The Foal Help Line

by DanishDash

Pip's Camera

Ring ring, ring ring.

"The Foal Help Line, this is Stardust."

"H.. Hi, my name is Pipsqueak.."

"Hello, Pipsqueak! What can I do for you?"

"I'm calling because I... I have a problem."

"Calm down, sailor. Problems exist to be solved."

"It's because I... I stole something, down at the market."

"Oh, and what have you stolen, kid?"

"A camera."

"A camera? That's nothing to be sad about, Pipsqueak. That's an excellent start."

"I've just laid in bed all night, thinking about what I should do.. Sob.."

"Well how were you supposed to know? You're new to the trade, kid. Listen hear. You go to Swift Hoof's garage, and say hello from me. He may seem a little harsh, but he's actually fair enough. Just don't pet his dog. "

"But I didn't-"

"You just have to put a little pressure on him. He'll probably offer you a few hundred depending on the quality. If I were you, I'd stick to ten percent of the recommended purchase price. Don't let him push you around, kid."

"But didn't want to steal the stupid camera at all! ...Sobs.."

"No, of course you didn't. You went for a JoyBoy. Calm down, Pip, all beginnings are difficult."

"But can we not-"

"Practice makes perfect."

"I'm not-"

"Good luck, kid!"
