Centa had a big smile on her muzzle as she and Spike the Mighty Dragon, which was on her back, followed Cadence down the hall. As each moment passed, she progressively got more and more excited as she, and Spike was about to spend the day with Princess Celestia!
Even though she was thrilled to spend time with the princess, a part of her still felt sad that Cadence couldn't come with them.
She began to slow down as she remembered what Cadence had told her last night. When she had said that she was going to stay with Celestia for the day she was exhilarated but she was saddened to know that she wasn't able to come because she had “personal things to do” whatever that was.
She was even a little worried that she was the reason Cadence didn't want to stay. She even asked if she was the reason why Cadence didn't want to go with them. Thankfully her worry was immediately dismissed and Cadence reassured her that she wasn't the problem. She even got to stay up with Cadence to look at the night sky together and she loved every second of it.
Centa was back to reality when they rounded a corner and saw Princess Celestia sat down, in her regalia, with a motherly smile.
When she saw the princess her slightly diminished smile returned in full force as she ran toward the princess and yelled, “Princess Celestia!”
Celestia laughed slightly, “It’s good to see you too, Centa,” she said as she leaned down to hug her, with a forgotten Spike which clung to her back.
After a few moments, they let each other go as Centa took a step back, which Spike used to return to his previous position. She then looked up at the princess with excitement.
Behind her, she heard the hoofsteps of her foalsitter and as she looked behind her she saw Cadence approach with a slightly worried expression.
“I’m sorry again, Auntie. For asking you to look after Centa and Spike on such short notice,” Cadence apologized as she reached them.
Celestia though waved away her concern, “And once again, It’s fine. I would love to spend the day with Centa” - Centa blushed slightly at the princess’s comment - “Besides, you’ve done a wonderful job taking care of her by yourself. So it’s only fair that I also help. Besides, I’ve been meaning to spend some quality time with my student,” Celestia reassured Cadence, which seemed to work as there was now a faint smile on her muzzle.
Cadence then looked over at her as she lowered herself to the ground, “ *sigh* Goodbye, Centa. I’m really sorry I have to go. But I promise when I get back I’ll make it up to you,” she then brought her into a hug of her own, which she gladly returned. “Have a wonderful time with Auntie Celestia, Centa. I love you,” Cadence tightened her hold on her.
Spike also decided to join in the hug as he wrapped his tiny claws around Cadence’s horn… and slightly drooled on them.
Which caused all the ponies in the hall to laugh, “Of course. I love you too, Spike,” Cadence lovingly added
Unfortunately, they all eventually had to end the hug. Which required a bit of effort when Spike refused to let go. But eventually, after one last goodbye from the three, they went their separate ways.
As Centa began to walk down the hall beside Celestia, she looked back over at Cadence and saw her waving at her.
“Have fun, Centa, and Spike! I’ll see you two later tonight!” Centa in return excitedly waved back until she rounded a corner, one which she definitely didn't nearly hit.
Once Centa lost sight of Cadence she began to feel a little sad and almost homesick? Now that she was gone. Come on, Centa! It’s fine! Besides, you're going to see her later tonight. Imagine all of the cool things you're going to be able to do with the princess today! Centa told herself as she indeed began to imagine what was in store for her and Spike.
We could go prank some more ponies! Or we could have dessert all day! Or maybe she could even fly me and Spike around Canterlot! Centa thought before a more immediate thought quickly took over.
“Princess? Where exactly are we going?” Centa excitedly, and curiously asked.
“Oh, well we're headed towards the throne room. You see, unfortunately, I wasn't able to completely clear my day. So we’re going to have to do afternoon court for a few hours. Sorry again for this,” Celestia apologized as Centa moved to reassure her.
But before she could say anything she felt Spike jump on her back.
As Centa looked over at Spike her eyes widened and her jaw dropped when she saw him try to eat Princess Celestia’s tail! She freaked out when she saw Spike try to grasp and play with the princesses' tail. She failed to notice that Celestia had intentionally moved her tail toward Spike.
“No! Spike! stop! You can’t do that to the Princess's tail!” Centa yelled at her dragon companion as she attempted to stop him.
But before she could do anything Celestia stopped her, “Centa, it’s alright. Remember he’s still only a baby dragon. Besides, I allowed him to play with it.”
Centa stopped and looked confused at Celestia before she looked back at Spike. Who had ignored them and continued to try and grab the princess’s ethereal tail, with little success. Centa realized that Celestia let Spike mess with her tail, her cheeks blushed with embarrassment as she let Spike be.
Silence reigned as the group continued down the hall, during which Centa began to grow worried that she made a mistake.
“I’m sorry… princess. I should hav-” but Centa was cut off by Celestia.
“Centa, you don’t have to apologize. I understand you were only worried about me. Besides, you have to admit it’s cute,” Centa looked over at Spike and laughed when he tried to eat the ethereal tail.
As she watched Spike she realized something, “Um, princess?” Centa asked timidly as she looked at Celestia.
“Yes?” Celestia asked.
“What… what do you think Cadence is doing right now?” Celestia looked up thoughtfully for a moment.
“Well, if I know my little Caddy” - Centa laughed at Cadence’s cute nickname - “I’m sure she’s off on one of her misadventures. Doing something important, I’m sure,” Celestia replied as she looked out the window.
“Yeah! You're right. She is the best foalsitter ever after all… though I can’t wait to see her again,” Centa said as she remembered her time with Cadence.
Celestia’s smile meanwhile suddenly turned slightly sinister as she brought a hoof up to her chest and acted as if she were injured.
