Living The Dream

by Kickass222urmom

Not spying, observing

I know I said I wouldn't do a chapter today, but you know me. Can't stay away from writing. So I made it easy on me and just focus on one scene. I hope you enjoy it.

Chapter 31

Greg sat beside Rendan and Fearanger. It was starting to get boring just watching Fearanger watch Applejack through the binoculars.

Greg sat up, he didn't even know their real names, "So tell me, what's your human names?"

Fearanger answered without turning his gaze from Applejack, "Zorrow Bialeki."

Greg stifled a laugh. That's one funny name.

Rendan just shrugged, "Seth."

Greg looked at him, "Just Seth? No last name?"

Rendan smirked, "Well actually its, Seth Sethity Sethinston The Sethinteenth."

Greg's head was spinning from Seth's choice of words. "I'm just going with Seth."

Seth grinned, "Most people do."

Zorrow waved his hoof at them, "Quiet guys, she may hear you."

Greg sighed, "When are you going to be done spying on her dude?"

Zorrow shook his head, "I'm not spying, I'm observing."

Seth smirked, "Same thing."

Zorrow sat up, "No it is not. Spying is hiding and taking notes on someone so you can give the information away or something along those lines. Observing is where you observe their habits and learn about them. Know everything about them so you will be able to approach them the right way."

Greg grinned, "So by observing, you mean stalking?"

He and Seth burst out laughing.

Zorrow's eye twitched, "No." He shook his head, "I give up." He went back to 'observing' Applejack.

Greg looked over to Seth, who was laying back on the ground again, "How long do you think he'll keep this up?"

Seth chuckled, "Could be a while. Back on earth, he did the same thing to this one chick. We stayed out in the forest out side of her house for weeks before the dad caught us. He's always dragging me into things like this."

Greg laughed, he's done things like that before back on earth.

He than thought about what Seth had said. Weeks? He didn't have weeks. He smirked, maybe he can speed up the process.

He used his magic to break the lens of the binoculars.

Zorrow pulled back and looked at them, "Damn peace of crap. I knew I should have bought a better one, instead I go for the cheapest piece of shit they had." He turned towards them, "Looks like we're going to have to get closer."

Damn, instead of speeding up things, he had just made everything worst.

Seth sighed and stood, "Last time you made us move closer, we ended up being chased by five cars filled with pissed off parents."

Greg let out a small laugh, "Why five cars?"

Seth held up a hoof, "Long story. I'll tell you later."

Zorrow went low to the ground, "Come on guys, we gotta move up with out being seen."

Seth and Greg both sighed and went to the ground, following behind Zorrow in a slow crawl.

Once they came upon another set of bushes big enough for all of them to fit, they jumped behind it.

Zorrow peeked out of the bushed, "Oh yeah, this is a perfect spot."

Greg peeked out of the bushes and saw that Applejack had her back to them. From their position, they could see her round flank and..

Greg pulled back, he may be a lot of things, but he was no perv.

Seth sat back, "Zorrow, when are you going to be done spying on Applejack?"

Zorrow tensed up and turned, "I'm not spying on her for the last time, I'm fucking observing her!" He said a little to loud.

Seth shook his head, "So much for not being caught. They're sure to have heard that."

Zorrow peaked out of the bosses and sighed a sigh of relief, "Doesn't look like anyone heard me." He sat back and smiled, "Am I good or what?"

"Nope." Said a rough country voice.

Greg and Seth looked at Zorrow, behind him was a red stallion.

Zorrow was pale white. His eye's wide with fear.

Behind him stood Big Macintosh. Big Macintosh stepped over the bushes and stood in the little circle they was in. "What are ya folks doin' spyin on mah lil' sister?"

Zorrow took a loud gulp, "Not spying, observing."

Big Mac looked at him, "That's the same thing."

Zorrow looked to be about to explain the deference between spying and observing, but Seth shook his head with fear.

Big Mac glared at them, "Ah don't take kindly to folks spyin on my sister. Ah give ya to the count of five to run."

Greg tried to clear his head and do something smart.

He quickly reached out and grabbed Seth by the hoof and yelled out, "Don't hate the drugs, hate the dealer!"

They disappeared in a green light.

They reappeared in Greg's room. Greg let out a sight of relief, "That was close, but I saved us all from the red dude."

Seth looked around, "Ummm where's Zorrow?"

Greg looked around, "Oops, must have forgot to grab him too."

Seth chucked, "I'm sure he's fine. Why did you say that before teleporting us here?"

Greg shrugged, "I just said the first thing that popped into my head. So, do you really think Zorrow is fine?"

Seth smiled, "Dude, he talked a deranged father with a shotgun to not shoot him after having sex with his daughters. I'm pretty sure he can talk a red pony out of attacking him."

Greg nodded, "Wish I could do that. Anyway, how about me and you go hang at your place till he gets back."


Zorrow ran down the path at his top speed, not even trying to catch his breath.

Behind him was a pissed off Big Mac.

All he had said was that Applejack had a nice body and flank, something he could tap. How could that offend anybody?

Now, he had one pissed off stallion chasing him. He could literally see steam coming from its snout when it breathed. That scared the hell out of him.

At least he was out running the big guy. He may just get away.

Something connected with his hoof, sending him flying to the ground. When he looked back, he saw a stump. Fucking stump, what's it doing in the middle of the road?

Big Mac moved in close till he was looming over him, a look of anger on his face.

Zorrow did the only thing a cool and awesome pony like him self would do. He pulled his legs together, going into the fetal position, "Okay, you can do what ever you want. Just stay away from the face and hair, I need those."

Big Mac raised a hoof and smirked, "Ah don't make promises."

Zorrow tighten into his ball. Damn, him and his damn mouth. Its always getting him in trouble.