Lavender Café

by IzzyLovesYou

Chapter 2: Teleportation Practice

Chapter 2:

“Just a little bit more Blue here and we’ll be done!” Izzy said to herself as she finished painting the leg on one of her newest art pieces: a figurine of a blue pegasus with rainbow hair. Izzy didn’t remember where she got the inspiration from, but that didn’t matter. What mattered is that it was finally complete! Picking it up carefully, she inspected the figurine to see if there were any parts she missed. As she looked at it, it appeared to come closer to her, and the paint started dripping off. Izzy wasn’t moving her hoof, so she pulled her head back and noticed it wasn’t getting closer, it was growing in size!

Izzy backed up into the corner and the dripping figurine of the blue pegasus she created started to move on it’s own. “Please don’t eat me! I don’t taste good, I swear!” she begged as the mega figure started creeping towards her. As it got closer, it’s mouth opened up. “I can’t wait for breakfast” it said as it neared her. Izzy didn’t know what else to do, so she screamed.

“AAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHH!” Izzy screamed as she startled awake. She quickly glanced left and right looking for the blue pegasus figure.
“Well, good morning to you too Izzy.” she heard Hitch say from the Kitchen.
“Huh? Oh, it was just a dream…” Izzy sighed in relief after realizing she was only dreaming.

Getting out of her sleeping bag, she pulled herself up and trotted over to the Kitchen where Sunny, Hitch, and Zipp were all sitting at the table with their morning drinks. Hitch and Zipp both had Coffee while Sunny was drinking Tea.
“Good morning Izz!” Sunny greeted as Izzy walked into the room.
Zipp took a sip of coffee before giving Izzy a look and saying “Had a nightmare?”
“Yeah, a little bit. I had a dream where I was working on a figurine of a blue pegasus with rainbow hair, and then it grew in my hooves and tried to eat me!” Izzy explained as she sat at the table.
“Sounds rough, would you like some Coffee or Tea?” Hitch asked as he got up to clean his now empty cup.
“Maybe later.” Izzy replied.
“Suit yourself.” Hitch shrugged.

Izzy turned her attention back to the other two at the table and she noticed Sunny’s look of excitement. “What’s up Sunny?” she asked.
“Did you say a Blue Pegasus with Rainbow Hair?” Sunny questioned with a gleam in her eyes.
“Yeah, uhhh… Do you know anything about it?”
“It sounds like you’re talking about Rainbow Dash! She was one of the Guardians of Equestria back in the day! How did you know what she looks like?” Sunny inquired.
“Beats me. I don’t really control what Dreamy Izzy does.” Izzy shrugged.
“Huh. Alright then...” Sunny responded with a look of confusion.

Izzy didn’t know much about this “Rainbow Dash” Sunny was talking about, so she decided to change the subject. “So, what’s the plan for today?”
“Well, sheriff boy over there has to work this morning, so we were thinking about going down to the park to help you practice some magic. Then around Noon we can come back and go to the Café with Hitch during his lunch break. After that, we can go back to the park and practice some more before wrapping up our day by going through Sunny’s place for more of her stuff.” Zipp explained after finishing up the last bit of her Coffee.
Izzy watched as Sunny turned to look at her “We’re hoping we can help you get your item teleportation down. After that, we can work on your own teleportation! I’m thinking that if we get the item teleportation down, then maybe teleporting yourself won’t be so difficult?”
“Sounds like a plan to me!” Izzy gave a little salute before glancing up at her hair. It was a mess from sleeping on the floor. “Looks like I gotta go brush my hair. I’ll be back in a few minutes!” Izzy said before getting out of her chair and heading to Hitch’s bathroom to get ready for the day.

Concentrating on the pebble, Izzy set her mind to teleporting the stone. “On top of the stump. On top of the stump. On top of the stump.” Izzy repeated in her mind. She kept repeating it in her mind until she felt her horn start to tingle. She shifted her attention to her horn and... POOF! The pebble appeared on the stump!

“You’re really getting the hang of this Izzy!” Sunny cheered.
“Yeah, that’s the 5th time in a row that you got it!” Zipp cheered as well.
It had gotten a bit easier for Izzy to get the spell down every time she teleported the pebble. Her first time today took her a little over 20 seconds, but she’d gotten it down to a mere 5 seconds. She was ready to give her own teleportation a try.
“Say, do you two think I’m ready to try teleporting myself?” Izzy asked.
“I suppose we can try that. You’ve got the hang of teleporting that pebble, so I don’t see why not!” Sunny responded.
Zipp simply looked at Izzy and nodded her head.

Taking that as a sign to go ahead, Izzy started focusing her mind on herself. “Behind Sunny. Behind Sunny. Behind Sunny. She repeated in her mind. Her horn started to tingle after a minute, so she concentrated on that. She focused that sense for a few seconds, but it started to fade away, so Izzy started to concentrate harder until… POOF!