“Oh! I have been wounded. My own student doesn't want to be with her poor mentor. I see how it is!” Celestia dramatically bemoaned as she turned away from Centa.
An oblivious Centa gasped from shock and quickly grew terrified that she offended Celestia, “Princess, that’s not what I meant at all! Of course I… care about… you…” Centa’s words died in her throat when she saw the princess begin to laugh, which only caused her to grow confused and worried.
After a few moments, Celestia finally was able to catch her breath, “Oh, by the gods. Centa. I love you so much,” Celestia then took a deep breath. “I was joking. I know you didn't mean anything by that. I’m sorry I couldn't help myself,” Celestia then coughed before she smiled at her.
“To be serious for a moment. Cadence loves you. More than anything in the world and I know for a fact that she misses you right now. I’m sure once you two reunite she’ll spoil you and Spike for the next week. So don’t worry. Besides you still have the princess of the sun to keep you company,” during Celestia’s short speech Centa’s confusion quickly turned to happiness and joy at knowing how much Cadence cared about her.
She also realized how far ahead the princess was and so she quickly tried to catch up, “Wait for me, princess!”
Once Centa and her group turned a corner she saw a somewhat familiar pair of large doors with two identical unicorns in gold armor on each side. As they approached the two guards quickly activated their horns and opened the doors. As they passed Celestia nodded her head toward them, which Centa mimicked.
No matter how many times she was in the throne room she couldn't help but be amazed at how beautiful it looked. From the big fluffy carpet that was along the room that she loved the feel of. To the large dazzling mosaic windows that dominated the walls. But by far her favorite thing about the room was the gorgeous mural on the ceiling, which didn't disappoint as she stared at it.
Unfortunately, she wasn't able to look at it for long as she heard Celestia, “Centa, could you please come over here?”
As she looked over at the princess she saw she was already next to her golden throne, with Princess Twilight’s empty throne beside her’s. She also saw in place of Raven’s normal chair, a large pillow. But what caught her attention was the weird magic… thing? Next to the princess.
As she walked toward the princess her eyes were locked on the strange object. It was rectangular, besides the top, which was open. It also looked almost as if it were made out of a light blue semi-transparent mist. What made the thing even more strange was that it looked like there were toys inside it? That confused Centa immensely.
Once she reached the base of the dias she was surprised when she suddenly didn't feel Spike anymore on her back. She then saw Spike float past her in the princess’s magic until he was placed inside the magic box. Centa looked at the princess confused as she began to get slightly worried about Spike.
“Um, princess? What are you putting Spike in?” Centa worryingly asked as she made her way beside the princess.
“Oh, it’s something I had commissioned for Spike. It’s a place for him to play, without having to worry about one of his “fire accidents”. As well as a place to keep him safe. The walls are specifically designed so only Spike can touch them. While for us it’s as if they don’t exist,” Celestia demonstrated as she walked through the walls and inside the “play area” to make sure Spike was comfortable.
Centa was surprised and reached out a hoof to touch the walls. But as soon as her hoof touched the walls it phased through like it was nothing. Centa smiled as her eyes widened before she looked over at Spike and saw him lying on the “play areas” ground while playing with a ring toy.
Her smile grew as she looked over at the princess, “That’s really cool, Princess Celestia!” the princess laughed as she passed her and sat on her throne.
“Yes, I suppose it is quite an interesting device. It’s also a very useful one, especially for the future. Anyways, Centa. I’m going to need you to look after Spike while I’m running court. Can I trust a reliable pony like you to do this momentous task?” Celestia delivered as momentously as possible.
Centa’s eyes widened as she did a poor salute, “You can trust me, princess. I’ll make sure he doesn't do anything wrong and take care of him,” Centa declared as she dropped the salute.
Celestia grinned as she did a small bow, “I knew I got the right mare for the job,” she said before she looked out toward the throne room.
With Centa’s new task she looked over at Spike to make sure he was alright. Once she saw they were still playing with his toy she walked over to the pillow beside the princess and sat down.
Once Centa was comfortable she looked at the rest of the room and saw a ton of different ponies working or running around as they presumably prepared for court.
She even saw a somewhat familiar pony she believed was named Raven Inkwell. Centa had only met Raven a few times but she always thought she was a good pony, she works for the princess so she obviously is. As if to support her statement Raven quickly walked over to the side of the princess before they began to talk.
Centa looked back over at the entrance as she saw more ponies enter. But her pony watching was cut short when she heard the princess.
“Oh, Centa” - Centa looked over at the princess - “I should warn you. This may be a bit boring. There’s usually a lot of talking, so I just want you to be prepared,” Celestia warned, but she waved away her concern as she confidently smiled.
“Don’t worry about me, princess. Whatever happens, I can take,” Centa stated as she reassured the princess
As she finished all Celestia gave her was a strange grin before she returned to her conversation with Raven. But Centa ignored that as she began to imagine all the cool things the princess was probably going to do during court!
No doubt she’s going to bring bad ponies to justice! Or maybe she’s going to stop a war starting between two nations! Oh! I can’t wait! Centa was filled to the brim with excitement as she watched court finally begin.
Unfortunately, Centa’s foolish hopes were quickly shattered as she learned what court was truly like. She quickly grew bored, she attempted to fight her crushing boredom by looking after and keeping Spike entertained.
And for a time it worked as she began to have fun with Spike as they played a multitude of different games, many of which she creatively utilized Spike’s play area. Sadly, after what felt like a few hours her cruel boredom returned in full force, but this time it was also accommodated with some exhaustion.
