Griffon of Canterlot

by Electuroo

Chapter 97.25: What Ends, Begins Anew

Griffon of Canterlot

Chapter 97.25: What Ends, Begins Anew

Gale, Gilda, Alpha and Blue found themselves inside the hull of a military cargo plane, it was mostly empty part from many humans in uniform talking to each other, all part from a teenage boy sitting by a window holding a griffon plush close to him staring out to the sky.

Gilda swallowed hard, she was a strong willed griffon that didn't allow herself to be pushed around, but this was pounding her hard since they were on the plateau. “Gale...”

Gale walked up to the teenage human looking at him closely. “His me, yet I do not feel like I am him... It feels like a echo...” Gale turn to Gilda. “I-I don't feel anything, I know this is my memories. But I have no emotional feeling to this, I don't understand.”

Gilda didn't say anything, Blue did so for her. “Master Gale, Mistress Gilda has those feelings part of the memories, even I can sense the intense feelings coming from her.” Blue put his paw on her shoulder.

Gilda shakingly put her talon on his paw. “T-Thanks...”

Alpha looked at one of the humans approaching the human teen.


Wayne turn to him. “Yes dad?” The stocky build man with dark brown hair knelt down to him. “Are we almost home dad?”

He shook his head. “No Wayne... The Gates of Elysium is creating waves of energy ahead of it, they interfering with navigation, it hit sooner than we thought it would.”

What does that mean?” Wayne asked.

It means we been off course for hours and if-” He tensed up a bit. “If that the case... It means the Gates are moments away from hitting.”

Wayne eyes widen. “Mum! We not going to-”

Suddenly all the lights went out inside the plane, they looked around, a pilot came out of the door from the cockpit. “Brace yourself! We got no power! No control of the plane! We going down!”

Wayne's dad look to all the men and women. “I need you all to do me a personal favour, we know what going to happen, but please help me to make my son at least survive the crash.”

Why?” One asked.

Sir that doesn't make any sense!” Another spoke.

I have a feeling he need to survive.”

He not usually wrong about that feeling of his.” A third stated. “And has the captain steered us wrong?”

No.” They agreed.

Dad! What going on?”

Your going to survive.” His dad put the hand on the shoulder. “Now get everything that can cushion the impact around my son!”

Sir!” The said together and aid him grabbing everything and anything.

Wayne try to get out of his seat, but his dad push him back clipping him back in. “Wayne, trust me, you need to live...”

Dad! Please let me out!” He struggled to break out.

They watched as Wayne was covered in gear from inflatable objects and parachutes opened up, they rolled up into oval shapes placed around the screaming boy, his dad put the oxygen mask over the mouth, gave Wayne a hug whispering into his ear.

Gilda was crying seeing this, the adult humans quickly strapping themselves in bracing for impact. “Gale... You where so anger, sad and confused on why your dad would do this, why would he and his team risk their very lives to keep you alive for a few moments more before the Gates of Elysium hit...” She gave Gale a powerful hug a tears fall.

Gale could get a deep sense of what he was seeing, how Gilda felt, he gave her a hug back.

They appeared at the plateau of the mountain, soon the large plane could be seen falling from the sky fast, it slammed into the plateau hard with the wings being torn apart. The tail end being ripped off with the fuselage tumbling apart with fragments of plane scattering all over the place, the fuselage came to a resting stop against the rock face heading up to the very peak.

Alpha's one eye noticed something off. “We not alone.” He quickly launch himself at the object slamming his hammer down at it.

A bluish white talon caught it, Avatar phases into sight of them. “Quite the eye you got.” She said very calmly to him.

“Avatar?” Gale walked up to her as Alpha moved back growling a bit. “How are you here?”

“In a way I am, also not.” She turn to the fuselage. “Something happened at this moment that didn't before, the tree sensed it too, that why I am here...”

Wayne step out of the fuselage with smoke pour out of it, a cut to his head, semi torn jacket with some cuts to his skin under it, he held the plush tight to himself crying as the cold air hit him, he shivered.

