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by Super Trampoline

talking about drugs, which you should not do.

Super Trampoline started this chapter around the same time he started eating Ben & Jerry's Topped Chocolate Caramel Cookie Dough and around the same time the Lakers-Grizzlies basketball game started.

Wait this is a first person story. I've been eating a lot because I ran out of my ADHD medication and I try not to use the ummm, street version too often. Don't do drugs, kids. One of my many special talents is not being able to get addicted to substances outside of when I'm actively consuming them because the ADHD medication I took as a child flooded my dopamine reward system that in most people causes an innate connection in the brain between accomplishing something and feeling that feel good dopamine release. I still feel that somewhat, but I only connect the two intellectually rather than innately. I think. I'm still studying a lot of this stuff. Anyway, ADHD medication (and spells, since i have to at least make a half-rear-ended attempt of pretending I'm actually talking about my pony self and not my human self.), depending on whether whether it's a methyl-group or amphetamine salt-based medication, works by either helping the brain release more dopamine, or stopping it from absorbing said dopamine as quickly. That's why methamphetamine um I mean don't do drugs kids is so powerful, because it uses both of these mechanisms. Anyway, this is why I don't get addicted to stuff easily. The only addiction that happens to me is when it can be instantaneous, like when I'm stuck in a Wikipedia hole and each new link click gives a fresh little hit of dopamine, or another activity involving browsing the internet that I can't talk about because this is a rated everyone story but it's one you shouldn't do because it rewires your brain in a not-bueno way. And even those activities really only tend to roll into addictive positive feedback cycles when I already have a bunch of dopamine rattling around my brain and horsey magic systems.

Anyway, that is all to say that while I don't get addicted to substances easily, that doesn't mean that the same is true for you. Ipso facto, don't do drugs, kids. Other than those that are legally prescribed by your doctor. You should do those, in a safe healthy manner as instructed.