What made matters worse was that no matter how many times she thought the princess was finally done, more ponies just kept coming to talk to the princess. Eventually, Centa gave up as she couldn't think of anything else to do and so she laid on her pillow and simply waited for the endless court to finally end…
Centa was bored out of her mind as she lay idly on her pillow and watched another pony enter. Ugg! How many ponies want to see Princess Celestia! I know she’s incredible, but why do so many ponies have to come while I’m here! Centa frustratingly yelled in her head as she tried to think of something to distract her.
She then began to imagine what they could do after this awful punishment. Maybe we can go out to Canterlot and get some Ice Cream. I wonder what Princess Celestia’s favorite flavor is? Probably strawberry or something. Centa casually thought before she began to silently snicker as she remembered something Twilight told her. I should try to find a beetroot flavored ice cream… wait, that could actually be a good- Centa was interrupted from her malicious thoughts when she felt something tap her shoulder.
As she looked up she saw a smiling Celestia above her, “Welcome back to Equestria, Centa,” she said as Centa blinked.
She then looked around and saw that the throne room was empty. She had apparently zoned out so long that she never realized that she was finally free. She immediately jumped up onto her hooves, which was a terrible mistake when she realized how sore her body was.
After a few moments of stretches, Centa looked over at the princess and saw her inspect Spike. Once she was apparently satisfied she smiled at him before she levitated him onto her back.
Centa looked over at Spike, who had just woken up as he yawned, and smiled at him, “Welcome back Spike! It’s good to see you! Are you ready to go?!” this seemed to have woken up her dragon companion as he looked at her and clapped his little claws.
With Spike’s enthusiasm, Centa followed Celestia down the dais before they made their way out of the throne room. Once she was beside the princess, the alicorn looked over at her.
“I must say, Centa. I’m incredibly impressed at how mature you were during court. Especially, with how well you looked after Spike… Perhaps I should take you with me again,” as Celestia wondered with a wide grin, Centa stared at her in silent horror.
Suddenly, Celestia stopped as she began to laugh out loud, Centa’s fear turned to worry… again.
After a few moments, Celestia finally seemed to have regained control over herself, “Oh! Centa. I’m sorry for tricking you again, it was far, far too tempting. I could see you were clearly bored. Don’t worry, I won’t make you go to any more court sessions,” Centa let out a sigh of relief from the princesses’ promise, though she was a tad annoyed that she was tricked by Celestia again.
As they continued down the hall, Centa began to wonder where they were going so she looked over at the princess, “Princess? Where are we going this time?”
“Well, you shouldn't have to worry about being bored this time. We're going to the dining hall. I imagine that we’re all a little hungry after court,” before Centa could happily agree her stomach acted first as it loudly growled.
Centa blushed lightly as she saw a grin spread on the princess’s muzzle.
Centa quickly rattled off a question to distract them, “Um. What kind of food are we going to eat?”
“Well, I was thinking as a reward for acting so well and keeping your promise to look after Spike, that you can order anything you want for lunch… within reason,” Centa’s blush disappeared as an excited smile grew on her muzzle.
“Anything!? Thank you so much, princess!” Centa yelled as she hugged one of Celestia’s legs, much to Spike’s surprise and discomfort.
“What are you so happy about?” Centa was surprised to hear such a familiar voice and as she looked over at the source her suspicions were confirmed.
In front of them was Princess Twilight, which was also in her purple royal regalia. Centa quickly let go of Celestia’s leg and sprinted toward Twilight.
“Princess Twilight!” Centa yelled with excitement as she jumped into a hug with Twilight, Spike didn't like this moment one bit.
Twilight activated her horn and stopped the flying Centa before she brought her into a hug, she also levitated Spike beside them.
“Ha. It’s good to see you too, Centa,” Twilight replied as they hugged each other for a few moments before they eventually had to let go, Twilight also put Spike back on Centa’s back.
“It’s also good to see you, sister,” Celestia said as she walked beside them.
“Hey, Tia. of course It’s good to see you too,” Twilight replied as she moved up to nuzzle Celestia.
After they separated, Celestia asked, “So what are you doing out here?”
“Oh, nothing special. Simply some work. Not all of us can get the day off, you know,” Twilight exaggeratedly said, Centa saw Celestia’s face look a little… guilty?
Apparently, Twilight had also noticed, “I’m joking, sister. It’s fine really. Besides, I don't have to be at court and that’s always good. Anyways, enough about me. Centa, how much progress have you made on those spells? Are you having any problems?” Twilight asked as she looked over at her.
Centa was surprised by the sudden change of subject as well as the focus now being placed on her. She also recalled that at the end of her last magic lesson with the princesses. Princess Twilight gave her some homework to do, in way of a few spells she wanted her to learn for next time. Centa smiled and nodded confidently as she knew she was going to impress the princesses with how much she learned.
“I haven’t had any problems, princess! In fact, I’ve been studying every day and made a ton of progress. Oh! Here let me show you!” she excitedly said as she activated her horn and prepared to impress the princesses.
But she was stopped when Twilight placed a hoof on her shoulder, “Wait a second, Centa,” Centa was surprised and depowered her horn before she looked at Twilight.
“First, it’s alright if you're not ready yet. I don’t want you to push yourself if you aren’t confident yet. Are you sure you want to do this?” Centa had no doubt in her mind and nodded.
