//------------------------------// // Act 3: The Truth // Story: One Last Hearths Warming // by DakariKingMykan //------------------------------// ACT THREE Jangles was soon resting on a sofa bed in the living room of the house, and Steel soon returned with Dr. Horse, who was almost surprised to see him there. “What in the world…?” he started to spat, until Jangles gave him a couple of silent signals not to reveal who he was-- that he wasn’t poor, and he had no real business to take advantage of the family’s kindness. …The doc corrected himself “…What in the world-- it’s a good thing you all sent for me.” His acting fooled the family well. The Doc then ordered everyone to give him privacy so he could supposedly “examine” Jangles. “Please, don’t tell them.” Jangles whispered ever so softly. The Doc agreed of course, not wanting to violate Doctor-Patient confidentiality, but he was still rather curious of Jangles behaviour and whispered to him… “You shouldn’t be here, you know; especially not in your condition.” “Please…” whispered Jangles, “Just play along. I have to be here, just this once. I can’t tell you why, you just have to trust me.” The Doc sighed. All he could really do was give him a small shot to help with the pain, as well as lie to the family as promised when he pretended to have examined his patient. “He’s quite alright. It was just a simple case of malnourishment pain. Er… This sort of thing happens when the patient doesn’t eat properly for a while.” The family was relieved to hear this, but Sun Grin was most concerned. “You poor guy…” she said to Jangles. “I’ve seen homeless ponies before, but this is serious.” Bookcase agreed, and she had a queer look on her face, which worried Steel, but she said the words. “Why don’t you stay with us tonight?” “Yes, Yes, Please!!” chirped the children. Jangles shook his head, “Oh, I couldn’t. Really…” “Nonsense.” said Bookcase. “You stay here tonight, and get a good night’s sleep, and tomorrow, why we’ll all help you find a job.” Much as Steel still has his suspicions about Jangles, he played along just in case he was mistaken in his own judgment. “A poor guy like you won’t have a chance out there.” No matter how much Jangles tried to refuse the offer. The family wouldn’t hear of it, especially not Sun Grin. “My mom and dad took me in when I didn’t have anything, and I’m sure we can all do our best to help you out too.” The children both gave sad little faces. They really didn’t want this nice stranger to go, and their cute little faces finally convinced him, “Okay, but just for one night.” “YAAAAAAY!!” the kids squealed. Sun giggled at her kids’ goofiness, and Jangles couldn’t help but smile at them both… almost lovingly… which Steel noted, and furthered his suspicions. A while later, Twilight, Spike, and Starlight were on their way home to the castle after gathering more money donations. Spike felt exhausted he lay down on Twilight’s back groaning, “No more sacks of money! No more sacks of money!” “Poor little guy.” muttered Starlight. Twilight held in a giggle, but then as she passed by the family’s house, she couldn’t help but notice in the window… which made her stop in her tracks. “What is it?” asked Starlight. “Is that Coin Jangles in there with Steel Pipe’s family?” It was him, and he looked like he was having the time of his life, playing with Sun’s children, and telling them stories of the old days, way back when he was younger; before even Twilight was born. The kids looked really happy, as did their mother, and their grandmother. “I thought he always spent the holidays alone?” said Spike. “Maybe he finally decided to change his mind?” suggested Starlight. Twilight only wondered what Jangles was doing with the family inside. She knew they weren’t related, and that Jangles had no family either. “Did he pass off as a homeless pony just to spend time with this family?” she wondered. Starlight and Spike wondered the same thing. Still, everyone looked so happy inside-- laughing and talking, rather than investigate now, and not wanting to seem like a peeper. Twilight walked off without saying anything. “Twilight?” called Starlight as she rushed to catch up with her. Pretty soon it got a little late, and Jangles was finishing reading a story to the kids. “And the poor little pony showed what he was capable of doing, and he won the princess’ heart…” He paused when he noticed they kids had fallen asleep, and he smiled at them. “…And they lived a long and blissful life.” Sun was grinning lovingly at her kids, and she and her mother scooped them up to take them up to bed. “Thank you so much for that.” whispered Sun “I usually have a hard time getting them to fall asleep.” Jangles chuckled softly. “…I always wanted to read stories to little children.” This gave Bookcase a big idea to maybe set him up with a job at the library where she used to work. “That’s a great idea.” agreed Sun. “And if it doesn’t work out, maybe I talk him into moving to Canterlot, and maybe I can help him get a job in the royal palace.” Soon, the kids were tucked in bed and they were sleeping like little angels, and then the grownups decided to turn in too. Jangles would sleep on the sofa bed, while Sun would sleep upstairs in the guest room with her kids. “I can’t begin to express how grateful I am for all that you’re doing for me.” Jangles said “…But really, don’t you think this is a bit much?” “Not at all…” said Steel “We’re happy to help a “Poor” and “Homeless” pony, get all the help he needs.” He put small emphasis on his words, which earned him stern looks from his wife and daughter. “Never