
by Gus

Meeting At The Forest


Hi all again. I know i know another short chapter after such a long time, I am sorry for that, recently got a new job and had 2 weeks holidays, seems things keep getting in the way. I will more than likely keep to a schedule similar to this but will try to give a bit more. I may be releasing a bonus scene to this chapter very soon I am still undecided. Let me know what you think.

“What happened here!” Nova said out loud as he walked into his room at the inn.

Looking around he saw the room had been trashed; many of the furnishings had been completely destroyed. The bed was turned on its side, the cabinets taken apart as if somepony was looking for something. Nova looked around trying to find some of the numerous objects he had collected over his years of travelling, many found broken beyond repair.

All my stuff, who could have done this. What about my bits they can’t have found them. Nova instantly ran to the hidden space he found beneath one of the floor boards. Thinking back at how he had earned all his money he didn’t could not imagine having to do that all again. Opening the floor board he stared with disbelieve at the empty compartment; No this can’t be happening.

Snapping himself out of his stupor he continued to look around the room for clues to whom could have done this, yet his search turned up empty. Nothing, no clues at all, maybe the reception saw somepony. Quickly he gathered what he could salvage from his belongings at made his way down to the reception.

“Hello there Mr Core, a stallion left a letter for you here earlier today, he said it was for your urgent attention” the Landlady said at the front, desk passing the sealed letter to Nova.

You have a debt to settle with me if

you want the chance to win your bits

back meet me at the border of the Everfree

Forest after sunset alone.

Nova reread the letter again a few times wondering who it could be, but a determined smile came across his face he could feel that he was going to get his bits back. The landlady doesn’t seem to know about the room yet, no need to get the police involved with this.

“I’m sorry about the damage I done to the room; I can get a bit carried away sometimes. This should cover the damage and the rent.” Nova handed over the bag of bits that he always carried on himself. Great, technically I am now broke. The mare behind the counter just looked at the bag of bits and stared wondering what had happened to the room for this stallion to hand over so many bits.

“Twilight sorry I will be a bit late tonight for the lesson something has come up that I have to take care off.” Nova said at the door of the library.

“Is it anything I can help you with” Twilight inquired noticing a change in Nova’s demeanour.

“No this is something I have to do myself; In the meantime would you mind looking after some of my belongings I got nowhere to store them at the moment.”

“Sure Nova that won’t be a problem” Nova almost threw the bag at Twilight upon her finishing the sentence.

“Thanks Twilight, see you tonight.” He shouted as he galloped off.

Twilight returned into the library and set the belongings down. What’s up with Nova he seems a bit preoccupied what could have happened that demands such hurry? Twilight looked over to the belongings again sensing some residual magic from the objects inside, curiosity got the better of her as she opened the bag and closely examined the objects. On many of the damaged objects she sensed they had been recently broken by magic but not from Nova. Had Nova been attacked?
Nova reached the edge of the forest just as the sunset, scanning the area he could sense a number of ponies hiding in the bushes and trees. Only one was standing in the open, he was a dark coated unicorn with a green mane. The unicorn from the bar is that what this is about. This is why I never stay in one place for too long. Nova approached the unicorn “You destroyed a lot of my belongings, give me back my bits now and I might just let you go!” he said angrily.

“Let me go” the stallion said mockingly. “You made a fool of me at the bar, so now I have to teach you a lesson.” Upon finishing the sentence the ponies that he had sensed earlier jumped out of the surrounding area. “You see you are greatly out numbered here. I will be keeping your bits and will make sure you never hustle any other pony again.”

“You are greatly underestimating me what I done at the bar was only the smallest bit of strength, no matter your numbers this will end badly for you. Last chance to give me my bits and walk away.” Nova said confidently. The surrounding ponies all chuckled upon hearing Nova’s speech.

“I do realize you have talent, but there are 12 of us you really think you stand much of a chance.” The unicorns and earth ponies tightened the circle around him, getting closer and closer. “Get him!” shouted the dark coated stallion.

Nova braced himself for the fight as he began to charge his magic looking for objects to throw at the incoming attackers, he quickly found some rocks and started throwing them at the closest ones to him only to him. Winding the ponies that he hit, the other unicorns quickly caught on to this and began catching the objects out of the air before they hit their comrades.

I have never had to fight this many ponies. Using more magic he put threw larger and larger objects, and began to use large sticks as close range weapons. One earth pony managed to sneak up on him and place an inhibitor on his horn. For the briefest moment all his projectiles and weapons dropped to the ground until the ring shattered and the fight continued.

His strategy seemed to be working, none of the attackers had been seriously hurt but their efforts seemed to be futile. They would run out of energy were as he would not and then he would be able to get to the dark coated stallion uninhibited. He was about to know another earth pony down his large tree branch when he was suddenly pinned down by two Pegasus that had previously went unnoticed. How do I never see them coming. As he was about to knock the two new attackers out of the way he felt something sharp slide into his back.

He had been stabbed; the pain caused him to lose concentration. Many objects he was controlling dropped to the ground. As he felt the same pain again from another side he screamed out in agony. “Not so tough with a few knives in you”.

Using his magic he felt for the knives and pulled them from his body. The wounds began to heal over but the pain remained, Nova was angry, angrier than he ever has. He felt something stir inside him, something feed on the anger, he lost control. “YOU HAVE MADE A GRAVE MISTAKE”