Twilight smiled as she took her hoof off her shoulder, “Well then I suppose good luck. I can't wait to see how well you cast the spell. Me and Celestia will cheer you on,” Centa smiled, and slightly blushed when Twilight said they would cheer for her.
The princesses then moved over to the side of the room and, as Twilight promised, began to cheer for her, Twilight also lifted Spike off her back and placed him in front of them.
Centa meanwhile returned to her stance and reactivated her horn as she began to concentrate on her spell, during which sparks of magic began to fly out of her horn.
Come on, Centa. You can do it! Do it for the princesses!
With that prevailing thought, she released her spell, and shortly after a super-powerful gust of wind shook the entire castle! Or at least that’s what Centa thought would happen. Instead, there was barely a light breeze that blew through the hall, it felt more like somepony opened a window!
Centa fell on her flank as she frowned in disappointment. Why didn't it work? She sadly asked herself as she moped.
Suddenly, she presumably felt one of the princesses tab her and as she looked up her theory was confirmed when she saw the princesses smile at her. Spike also used the opportunity to reclaim his seat on her back before she vaguely felt him hug her.
“It’s okay, Centa. If I’m going, to be honest, I… hadn't expected you to have mastered the spell quite yet. Nevertheless, that was still a great form and you still managed to cast a lesser form of the spell. I’m sure if you keep it up you’ll master the spell in no time,” Twilight tried to cheer her up, which worked as a bit of her smile returned to her muzzle.
Well if Princess Twilight thinks I can do it, then… but their moment would be ruined as her stomach betrayed her… again! As it growled.
Twilight smirked as Centa’s blushed returned, “Besides it sounds like somepony is hungry.”
Celestia joined in the conversation as she looked over at Twilight, “Actually, me and Centa were just headed over to the dining hall for some lunch. Would you care to join us?” she offered as Centa began to get excited at the prospect of Twilight coming with them.
Unfortunately, her wish wouldn’t come true, “Thanks for the offer, but I already ate. Besides, I still have some more work I need to finish. Maybe next time though,” Twilight replied before she looked over at Centa.
“Sorry I can’t come, Centa. Have fun with Tia while I’m gone. Oh, also If you need any help with those spells come ask me, my door is always open. Have a wonderful day Centa. Goodbye,” Twilight said as they nuzzled each other.
She then looked over at Celestia, “Goodbye, sister. Have fun with them,” Celestia nodded to her before Twilight continued down the hall.
Centa ran next to Celestia and waved goodbye, “Bye, Princess Twilight!” Twilight waved back before she continued on her way.
Centa then saw Celestia get up and walk down the hall before she looked back at her, “Come along, Centa. We wouldn't want to keep those chefs waiting now would we now,” Centa agreed as she made her way beside the princess
As they made their way down the hall a comfortable silence grew as Centa began to think about what Twilight said. I promise you, Princess Twilight. I’ll master that wind spell and make you proud. She then began to try to think about what she did wrong with the spell and what she would study tonight.
Centa suddenly realized that they had finally arrived at the dining hall. In front of her were a familiar pair of golden plate doors, which were opened by Celestia as she walked inside. Centa quickly followed the princess inside, as she entered she looked around. Even though she’d been in the dining room numerous times, though usually with Cadence, she was still amazed at how majestic it looked, like everything else in this castle.
It was a large long room with a checkered black and white marble floor. Along the walls of the room are towering white pillars that stretch from the floor to the ceiling and between the pillars are tall stained-glass windows. There was also a domed ceiling with a large golden chandelier that hung from the center. Throughout the room, there were multiple doors that led to the kitchen, restrooms, and other hallways. Scattered around the room were a plethora of different furniture such as Equestrian banners, side tables, cushioned benches, and other things.
But what caught her attention was the big and long table that dominated the room, there were probably enough chairs to fill half of Canterlot! As she looked at the end of the tables near the kitchen she saw a different set of chairs.
There she saw both of the princesses' chairs, though the more accurate term would have been throne. Twilight’s “chair” was made out of the same purple metal her regalia and throne were made out of, there were velvet magenta cushions, and a large purple crystal star attached to the top of the chair surrounded by the purple metal.
Celestia’s “chair” was generally the same but instead was made out of gold, had red velvet cushions, and an orange crystal star which was also surrounded by gold.
Beside the dinner thrones were, what she thought was, a high chair. Though it looked a bit weird as it was really shiny.
Centa again felt Spike being lifted off her back and as she looked over at Celestia she saw her walk toward the table with Spike next to her in her aura. Centa quickly followed after the princess and as they arrived Celestia put Spike in the high chair before she began to strap him in. Centa meanwhile looked around for a seat and walked over to one of the normal chairs, but before she could grab one Celestia stopped her.
“You know, if you want to you could sit in Twilight’s chair,” Centa’s eyes widened in shock at the mere suggestion of sitting in Princess Twilight’s chair!
“What?! I can’t take Princess Twilight’s seat! What if I get it dirty! Or maybe she doesn't even want me to sit in it!” Centa worried as she looked at the princess as if she was insane.
But Celestia waved away her accusation, “Calm down. I’m sure Twilight would be fine if you took her chair, which she isn't using right now. Come on, it’s extra comfy,” the princess tempted her as she winked.
Centa hesitated as she looked at the chair and insanely began to actually think about Celestia’s offer. Well, it does look really soft… and the princess isn't using it. Centa thought as she bit her lip and slowly began to walk toward the chair.
As she neared the seat it was suddenly covered in a golden aura before it was pulled open for her. Centa looked over at Celestia and saw her smile warmly at her as she pointed her head over at the chair.