Izzy appeared behind Sunny. Izzy watched Sunny and Zipp as they both looked at where she was once standing. Creeping up slowly behind Sunny, she lifted her hooves up and yelled “Boo!”
“AAAH!” Sunny screamed as she jumped and turned to face Izzy.
“Haha! I got you!” Izzy squeed before giving Sunny a hug.
Zipp got a little startled as well, but she hid it well. Izzy turned to her as she walked up to them.
“Looks like it worked. How was it?” Zipp asked.
Letting go of Sunny, Izzy thought for a second before saying “It was a little harder than I thought it would be. It’s not too different from the pebble though! I could probably get this down today if we keep trying!”
“We’ve got about an hour before we have to meet up with Hitch, so how about we take a break for a little bit?” Sunny asked.
Izzy and Zipp looked at each other with an approving look, then turned back to Sunny.
“Sounds good to me!” Izzy said.
“Same here.” Zipp replied.

With the decision made, they went back over to the park benches to rest for a few minutes before they came back to work on Izzy’s teleportation spell.

It was just about Noon when they met back up with Hitch at the Sheriff’s office. Now that Hitch was with them, the group went to the Maretime Bay Café to have lunch. Upon arriving in the Café, they found an empty table and sat down and looked at the menu. Izzy picked up her own menu and took a look at the options. Tea, Coffee, Sandwiches, some Pastries, and- OOooo! They’ve got Hot Chocolate and Muffins!

The others continued to look over their menus, and after a minute, they all decided on what they wanted. Hitch took it upon himself to go make the order. “Two Sandwiches, a Doughnut, a Muffin, a cup of Hot Chocolate, Two glasses of Milk, and a cup of Tea please!” While waiting for their order, Sunny, Izzy, and Zipp all chatted a little.

“Izzy, why Hot Chocolate? Isn’t that more of a Winter thing?” Zipp asked.
“Only if you make it one! Hot Chocolate is my go-to drink! Well, maybe besides Tea.” Izzy chuckled to herself after that last part.
“Suit yourself.” Zipp shrugged. “I’m gonna have some milk. I heard they help make your wings grow strong!”
Sunny looked over to Zipp and Izzy. “I’m more partial to Tea myself. Hot Chocolate and Milk are good too though!”

Izzy's attention moved onto Hitch who was bringing back their meals. Noticing he was struggling to carry it all, Izzy used her magic to levitate some of the food to the table.
“Thanks Izzy. Perhaps you should be the one to make the orders when we all go here.” Hitch said while setting the remaining food on the table.

Each of them grabbed their orders. Izzy grabbed her Muffin and Hot Chocolate, Sunny grabbed her Sandwich and Tea, Zipp grabbed her Sandwich and Milk, and Hitch grabbed his Doughnut and Milk. Izzy immediately tried to take a sip of her Hot Chocolate, but jumped a bit when it touched her mouth. It was really hot. She opted to eat her muffin instead.
“So, how’d your magic practice go?” Hitch asked the group.
Looking up from her Muffin, Izzy replied “Oh, it went pretty well! I’ve got the hang of item teleportation, and I’m starting to get the hang of teleporting myself too!”
“Do you think you’ll get it down pretty soon?” Hitch responded.
“Hopefully! We’re going out to practice some more after we’re done here. I’m hoping to master it soon so I can come back here whenever I want! Teleportation is going to make traveling so much easier!” Izzy cheerfully replied.
Hitch took a sip of his milk before saying “Well, I wish you good luck with that!”

“Speaking of coming back here…” Izzy’s attention shifted to Sunny as she spoke. “How would you guys feel about coming here to have breakfast in the morning?”
Hitch also turned to look at Sunny before saying “As long as it’s before work, I’m down. It would be nice to relax with you guys before work.”
Izzy thought about it for a second. If she could master teleportation, she could probably wake up a little earlier to meet with the others. With her mind made up, she replied “Once I master my teleportation spell, sure! It’s a long way to walk from Bridlewood to Maretime Bay.”
Zipp leaned back and took a sip of milk before saying “Yeah, that might be a problem for me… Zephyr Heights is kind of a long ways away. Flying definitely makes things faster, but it’s still a solid half-hour trip to get here. If I didn’t have royal business in Zephyr Heights, I would gladly do that, but unfortunately my schedule is pretty tight most days. If I can make it though, I will!”
“Do you know if Pipp would be able to make it?” Sunny asked.
“Probably not. Her schedule is way busier than mine, being the pop star social media princess she is.” Zipp scoffed a little on that part. “I can try to convince her to make some time for it, but I wouldn’t get your hopes up.”

Izzy saw that Zipp was starting to get a little upset, so she decided to try and move the subject along. “Well, at least 3 of us can make it, and it sounds like Zipp might be able to make it from time to time. Should we make it a plan then?”
“I’m fine with that!” Sunny replied.
“That sounds good to me.” Hitch responded.
“Great!” Izzy said cheerfully.

With the plan decided on, they all finished their lunch and parted ways with Hitch. Sunny, Zipp, and Izzy would go back to the park to practice magic some more.