One step has his foot slip through, the ground breaking around him with. “Ahhhh!” Wayne suddenly felt something grab him by the collar of his shirt and pulled him up. “Th-ah!” He saw what had grabbed him.

“No bucking way! It's Grover!” Gilda screeched in surprise, the others were equally shocked to seeing the first griffon king of Griffina.

Grover dropped Wayne in a safe area new the ledge. “Yes I am a griffon, yes I am real, yes I can talk hairless ape, and yes I saved your life.” He picked up the plush reaching it out to Wayne. “I believe this is yours.”

Wayne shakeningly took it from the talon. “B-but how? Griffons are myths...”

Grover look at the burning wreckage. “I arrived here via the Gritormia Tower, in such for my cub it lead me here to you, just as you fell through the snow.” He peer down it. “Good thing it did or you would have been died from that fall.” He said bluntly.

Wayne stood up holding the plush close to him. “Y-you need to go back wherever you came from before it too late!”

Grover frowned walking up to Wayne and around him, the teenage human tense as he felt being checked out by a predator. “Why? Your more concerned for me, not for the fact I saved your life cub.”

Wayne look up to the sun. “B-because Earth about to be destroyed... The Gates of Elysium is about to hit...”

A gate about to hit here?”

It the name of the space storm that destroyed almost all the solar system so far! It racing right for Earth and the tail edge of it about to hit the sun!” Wayne quickly responded.

Grover looked to the sky at the sun. “Wh-” He saw the sun explode before his eyes, the rupture spread outwards, he watch blue sky disappear behind a rainbow light shockwave replaced by bluish white cloud with lightning shifting through it, the rapid shifting cloud was a marvel in it own. “Sweet Griffax... That the gate!? Did it just rip the sun to pieces!?”

Now you know you need to go! Go before it too late!”

Grover grab Wayne by the wrist. “Not without you!”


No buts! I lost a daughter already! I won't let a cub die from that thing! I will die trying to save you!” Grover said with determination. “Now come with me!” Wayne nod, the griffon picked him up flying towards a what look like a rip in the air, how did the teen not see this.

“Grover trying to save me!? Gilda is this what happened!?”

“No it didn't! THIS never happened!” Gilda highly confused at what they are seeing.

Avatar watch intently, Blue looked fearful. “Master Gale, he not going to enter the breach!”

“What?” Alpha turn to Blue.

Before Gale could say anything the teenager didn't get through the rip, Wayne is thrown back from Grover's grip, he quickly turn in shock. “I don't know how, but I am now remember this happening as if it did happen... King Grover tried to save me... How?”

Cub!” Grover hit a barrier, he smash the fist against it again and again. “No! NO NO NO!”

Wayne press his hand against the barrier. “I can't get through it...”

And I can't on this side!” He growled, backing up and ramming it over and over again. “I won't-” He saw Gale and the others, the eyes from the teenage griffon were the same as the hairless ape he tried to save. “Cub... I am sorry...”

“This is bucking insane! How is this even possible!?” Gilda point to the scene playing out before them.

Avatar rubbed the underside of her beak with a thoughtful look. “I am uncertain, this is what I and the tree sensed, why I mentally came to this...”

Alpha narrow his gaze on the memory playing out. “I think Grover noticed us.”

“We not really here.” Gale said waving his talon through the snow. “See...”

“Lord Gale, he looked directly at you for a moment, I saw it.” Alpha stated.

Wayne lower his head against the invisible barrier. “Thank you...” He raise his head with a smile. “Maybe I'll survive?”

I think you might... Not sure how but I think you will... Find me at the Gritormia Tower...” He press the talon against the barrier.

Wayne press the hand against it on his side near the talon, the rip close up and Wayne fall forward, he suddenly could feel the land start to shake, Wayne saw the land in the distance exploding upwards with rapid flowing whitish blue cloud, lightning discharging with a roaring boom.

Wayne held his plush tight closing his eyes as the Gates of Elysium ripped the Earth to pieces.

The memory vanished before them to return to Dream Cavern near the hot springs, even Avatar was there curious looking around the scenery that sat before her. “Okay... Now can someone EXPLAIN what the heck was that!?”