Centa finally gave into Celestia’s offer as she jumped onto Twilight’s seat. As she landed she immediately was entranced at how soft the chair was, it felt like she was laying on clouds! She soon leaned into the seat. But her trance was broken when she heard Celestia laugh at her, which caused her to sit upright and for her to plush softly.
“By the gods. You're just like her,” Celestia exclaimed as she finished strapping Spike in, she then sat on her dinner throne.
The princess then activated her horn and popped a bell into existence before she shook it. Centa was a little confused before a pair of waiters rushed out of the kitchen and stood dutifully in front of them.
“Yes, your, majesty!” they yelled at the same time in perfect synchrony.
“Me and my student would like a pair of menus, please,” Celestia requested, and not a moment later the waiters had a menu each ready for the princess.
Centa began to get creeped out by them. Why are they so weird right now. Whenever it’s just me and Cadence there more… normal? Centa wondered as the princess took their menus.
Centa grabbed one of the menus from Celestia before she began to look through it. As she looked she couldn't decide what to get so she looked over at the princess as she tried to decide.
Celestia hummed for a moment before she handed her menu to one of the waiters, “I’ll have the cooked parsnips with the grated carrots on top. Also please put the olive oil on the side. And for Spike could we have a bowl of yogurt with crushed up crystals on top, please,” Celestia ordered before she looked over at her.
Centa quickly looked back at her menu now worried that she was keeping the princess waiting. Come on, Centa. Choose something! She rushed herself before she finally found something.
“I’ll have the vegetable pot pie and the uh… whatever a “sunset martini” is!” she announced as she pointed her hoof at the martini.
Both of the waiters looked at her with confusion and some worry as they looked over at the princess. Celestia meanwhile slapped her face with her hoof before she began to laugh. After a few moments, during which the princess tried multiple times to say something but failed as she continued to laugh. She was finally able to say what she wanted.
“Centa, when I said you could have anything you want. I didn't think… don’t include the martini please,” Celestia asked the waiters as she levitated Centa’s menu back to the confused waiters before they left to relay their orders to the kitchen.
When they left Celestia looked at her with a tired smile, “Centa, you can’t keep doing this to me. I’m going to die from laughter at this rate,” the princess exaggerated as she leaned back into her chair.
Centa’s cheeks grew a bit redder but even still she had a nagging question in her mind, “Um, princess? What’s a “martini”,” Centa struggled to say the word.
“I’ll tell you when you're older,” Celestia quickly replied before the two grew silent.
The silence continued, besides the baby noises Spike made as Celestia played with him. At least until Centa decided to ask another question.
“Um, princess?” Centa asked as Celestia looked over at her with a smile.
“Yes, Centa.”
“Why, can’t Spike come with me more often. I only get to take him with me every now and again,” Centa asked as she wanted to take Spike wherever she went, especially to her magic lessons!
Celestia sighed before she answered, “Centa, you have to remember that Spike’s still only a baby dragon. He needs his rest if he’s going to be able to grow up big and strong. Besides, I’m sure once he grows up you two will be able to do whatever you want together,” Centa smiled as she imagined what Spike would be like as a fully-grown dragon.
Before the silence between them could return, Centa asked another question.
“Princess, would it be ok if I asked you a few more questions?” Celestia seemed to be surprised for a moment by her question before she smiled.
“Of course, Centa. I’m always open if you have any questions. So what’s your first question?” Celestia asked as she smirked and gave Centa her full attention.
“Well…” Centa thought for a moment about something she wondered about the princess until she had something. “Oh! How did your mane and tail get all… wavy? Princess Twilight’s hair isn't like yours?” she asked as she stared at the princess’s ethereal mane.
“Well, I suppose that’s a good first question to ask out of any. Hmm, unfortunately, it may not be too much of an exciting answer. You see, alicorns produce quite a lot of magic, so much so that our bodies can’t contain all of it inside us. So as a way to deal with the excess magic it infuses our mane and tails with the excess magic, thus making them more… mist-like. Before you ask, Cadence’s magic hasn't developed enough for her mane and tail to turn ethereal, yet,” Celestia answered as she passed a hoof through her mane.
“Whoa, that’s so cool! But what about Twilight? Shouldn't she also have a magic mane and tail?” Celestia frowned as Centa asked her question, but before Centa could say anything it was replaced by a weak smile.
“Well, you see she would normally but… *sigh* Because my sister had to deal with a terrible threat she hasn't been able to fully recover yet and we don’t know when she will,” Celestia glumly muttered under her breath.
Centa began to look worried after hearing about Twilight's condition, Celestia noticed.
“Don’t worry, Centa. My sister will be fine. We just have to wait for her magic to recover. You needn't worry. Anyways do you have any other questions,” Centa felt a little better knowing that Twilight was going to get better.
“Um… let’s see. Oh! Have you had any other student before me,” Centa excitedly asked as her curiosity returned as she leaned forward.
“Well, Isn't that a good question. You're the first student I’ve had in… well centuries, if I remember correctly. Though if I’m going, to be honest, I really haven’t had many students in the past. You’re asking the wrong pony that question. Twilight was by far much more of a “magic teacher” than me.
“In fact, she’s likely trained hundreds of students back in the day. I would ask her if you want to know how many. *sigh* She always did love to teach ponies magic. Did you know she was the original founder of, what is known today as, the School of Gifted Unicorns,” Centa’s eyes widened as her mouth dropped at the bombshell Celestia dropped.
“Wait! What?! I thought that was your school?!” Centa yelled out as she stood up on her seat.
