Bangtan Colts: A History No a Saga

by Creativa-Artly01

Chapter 12

After practice for the night comes to an end, V runs off leaving his brothers in the dust, especially Jimin who flies but to no avail, still can’t catch up with his soulmate. “Taehyungie!” Screams the irritated little pink Pegasus. “Where are you headed out to so fast? Weren’t we gonna go back to our room and chill with video games like we do after every practice?” 

“Sorry Jimin, not tonight, I have other plans,” says V. “The squad wants to hang out. They’re my hyungs too, they’re family too. I haven’t seen them in months! I want to catch up!” 

“Okay,” sighs Jimin before flying off dejected. V runs after him and embraces him in a hug. 

“I’ll be back in an hour or four, I promise,” says V as he uses his magic to raise a handkerchief to wipe the tears from Jimin’s eyes. “I promise.” And with that, V teleports off to join his other friends. Soon, he’s in the restaurant. 

“About time you showed up,” teases Peakboy. The rest follow suit. 

“Oh shut up,” says V as he blushes adorably. “How are you guys?! It’s been too long!” 

“Good,” responds Park Hyung Sik. 

“I’ve been well, thanks,” agrees Peakboy. 

“Fine,” responds Park Seo Joon. 

“Good,” responds Choi Woo Shik. 

“What kept you so long anyways?” Inquires Peakboy. “You’re never late to something you plan, our maknae!” 

“Jiminah!” Responds V bluntly. “My precious, precious soulmate.” 

“You could’ve brought him along, you know?” Responds Peakboy. “We wouldn’t mind, you know?” 

“Yeah, I know, I just didn’t think about it,” says V as he blushes embarrassed. “I’ll bring him next time.” 

Meanwhile back at Big Hit, RM and Jin settle into their pillow fort once again for the night. This time, they’re bothered by a lonesome Jimin. “Jiminy,” says RM, “I thought you were hanging out with V tonight just like you colts always do.” 

“V had other plans with his Wooga hyungs,” pouts Jimin. “I’m lonely.” The pink pegasus’ eyes start to fill with tears. “Why couldn’t he have taken me with him, hyung?” 

“Because you weren’t invited, Jiminy,” responds RM bluntly. “Now please, just go home and get some sleep.” Jimin, dejected, agrees and goes back to the dorm and to his room he shares with V. He plops down on the bed and begins to pout. Hearing his hyung’s sniffles from down the hall, Jungkook comes running. 

“Are you lonely?” Inquires the Golden maknae. 

“Uh huh,” sniffles Jimin through the tears. “V is out on the town tonight with his other hyungs. Will you play video games with me? So I won’t be alone?” 

“Of course, hyung,” responds Jungkook. He goes and plugs in the PonyStation and they start up a game of Mare-io Kart. 

Five hours later, V returns to the dorm after being walked back there by Peakboy because he got to sickly levels of drunk. V wanders in all dazed and passes out on the bed without even acknowledging Jimin and Jungkook. Jimin, pitying his soulmate, asks Jungkook to leave which the pale pink earth pony agrees too, before going and tucking V into bed himself. As he does, he softly sings V’s lullaby “Winter Bear”. Hearing his song, V stirs and sings along in his sleep. Jimin cracks a smile. He strokes V’s hair with his wings before cuddling up next to his friend and falling fast asleep himself. 

The next morning, Jimin is up with the sun and so is a dazed Taehyung. “Taehyungie,” says Jimin, “you came back sick last night. How much did you drink when you were out? You know full well you can’t handle beer like the rest of us.” 

“Only three glasses.” Jimin raises an eyebrow signaling his disbelief. 

“Okay, fine,” says V coming clean, “I had five.” 

“Well, don’t do that again, you know you get sick after like two,” responds Jimin. “When it’s you, I can’t help but get worried. You know that.” 

“Yeah, I know,” responds V. “You’re my best friend, you have the right to worry about me, care so much about me. Oh, by the way, the squad wants to meet you. They said to bring you along next time. And of course I agreed! I want them to meet you too!” 

“Well, alright!” Squeals Jimin excitedly forgetting he’s upset with his friend. “I’m in!” After a few more sentences, V can’t hold it anymore and teleports to the bathroom and pukes in the toilet and the tub of the shower. “He’s lucky it’s our day off of practice,” says Jimin as he shakes his head as he leaves the room they share, “so so lucky.” Jimin flies to the bathroom to check on V as he’s still worried about him. 

“V, are you okay in there?” Says Jimin worried. 

“Am now,” says V as he opens the door with his magic to find the little pink Pegasus outside. “But thanks for asking.” With that, the two go to the main room of their dorm and watch tv together. They spend the rest of the day together. V and Jimin both wouldn’t have it any other way, just like the true soulmates they are!