mind…” said Steel “Goodnight,” and he waltzed upstairs to head for bed. “Don’t mind him.” said Bookcase “Even the best of us are not perfect.” Sun agreed. “I’ll always be grateful that you and he took me in, Mom.” Her mother felt touched every time she said that. “When I look at you, and I see how successful you are, I feel proud to be your mother.” Mother and shared a warm hug, which brought a tear to Jangles eye. The ladies felt a bit embarrassed. “Sorry you had to see that.” said Sun. Jangles shook his head. “It’s just so beautiful…” then he paused. “If only your real parents could see you now, I bet they’d be proud of you.” Sun’s features saddened a bit. “…I’ll bet.” she remarked. “That’s why they gave me up in the first place.” Jangles felt hardened, and so did Bookcase. She comforted her daughter, “Honey, don’t do this. We don’t know for sure why you were abandoned. The note we found you with said…” “I know what it said…” Sun cut off “But still, what if it’s just a lie? What if it’s not really true? Parents usually abandon their children because they don’t want them anymore.” Jangles began to feel a sickening turn in his stomach, and not from his illness. “Honey, please… not in front of him.” said Bookcase. Sun quickly supressed her emotions and apologized to Jangles. “I’m sorry… I didn’t mean to do it.” “It’s okay.” Jangles said with a concern expression. “I can understand how it may feel.” Sun began to feel remorseful, still believing Jangles was a homeless pony and that he was probably abandoned and given up for. “Now, I feel really awful.” “Please, please…” insist Jangles. “You’ve made this old pony very happy, with the generosity you’ve given, the things you’ve become and what you do for others. It gives me peace.” He was beginning to sound like a pony on his last ride, but Sun smiled at him thankfully. “Thank you so much, and don’t you worry… I’m going to make sure you get the help you need.” With that, the ladies bid their guest goodnight and adjourned to bed, leaving Jangles feeling rather sick with grief, and his nerves were shaking. He refused to go to sleep, and lay awake in the dark living room, waiting until it got really, really late so that no one would be awake. He felt he had overstayed his welcome enough, and decided to leave, but not before he quietly sat down at a small desk in the corner where there was parchment; envelopes, ink and quills, and he began to write something down… …He then stuck it in a sealed envelope which he marked: “For Sun Grin-- Do not open until after New-Years.” He then stuck it carefully within the decorated Hearth’s Warming tree in the living room, and then, every so quietly, he crept to the door and silently let himself out into the snowy night. However, the split second the door had shut, did Steel Pipe come walking down the stairs, to go to the kitchen for a glass of milk to help him sleep. He yawned deeply, and then he noticed the sofa bed was bare. “What the--” Then he walked over to the door and looked out through the viewing window, and he could see hoofmarks in the snow, and they were pretty fresh. Even though the weather was snowy and cold, and he was in his pajamas; Steel decided to bundle up and go after Jangles, and demand answers. At the very same time, Twilight had awoken herself and decided to get a cup of milk too. She usually loved to sip while standing by a window which gave a beautiful overlook of the town. She loved the sight of the snow falling and how it made all the pretty lights on the decorated houses glisten. Then, she saw some-pony walking through town. “No pony should be out at this time of night, and in weather like this.” she felt, and she decided to go and investigate. Jangles had gotten only halfway down the road towards his home. The streets were all deserted, since no pony-else would out at night like this. Suddenly, he began to feel that sharp pain jab at him again, and it hurt… a lot! He was very careful not to groan or yell too loud to disturb anyone. Even still, he decided to take up rest on a bench, feeling overwhelmed, not by the pain, but rather the mix of emotions he was feeling, but he felt that deep down he had accomplished what he really needed. He rubbed his head softly with his hooves, not knowing whether to feel pleased or ashamed, but he did feel a little sad just walking out like that, but he felt he did the right thing, especially for Sun’s sake. He felt just a little chilly form the cold, and that’s when some-pony came up to him; Steel Pipe. “…Kinda cold out here, huh?” Jangles was surprised to see him, and looked at his rather straight and stern face. “Uh… yes… especially when you’re wearing pajamas under a parka.” He was about to get up… “Just a minute…” Steel snapped “I want some answers, and I want them now. You’re no homeless pony, are you?” Jangles didn’t answer, but his silence answered for him. “I knew it…” said Steel. “You just pretended to be homeless, and yet you waltzed into my house and lied to my family and let us feed you.” “Steel, please… listen to me… I’m sorry I lied.” “What are you? Are some kind of mooch or a louse?” “No, I’m not… if you’ll just let me explain.” “Who are you really? Why did you lie to my family, and above all things why are you so interested in my daughter? You seemed to get especially friendly with her-- asking all those questions about her life, and bonding with her kids. …Tell me.” Jangles cringed softly, feeling it really hard to say what he was about to… “Steel Pipe…” he said before pausing for a moment, “…I’m Sun Grin’s father.” …Followed by a long moment of awkward and shocking silence.