“Well, sorta. You see, Twilight was the original founder of the school. Which was known as The Everfree Academy of Arcane Arts, quite a mouthful. She was the head principal of the school… as well as the Archmage of Equestria. For many years she was wonderful as principal and the school prospered but eventually after certain… events she began to become less… focused on the school. And eventually when she was forced to leave she had to forfeit her title as principal.
“I saw how much Twilight loved her school and I couldn't watch as it was wasted away so I decided to… take charge of the school and continue its legacy. At least until Twilight returned. As time went on I had the school moved to Canterlot and because the name no longer made sense the school was renamed to The School for Gifted Unicorns. Now as for why ponies call it my school well… ponies simply started attributing the founding of the school to me and unfortunately I was never able to fix that misunderstanding,” as Celestia finished Centa was silent as she thought about what she said.
“Does Princess Twilight know?” as soon as those words left her mouth she immediately regretted them but before she could say anything the princess answered.
“Don’t worry, Centa. That’s also a good question. She does and we have… talked about it. But you don’t have to worry about that,” Celestia briefly answered before a smile grew on her muzzle.
“You know you’ve asked me a few questions. I was wondering if I could ask a few of my own?” Centa was momentarily surprised before she came to her senses, smiled, and nodded.
“Well, then I suppose what I’d like to ask is. What are some things you do with Cadence? And what are some places you go with her?” Centa blinked as she sat back down on her chair before she began to think.
“Hmm… let’s see, Oh! Well, we usually play some games around the castle or the royal gardens. Or we go to the Royal Observatory sometimes and look at the night sky! Uh, outside of the castle we sometimes go to one of the parks… though most of the other ponies don’t want to play with Spike,” Centa huffed as she crossed her forelegs before she continued.
“We also go to a ton of places in Canterlot. Like the bestest ice cream place in the city, Ice Cream Dave’s! We also go to the Canterlot library for fun sometimes, Cadence knows where all the good books are. Oh! How could I forget! We’ve been going to an amazing store called The Astronomer’s Workshop that has so many star maps and telescopes. Uh… I think that’s it,” Centa said unsurely as she tried to think of anywhere she missed.
Celestia looked up at the ceiling as she was thinking about what she said before she looked back over at her.
“Thank you, Centa. That’s very helpful to know,” Centa was confused but before she could ask the princess what she meant the doors to the kitchen opened.
As Centa looked over she saw the same waiters quickly make their way out of the kitchen with platers in her hooves. Once they reached the table they placed the platers in front of them. Centa watched as the waiter lifted the… she actually didn't know what it was called but the metal bowl that she definitely didn't use to hold ice cream in before.
In front of her was by far the most beautiful and delicious-looking pot pie she had ever seen. The moment the smell hit her nose she began to salivate, but she stopped herself from eating the beautiful pie and waited for the princess.
As she looked over at the princess she saw her meal, which also looked delicious, be unveiled. As well as Spike’s, though he didn't have her etiquette as he immediately began to dig into his meal.
She also noticed the waiter's bow before they left back to the kitchen, Centa grimmest and began to wonder if they really were ponies.
She put her suspicions aside when she noticed Celestia look at her, “You know you're free to eat. We’ll continue our conversation later. For now, let’s eat shall we,” Celestia said before she began to eat her meal.
Centa meanwhile smiled and silently thanked the princess before she looked back at the gorgeous pot pie and dug in.
For the next few hours the ponies, and baby dragon, enjoyed each of their meals. Especially Centa who, once she got a bite of her pot pie, proceeded to devour her entire meal. She then quickly ordered another, much to Celestia’s amusement, and another… and another. Eventually, it got to the point where Celestia was forced to stop Centa before she was too plump to even walk.
But after that… escapade things returned to normal as the two ponies asked each other a few more questions before a comfortable silence took hold.
Centa laid on Twilight’s chair as she rubbed her belly and relaxed after that wonderful lunch. Mmm, that pot pie was the best thing ever! I definitely have to get that again. Centa thought as she looked over at the princess and saw her give Spike another spoonful of yogurt and crystals before she wiped his mouth.
Centa smiled as she remembered what she and the princess talked about. It was so cool to ask the princess so many questions! Who knew she could make so many different types of cakes! I hope we can talk a little more today. Centa wished before she heard the princess.
“Centa” - she looked over at the princess and saw her stretch before she got up from her chair - “I think it’s a good idea to finally get out of this cramped castle and get a little sunshine. What do you say?” Celestia asked with a grin before Centa nodded.
“Well, come along then,” Celestia said as Centa jumped off her chair and walked next to the princess.
Once Centa reached the princess she saw her horn activate before she felt a familiar weight on her back. As she looked she smiled as she saw Spike firmly on her back.
“You ready, Spike!” she said before she followed the princess out of the dining hall.
As they walked Centa looked up at Celestia with a thankful smile, “Princess?” - Celestia looked down at her - “I just wanted to say thank you for lunch. And also for helping Spike with his food,” she thanked the princess.
“It was no problem at all, Centa. Though next time, I suppose I need to warn the kitchen to prepare more pot pies. Considering how many of those you ate,” Centa blushed lightly as they left the castle.
By the time her blush disappeared she realized they were in the royal garden. As they walked through the garden they passed a plethora of orange, brown, and red leaves scattered throughout the ground. Thankfully, most of them were cleared from the paths from the gardeners, Centa saw a few more clearing paths as she and the princess passed. As she looked up at the trees she saw that many leaves still stubbornly clung to their branches.
