My Little Pony, Friendship is Magic: Heart of Friendship

by ShadowDurza


Equestria: A land where the light of friendship glows, and it’s magic always grows. However, the ultimate truth is that light cannot exist without darkness, but the actions of those that carry friendship in their hearts have proven time and time again that the light will never yield to the darkness. No matter how strong the darkness of lies, anger, cruelty, betrayal, and greed grows, the magic of honesty, laughter, kindness, loyalty, and generosity will always rise to meet it.

But that begs the question: is the opposite also true? When the light shines brighter and stronger, do the shadows grow darker and deeper in response? When the things essential for friendship grow stronger as they are shared between creatures, do the people that lack these things and many other essentials grow only more desperate, desperate enough to do evil? Or maybe within even the deepest most suffocating darkness, there is a light that never truly dies, just waiting for the opportunity to shine through?

Maybe there is a species with violence and destruction in their nature, but underneath are friendships freely shared and waiting to be made.

...or mended.