//------------------------------// // Wonderbolts Show // Story: Spike of the Talismans // by Wildcard25 //------------------------------// At Twilight's castle, Spike was levitating around the ceiling in the throne room dusting all the corners he could never reach before. “There that should do it. Now it's time for a snack.” Spike levitated down to the floor. Suddenly the doors opened and entering was Twilight and Rainbow Dash, “There you are, Spike.” Twilight said. “Yeah, what's up?” Spike asked. “Guess who has tickets to this evening's Wonderbolt show?” Rainbow asked happily. “You?” Spike asked rhetorically. “Exactly.” “And let me guess you and the girls will be going there tonight, while I'm left to castle sit?” Spike asked Twilight dryly. Twilight looked down in shame knowing Spike still has letting go issues when it came to the girls going off and doing fun stuff without him. Rainbow not wanting things to look dismal, spoke up, “Actually, you're coming with.” Spike perked up, “Really?” Rainbow looked guilty and spoke, “I know you were left out and not there to support me during the Young Flyers Competition, and looking back I realize it wasn't fair to you.” “Especially since I didn't get to see you do the Sonic Rainboom there, and had to wait until the wedding in Canterlot.” Spike noted. “Well, that's all gonna be different now, buddy. Because this time, I'm not leaving you out of anything like this again.” Rainbow promised him while putting a hoof around him. Spike feeling better about this perked up, “Thanks.” “So let's make sure to be ready to head for Cloudsdale tonight.” Twilight told her assistant. “Well, I'm already half way done with my work.” Spike said showing her. “Indeed you are.” Twilight admitted. “Great. I'll see you all tonight.” Rainbow said, as she zipped out of the castle. As she flew around she boasted to herself, “Oh, yeah. Me and my friends kicking it in Cloudsdale with the Wonderbolts tonight. It's going to be awesome!” Unaware to Rainbow Dash, a shadowkhan was watching and listening from the shadows committing what she said to memory, before vanishing. Later on back at Shendu's prison cave, the captive ancient dragon acquired the news from his one minion, “Cloudsdale, is it? Hmm, this could pose as a problem. While you may be living shadows, even you cannot walk on the clouds,” the one shadowkhan lowered its head in shame, “Which means for a task like this I will need something a little more... airworthy.” Shendu concentrated and suddenly appearing before him was a swam of shadowkhan that appeared to be bat-like. On their back were bat wings, and their appendages looked like bat claws. “My army, go to Cloudsdale and retrieve my talismans,” Shendu instructed the Bat Khan, “And destroy any who get in your way. Now fly! Fly! Fly! Fly!” the Bat Khan flapped their wings and flew off for the cave's exit before flying off into the sky. As it was getting late, Spike and the girls had arrived at Cloudsdale and were heading their way for the stadium. “I can't wait to see how it goes,” Rainbow began, “I mean Spitfire and the others have been working super hard when they're not drilling me and the rest of my fellow reserves. I just hope there won't be any drama this time like what happened before.” she said recalling how veteran Wonderbolt Wind Rider framed Rainbow for sending Spitfire away just so she could take her place in a performance. “If such drama occurs again you can count on me to prove your innocence.” Rarity assured her. Rainbow smiled, until a voice spoke up, “Well, Rainbow Dash, glad you could make it.” the group looked to see Spitfire, Soarin, and Fleetfoot in their uniforms approaching. “Hi, guys. Well, you can bet I wouldn't miss this.” she said. “And you brought the rest of your friends along.” Soarin noticed. “That's right. I wanted all my friends to be here with me.” the rainbow pegasus said, as she held Spike and Twilight close to exemplify her point. “Well, we hope you all enjoy the show tonight. It's gonna be one nopony's ever going to forget.” Spitfire said, as the three main members headed off. “Come on, let's get to our seats.” Rainbow said, as the group continued on for the stadium. Soon at the stadium which was lit up by lights, the stands were packed with ponies eager to see tonight's performance. Spike and the girls sat in their row watching and waiting to see the Wonderbolts appear. “It's almost time!” Rainbow cheered. “Good thing I already made my snack stop.” Pinkie said showing she had tons