It had only recently turned to Autumn and now ponies had to start picking the leaves off of them. Centa smiled as she also knew of a certain holiday that was about to happen, she was excited to finally spend it with the princesses.
As they walked Centa also noticed a few statues a little bit away. Most of them were statues of ponies in a multitude of different poses, but one of them caught her eye at how… weird it looked.
Unlike the other statues, this one was definitely not a pony, it looked like an amalgamation of different animals.
It had a lion paw, a weird claw of a hawk, a donkey’s hoof, a dragon claw, and a long pony body? She also saw that it had a long dragon tail that wrapped around the pillar it stood on. On its back were two wings that she thought wouldn't hold their own weight. One was a batwing while the other was a pegasus wing?
By far the strangest thing was its head. It had a mane with two horns at the top of its head. One was an antler while the other was… wobbly? She couldn't think of anything that had a horn like that. Anyways it had one long tooth that stuck out of its mouth, two puffy eyebrows, and a long bushy goatee. Finally, the creature stood and looked like it was almost laughing?
Centa was very much confused at the strange statue. Who in Equestria would want to build that thing? Centa wondered as she lost sight of the statue. For some reason, though as she looked at the statue she had a weird feeling like it was… wrong? Almost as if it was… alive? She wasn't sure she wanted to know. She shuddered as she tried to think of something else.
At that moment she realized one thing, she had absolutely no idea where she was. She looked over at the princess confused.
“Um, Princess? I think we passed our usual spot,” Centa commented as Celestia looked down at her.
“Yes. I know, Centa. I was thinking this time we could go somewhere a bit more special,” Centa was now interested in where the princess was taking her.
“Oh! Where are we going, princess!?” Centa excitedly asked with great curiosity.
Celestia grinned, “We’re headed to a special section of the gardens that is cut off from the rest of the castle. More specifically my section of the gardens,” the princess answered as Centa saw them approach an overgrown gate.
Celestia activated her horn and opened the gate for them, Centa hopped through before the princess followed behind her and closed the gate. As they turned a corner her eyes widened as she saw a part of the gardens she had never seen before.
It was a somewhat large closed-off area of the garden that was lined with tall hedges. Throughout the princess's gardens were neatly planted warm-colored flowers and plants. There was also plenty of furniture for the three of them. Nearby there was also a door that Centa thought connected to the castle, maybe the solar district?
But by far what caught her attention was the giant golden… thing! At the center of the garden! It was surrounded by trimmed shrubbery and more exotic flowers that Centa had never seen before. Four tiled paths led to the golden device.
As for the device, it was surrounded by a giant circular golden plate. The plate was elaborate and designed to look like a rising sun with the rays coming out of the sun with numbers at the end.
At the center was a long angled pole, which was very fancy-looking. She noticed the pole cast a shadow on the plate and as she looked she noticed that it pointed to one of the numbers.
Centa was even more confused now. What is this thing and why is it pointing at a number? Why would the princess get this thing? She wondered before she felt Spike be lifted off of her back again.
As she looked over she saw the princess sit under a tree before she placed Spike next to her. Celestia then looked over at her and urged her over.
As she approached Celestia looked around her garden, “You know, Centa. I had always attended to take you here before so we could have some alone time. *sigh* But unfortunately, I just never seemed to find the right time, well until now I suppose,” the princess said as Centa reached them and sat next to her.
Suddenly, a tray full of food and drinks materialized in front of them before the princess caught them in her magic. She then levitated it down between them.
“Here are a few snacks or drinks, in case we get a little hungry,” Celestia said as Centa looked at the tray.
But she couldn't really think about the food as her mind was still preoccupied with that golden device, “Um, Princess? What is the giant golden thing?” she asked the princess as she pointed to it.
“Oh, well that is a sundial. Specifically, the Great Sundial. You see, before the invention of the clock ponies used other methods of telling time, Canterlot used the Great Sundial. As the sun changes position in the sky the shadow from the pole will cover one of the numbers.
“For instance when the sun is at its height the shadow will cover the number twelve, thus it’s noon. Back in the day when Canterlot still used the Great Sundial, there would be a pony who would declare the time and ring a bell a certain number of times for whatever time it is. Do you understand,” Celestia explained as she looked back at her.
Centa nodded as she was amazed by the cool device, “I think I understand, princess. That’s really cool. But I was wondering. Where did you get the Great Sundial?” Centa asked, but as she looked over at the princess she looked… wistful?
“It’s from a very… close pony. In fact, it was a gift to me from a very special stallion for a… particularly special occasion -” Celestia then sadly laughed “- You would have really liked him. But that was a very long time ago,” Celestia finished with a more happy smile.
Centa was silent for a moment before she asked another question, “Princess, I… I was actually wondering about something. What was Equestria like back then? When you and Princess Twilight ruled together? Before she had to leave.”
Celestia looked surprised before she was silent and looked like she was thinking.
She then sighed, “Centa that’s quite a… big question. Let’s see… first of all, back then it was drastically different from today. Ponies had just recently united and there were some problems that we had to help overcome. Me and Twilight had a lot of work on our hooves. We had to keep the nation together, travel to other nations to deal with issues or try to make deals, and defend Equestria from… dangerous threats. But even if that time could be… hard sometimes I still miss it occasionally.
“I’m sorry, Centa. If I’m being a bit vague. It’s just a complicated question. Hmm… there is one thing you might find interesting though. Did you know that Canterlot wasn't always Equestria’s capital,” Centa’s eyes widened in surprise.