Gale rubbed his feathered head. “I don't know, but it did happen and yet it didn't...” Gale put his talon under the beak thoughtfully. “Blue how is both versions true?”

I know as much as you know Master Gale, it is very strange and bizarre.” Blue said with his arms crossed. “I advise asking Mistress Luna this, but I believe there a chance answers won't come.” He now turn his attention to Avatar with a talon hand in the water lifting it, she watching the water drip around and between the talon. “Avatar can this be time related?”

Avatar swish the talon through the water letting the ripples spread out. “It could be a possible answer, but I am uncertain and not aware of events before the birth of the Tree of Elysium.”

“How the buck did you with me after the Sonic Rainboom!?” Gilda demaned.

“Through you, I was able to gain access to the memory at the moment of the Sonic Rainboom, change it to a platform to talk to you, remember you held Wayne on that same cliff edge from that moment.”

Gale turn to Gilda. “You did?” He tilt his head.

Gilda glared at Avatar. “I did...”

Alpha picked up a rock crushing it to pieces. “How did you gain access to a dream reality?”

“When I met with the once future version of Gale, I gained knowledge and in turn used to create a new form of magical crystal with help from the Tree, to allow real time access outside it's cavern.” Avatar step away from the hot springs walking up to them. “As you all are aware, any time I came time froze in place, correct?”

Gilda and Gale nodded.

“The crystal they made not only pulled me to the future, but also allow me to transport Gale to that era too on instructions from his former future self, and to return him back to the present at the plateau.”

She walked around them as Avatar continue to speak with talon hand gestures to her words.

“We decided to recreate the crystal in attempt to access Equestria in Real Time, but the results let me to able to transmit my consciousness to the dream realm instead. That is when we became aware of what was just happening, the timing of it seem some what strange.”

Gilda rolled her eyes. “Let me guess, you happen to activate this crystal-” She air quotes. “-right when we access Gale's memory!” She growled at Avatar.

Alpha rubbed the bridge of his muzzle. “Lord Gale, what about this tower Grover spoke of?”

“Gritormia Tower...” Gale recalled it. “Could that be how this all happened?”

“It a possibility such a tower exist, I only know of it from ancient lores created by the griffons.” Avatar stated picking a flower looking at the blue pedals, it shimmering with pure energy. “It could be that such a tower is out of sync with space time, as a possibility.”

“Dweeb... Gritormia Tower I have no idea what it is, the one that might know more about some weird named tower is Greystorm.”

“That is a good place to start looking, he most likely more versed in such matters.” Avatar agreed.

Gale gasped. “His in Canterlot! I'll wake up and go see him now!” He was about to vanish but stop looking to Avatar. “Best to wake you up first.” Gale raise his talon snapping it.

Avatar touching the crystal with one talon hand blinked a few times before removing it. “A curious experience.” She turn to the tree. “I experienced the realm in which you go to when your asleep, it quite a strange sense.”

The avian turn around to the underground lake tree. “Having the subconscious mind drift from the body yet still part of it is something that can not be described.”

The tree chimed in a tone that Avatar knew as confusion, it sensed something and drew Avatar to that something.

Avatar saw she was still holding the flower. “Odd... This is the flower from Dream Cavern, this shouldn't have been possible...” Raising the flower up looking at the magic shimmering off it. “I believe we have made a grave error... A error that could have seriously repercussions...” She stared at the impossible pure flower.

The large bluish white tree made a few chime sounds in response, agreeing to what Avatar had said.

Gale woke up, removing the sheets he quickly leap off the bed to the door only to hit something unexpectingly, he bounce off the object landing on his back, sitting up shaking the head the teen suddenly realised what he hit.

It was impossible and yet standing before him was-

Who or what is standing before him that should be impossible?

A - 3
B - 1

Hint: The letters do have a meaning, this chapter has the meaning to the letters itself, it easy but easy to miss too! If you know what it is take a guess too as you vote!
Votes will be counted and updated till close.
Vote via comments since poll website still not working, polls stay open till next chapter!