HEY IT'S TIME TO GO HOME!" A few collective cheers had come from a few students, however at this point, all the others were bored stiff, or simply asleep. "Excuse me, the day isn't over until we finish our math review!" A few minutes later however, the constant barrage of moans and whines had finally thrown her over the edge. She then concluded her lesson on basic addition and subtraction, she had finally dismissed the class. A frantic riot of ponies rushing out the door had broken out, while Lightning had walked up to her to ask a question. “Ms. Diver, how exactly did the pegasi make a city in clouds?” “Oh well, when the pegasi had first come to Equestria, they had come here from a far off land that was barron, and hospitable. Knowing that the Earth ponies, and the Unicorns weren't too far away, they took advantage of their cloud walking ability, and built a small settlement on the very cloud we stand on today!" "That's awesome! I wish I could learn more about that." “Here Lightning, you might like this book.” She handed him a copy of the Founding of Cloudsdale, and told him to read it thoroughly overnight. She also agreed to answer any questions he had the next day. Lightning had a huge grin on his face as he took the book from Ms. Diver. “Nice! I can’t wait to read it!” He then bursted out the door, and flew home as fast as he could. When he had made it home, he came up to his parents and gave them a hug and hello. “How was your first day champ?” “Great dad! Ms. Diver is really nice and let me borrow this book!” He handed the book over to Storm. “Founding of Cloudsdale, eh? I remember learning about this when i was in school.” Sky then turned to Storm and said, “like you read.” They both laughed and looked back at their son. “You know, if you like history, I bet the library has some great books on history.” “Ok! I’ll go look as soon as I can.” Lightning rushed to his room, and closed the door to block out any outside noise. In mere seconds, the book was opened, and Lightning was instantly sucked into the words and pictures. He had then picked up the book completely, and another book inside had fallen onto his bed. In surprise, Lightning looked down at the hidden book. Lightning and Severe Weather, it had read. Out of curiosity, Lightning had opened the book to find pictures of lightning bolts, and explanations of how they work. His eyes had opened wide out of excitement at the new book. All the cool illustrations and facts on storms had really peaked his interest. He spent hours on end reading about how lightning is caused, and its sheer speed and might, as well as more on how Cloudsdale was first settled. He hadn't even gotten to sleep until at least two in the morning! . . . The next day, Lightning flew to class with Lunar and Spitfire right beside him. When he went to go say good morning to Ms. Diver, she had told him, “I hope your enjoying the book” With an inconspicuous wink, Lightning caught it right away. It had all been planned. “Oh yes! It's so cool to read about!” "Good! I'm glad to know somepony in here actually takes interest in history and weather. Celestia save these poor foal if they continue napping in class..." From this day forth, Lightning had taken his interest in weather, and lightning related ordeals to a whole new level. A level of which, would spike his new goal and dream for his future. Becoming a weather pegasus.