of snacks from the stands outside the stadium. Spike looked feeling happy, “You know it's good I can come here without you needing to use that cloud walking spell on me, Twilight.” “Well now that you can fly even without wings it makes it easier for you.” Twilight noted. “Which means I can come here more often on my own without needing to use the balloon or your spell. After all I head Cloudsdale's got some good comic shops up here.” Spike said, as Twilight rolled her eyes, but let Spike enjoy himself. Soon fanfare played as the Wonderbolts flew onto the scene with colorful trails of smoke following them. Rainbow watched clearly the most excited, even more than Pinkie with Applejack and Fluttershy trying to keep their brash friend in her seat. As Spike enjoyed the show he looked past them into the distance seeing a couple of black dots. He squinted at them but couldn't make out what it was. He then reached across to Pinkie reaching reaching inside her mane. “Spike, even I know what boundaries are. I thought you would too.” Pinkie said in surprise. “Sorry, I need to check something.” he pulled out a telescope from her mane and looked through it. “What's up, partner?” Applejack asked, only for Spike to shush her. Spike looked through the telescope focusing on what was in the distance, when he caught sight of the Bat Khan he looked shocked. “Oh, no.” he said in worry. “Spike, what's wrong?” Twilight asked in concern, as the others looked worried at their dragon friends change in tune. “Look.” Spike handed the telescope to Twilight who used her magic to levitate it up and looked through it. When she saw what Spike spotted she too grew nervous, “Girls, we got company.” “Ooh, what kind of company?” Pinkie asked not realizing the danger. “Shadowkhan are flying this way!” Spike answered. This got the girls in worry, as Rarity spoke up in confusion, “Shadowkhan can fly?” “Well, these ones can.” Spike replied. “But they'll interrupt the show!” Rainbow complained, before seeing her friends look at her dryly, “And attack any of the innocent bystanders here.” she smiled sheepishly. “We need to evacuate the ponies out of here!” Twilight ordered, until Applejack spoke up. “I don't think there's enough time for that.” she motioned to the Bat Khan that're closing in. “Wow, they fly fast.” Pinkie said impressed. The Bat Khan arrived so fast the Wonderbolts didn't have time to spot them. One of the shadow creatures flew right for Spitfire, as Spike watched. “I can't wait any longer!” Spike said, as he shot off from his seat like a rocket and flew at the Bat Khan slugging it away before it could attack Spitfire. The captain was taken aback by the creature that almost attacked her, and that Spike was hovering at her side. “Are you ok, captain?” Spike asked. “Yeah, but what was that? And how're you flying without wings?” she asked. “One thing at a time. For now, those things are bad news.” he motioned to the Bat Khan gathering together. “So how to we deal with them? We're not exactly trained soldiers.” Spitfire said. “Maybe not, but you are stunt ponies. Use your speed and aerial stunts to beat them.” Spike hinted. Spitfire listening to Spike's words started looking around seeing her fellow athletes flying around dodging the Bat Khan trying to swoop in and attack them. She grew determined knowing what to do. “Every pony, follow my lead!” she ordered, getting the rest of the Wonderbolts attention. She led the charge as the Wonderbolts followed her. Spike seeing them using their aerial talents and formations to dodge and hit the Bat Khan, knew they'd be all right. “Spike, behind you!” Twilight called from the stands. Spike looked and saw a Bat Khan was about to grab him, only to be knocked away by Rainbow Dash, “Keep those claws off my buddy!” she spoke to the enemy before smirking at Spike who smiled back. The two joined in helping the Wonderbolts deal with the shadows. While in the stands, several more Bat Khan were flying down trying to attack the bystanders. Twilight was blasting away several of them with her magic, while Rarity was using her own to project shields so other ponies could take cover. Applejack bucked a few away, but they weren't giving up. Pinkie spoke up, “I hate to say this, but these guys are...” “Don't say it!” Applejack warned her. “Batty!” Pinkie announced, as Applejack gave her a dry look. Fluttershy trying to avoid the Bat Khan swooping down at her trembled, “I'm having bat flashbacks all over again.” Up in the air, the Wonderbolts were