“Wait really?! But Canterlot’s been the capital forever!” Centa yelled as she stood up.
“Yes, many other ponies also believe Canterlot always has been the capital. But the original capital used to be a city at the heart of the Everfree Forest. It was uncreatively named The Everfree City. Though there’s not much there these days, all that’s left are ruins,” Celestia sorrowfully said, though Centa didn't notice through her excitement.
“Really! Can you take me there, princess!” Centa asked as she could barely contain her excitement.
Celestia looked conflicted, “Maybe one day, Centa. But certainly not today. Besides there’s not much left there to see, so it may be a bit boring,” the princess replied before she smiled.
“But that can wait for now. You’ve asked me quite a few questions. I believe it’s time for another one of my own,” Celestia said as Centa prepared and sat back down.
“Centa, there’s been a question I’ve wanted to ask you since we first met. Why did you want to join the school,” Centa’s excitement deflated a bit when she heard Celestia’s question.
Come on, Centa! The princess has answered all your questions. I’d be rude to not answer hers. Centa told herself as she prepared herself to answer the question, though her hesitation caused the princess to frown.
“Um, well. I guess I… sorta always wanted to go, kinda. I was hoping that I could learn a few spells that could help me with certain… problems. But the orphanage mare was always busy so she couldn't take me, so I may have… ranawaytotheschooltotryandgetin,” Centa quickly said as she blushed from embarrassment.
Celestia reassured her, “That’s alright, Centa. While I would have liked it if you had waited for your caretaker to take you. I also wouldn't have probably met you and asked you to be my student. So I suppose I can’t be too angry. Also, you talked about your time in the orphanage. How was it? Were you taken care of?” Celestia asked as Centa tried to hide her discomfort.
Centa had a feeling Celestia was going to ask about that but she tried to answer it, “Um, well it was… good, sometimes. The orphanage mare was nice, she always tried to help me when I asked… even if she always had something to do. But besides that.. well…” Centa began to get quiet as she tried to figure out how to answer.
She suddenly felt something warm on her shoulder. As she looked up she saw the princess had taken off one of her hoof guards and placed a bare hoof on her shoulder.
“Centa, I don’t want you to feel like you have to tell me something just because I’m a princess. I want you to tell me when you're comfortable too. How about we end this for now. Besides I think Spike’s starting to get bored without his big sister to play with,” Celestia with a smile.
Centa looked at the princess for a moment before she smiled lightly, “Thank you… Celestia” she said before she ran over to Spike.
Behind her, she left a surprised yet happy Celestia as she poured a cup of tea for herself and watched Centa play with Spike.
For the rest of the day, the three of them stayed and played in Celestia’s private section of the royal gardens. Centa and Spike played a plethora of different games, many of which the princess happily joined in. Overall they all had a fun time.
Eventually, though, their fun and games had to come to an end. Once Celestia completed her celestial duties she was forced to tell them they had to leave. And while Centa and Spike were reluctant they eventually complied and followed the princess back into the castle.
So the three of them made their way through the castle until they were outside Celestia’s tower…
Centa walked through the doorway, with an exhausted Spike laying on her back. Behind her, she heard the door slam closed before the princess walked past her.
She used the opportunity to look around the room, in front of her was a large desk with a similarly large chair. In one of the corners of the room was a large fireplace, which was lit, and a wooden sitting table with a large run underneath. There was also a plethora of different things scattered around the room such as picture frames, plants, pillows, and other knick-knacks.
Once she was finished she looked over at the princess, “Now, Centa. Don't worry about Spike having one of his fire incidents in here. I’ve already fireproofed the entire room. Though still keep an eye on him, if you could. I’ve also left a bowl of sweets for you two on my desk” - Centa looked over at the desk and saw a bowl of candy appear on the desk - “but please eat it in moderation, I don’t want either of you to get sick,” Celestia said but Centa was fixated on the candy that was waiting for her.
Before she could run off and get her hooves on that candy the princess stopped her, “Centa wait.”
She stopped and looked over at Celestia, during which she also felt Spike being lifted off her back and placed next to her.
“I’m going to need you to look after Spike again while I’m gone,” Celestia asked of a confused Centa.
“Wait, where are you going?” as soon as she asked her question Celestia booped her nose with her hoof.
“To get Cadence silly,” the princess playfully said before her tone turned slightly more serious.
“Before I go I just wanted to say that it’s been wonderful to spend the day with you two. I very much hope we can do this again soon,” Celestia finished with a warm smile, one which Centa matched.
“This has been amazing too, princess! I hope I can stay with you again too… though maybe next time Cadence could as well,” Centa hoped as Celestia laughed.
“Maybe she can too. See you soon, Centa. You too, Spike,” Celestia said as she brought them in a hug.
As they hugged Celestia leaned next to Centa, “And thank you for trusting me earlier, Centa,” she was surprised but smiled wider and hugged the princess tighter.
After a few moments, they let go and Celestia made her way out of the room, during which Centa waved her goodbye.
In her mind she was ecstatic. This was awesome, Princess. I really hope we can do this again… maybe next time we can also have Princess Twilight join in! Then I can have the best three ponies in the world spend the day with me! Centa excitedly thought as Celestia left the room.
But before she could do anything she heard something behind her and as she looked back her eyes widened when she saw Spike going through the candy, their candy!
“Wait, Spike! STOP! That’s our candy!” Centa ran toward Spike to try and stop him.
“At least save some for me!” she desperately yelled out as she saw Spike devour the candy.