Super Dream Team: The Adventure Begins

by Lawton

Sophocles, Roger, and Edward Help Out

At the destination Twilight and her new friends are off to, Other engines and trainers were helping out. The small blue tender engine. He also had a Pokémon Trainer and a Digimon Hunter in his cab helping him out. Their names were Sophocles and Roger.


“Ok, Edward, You’re good to go.” Said Sophocles uncoupling Edward from some trucks that were in their place. Edward blew his whistle as he backed up. The biggest engine on the railway was Gordon. He also had two pals of his in his cab, Kiawe and Brian. There was also Brian’s Digimon Partner, Dracmon.

He and his buddies loved pulling the express. But, Gordon isn’t so getting used to his other jobs. He was puffing into the yard with a slow goods train.

“A goods train. A goods train.” He Moaned. “The shame of it. Oh, the shame.”

“Boy.” Said Kiawe. “Some things never change.”

“I agree.” Replied Brian.

“Kiawe is right.” Replied Edward.

“Yeah.” Added Roger. “It cant be that bad.”

“Yes, You two, It is.” Said Gordon. “But Thankfully, I won’t be pulling goods trains anymore.”

“Not after the new engine gets here.” Added Kiawe.

“New engine?” Said Edward confused.

“What new engine?” Sophocles asked.


“I see you haven’t heard.” Brian asked. “You see, Sir Tophom Hatt is getting another engine.”

“Yeah! New Engine!” Said Dracmon cheerfully.

“Well, that last engine he got with the wooden brake blocks and his partners with the sea Lion Pokémon and furry purple digimon were much too small to be useful.” Said Gordon.

“BUT, IM NOT SMALL!!!” Shouted a black tender engine crossing Gordon’s track.

“ME NEITHER!!!” Shouted a blue haired girl and white haired boy in the engine’s cab.


Brian applied the brakes and Gordon stopped just in time. “Ooooohh, James.” He groaned. The black tender engine was James and his partners were Lana, Popplio, Julio, and Psychemon.

“Lana, Will you watch where you’re going?” Kiawe asked.

“Sorry about that, Kiawe.” Lana apologized. Then, She turned to Gordon. “Don’t forget, Gordon, Popplio may haven’t evolved, yet. But like always, She’s always getting more skilled.”


“You shouldn’t insult anyone like that.” Added Julio.

“Isn’t that right, James?” Psychemon asked James.

“Quite right, Psychemon. I might not be as big as you, Gordon. But, I’m bigger than Edward.” Replied James. “And there’s nothing wrong with wooden brake blocks, Either.”

“Unless they catch fire, Of course.” Teased Gordon. “Can you move on now, James, you’re blocking my way.” So, James, Lana, and Julio did. What Gordon said about his wooden brake blocks catching fire made them cross.

“My brakes dont catch fire!!” He called at Gordon leaving the yard with his goods train.

“They’re just as good as yours!” Added Lana angrily.


“How rude.” Moaned Julio.

“You said it.” Replied Psyckemon.

Gordon didn’t like pulling goods trains. Especially when they pull them up the biggest hill on the island, Gordon’s Hill. They started to climb the hill. But after a few minutes, The heavy trucks started pulling back.

“Oh boy!” Gasped Brian. “There they go, Again!”

“So not cool, Dude!” Cried Zuma.

“Come on, Gordon, We can make it this time!” Called Kiawe. “Don’t give up!”

“I think you can! I think you can! I think you can! I think you can!” Called Dracmon.

“Heave! Ho! Heave! Ho! Heave! Ho!” Cheered Sneech. But, No matter how much the big blue engine pulled, The trucks pulled back even harder until Gordon came to a complete stop.

“Uuuugh!” He grunted. “I give up.”

“What’s he up to, Now?” Kiawe wondered as he and Pansage went out of Gordon’s cab and walked up to him. “Come on, Gordon. You’re not even trying.”

“I can’t do it!” He huffed. “Those noisy trucks hold an engine back. If they were coaches, That would be different.”

“A yeah, good point.” Added Zuma

“Man. Better call for help.” Sighed Sneech as he walked to the telephone box. Back at Knapford Station, The man in charge of the railway, Sir Tophom Hatt, Got the message.

“Hello?” He asked on the telephone.

It’s me, Sneech. ” Said the little pup through the phone. “We’ve stopped on Gordon’s hill, Again. Can’t blame anyone else other than those troublesome trucks. Can you send Edward, Sophocles, Brian, and Zuma to help us?

“I see. I see.” Said Sir Tophom Hatt. “Oh dear. Ok. Goodbye.” Soon, He met Tracy, Brian, and Edward in the yard. “Hello, Tracy, Edward, I’m afraid Iris, Cilan, and Gordon need your help.”

“Our help, Sir?” Tracy asked.

“Are you sure?” Added Brian.

“Yes.” Said Sir Tophom Hatt. “They can’t get up the hill with their trucks, Apparently.”

“Ok, Sir, We’re on our way!” Said Edward happily as he puffed away after Tracy, Marill, Brian, and Dracumon got in his cab. Meanwhile, Gordon reversed back down the hill as Tracy and Edward arrived.

“Hello, Guys!” Tracy called form behind. “We’ve come to push!”

“Hmm! No use at all.” Huffed Gordon. “A small engine like you?”

“Hey!” Called Big G. “Edward maybe small. But, he’s scrappy and strong like me!” Edward then buffered up to the back of Gordon’s Goods Train.

“Oh, please Gordon? Just try.” Grunted Edward as he pushed.

“He’s right, Gordon.” Replied Kiawe

“Alright. Alright.” Groaned Gordon as he trie Doo pull up the hill again. The trucks started pulling back again.

“Hold back! Hold back!” They laughed.

“I can't do it.” Grunted Gordon.

“I will do it.” Said Edward pushing hard.

“I cant do it.”

“I will do it.”

“I cant do it!”

“I will do it!” At last, Kiawe, Brian, Zuma, Sneech, and Gordon reached the top. “I've done it! I've done it! I've done it! Ha, ha, ha! I knew I could do it!” He said with relief. Edward was very exhausted.

“That was hard work.” Said Brian.

“You ok, buddy?” Sophocles asked.


“Not even so much as a thank you. Humph!” Panted Edward. Gordon rattled and raced down the hill with no idea Twilight, Ash, and Mikey were dangling in the caboose being dragged like a kite.

“Whoa! Whoa! Whoa!” Cried Twilight.


“This is bananas!” Cried Guilmon.

“You’re telling me!” Quivered Ash.


“This is one heck of a roller coaster ride!” Cried Mikey.

“You’re telling me!” Replied Shoutmon.

“Where are the brakes!?” Cried Noby.

“Stop this crazy train! Stop!” Shouted Twilight as Gordon raced around the bend. Conrad heard it. But, Barely.

“Hmm? Gumdramon, Did you hear that?” He asked.

“Hear what?” Gumdramon questioned.

“Funny. Could have sworn I heard someone.” Said Conrad confused as Gordon raced to Callan Station.

“STOOOOOOOP!!!!” Wailed Twilight. Gordon screeched to a stop and fringed Twilight, Eevee, and Guilmon into the air…. “Whoa!” And splashed into water tower.