still using their aerial maneuvers to fly circles around the Bat Khan, but they weren't giving up. Spike flew around and punched one of the Bat Khan away before using combustion on two more. As more surrounded it and grabbed him, the little dragon struggled. “Get off me!” Spike shouted, as he unleashed heat beam blasts from his eyes taking out two of them, and used his strength to throw the rest off him, “If you want me so bad, come and get me!” he flew around with several Bat Khan flying after him. Rainbow who was flying around and knocking back more Bat Khan saw Spike flying with more of the shadow minions on his tail. She flew after him, as some Bat Khan followed her. The two friends flew while making sure their pursuers couldn't catch them, until they started flying right at each other. “Ready...” Spike began. “Now”! Rainbow called, as they flew past each other while the Bat Khan weren't fast enough to pull up and ran right into each other going poof. As the pegasus and dragon flew side by side, Rainbow spoke, “Nice teamwork.” “Right back at ya.” Spike agreed, as they joined the Wonderbolts. “We got them on the run, let's keep at it!” Spitfire ordered, as they split up to continue to throw the Bat Khan off their game. Spike flew around firing heat beam shots at some of the Bat Khan taking them out, while Rainbow flew circles around more of them leaving them open from a bucking from several Wonderbolts. The dragon looked around seeing the Bat Khan continued to drop until he spotted one left. He flew at it and grabbed it by the throat holding it in place. “I know you can hear me, Shendu. And I'm giving you this warning,” Spike began, “No matter how many kind of Shadowkhan you send to attack me or my friends, you will never succeed in taking the talismans.” he threw the Bat Khan into a wall making it go poof. “Alright!” Rainbow cheered, as she and the Wonderbolts flew over to Spike congratulating him, “That was so awesome!” “Very impressive, little guy.” Fleetfoot admitted. Suddenly they were interrupted by the sound of applause. They looked down and saw the bystanders in the the stadium returned and applauded having witnessed their fight. “Wow.” Spike said as he waved to the crowd along with Rainbow and the Wonderbolts. “May not have been the performance we intended to put on.” Fleetfoot began. “But it did make for a good show.” Spitfire admitted, before turning to Spike, “You got some sweet aerial moves, kid.” “Especially for a dragon without wings.” Soarin added. “Well, thanks.” Spike said while trying to be humble about it. “Ever think about joining the Wonderbolts?” Spitfire nudged him. “What?!” Spike and Rainbow asked in shock. “Yeah, having a dragon in the ranks will really be one for the history books.” Fleetfoot agreed with Spitfire. Spike feeling tempted by the opportunity was almost willing to accept it before remembering how much getting into the Wonderbolts was Rainbow's dream. “Tempting offer, you guys. But I have to pass. Being part of the Wonderbolts just isn't what I want out of life. Besides soon enough you'll be having somepony much better joining the your ranks.” he eyed Rainbow who smiled at him. After the fiasco, the group cleared out of the stadium and headed home. As Spike walked he was resting his claw, “I can't believe I was asked to sign so many autographs with the Wonderbolts.” “Why so surprised, darling?” Rarity asked, “You helped save Cloudsdale from an attack.” “Looks like you ain't just appreciated in the Crystal Empire now.” Applejack added. “That's for sure.” Spike agreed. “Imagine if they decide to erect a statue of you here.” Pinkie said. “Don't feed Spike's ego, Pinkie.” Twilight told her. Spike chuckled, before realizing what this situation spelled out, “If Shendu can summon Shadowkhan that can fly now, I'd hate to think of what other kinds of Shadowkhan there are.” “I know, those razor sharp ones were dangerous.” Rarity recalled. “What do you think we should do?” Fluttershy asked. “I'm not sure what,” Twilight replied, “We have no location of where Shendu is imprisoned, so we can't stop him at the source.” “And I'm not going to just hide in the castle like a coward,” Spike added, “If Shendu does want his talismans back then he has to go through me.” “You mean all of us.” Rainbow replied. “Darn right.” Applejack agreed. “We're here for you, Spike. No matter what.” Twilight promised, as Rarity, Pinkie, and Fluttershy smiled and nodded in agreement. “Thanks, you guys.” Spike smiled, as they continued off.